SECTION TWO PAGE SIX (SENATOR i SAM ERVIN V* SAYS Washington—The otli'-r 'I iv I came across a pamphlet n tli.■ m; which was published In iii,- l’'ii. i of the Budget. Understandable Usually the inform i'i -n ..i associates with the (•'■•• jet is difficult to .1 ipli.-r ■ ■ tually defies the wi.-dmi sages. I was stn:7 n ’ that this little pamphh t " •tandable. Having vr budget items, I wish ■ Bureau would work ■ •■■ tern whereby the could be as simple ' ■ ■ their pamphlet. W dent sends down hi< ■ Congress, it is mu '• , • mail order catalog. • and it contains mmv would believe possi How Much The economy id > thetr knives to apenders want to .d.l amount here ind tin • F of the hearings by items have beet - • amazing job of Iv. The committees they propose t . here and there, nr and telegrams h- Usually they fall “Cut the budget, alone, because w. i less.” Starting Point Congress has to th : defense. That :> ' lion, designed m , programs to defend That alone is m '<- ’ ’ No Conimsnt By Welter Chnmhlin. Jr. Washingtoh 'o. . campaicn isstjes d. and easily. At ■■ r 1 • f are produced only anguished travail. As of the pres. '1 * • publicans h.lve had finding the nvi'i they will campaign Presidential and t'■ eg lions. In fact, they claiming far at-: party has hr..ugh' precedrnK.l nos pi tion . . . Mid that. • tinued |" "V and Republicans must ■■ four-yease l.a- House and b,. p -■ Congress. The New- F licit have been ex pm' • i ing labor pains t... in their frantic . t'f ■ a winning issue T forts makes a :'a» icle. Even before counted in 1 952 1 1 high command Republicans had it 'I a man with publl . . . if not greater commanded l>v t-h< " ic chieftain, the iat, M velt. 10. before tin- i * *.m .. rw u-jovara—w—a——— f G&W I ► SEVEJV | If) STAR :>» Proof! < Fg»w | s24© < I «,0., I »;{>»« } I //4sj/ —TOCT rot COOIf HUM » TOITI UMITff H I ■ BLENDED WHISKEY • 3714% STRAIGHT IJ WHISKEY 6 YEARS OR MORE OLD • 6214’' GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS • GOODERHAM I IMITfJ) PFIIRIA ILLINOIS in jut, • . begin as it starting n.i.n: A. t ill bearings were held ail.l :■" l ■ vote reeorded, the mdget of ffiJi.S bil m-i ything with during i . i ir That figures, as a ■f national income I’he budget has ""•:, Illced. The Big Year W"ids unbalanced frowned upon by the t ' "ii during a campaign Budget Bureau, aided W • House and Treasury ■ am r\cry financial a til,, budget into i■ \t year. In the i ii*■ i.• will be heavy ' 'migr.-ss to reduce • Nponditures. This big year ill tile ■j\ , , v. ryl.i.ily that ■ ■mi iialanced. It " ill eg. It w ill ls-ar watch , . b-ov those who opposed > - :tr will .feel about - ■ m.- I am convinced ■ ■ \•a i s Senator Byrd • -h 0,->f positions on • 111 t’ongross. His rvo ■ . ''oar h< believes in eron . ..,, .ii aidgi't. followed 1 ■... -A hoi: •lie budget I , ,;,i li. is, oiisjsfent. and '. eey a.-hard thing to find j 'n •:t,1 1 • -•and ft seal policy. j >ir ■!. "■■_■ I >m convinced. 11 that ; titlijess’ cut in our ftinds . . for j.p feil.'edness would lip suicidal, I' ■ I .u is t" die I hope that .i, . :,:stra’ -o! wi.! not take | lo! -e V . if is HOW ItimolVcfl ■■ plan nr tig; 1 shall' oppose it! t.. in- .s' ~f my ability. I oil took office . . . the) V ..if - |i. ui propaganda mas | -".'.'ported !,v l.ig • U""iey.l '.as 'll lllot ipn to ill's, j M I OW ■ : F\ ept for ! ■.; ;vta it self there Was I N .' Fair n. alers ii. ,s th. 10-iiubticans Were I ■ • ■ . ora: old it, tile Capitol and. , , -'v . r,,|ied the inv.'s . • • . . \, rs of th.- Congress. \ ; -ait. the :st N.-w-Fair j , , la: Mr. Fis- ) . r’s ■-. Th, strategy) , • .|, -it \ oi, cabinet officer! ■ -■- I .S. en-tary of Coni- 1 M" We. ks. was selected asl g.,. T’.e order of polit-' j .... : irded syfeond plac ' ■ Ihfi n sc, M r \Y r ■' • !•• -ary -f Agricul- M , If r s.,r. was third and the Ho ■ Mr McKay. ~ iltlier ibinct mom .,- .. eii the honor of II ’Oe older of li •; I ,i■ i:tt ion: : ; •tempted caionet purg" \ . • otis :impaign .against os syas lie ing waged ■ • • New-Fair [Valera ' ..o' : -s who sought to convinc'! ■ rs •o n the nation was he ■ to a depression by \ < I til i n i.-t r:i.t ion pol icies. I'h S effort also failed dismally •’. !• i slight business de • me to -the transition from a r-t pie *,, a peace-time economy*. .. eat "it's i,rosperity continued to or! • • eh to -hatter exist ■• lug, records. j la. X '-Fair Healers kept \\ ■ the Democrats THB CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1955 were returned to Congressional power in 1954 they agreed upon a two-fold attack against the ad ministration. First, the President’s conduct of office would be assailed. Immedi ately the New-Fair Dealers and their sympathizers were comment ing at every opportunity on the time Mr. Eisenhower took off for golf, fishing, the Pennsylvania farm and his regular church attendance. Second, Mr. Eisenhower would be embarrassed politically by sending him legislation which would not he in .accord with his legislative pro gram. but legislation of a nature which it would ly politically em barrassing to veto. Vow let’s see what happened. The personal attack on the Presi dent seemed to increase his popu larity. In 1954 the membership in golf rlubs reached an all-time high and new clubs were tw-ing establish ed. States sold 2.400.000 more fresh water fishing licenses than in 1953. for an all-tiny record of 18,. 500.000. The farmers of the na tion, especially the younger ones.! bestowed gifts of all kinds of live-' stock on the Gettysburg farm and the clergy rose enmasse to the President’s defense. The New-Fair Deal legislative ef fort to embarrass the President al so failed with a spectacular burst. The principal attempt along this line was their proposal to give a i >2O cut to every taxpayer and de ! pendent. The strategy was to send j this bill to the White House for an 1 expected veto by Mr. Eisenhower and then mak,- political capital i by claiming that the President was | not in favor of tax reduction for | the common man . . . that Mr. Eis enhower believed that the wealthy and big business should be cured for first. This strategy fizzled. While the House accepted the proposal, the | Senate refused to do so . . . and j thus Mr. Eisenhower did not find, j himself confronted with the phtn-j ned political dilemma. S Tho basic strategy, however. tiled to appeal to the New-Fair Healers. For they hegrffi to inten sify their charges that the Ad ministration is run by big business tor the benefit of big business . . . uni that it has no interest in the common man. Apparently this is to be the rallying cry of tho New ‘ I-air Dealers .. , and you ran bet ! that this theme will become iery i familiar to everyone during the text session of Congress and on in- if \ l i> II SAVE MORE And WORRY j LESS Financial security is essential to your peace of mind. You’ll be happier if you have a re serve of ready money in the bank. Save for 1 the needs and opportunities of the future. Open a Saving’s Account at The Bank of Eden i ton and keep it growing with regular deposits. ■ ‘ .. , :.;y; < j ■ —•— - - . , ■■■ ■• . -i' 7 . ' .| '. :• ' .' ■ W';..'v . ; Buy U. S. War Bonds Today THE HANK OF EDENTON » ' > -»• iam. I **■ 3 EDENTON. NORTH CAROLINA SAFETY FOR SA YINGS SINCE 1894 MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM j MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION 1 A- : _ .. . ;^= J J 1 ! JACK I.EMMON MEETS THE GIRI.S in the comedy sensation of Broadway, “Mister Roberts,” now in Cinemascope and War - nerColor at Taylor Theatre four days beginning September 25. , Lemmon is seen in the role of the romantic Ensign Ptilver, whose with the nurses led by Betsy Palmer (standing nearest to Lemmon), provides a laugh highlight in the film. .! to the political campaign. The Republicans, however, tire: wondering how the Democrats can • win on this issue. The Republi cans raise the question: How can ■ a majority of the people enjoying the “Eisenhower prosperity” be • convinced that they should vote ‘ against the Administration under which this prosperity took place? . And. the Republicans add, how can the New-Fair Dealers explain: away the recent statement by j. George Meany. President of the American Federation of Igilior, that under th,, Eisenhower Administra tion labor “never had it so good.’’ BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Elliott an nounce the birth of ah 8-pound, Fl ounce son, born Thursday morning in Chowan Hospital. TRY A HERALD WANT AD ! /■v IF YOU LIVE IN EDENTOX tffIKVHY NOT BUY PRODUCTS MADE m IN EDENTON? U s SUCH AS OLAG TOOTH PASTE! Ask arty dentist. Dentists by the hundred have written tr>: j “wonderful” . , . “none other like it” . . . “you out'l tient i. # | it” . . . “best I've ever used” . . . “best on the market,” tic. DON’T OLAG ’• At Drug Stores Everywhere THE MYSTERY OF MARILYN MONROE Matirir,. Zotolow jells the -inwed. : ! ible life story of the skinny, stut tering waif who w as farmed, out to IT foster homes and who grew up to be the World's most exciting fem inine star—Marilyn Monroe. Read | this revealing story in tile October I 2nd issue of the AMERICAN WEEKLY Magazine in Ctilorgravtlre with the BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN Order I Tom You r Local Newsdealer ( Don't Neglect Slipping FALSE TEETH Do false teeth drop, slip or wobble when you talk. eat. lavish or sneeze? Don't he annoyed and embarrassed by such handicaps F.ASTEETH. ah alkaline t non-acid 1 powder tt sprin kle on your plates, keeps false toeth . I more firmly set, OPes «onhdeiit teei- 1 lug of security and added comfort. I No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or: feel i Ing. Get FASTEETH today at any ! [ drug counter Mrs. Enola Newbold Passed Away Sunday | Mrs, Kiiolii Elliott Newhuld. 88, I died at ii:ls o'clock Sundny morn | ing. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. .1 . M. \ ail, after a long ill - j ness. Deeeii.sed was the widow o£J the lute John New-bold and daugh ter of th,. late William Henry El liott ami .Martha Duke Elliott. She was a native of Camden Coun ty hut lived near Hertford most of her life. She Is survived by two daughters, Mr.'. Ruth New hold Vail and Mrs. l'.ula New bold X l *"11, both of Edeiitori; ,j. brothel'. John Pool El | iiott of Richmond. \.... a half ; brother. Joseph K. ITliott of Syra * ('Use. N. ) ~ and.', two half sisters,' j Mis. William Myrick of Littleton, IN, C.. and Mrs. K. U Bobbitt of i .Franklin', Va, Toil V rat id. children atid 17. gn at gt'aiKlehildivn also survive; Funeral .siu v j ..-.wu e held at the Holy Trinity Episcopal,'Church in Hertford Monday afternoon at “ b'clock, file rector; the Rev. I’^'.t'i TAYLOR THEATRE EDKNTON, \. C. Safurday Continuous l rom 1:30 Sunday, 2:13. 4:13 and 8:15 \>’t*dn«‘sday. riiursda> and I Viday. Sept 21-22-23 Hurt I aiicaMpr and tiar\ ( nopur in | EK \ ( HU/’* MCDwiN rll::m Saturday. Suptumht»r 21--- Jnhnux \\ uisinullur in ’JI Mil K MOON MKN'* Uso Cartoons w. r. ha^p.y ' Sunday. Moihl.iy, liu'-sday and Mudnt*>da>. ' H«nr> Uomla. Janus Cairm*> NN illam Uow« !l and •Lick l.i'inmoii in -MU. KOHUin S** SiiihLiY slum w 2 :IMI. 1:13-s :I *i M u«*k Max Shov\ x Start 3:30 I t aluruw 1 i' 10-0:20 Sundax Maltruu ami Night Show W 7 M’ \N rrk !).«> 30c f < hildrun 2v‘»c ! HIWAYI7 I Drivo-In Theatre i:di \ ro\. \ c. i l'ridaj ami Saturday, « "‘optumhor 23,-21 l.uoruu Monluomur' in i .1 \( K Met \l.l DUSUKU \IMF •aTx'j. MAR> M. WRIGHT (V A Sunday. Suptumb«‘r 23- Sturlinu Ila>dun in “I KIIITKK VITACK’* ii. E. DF.GNAM Monday and ln»«.da\. Sopteinhor 20-27 Uardolph Scott in I “l lli: HOI N n 111 NTKU” R T. PiCKLER j and Thursday, SrplumlxT 2 s «-20— Tony Curl is in “THE HI \CK SHIELD or i M uoin ir* dOSiAH ELt-'QTT NOTK: If your Paim* ajipuars cpiyn n fiN r* p:i>s t*» s«*e one of in • 3 - '• : :iL r i’ to the Tav •' •• and re ■* r * A“ - *’ * • x I I I \Mi ST V NFORI) j j ’’/ ■’ j ■tk it most food men i. disagree never have iritto understand j’ one another. The greatest fruit o’ understanding is cooperation” : - ■• I W L study to encompass the | Teat-' needs .if each occasion. I I We arrange til details with harmony and the service oc- I casions respect. y/s/JE 'E. Shultz, officiated. Burial was I in Holy Trinity churchyard. Pallbearers weye Charles Ford Sumner, Thomas Sumner, Theo dora- Smith, David Warren, Frank Skinner, Ned Matthews, Emmett • Winslow and Earl Goodwin. Civil War Cotton Still In Good Condition A bale of cotton picked by slaves J during the Civil War is still, in | good condition. The hale, harvested in 1802, has • been stored at the Federal Com press and Warehouse Company at West Point, Miss., since 1890. Re cently it was presented to George A. Levy, vice-president of Ander son, Clayton & Co., in New York. • I The presentation was made to the | ■ native of th,- Mississippi city by J.| K. Wilson, president of the First DANCING! i Friday Night... September 23rd 8:00 P. M., TO 12:00 P. M. American Legion Home U. S. Highway 17... South of Edenton MUSIC BY— JOHN PILAND ANI) ORCHESTRA From Scotland Neck jj Taylor Theatre ( EDKNTON. NORTH CAROLINA ! SUNDAY-MONDAY-TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 25-26-27-28 Sunday Shows2:oo - 4:15 - 8:45 Week Day Shows Start 3:30 —Features 4:00 - 6:40 and 9:20 P. M. 1 Sunday Matinee and Night Shows 75c Week Day Matinees 50c —Children 25c , "No more peanut brittle ! the Captain | shouted-and then the battle began! t ! Jfc fr -Jr Jr Jr W j SEVER WAS J ! a J»T WIEVCRWAf J WONDERFUL ’ i '93m* entertainment 3J W\ j WM ** /a fg | tosee yf ■ ! WJvrnerßrcjs • «*R* '.v : 04 WarnfrColOP C.INEfVIA,ScIOtP :> E Sthreophonic Sound | STB»I».Na j HENRT 'JAMES WILLIAM JACK *• I MMdWI'WfEIIIIMMOK | m riuia »«i mm • fin cwrr ■ strttn ff»y ij rmh MKfin ioshua iocam j Rise! II 111 flu k| mau KttEl ui lOSHUA LOGAN ( OVBUtUO r-IMH ****** i ! j PRODUCED i¥ LELAND HMRO Kinctii ij JOHN FORD an! MERYYN LfROY | Natiorai Bank at West Point. Th* c*«on in the bale was raised in Clay County, Mississippi, and th« lint was separated from the seed by hand. The fiber shows no signs of deterioration. This bale is one of the oldest in existence. KING OF SWINE MAMMOTH MEAT TYPE BOARS-GILTS-PIGS Minton’s IOC Farm I MERRY HILL. X. C.