' "si ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXll.—Number 33, NC National Guasß | Camping 2 Weeks At Fort Bragg, N. C. f- Edenton Unit Will I»e Signally Honored Saturday Edenton’s Heavy Mortar Com pany of the North Carolina Na tional Guard left Sunday morning for Fort Bragg, N. C., where they will spend two weeks in intensive training. They are scheduled to return home Sunday, August 28. All of the officers and enlisted men, except one, is at Fort Bragg and this one exception was due to ill health. The Edenton outfit is led by Cap tain Cecil Fry, commanding officer and includes four officers and 92 enlisted men. Members of the F.denton com pany left with some degree of pride, for while at camp they will be honored by receiving the Na tional Guard Bureau award for of-j ficiency and maintenance. The to- . cal outfit was selected as the top unit in North Carolina. The award is based on an inspection by the State maintenance officer in colla boration with the annual Third Army technical inspection. The award will he presented Sat urday, August 20, during the 90th j Division’s review. Governor I.other H. Hodges, commander-in-chief of j the North Carolina National Goa i d. ) will attend the ceremonies. Other prominent guests will include Ma,i. j Gen. John H. Manning, the ad.iut- j ant general; Maj. Gen: (ret.) J Van B. Metts, former adjutant j general, and Maj. G,.n. E. Walsh, president of the National Guard Association of the 1 nitcd States. While the National Guardsmen j ire in camp priority wi'l he given to squad and platoon training, ser vice practice firing and fho develop, ment of leadership in unit officers ( and the non-commissioned officers.! Secondary objectives wilt be recruit | and individual specialist trainingj and weapons firing which could not J be completed during the armory training periods or week ••nd, drills. For the first time, ih,- • n tire division is billeted in. barracks, j While in camp the National.) Guardsmen will Ulso enjoy various j sorts of recreation. Each year the, division condui ts a softball .tourim-j ment and the Edenton hoys had a team lined up to compete in the. contest. In 1959 the Edvntdn tea 1 ’) won the regimental championship but were defeated last year in the final round. If any friends or relatives de sire to write anybody in camp, the address is; Heavy Mortar, t 0.. . 119th Infantry, 30th Division. NX'. N. G„ Fort Bragg. '\. C. Revival At Chappell Hill Baptist Church Will Begin Aug. 22 Rev. G. M. Singletary Will Be Visiting Evangelist Announcement was made early this week that revival services will begin at the Chappell’s Hill Bap tist Church on Monday-night, Aug ust 22, and will continue each night of the week through Satur day night, August 27. Services will begin at 8 o’clock and the pub lic is cordially invited to attend. The Rev. G. M. Singletary, mis sionary for the Chowan Baptist Association, will bring the mes -ges each evening and the Rev. Ac Iph W. Knight, pastor of the .Hard’s Bridge Baptist Church, will Oead the singing. STEVE BURCH ATTENDING MYF SESSIONS AT DUKE -Steve Burch is attending the fourth annual session of the North Carolina Methodist Youth Fellow ship at Duke University, Durham, N. C. Steve is a delegate from the Evans Methodist Church. The ses sion opened Monday with a full five j day program >ci '-inhd, _ _. : THE CHOWAN HERALD *■ -———— Visiting Evangelist^ - - .. *** SB ..., 9 . c iHkr- ' I, | REV. RALPH FERGUSON | For a week’s revival meeting at Warwick Baptist Church, which begins Sunday, August 21, the Rev. Ralph Ferguson of Robersonville, N. (’., will he the visiting evange ! list. Plans Shaping Up For 4-H Pullet Show In Armory Sept Ist 77 Rhode Island Red Pullets Will Be Put Up For Sale The 1955 Chowan Pullet Show and Sale will he held Thursday, September 1, at. the Edenton arm ory at 2:3(1 P. M. At thik lime 77 ' purebred Rhode Island Red pullets j will he sold to the highest bidder. | The pullets will be sold in lots of ’ seven each and not individually, i These pullets were grown out lu ll Chowan 1-H Club members, anil they have done a. good job, accord ing to Assistant County Agent I R-iliert S. Marsh. The Berkley I Food Company of Norfolk, spons j ors this project each year. They furnished each contestant 100 day | old. straight run chicks last spring. In return for the chicks, each club member agreed to properly brood, house'and feed them and bring seven pullets to the show and sale. The birds will be judged by a poul try specialist from State College and prizes awarded. After the birds are judged and prizes award! i'd they will he sold to the highest bidder. .“This sale offers the people of, Edenton and Chowan County a wonderful opportunity to buy first class pullets,” says Mr. Marsh. Chowan Farm Bureau Will Meet Thurs. Night, Aug. 25 _____ i Important Matters to Be Transacted; Good Attendance Urged A county-wire meeting of the Chowari County Farm Bureau will be held at the Chowan Community Building next Thursday night, August 25, at 7:30 o’clock, accord ing to the president, Sanford Bas§. Bill Little of the State Farm Bu reau office will be present to dis cus s ini port an t ma 11 e rs. At this meeting peanut growers will elect one member to serve on the board iff directors of tile North Carolina Peanut Growers Associa tion for the next two years. Mar vin Jackson of Edenton has served Well for the past two years, but his term of office will soon expire and according to the by-laws, he cannat succeed himself in this capacity by being re-elected at this time. Pea nut growers are urged to give some careful thought as to who they would like to have serve them in this capacity for the next two years and be present at the meet ing to elect a most capable repre sentative as their director. The Farm Bureau insurance pro- O nrinued on Page i- —Section 1 Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, August 18,1955. Methodists’ Picnic Wednesday, Aug. 24 At Jackson’s Beach Feature will Be a Pic nic Supper For All At 6 O’clock A picnic is being planned for the Edenton Methodist Church op the afternoon and early evening -if Wednesday, August 24, at Jack son’s beach near Sandy I’oint. Those who want to swim may go | down as early in the afternoon as | they choose. It is expected that the swimming period will lay well used by the children and young people of the church. A picnic supper will take place at fi o’clock. It is hoped that every i one in the church who possibly can I will be present. Tlie supper will Ibe provided by the people them selves, in the manner of previous fellowship suppers at the church. The first fellowship meeting of this kind was held in May in ob-. servanee of National Family Week. The church's Commission on Edu cation, of which Rufus Carraway is the new chairman, is planning for monthly fellowship meetings, This development in the program of the local Methodist Church is a part of the increasingly popular Family Life Movement which is now a major emphasis of Methodism throughout the country. Mayor Os Edenton Lions Club Speaker Dwells Upon His Pro gram For Better ment of Edenton Mayor Ernest P. Kehayes ad p dressed members of the Edenton ; Lions Club at their meeting Mon j day night, at which time he com )' mended the Lions Club for its lend rrship in Community activities and stated a desire for the club'., con tinned support in projects for the I betterment .of health and welfare Continued on Page d Section 1 Schools In Edenton Open September 6 According to John A. Holmes, superintendent of the Edenton schools, the schools in the unit will open Tuesday, ■'September 6. A considerable amount of work has. been done in way of repairing and renovating, hut everything will he ready for the opening. Mr, Holmes expects an increase in enrollment this year. The school holidays for the year - will bo two days for Thanksgiving, two weeks for Christinas arid Fri day and Monday in observance of Easter. _ — — • ifcivic CALENDAR^ A ✓ Chowan County Farm Bureau | will hold a very, important nieet > ing Thursday night, August 25, at [ 7:30 o’clock in the Chowan Com ■ munity Building. Chowan 4-H pullet show and . sale "ill he held in the Edenton , i armory Thursday afternoon, Sep . tember 1, at 2:30 o’clock. Immunization clinics will be held in Chowan County Thursdays, Aug. ; list 18 and 25. i Annual mass meeting of Baptist i Training Fnion will be held at the . Rocky Hock Baptist Church Mon* day afternoon and night, August [ 22. ; j Methodist Church will hold a pic- I nic at Jackson’s beach near Sandy Point Wednesday afternoon, Aug • ust 24. Revival services will he held in ■ Warwick Baptist Church for a week ■ beginning Sunday, August 21. i I’nanimitv Lodge No. 7, A. F. & i A. M- will hold a stated communi ' cation tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. I Ed Bond Post No. 10, American ■ Legion, will meet Tuesday night,: Continued on Pace f»—-Section 1 W si Relieved As Commanding Officer ■ --'JB J 1 |j|2 A 3 mm T^fmSSmmgk mHKBk Wm? * JraH jut. M ' .-.r.ij,- • ' V>-