PAGE EIGHT SECTION ONE— SOCIETY NEWS Visit In Wilmington Mr. ami Mrs. William Billings and family spent the holidays in Wilmington, N. C., visiting' rela tives and friends. Visiting Daughter Mr. and Mrs. J. H, MeMullan left Friday for Santa Cruz, .V M . where they will visit their son in law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grant. Visiting Sister Mr. and Mrs. Georg> l\ Mark left Friday for N .1 . i" .poiid tin holidays with Mr. Murk' , sister and brother-in-law. Visits In I’orlsinouth Mrs. Herman Edward- spent tin week-end in Port-mouth visiting her son and da tighter in law. Mi and Mrs. David Join s. Attends l onvenlioii Barker Helms has returned af ter spending several .day- in Co lumbus, Ohio, attending ail Instil ahee Convention. Visiting In Kdenton Mr. and Mrs. Avihn -y lu 1 1 >» - v 1 11»■ ami son of <'oluinlua, S. r .u*- spending the week vi.-iting It e nd,- in Edenton. Visit Barents Tile Rev. aml M i U ’ 111 r reil and daughter of S.-Im.i. V spent the holidays visit ng tlu-ir parents, Mr. and Mr>. R. T. Har rell and Dr. J. A. Mi trie-her. Portsmouth yisitur Mr. and Mrs. Darden and -"ii ■>! Portsmouth. Va.. pent 'ln li"! visiting Mrs. Danh i: - ■-in i. Mr J. L. Bettus. Week-end \i Nag- Head Mr. and Mrs. Gi-org.- II ire 11 and Miss Laura Sut.ti rl aid spi nt tin week-end at Nags 11• a< 1. Visiting Daughter Mr. and Mrs. W. M. June- of Rocky Mount spent ft lie holiday visiting th<• i r soi .ti-law and daughter, Dr. and Mi R. li. liar din. Week-eml W nh Barents Miss Marietta (*■ m > of Waki Forest spent tin- vv<-i k ml . li le r parents, Mr. and Mr- .\i. .M, Berry. Holiday s Mere Miss Lillian I,ea|-y ml Mr. and. Mrs. R. L. Weeks and elnidre.ti of Greensboro spent tie hol.da.-. - wall their parents, Mr. and Mi's. J. C. Leary. Norfolk \ isitor- Mr. and Mrs. K ■ \\ children of Norfolk ■■■ n* •'-■ ad days With Mr. and Mr ,1. 1 I • are \ isii I 'at her Mr. and Mi • J.-j \ H -I and daughter oil; . M Mary Mae lloln • < II spent tile holidays v .--erg ,)"lm A. Holmes. Sr. Holidays In Pennsylvania Mr. and M r-. V 1 1- children spent tin Iml lay ing Mr. to-" • n •--■ tt. : in Waynes'liurg, i'a Week-end \t Mt. I,il» Mr. and M M - n l!i le phildren sper.i ••. \ ing Mr. .iud Mr-. -I I ! -■• - M' Gilead. N < 1 Visiting I’.ireiil- Mi. and Mi - U N U •!- dg. ami family of I: st< - N C . ar, spending sever I'd .-. Mr Wildridge's pa I■ • Mr mil M i Bruee Jnm - Visiting ei-tcr Mrs, G. \ lloln ;•••! deg • several day- ■ ■- 1 .ter Mrs. B. T. Bark’. - t Gates-. \. (.'. Scotland Neck \ isilot Miss Sue I' ■ ' ■ iand Neek is .pend eg -'i.l day visiting Mr. and Mi I’ -il i’artin. \ i-ilb Barents Mr. and Mr-. .1". I rusjow ruul family spirit t h*• 1 1 «»ir• liy - visitincr Mr. T 'inflow’s Mr. ami Mrs. G. C. T ruslow at J,caks villi'*, N. C. vA suitR s • bETT Leggett & Davis DRUGGIST Phone 67 Edenton Week-end Here Mr, and Mrs. Hen Askew and family spent the week-end visiting Mrs. Askew’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Byrum, Sr. Visit Barents Mr. and Mrs. : C. R. Douglas, Jr.. and son <if Raleigh, spent the week end visiting Mis.'Dougin's' parents,. Mi. and Mrs. L. E. Griffin. Visiting Daughter Mrs. IL B. Htulham is spending several months vi-itmg her son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carr of Danville, Va. Visiting Here Miss Kathleen Allen of Ay re, Scotland i.- visiting Mrs. Kathryn Goodwin and Mrs. J. 11. Holmes. M . Allen IS lioste.-S on tile British Overseas \ir Lines. Ay re is the home of Robert Bums, the poet. ( harlotte Guests Mr and Mrs. J. Frank White, Jr., and son. Joe, of Charlotte spent the Faster holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J Frank White, Sr., mi Wi -t Eden Street. Here From Suffolk Mr mil Mrs. Jam - . W. Wilkins and little Candy Smith of Suffolk. Va.. spent Easter with her par ents, Mr and Mrs. J. Frank White. Sr., on West Eden Street. Week end Guests Ml- and Mrs. .1, II llaskrtt. Jr., ainl two children, Joe and Itoliby. es Norfolk spent Easter as guests of Mr. Haskett's mother. Mrs. J. H. Haskett. Visits Mother M- Haywood Cothran of Nor folk was tile week-end guest of her mot her. Mr- .1. IL Haskett. Leave I or Indiana Mr ml Mrs. Carlton H. Haskett of Rochester. Indiana, left Sunday after spending several days as •.■ucsts bt Mrs. J. H. Haskett and Mayor ami Mrs. Ie roy Haskett. Easter Visitor Miss .Ime Haskett, a student at Duke I'nivcrsity. spent Easter as ague-t i's hoc grandmother. Mrs. J. H. Haskett and unde and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Haskett. Norfolk Visitors Mr. and Mr-. Billy Hunch of Nor folk spent the week-end as guests "f Mr-. Hunch's mother. Mrs. Grace Webb. Off Our Rockers? NO! Flipped Our Lids? NOPE! WE’VE JUST GOT SOME CARS WE WANT TO GET OFF OUR LOT! So —You Can Have i We Don't Want'Em! $99.00 Sale PAY YOUR MONEY N TAKE YOUR ( HOKE ... FOR *99.00! As Is-Where Is FIRST COME... FIRST SERVED '4B Plymouth, 4-door ...$99.00 ’46 Chevrolet, 2-door $99.00 ’49 Studebaker, 2-door $99.00 ’46 Chevrolet, Club Coupe.... $99.00 ’4O Studebaker, 2-d00r...... $99.00 ’39 Plymouth, 4-door $99.00 ’47 Plymouth, 4-door $99.00 ’47 Mercury, 4-door $99.00 ’39 Plymouth, 4-door $99.00 ’46 Chevrolet, 4-door $99.00 ’4O Ford, 4-door $99.00 | B. B. H. Motor Company “YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER ” —in— EDENTON PHONE 400 BROAD ST. Portsmouth Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Roger Haskett and son Kent of Portsmouth spent the| week-end as guests of Mr. Has- j kett’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Leroy Haskett. Return Home ' Mrs. Selas Mellonns and son, I’hil ' returned to her home in High Point Monday after spending two-weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. AI-; • bert Kecter. Return Home • Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Jordan, for-’ trier Edentonians, returned to their, home in Elizabethtown Saturday t after spending a few days visit - ing friends. Vacationing In Florida Dr. and - Mrs. W. I. Hart left Sunday for Florida, where they will spend about two vveeks vaeatinning, i Visits Mother • Miss Billie Russell, X-ray tech-j i nieian -at.. De'Bii.ui' -Hospital-in' Nm 'folk, spent the Easter Iml if lays, its guest of Ijer mother, Mrs. Charles F. Russell. Easter In Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. Horace White and children spent Easter in Norfolk as guests of Mrs. While’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. Tobias. Visit In Ahoskie Mrs. Harry Smith and daughter. Miss Louise Smith and Rena White spent Monday in. Ahoskie vi.-iting Mr. and Mr-.'Willie O'Neal. Visits Grandmother Bill Burke and Johnny Oakley, of Mt. \iry were week-end gm-t.. of Bill Burke's grandmother. Mrs., : Harry Smith. i Pennsylvania Visitors Mr ami Mrs. Charles Hiitflap : iml daughter. Nancy, retutm-d to | their home ill York. I’a.. after spending the Easter hididavs as guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwin’l Bitllltip and Miss Dorothy Hulfkip. j • Attend Easter Services Mr. and Mrs. Lee Roy Harrow; . and children attended “Easter The . j Awakening” at Morehead I'lam-tar ium at Chapel Hill Saturday morn ing. From there they went to W in t ston-Saletn to spend tire week-end | and attended the Moravian Easter i Sunrise Service. Easter Guest David Gliek of JacksoUvilli- -pent the Easter week-end with Mr. and - Mrs. S. Holiovvsky. - The march of the human mind is slow. —Burke. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. APRIL 14, 1955. COUNTY-WIDE RAT CONTROL (CAMPAIGN BEING PLANNED | (Continued from Page One) I campaign in the form of a contest according to a national plan. All t- l l '.•> f.i . It! BOX £2.69 I > ° Un£ k ww—■ wi iiiu 'ivs - --Tin iwr~ i»MnnwnPWii»wr»Tii A GRADE—DRESSED & DRAWN LB. t| SWIFT’S SELECT FMffAPf* il I| c \ j Veal ROUND STEAK lb 69c M l| |r| i ft Forequarter VEAL lb 29« 1 jf VI V 11 YEAL CHOPS . . . lb 59* (m«.\e i„ nrvn ics 1 ( j Veal, Sirloin, Rump Roast lb 49*- rri—i—wwt—Dwiiiii'iH r 1 tn 11 nr T if TianmimiiMiwitwTTriTwrMWwniwiwwiOMWM Kl 6 11/. Silver Skillet §O! Vti lr BM’M Il S Si/e Uan Koval l)i>«li CORNED BEEF I FLEECY WHITE I GRATED TUNA HaSh 23s ] 2 bottle. 25 c | can 19c v WiiwifVtinilinßllMnHMßMMHlMi KKAIT'S | t'cpemn ( mift-etinn 8 Lb. Shortening Mayonnaise Jacks CRISCO J < vvil'lir iI S e W D » aOc Cheese T„ m o t. Pis i g pkgS 25c 93C 2 teaspoons grated 5 2 cep Pet omon FcijroMid M:!k 5r canned luncheon n cheese ■ SOUP y at. CCc fTa e nV orcookc ' 1 w^:;r dry J2l «•/..b»ui«chim-ir* »oz.Pk ? . ■a , Grape Wonder : BETTY CROCKER SALE IVITriT Dirr VF.I.LOW 3 l‘kgs. SCGAIt PKG. and dry naaur.l. Pour into lined p" t W 1 Jl JCtf Jl Mad (1 I «f . .-.v . pan. Spoon ttir.iaroes over top. Bauc on t ake Mix ... SI.(MI Jets 2it* c i n!fr 0t ' 425 : v « v h ° r > I about 25 minutes, or until pur. is j aP BROWNIE PK(r. ( I \T lipht jrctwn. Cut into wedges to serve, fl AS £ 9 ftfC mflA Mix 35c (neerios 2lc M4ke ‘ 4 J* V * W RKDKKM VOI U LEV ER BROS. COUPONS HERE ~ZZ T ASST I) ’afeiumw Ti. Frozen Foods KOQLAID 2«*«. I UIX LIQUID 39c 6 OZ. LIBBY’S S CAIHS D AP Reg. .3 KARS ■ Large CAN {nY # V% M LUX TOILET SOAP . 25c | tUX UQI II) gCR. f D fcJ* Lemonade Zs c PIT Ml IK sumtts fXT** VITAMIN O • n f , 00, a P n f Pipe 73c / f J LEM0N5 ........... 29c Aerowax * Ol 1 ICb * 0 l -'S )j) 1« OZ. GORTON’S FISH PKG. FANCY YORK IMPERIAL mgg 1 I*l Os - /SA APPLES 5 lbs. 39c c *«2s c TlSu 011CKS JS C DAI'pAD Jack & Beanstalk FREE! FREE! FREE! nothing ORN ON COB 27c CUT , can I 2- to LB. GWALTNEY’S Green | country brand hams PET MILK unbers Will Be Posted Saturday fright I 1 W e Mv 100% SELF _ . N - sho“ I Deliver || All ™ Wi 4tan corn )s rail p 5iT ft cans 55c J cans Jg c l Super ■ ® MlMarket I persons having rats on their premi ses should get bait and participate in the campaign so as to make the . results as complete as possible. It is hoped many people will coo iterate to make the campaign a success. NEW FORD SALESMAN Bruee Jones, manager of the Al bemarle Motor Company, local Ford I dealers, announced early this week that Earl Goodwin has been em ployed in the capacity of salesman. HOTAKIANS MEET TODAY Edenton’s Rotary Club will meet ; this (Thursday) afternoon at I o'clock in the Parish House. The program will be in charge of Thom as Byrum and President Gilliam Wood urges every liotarlan to be t present. l - ■ Bigamist One who loves not - wisely but two well, i —P. H. Gilbert.

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