NATIONAL CONSTITUTION WEEK IS SCHEDULED TO BE (THERVED WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 17-23 r f ONLY NEWSPAPER 1 PUBLISHED IN j CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXll.—Number 36. Zdenton’s DAR Chapter Will! Join In 168th Observance Os National Constitution Week Everybody Is Urged to; Read and Consider i Constitution Members of the Eddftton Tea! Party Chapter. Daughters ot the American Revolution, call 'attention to the observance of National Con stitution Week which Will be observ. ed throughout the nation Septem ber 17-23, in commemorate n of the 168th anniversary of the signing of the Constitution. During the week Mrs. R. P,' Rail ham, regent of the {Menton DAR! chapter, requests merchants todis- . play the American flag and espe-j cially urges everybody to rend the. Constitution of the United States.j She also announces that a special program will be presented at. the] DAR meeting which will he held in! the Iredell house Wednesday after- ] noon, September 14, i‘ 3:30 o’clock j and asks every member to make a I special effort to he present. j The Constitution Was signed Sep tember 17, 1787, with three North Carolinians adding their names to the famous .document;. The three were William Blount, Riri ard Dobh Spaight and Hugh Williamson, the latter of Edenton. whose picture j adorns the wall of the panel room, in the Chowan Court House, Members of the DAR chapter in Edenton point out that the! basic; ed in the nation today is the 1 A servation of constitutional govs V .rnent and in oid-r to protect cUis priceless heritage under our unique form of government it is| essential to support the Constitu-j tion, the most wonderful, work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man. For its proper support, it is necessary that, our citizens understand its provis ions and .principles and appreciate , its values and benefits as the grei' ; e'st document for human liberty in 2.000 years of recorded history. i Mayor Ernest. Kely'yc:-. has pro- 1 Continued on Page 2—Section 1 ; Dr. M. Ray McKay Will Preach Again At Baptist Church Will Be In Pulpit For Both Services Next Sunday Members of the pulpit commit tee, and members of the Baptist. Church, are quite pleased that Dr. M. Ray McKay, professor of preaching at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake For est, has accepted the invitation to preach next Sunday, September 1 1, in the absence of the pastor, the Rev. R. N. Carroll, who is on vaca tion. He will preach during both sendees —the morning Worship hour at 11 o’clock and the evening wor ship hour at 7:30 o’clock. Having filled the Edenton pulpit last Sunday, and oh previous oc casions, Dr. McKay needs no intro duction to Baptist audiences and members of the congregation will welcome another opportunity to hear this forceful speaker and dili gent preacher of the Bible. The service of Dr. McKay to the local church presents a realistic ex ample of the far reaching ministry f the Southeastern Baptist Theo gical Seminary in Wak 0 Forest. -very Sunday, members of its fac ulty and student body find their places primarily in North Carolina and southern pulpits as well as in special speaking, leaching and ad visory engagements as the need presents itself. Truly North Caro lina is blessed by the coming of this beneficient institution within its boundaries. Regular services of the day and week will be observed: Sunday School at 9:45 o’clock; Training Un ion at 6:15 o’clock, mid week pray er service at 7:30 o’clock on Wed nesday evening; Bible study hour] at 7:30 o’clock on Friday wpmn«. THE CHOWAN ft'ERALD Booster Tickets Put On Sale j |To Help Raise Finances For Athletic Programs At School Ticket Includes Ad mission to AH Home Athletic Events Gerald ..James, principal of the Edenton Junior-Senior High School,| j announces that Booster Tickets are t now on sale in order to raise money j for athletic activities at the school. | | T!m tickets are spiling for $7.50 I and include reserved seats for all | , home football games thus season as i | well as admission to all baseball j ! and basketball games played inj !' Edenton, j Mr. James points out that school I ! athletics are financed solely by, I gate receipts, for no funds are ap- j preprinted 'by .'the school trustees for this purpose. It is, therefore, j his hope that many will buy these j Booster Tickets, thus reflecting their interest and support of the school's athletic teams. There are 336 Booster Tickets for -ale and Mr. James says single admission for a reserved seat, if any are available, will he $1.25 at the gate on game nights. General .admission to football games will he with student tickets being 50 cents unless they are purchased in the school the day of the game, ! when the price will be 25 cents, i The importance of raising money b|,’ the sale of Booster Tickets is I 1 st ressed by Mr. James, who says it I costs sl2i> to outfit one football player, not to mention the inereas-! e.d. cost, of other items used in the I various contests. j Mr, James says friends may pur chase blocks. of reserved seats in 1 order to he together at football | games, and that orders for such j. blocks should be filled out in an advertisement elsewhere in this is-] sue of The Herald or they may be| reserved by contacting Mr. James' office, phone 785,. The tickets will lie sold Monday of next week by students, so that no special seats ran be guaranteed after that time. | It is hoped all of the 386 reserved j seats will lie sold. Enrollment Higher For Opening Day In County Schools | 909 Enrolled First Day as Against 898 First Five Days Last Year Schools in the Chowan County administrative unit opened Thurs day morning of last week with a first day enrollment higher than the enrollment for the first five days of last year, This year’s first day enrollment totaled 909 as against 898 for the first five days of last year, and more are expect ed to enroll. In the Chowan High School 133 students enrolled as against 123 last year, while 335 enrolled in the elementary school. In the Rocky Hock elementary school 61 enrolled, making the first day enrollment in the two elementary schools 396,1 Slightly below last year’s first five days, when 408 were enrolled. In the White Oak Consolidated School 380 were enrolled the first day as compared with 367 for the first five days last year. The first day was devoted to as signment of classes and the schools are now operating on regular schedule. Only two changes have been made in the faculty of the schools, these being at Chowan High School, 1 j where Miss Ethel M. Murray suc ceeds Miss M' nm e Warren as En . ... '' .. .... ' ' " ===== Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, September 8,1955. 11 c i WAR 0N... Mosquitoes Under the direction of Mayor Er. 1 nest Kehayes and with the help of f i Street Department employees a program of spraying is under «ay , 1 in an effort to get fid of some of | the mosquitoes which have been I plaguing Edenton residents since I the recent high water in connection ! with Hurricanes Connie and Diane. | bast week somu spraying wasj done and though some good was , realized a breeze was blowing ) | w hich reduced the effectiveness oi j ( the spray. However, on Tuesday j j night another round was made and. it is hoped the efforts meant the I death of many of the pests. Group Os Edenton Stores Continue To Close Wednesdays Though the summer season j* about at an end. a group of Ed.-n --ton stores will.'continue to oiis. rvo th ( > Wednesday half holiday, el", ing their doors at I o’clock each Wednesday. The stores which have agreed S > continue the Wednesday half-day I closing are as follows: Forehand Jewelers. S.' 0:. Mills j Barber Shop, Ralph K. Parrish, i Bell’s, Thrif-T-Gas Company, C. N. j Kicks Jeweler, Ward’s Barber Shop; * Hughes - Darker Hardware, t pm-. 1 paiiy, Jo * h Century Barber Shop,! Qtiinti : Furniture Coni puny, Cam-1 pen’s Jewelers, Edentcm Furniture Company, Western Auto A so