! Weekly Devotional 1 ■ Column By JAMES MacKKNZIE j While thumbing through hit old Bible recently I found copied on the fly leaf .come icm.il'knble quo tations from grout men about the Bible. V’erhap:- they will be of some interest to those who read this column. Said Martin Luther: "[ will nev er permit a matt to set himself shove the Word of Cod." Here is what Sir Walter Scott, the noveli I. had to ay about the Bible: Within this awful volume lies The mystery or nn P-iie : Happiest theydf human race To whom their find let- '' Even peace To read, to fear, to hope, to pray. To lift the lateii. 10 fore t lie way ; But better had they ne’er lieeii born. Who read to doubt, or read to corn. John Wesley, the Methodist, em ployed some inter’ l iny icy oh in;' to demonstrate the divine aiithor shipad’the Bible. '■ I'll.. Bitile could not be the invention of pood men or angels, for they tieither would nor could made a shook and tell-'lies' all tile tilife they Were writ ingv say: ing, ‘Thus Saif 1-t tile 1 "id’, when it was 'their own .invention. It could not be the invention of had men or devils, for- they could not make a hook vvbicjt cbmniands, all duty,, fp* bids nil sin. and condemns their own souls to ludl for all eternity., Therefore 1 draw (lie conclusion that it must be given by tKviite in spirat io.ii,*’ Also on the fly-leaf I 'found an. old poem I whose author is not giv cn): I.et .all the form.- that men devise . Assault my faith with treacherous art: I’ll call them vanity mil lies. And bind this Volume to my heart. Almost wit limit thinking I turn oil in the old Bible, te ;!iat reninrk able passage in the fifth chapter of Isaiah (verses 20-21) that deals with the terrible, results ..of disre gard of the Bible, the. Word of the Holy One of Israel. Isaiah., tells us that when we cast aside the su preme authority of the Bible, we become w ise in .our own eyes, and call evil geed. am! guild »*\ i!. .\ <•- •ording t<> lsajah.it ; s disn gard of ho Kihlr and its R a h mgs that. makes it possible for men in places of authority in*! t rust to justify t h<* .wicked for a n war-1 ami t" fake away tlu* rig lift «»usir•.-> of the righteous from him (th.it is. t•» sproa.il fal .' nrnior -about those xviu* aro ri "littoU ). And adty, tin « ird of that . n..hi is that his root shall lit- a..- jolt' Mia si, and hi> hi os soni shall m> tip a- dust. <>h. dear frit lid. the Bible is the W (ird of f.iod to you, and it is true . front ro\ er to eo\ ,i. I.ai ll to read, it, to love it. to apply it to. youi: the! NEW than any other 2-PLOW TRACTOR 1 SSSif the new Farmall 200 on your own farm— ffh S ee why it’s the unmatched buy in the 2-plow, 2-row . ■ You savo time-hitch or switch McCormick Fast \ 4 Hitch implements in SECONDS ... control EVERY^ TLdtf' 1 You save fuel with the high compression valve-in- I • head engine, PLUS sure-pulling Farmall 20® j j JK You save upkeep with proved Farmall durability. , Ajk for a demonstration today. See 1 r m u:*.L how much time and money you can with FARMALL Fost-nltcn save with a new Farmall 200! And ask ® 4gjt j7) BYRUM IMPLEMENT & TRUCK CO. i HU “YOUR INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER DEALER ” ! I life, and to see in its pages the j bold Jesus Christ of whom this j j wonderful hook is written. I Colored School News J On Wednesday night, March 30, I approximately forty families gath l' red at the Edentnn High School gynlna.sium to enjoy an evening of ’ fun and relaxation. The activity was sponsored by the Committee on . School and, Community Itelatioii ■ ships. No admission, was charged ' bill only those Students who were .accompanied by their parents were admitted, - Planned group activities. ' ■it supervised by teachers of l.iti-ntim Hip'll School. We are looking forward to the announce fili iit of the dnte for our next Fam -ly Fun Night. ■ f'lasses are being conducted, at • ildentoii High. School on Thursday night of each week, for the home maker of Kdeiiton. .Adults have recently completed a series of les * mis on easy methods of decorat -1 nig and making hats. Future les- sons are planned to assist the ! bonieinakerwith problems.of home ' decoration. Classes begin at 7 :011 B. M., every Thursday. i I ' I HA Gives Easter Hospital The Future Homemakers of | America Os Chowan High School mgile favors for the hospital pa tient- last week. These Were uiv | c.ui with the hopes of spreading Fas ter.jov to all those not able to lie in tlie “Faster Parade.” Mary Sue Elliott was chairman ..of this project. The favors were colored Crepe paper held in a bas ket effect bv two bunny rabbits. I'li.e baskets were fid I•*< 1 with arti ficial grass and the traditional jelly beans, candy rabbits and eggs. Maizel Jones Leary Weds R. D. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. William Davis of 21!) East, King Street announce the ■ marriage of Mrs. Davis’daughter, i M iss M:i izel Jones beary, .to Pvt. .Richard Dean'Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Campbell of Oar-. M 'll. I Ml ill. - The marriage took place Sunday. April 9, ill Hertford at tile home ■ of T. E. Hapcr. The bride wore a pink linen suit i with navy blue accessories. The ■ bride's sister, Mrs. Billy Da.il of Norfolk, Va., was mat run. of honor : and wore a gray suit with .black accessories., Billy. Dai! of Norfolk was best man. I’ii-sent for the ceremony was the bride's immediate, family. I file, bride and bridegroom will make their- home, in Edenton. Visiting Minister , At Baptist Church i Sunday, April 17 The Rev. Jack Hill to Occupy Pulpit For Both Services The Rev. Jack Hill, pastor of the ' Roan Mountain Baptist Church, Roan Mountain, Tennessee, is to he the guest minister at the Baptist /( Church, for both morning and even ling worship services on Sunday, April 17. Although a young minister, the Rev. Mr. Hill comes to the local pulpit with a good background and Interesting experience. He is a na , five of Tennessee and did his col lege Work, at Carson-Newman Col lege where lie received his degree. He has held pastorates prior to his present pastorate at Roan Moun tain and has put in study at the Southwestern Baptist Theological ,! Seminary at Fort Worth, Texas be , ( tween pastorates. He also plans to enter the Southeastern Baptist I Theological Seminary at Wake For i est, N, C., this fall for further study and preparation. I;- The regular services of the day I and the week are: Sunday School lit 9:45 A. M.; Morning Worship Service at 11 o’clock: Training Un ion at 6:J5 P. M.; Evening Wor ship Service at 7:30 P. M.; Mid week Prayer Service on Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock; Bible Study Hours on Friday evening at 7:30 1 o’clock, ROCKY HOCK 1-H CLUB MEETS The Rocky Hock 4-H Club met April 5 in the old auditorium. The president called the meeting to or der and the secretary called the roll and read the minutes of the last meeting. In the business session I Mrs. Elton Boswell reminded the members about the County Council ’ meeting on April 13. It was de • cidcd to hold the local meeting the , third Tuesday of the month. The . program was started with a song . and Janet Parrish read the Scrip - lure. Marjorie and Kathryn Tynch sang a song, after which Esther , Layton read a poem. The meeting ■ was then turned over to Robert S. Marsh and Mrs. Boswell. Mr. t Marsh explained the forthcoming ■ rat campaign in the county. The f hoys then Went into the new audi - tnrium. where Mr. Marsh talked to : the. hoys about their record hooks. : Mrs. Boswell told the girls more about a dairy food demonstration • and showed some slides on fashion dresses. She then explained how I to measure for a pattern, after which the meeting adjourned. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROI IN A, THURSDAY. U’RIL 14, 195.- Regret Expressed At Loss Os J. M. Price In ASC Office ' Popular Couple Will Leave Edenton on April 25th “It is with much regret that Clin wan County is going to lose .1 M. Price and his good wife Sally from the Chowan County-' Agriculture; Stabilization and Conservation of-, fire,” says County Agent C. W. D\ ertnan. Mr. Price canie to Chowan j County in 1939 as manager of thc ; ASC office. “Mr. Price lias been a most nr • dent and efficient Worker. He nev er lets bis work lag or get, behind! but always, pushes it ahead that the farmers of Chowan County may , have opportunity to benefit to the fullest in the agricultural conser- j ration and marketing program, lie has kept himself and the commit-j tees fully informed as to regain ’ - tions and has tried to follow the j regulations perfectly that no farm er might fail to receive full hene - fits earned. He lias cooperated with other agricultural agencies in forwarding a better agriculture for Chowan people. “Mr. Price is being promoted to . the State ASC Office in Raleigh to begin work there on April 25. We understand that his flu tics, there • will he concerned with acreage , compliance work. While wt- dread I to lose hint, we congratulate him On his well deserved promotion. “Mrs. Price has been employed 5 in the County ASC office for sev , era) years. Her pleasant smile ami ’ quiet manner has made it most pleasant for farmers who came in I for information and assistance. We j will miss her as well as Mr. Price;" 1 ij BELXTYLER’S OF EDENTON A WOMEN’S, GIRLS’, CHILDREN’S SUITS - TOPPERS - DRESSES DUSTERS - HATS Here Ts Your Chance For Terrific Savings on Hundreds of Lovely Suits, Toppers, M Dresses and Hals For Ladies and Children! There Are Hundreds and Hundreds I ■ of Lovelies For You to Select From ... All In the Season’s Newest Styles .... You I Will Be Amazed at the Wonderful Values .... These Items Must Be Sold Now, So I Beginning Tomorrow We Hive You a Chance to Share In These Sensational Bargains I Don’t Miss Seeing All Os These! BELK-TYLER’S — ' - - - t { Senior Class News By ALICE PARRISM 'l'! , -• f.» this v«*€»]< i "it ■ i ' ' 1 ' liter of M iihl A1 ! , \ ' In . 11. t.r :l(Mi ; : Utji ri \f ■ . '< I! is :i \I i! VUE 1 . ! ; ’ V ’V MS 1)0111 or* .Inn*- ::* 7 1 r* bu-orite food i I: 1 :.w-m |) • "Il i, with ; tra. wherry ;'in ... ' titmiinating her l I Oj')l i - SIIJK’I I1 t.\ «’. . : ( ' ' ’ I - InlliT ftT tht v l' devote my efforts to the !•< - • .. ‘ 's ot Edenton as a whole. '/• m . ’te and support will be great ly aoi ex' iated. Remember, all voters m’.i- . ister before Saturday, April ' L’drd. al sunset. i J EDWIN BUFFLAP . tMWBWiMHaracsaBWMWiBjBM—— — ; sings in the choir. She plans to enter Woman’s College in (ireens lioro after graduation. John Karl Whitson, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Whit son of 206 East Church Street, was born on June 3, 1936. Mr. Whit son is a textile Worker.- John Earl’s favorite dish is Italian spaghetti. He is a member of the Boys’ Mono gram Club and played the position of halfback on the football team and plays catcher on the baseball team, lie was viged as Friendliest by the Seniors. A member of the First Christian Church, he belongs to the Christian Training Union, lb plans to entei’ East Carolina College next fall. The last interview is with Bar bara Spencer, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Spencer of 191 East Carteret Street. Mr. Spencer is a plasterer. Barbara was horn on March 16, 1937, and her favorite f ood i; hunt. She is employed part time at Belk-Tyler’s. Barbara en-ji joys playing basketball, twirling, 1 ! and sewing. She was voted as Best ] Dancer and Most Athletic by the I Seniors. A member of the Tii-- I H-Y and Glee Clubs, she serves as .secretary of the Girls’ Monogram f Club. Her other activities include being a member of the Student Council, playing guard on the girls’ basketball team, being a majorette and library assistant. A member of the Ed( nton Baptist Church, . Karimra plans to enter nursing as ter graduation. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. and Mrs.'-Arthur Irvin llol leh of New York City announce the liirt.il of twins, a on, David Cicnc, IN BOND I IUHOER U S GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION ■ 6YE I I sjKsJsuljai I _.. 11 Wt * 11 ■ .. o- HV V H ml -.c oiSTtcce** H £4 .JK H PINT BOintP in BOKO BY 1.«. DOUGHERTY S SONS. INC . OlSTinfBS. PHHADfIPHiA. PA | I PAGE SEVEN SECTION ONE ' and a daughter, Susan horn Saturday, April 2, in Doctors Hos pital in New York City. Mrs. Hol leh is the former Miss Carolyn Ogf leshv, daughter of .1, N. Oglesby of Kdeiiton. f ___ .' : AT Fill K('ll (ONVKNTION Four members of the local con gregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses attended a three-day convention held in Wilson this past week-end. Mon than 700 delegates attended the sessions Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the largest gathering of tin* denomination »*ve'r held in Fdonton, North Carolina. Demonstrations, discourses and Miiij';, highlighted tin* services.