PAGE TWO JECTWM ONE- Methodists To Hold Fourth Quarterly Conference Sunday Rev. Freeman Heath Will Be the Guest Speaker The Rev. C. Freeman Heath will he guest preacher at the Edenton Methodist Church at 8 o’clock Sun day evening, June 5. Mr. Heath, in his capacity as superintendent of the F.lizabeth City District of the Methodist Church, will hold the Fourth Quarterly Conference fol- Classified Ads GUMS BLEED, tender, receded. See dentist. Buy soothing OLAG Tooth Paste at the drug store. WANTED TO BUY—ACRE OR two suitable for hunting-fishing cabin, on stream. Describe prop erty, state price. Box X, Chowan Herald. June‘2,9,l6c J GRASS CUT BY MOTOR LAWN 1 mower. Contact Tom or Bud Parker, phone 615. lte FOR RENT FURNISHED OR unfurnished apartment. 206 S. Oakum Street. Phone 146-W. Itc. HELP WANTED—WOULD YOU like to have a good, permanent, profitable business of your own. You can have—selling Rawleigh Products. Hundreds of men are earning more than ever before, supplying families with Raw leigh’s every day necessities. You can, too. Good locality available in Chowan County and also in Perquimans County. Write Rawleigh’s Dept., NCF-310-216, Richmond, Va. June2,9,16,23,30p EXPERIENCED PAPER HANG- , er and painter. See me for free t estimate*. All work guaranteed. Phone 453. J. M. McLeod. June2,9pd SIOO MONTHLY FOR DOING As sembly work at home. Write KENCRAFT, Selma. Indiana. Itc BOOMING BUSINESS M A K E S opening available for responsible man or woman with car to call on farm women in Chowan County. Full or spare time. Op portunity to make up to *4O a day. Write McNESS CO., Dept. C., Candler Bldg., Baltimore 2, Md. May26,June2pd FOR SALE—PORTO RICO AND Goldrush sweet: potato plants. 0. E. I.upton, phone 379-W-2. Edenton. May19,26,Ju2,9,16,23,301- SEVERAL GIRLS TO ADDRESS, mail postcards. Spare time ev ery week. Write Box 161, Bel mont, Mass. May19,26.Ju2,9p CROCHETING FOR SALE—BED spread*, dollies, potholders, etc. Will take orders. Call 208-J or call at 207 East Eden Street. WHITE LAKE, N. C. The Na tion’s pleasantest, safest family resort. Crystal clear spring wa ter; sandy bottom, 80 'minutes to ocean. Hotel rooms, completely furnished cottages, apartments. Write Mrs. Lasley, or telephone 3473. May 19,26 ju2,9c C. N. RICKS JEWELER 427 S. Broad Street Prompt Guaranteed Watch Clock and Jewelry Repairs Gold and Rodium Plating Diamond Setting and Fine Hand Engraving Next to Chowan Herald tfc IePTIC TANKS PRE-CAST, concrete. Distribution boxes, pre cast, concrete. Pre-east concrete grease traps. Kennan t Corey Plumbing Co., 1111 North Oakum Street Jan6tfc ATTENTION WE ARE NOW equipped to repair all types out board motors, washing machines and bicycles. Also sharpen lawn mower blades. Western Auto Associate Store. Phone 487. tfe FOR RENT—3-ROOM FURNISH ed apartment Private bath. Lo cated 18 miles from Edenton on Highway 32. L. E. Twine, Ty ner, N. C. tfc MONUMENTS when you SAVE the middle man's profit 406 8. Road Street Elizabeth City, N. C. Dial S9K. J. Winton Sawyer MONUMENTS Authorised Dsoler Far ROCK of AGES , monuments The Werid’i Finest ~* —— 11 j- —i lowing the worship service. Spe cial music will he provided by the Children’s Choir of the church. The membership of the Quarter ly Conference is the same as that of the Official Board, and all who belong to that body are urged to attend. This is the most important business meeting in the conference year. The officials of the church for the year beginning July 1, will be elected. Fidelis Club Plans Hold Dinner-Dance Friday, June 10th The Fidelis Club will hold a din ner-dance at the Staff NCO game room on Friday night. June 10. Cocktail hour wilt tie from 7 to 8 j o’clock and a steak dinner from 71 to 9 o’clock. No food contributions will be necessary as previously planned. All members and their husbands are invited to attend. For those whose membership has lapsed, dues may lie brought up to date at the next meeting or mail ed to Mrs. Rita Bestiek. 25 Haw thorne Road. To make reservations please call Mrs. Alice Anderson at 10-W or Mrs. Rita Bestiek 459-J. 1 Those planning to use the nur sery should call Lorraine Nystrom at 226-W by June Bth. All Staff NCO wives of this com mand are invited to come out and get acquainted. The next meeting will be a business meeting and all members are urged to attend. The bake sale will be, held today (Thurs day) in the Marine Exchange, Those who need transportation for their baked goods please Call Mrs. Mickey Turner at 827-J. Belvidere Resident Dies Wednesday Mrs. Minerva Chappell Rountree, 82, a life-long resident of Chowan County, died at her home near Belvidere Wednesday morning at 2 o’clock. She was in ill health for a long time, but tin- death came unexpectedly. She was the daughter of th,. late Silas and El mira Chappell and the wife of the late James A. Rountree. .Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Elsie Ward and Mis. Ruth Anna Chappell, both of Belvidere; four brothers, Ambrose Chappell of Belvidere, William T. Chappell and Curtis Chappell of Tyner and Earl E Chappell of New York City. Three grandchildren and nine great grandchildren also survive. Funeral services will be held at the Piney Woods Friends Church Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, with the Rev, D, V. Pike officiat ing. Burial will be in the family cemetery. The lstily Will be taken to the church an hour before the service. COMMISSIONERS WILL MEET MONDAY MORNING. JUNE 6 Chowan County Commissioners will meet Monday morning, June <>. at 10 o’clock in the Court House. Most likely a considerable amount of this meeting will b e devoted to considering various phases of the 1955-56 budget. TRY A HERALD CLASSIFIED -Towle voted most popular with Hie doss of 55 More and more smart grad uatei -to- be are registering their Towle sterling pattern with ui. Make it easy for your friend* and family to give you gift* of beautiful Towle Ster» Kngl Register now I JEWELERS EDENTON j* ' * ’ * _ ' r % * - ii tBS* - e* x ,u> f> W \ •V- | l *■' ‘ ... . ■■ s - : •y. \ North Carolina introduces it- 1955 Slow Down and Live campaign with this panoramic shot of 112 St ile Highway Patrol cars and troopers. The big push for safer roads during th,. summer travel season will extend through Labor Day. Last year’s Sloe Down and Live campaign is credited with saving 50 lives according to the North Department, of Motor \ ehicles. Dancing Pupils Present Program Group Entertains Au dience With \ arious Kinds of Dances An enjoyable afl.tir v.held Tuesday night "f last vV« ek in tile Elemental y Sc lion auditorium when Miss Myrtle Mountcaslle pre sented her dance pupils in * recital “Curtain Time,” i lie youngsters were very good ns they went ithrough a lively paee of rhythm Steps ballet, ballroom darn ing and sollgs will' ll Were Well leeeivcd I'V tile audience. The program was as follows; “Tapping Along.” by 1, ell ( util-, roll, Kay Kramer. “Lovely \ isions." b\ Mary Until Woodley. Waii'la Cooper, l-’ay Speit cer. Pat t’ah'ion. Lila Mitchell ami Kay Melson. “Beau Cat hers'." by Martha Moon Beck. Patricia Byrum. Nellie Wood. Vicki*- Allsbrook. M.ic'ba \ mghan. Patricia Ann Bunch. I'iaire Belch. Carol Forehand. Keber, i U liri»r*l. Ginnv Tnislow. 1...'.'- I’l roc and Maria Ant"-. “Dixieland Strutter.” by Graham, Pollock. "Rhythm Steppers.” I■ v Bevi-rlv Snead and I’. ’.-y M ■■■!;• A “Springtime*’, by Claim.- Pollock, Fov Edmonds. Givfclioti I»"n. Van Wyatt, l.ucv U.■ i; 1 . and Peggy Seilir,tr “Purple Shadows." by Brenda j Mooney. “Waltz Ib'iitfin ■ by Myrtle (Ann Mount, a-tb “Ballroom Exhibit. n”. by Hulda Fii*ming. Sonny (I twin. Mali'’ CSMLS. ROYAL sale NOW-AT SPECIAL SAVINGS-YOU CAN GET THI ‘'T’Jali'A Vwr* {y GREATEST TIRE ADVANCES OF 1955-GREATER f&CUUy 1 yjd / BLOWOUT AND PUNCTURE RESISTANCE, EXCLUSIVE f "tLhUUQA ! SKID AND SIDEWALL PROTECTION, MORE MIkEAGE fjjlf, THAN YOU’VE EVER KNOWN BEFORE! *,***■'■ t FULL VALUE for the unused mileage In your present tires O PLUS ° *P et, °* extra • PLUS the easiest of ///■ vV \ hBI trade-in allowance credit terms I ( Hi DON'T WAIT! YOUR OLD TIRES ARE WORTH MORE Wk COLONS \ &aSAic IB&tcA &nc£ U/fafc m2 uma the safest, most advanced NYLON TUBELESS TIRE OF ALL TIME! 9^ mm • Patent,d Curb Guard # Ixdusiva Init-O-Matlc Skid mMm iJpKr prevents scuff damag. Central AI L • Strongest Nylon construe- # The only tire - ■ I tien—for greatest pretec- with added color sidewall y m. JL -M tlan against blowouts and —to cempleta the styling punctures of your cor 7Ju MoJtfa difflwnt tuSe&M U. S. ROYAL S BIG NEW BENEFITS J NOW A RIGGER YOU GET IN NO OTHER TIRE EVER BEFORE .■ PERRY’S TIRE SERVICE PHONE 761 N. Broad Street Edenton, N. C THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1955. Li I ley, Jeff'Wiggins, Marian Park er. George Baker. Becky lavlor. ; [ Buti-h Edmonds and /Graham l’ol . lock, j; “Baby BaliV't'ihfis.” by -Ellen j Cut lire! I and Kay Kramer. •Waltz Ballot.” by 111 *l* b I e \V a1 - • lace. ! • Putting on the Rltz." by Mary Ruth Woodley. Wanda Cooper. Lav Spencer. Pat Galloon. Lila Mitchell I and Kay Melson. ' "Ballet in Yellow.” by Patsy Mooney. Emily Holmes. Beverly j 1 Sm all ami Connie Lee George. ■| “Tuxedo Strut." bv Graham Pol-I lock. | ; . “Mood in Blue." by Martha Moon Beck, Patricia Byrum. Nellie Wood. Vickie Allsbrook. Martha Vaughan.' I Claire Reich. Rebecca Williford. | ' Ginnv Tritslovv. Frances Privott. Maria Autos. "Shades "f Rhythm.” by Bn nda . Mooney “Seintill ting Rhythm." by Myr , tie M'Ulllti astle. “Ballin' the Jack." by (’latino I polloeq. Fov Edmonds. Gretclun |G lvv in. Stuart Riddick, Van Wy att. Lucy Riddick Carter and Peggy ' I Soiling. Mrs. Roger Edwnrils was pianist i for the entertainment, with Miss Myrtle Ann Mounteastle dirocting. Costume- w-* i-,. desig ni'd by Mrs A : !m Mounteastle. i William E. Bond, Jr. Among 1 Graduates At Camp Gordon Pvt. William K. Rond. Jr., of Edoiiton. has graduated from the] Repeater and Carrier It stallation i|and M lintenanee Course, mi,, of the many courses offered at The South-' ■ eastern Signal School. Gamp Gor don. Goorgia. He is ih. -on of Mr. i' and Mr-. William E. Bond. The Repeater and Carrier Instal lation arid Maintenance Course . which is 2ri weeks in length, train: selected enlisted personnel in th< installation arid, maintenance o field and fixed plant carrier am repeater equyiment. This equip meat permits several, siinultnrieoii: ..telephone and . telegraph . transmis sions over a single pair of wires. During his training. Pvt. Horn I received a technical educatioi worth thousands of dollars. He wil now lie reassigned to an active uni . of the I’llited States Armv. ■ . The Southeastern Signal School | the largest communications collegi 'in the world, is located near Au I gusta. Georgia. This installatipi I furnishes trained signal technician: I to army units all over the world. Learning without thought is la her lost; .thought without, learning is perilous. Confucius. Wanted To Buy Your Leftover Peanuts f SHELLED OK NOT SHELLED ? 1 If you have pea : nuts left from vour I planting' stock, we will l»uv them from | you. / ,| II /: PAY TOP PRICES! JACKSON Wholesale Company RHONE 1131 Hertford, N. C. Make Best Use Os [ Electric Power s i This is an nppriipt-mte time for v North Carolina’s rural families to e cheek on how efficiently they are! using electricity to help them with farm and home chores, says David f S. Weaver, secretary of the North Carolina Rural Electrification Au thority and director of the Exten sion Service. Weaver, who served as principal ] agricultural engineer with REA in 1936, made this statement white calling attention to the 20th an niversary of the Rural Electrifica tion Administration on May 11. REA has helped make electricity available to 177,189 consumers over REA-financed lines in rural areas of North Carolina. The U. S. Department of Agri culture reports that 96.9 per cent of Tar Heel farnfs have electric service today, compared with only ' 3.2 per cpnt in 1935, the year REA was established. Weaver emphasizes that to. get . the maximum benefit from elec-j trie service, farm families should make sure their electric appliances fire in good repair and they arc us-, irig them to the best advantage. ~ Proper care helps avoid big repair e - bills arid* helps assure that the lS| equipment won’t break down when "' it is needed most. It is also im portant that farm homes and build-1 '•i ings are adequately wired to carry) ■*" the loaded needed in operate all | ■ s the farm equipment needed. ” “Overloaded wires result iri poor equipment performance, was t e itj power, higher electric hills, and 111 hlown-out fuses, besides creating a 3 hazard,” Weaver said. Recent reports from REA show that from the beginning of its ;>ro d, gram up to January 1, 1955, REA ;e had lent $97,288,843 to 33 eoopera i- tives and five other borrowers in I FOR SALE 1950 Ford Auto ■ 4-DOOR SEDAN Excellent Condition Radio and Heater New i ires —Contact— R. E. Forehand, Jr. 305 Citizens Bank Building ; PHONES 607 AND 37 ■ 'ttviTHtr tiiiiir"' itr -7 ** r fV I ™ Hr m ‘V iV ■ 1 > xcly - '■ Tl I; ,s> & . . in the Brilliant New A I FERGUSON W j H with amazing 4-WAY WORK CONTROL If n:; r ’ J if- ' OUADRAMATIC CONTROL For Lift control, double-acting Draft control. Response control and Poaition control. SEE THIS GREAT NEW ADVANCE IN TRACTOR INGINIRING TODAY AT . . i ')! Edenton Tractor & Implement Company n, PHONE 461 West Water Street (Old Kramer Garage) EDENTON, N. C, J* North Carolina for buihling elee trie facilities. When all the con struction authorized in these loans is completed, the facilities will pro vide electric service to an estlmnt-1 ed 190,290 consumers. A blow with a Word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword. ANNOUNCEMENT This is to notify my friends that I am now associated with the Gene Fer ry Texaco Service Station, serving l in the capacity of manager. We will continue to give the same fine quality of service as rendered in the past and respectfully request your patronage. Elton [Chap] Chappell The “Hurricane” That Whispers! Jjgillli NEW Power mjoolhness XI«HAEfE* 'V Mis MARK 25 - . IS h.p. Alt«rnat« Twin Murrlcann inginn . . . \ ) R«v«rs« G«ar *** W# * ,r ** ' $383.00 Clean styling, compaa size, sizzling performance! They’re all yours in the magnificent new Mercury c / Mark 25, with its new high compression powerhead, X v new standards of quietness and smooth, \\ .a steady power. Complete engine silencing makes h iUp,r quit, ‘ New D^n3 FWt ! “Suspension kueps vibration from your boat. i Hobbs Implement Co., Inc. EDENTON, N. C. ffl NEW DUAI-RANCi TRANSMISSION Provides aix for ward, two reverse speeds; fits tractor speed exactly to the work. Now She Knows Mrs. #i%vvn "For months couldn't discover vv litre my htts baml spent his even ings.’ j Mrs. .Smith—‘‘How did you find | out?” “Well, one evening I went home and there lie was,” TNI NIW VARIAIIf-DRIVE PTO Provides drives in ratio to tractor ground speed, or to - tractor engine speed. NIW y "J-STASI" CtUTCHINS / Controls tractor * movement and live PTO with one foot pedal. . V-, V v F -■ s * *

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