ANNUAL EDENTON&TA MEMBERSHIP DRIVE BEGINS TODAY -BE SURE TO JOIN! 4 [ ONLY NEWSPAPER 1 PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXll.—Number 39. Chowan Included In Library Region For 1 Three County Plan Mrs. Eugenia Babylon Will Be Regional Director Chowan, Washington and Tyrrell counties ar e forming a library reg ion for the purpose of giving bet ter library service to all the peo-i pie of the three counties. Th" Washington County bookmobile will ! give service to the white popula- 1 tion and the Tyrrell County book- ■ mobile will serve the Negro popu lation in the three counties. Head quarters will be in the Washington | County Library in Plymouth upon! Completion of the new library there which is now being constructed,! The library boards and the coutity commissioners have approved the plan. All of the present librarians will continue to be employed and Mrs. Eugenia R. Babylon has been ! named as Regional Director. Mrs. F. Bryan Harris, lioohmohile librarian for Washington County, l will drive the bookmobile for white j people and Mrs. Vordip Alexander, bookmobile librarian for Tyrrell County, will drive the bookmobile for the colored people. Various' committees are now working out schedules, which will tie published Employ IPhysically Handicapped Week Committee Announced For Edenton Purpose of Local Committee Is to Assist Those Persons Who Have Physical Handicaps to Secure Suitable Employment A local committee was formed on September 21st to act in behalf 01 j physically handicapped persons in the Edenton area, The purpose of this committee is to assist all per sona who have physical handicaps in locating suitable employment or j in availing theiiiselve.s of reh.'ibili-; tative measures. On September 22nd a mer'imr of { the committee was held in the Em ployment Security Office to., dis-j cuss various steps that could he] taken in this connection. The coin- ’ mittee is composed of tin’; follow- ] ing: Mayor Ernest Kehayes. \\ .; J. Taylor, Mrs. .1. H, MoMiillan. Jesse Harrell, Miss Mildred-Mun-i den, J. Edwin Bufflap, ,f. R; Dylan j ev and Milton E. Bah.:. This corn j mittee corresponds to a national! committee composed of members of i the President's Cabinet, with Ma-| jor General Maas. Marine Fyps j Retired, who is blind, as president. ; Each year the national commit tee gives art award to, the! most!.out standing handicapped person. This year's award went to Judge Cath ey, of Asheville, who is also blind, During the meeting, it was point ed out that many persons Had no- Exchange Student! Principal Speaker At Lions Meeting Basheer Khawaja Ex plains Conditions In Jordan "It has been said that the more nations understand the problems of one another, the greater probability for enduring peace,” stated Basheer Khawaja, an International Youth] Exchange Student from Jordan, in ] the course of an address delivered ] by him before the Edenton Lions j Club Monday evening. “Shortly after World War II had ] ended,’.’ said Khawaja, “the peo ples of the various nations through out the universe, realizing the great calamity that another war would wreck upon everyone through the use of modern weapons such as the atomic bomb, decided upon a plan whereby each nation would send a certain number of their stu. Continued on Page B—Section l THE CHOWAN HERALD as soon as they are ready. Book mobiles will stop for any group of people who desire to avail them selves of the free book service. It will facilitate planning if individ uals arid groups will communicate with their librarians and request stops. I Bookmobile runs will be made j once a month on a regular day and j as many books as desired may be checked out. Those who take them I will be responsible for their care I and return to the bookmobiles or to their libraries. All types of books. I juvenile and adult, fietion and noh- I fiction, will he carried and if books t ar,, requested which are not on the bookmobiles, they will he brought I the following month or mailed, if j desired immediately. All books which ordinarily circulate will be carried on the bookmobiles. They will b e stocked from the shelves of the existing libraries so that there j will ho no special bookmobile col lections. Books from any one coun i tv will circulate in the other two I counties. In this way ther e will he many more and a greater selec tion of books available than hereto fore. All new hooks will be ordered by Mrs. Babylon and classified by her Continued on Page 6—Section 1 ticonblp handicaps, but if A suitable 1 job is found for the person his de- j I fortuity not only did not prevent* him from doing a good job, hut] that frequently lie could do a bet-]. tor job than a non-handicapped, person: It was also pointed out j that North Carolina was doing a ! good job in rehabilitating many] '■persons with physical .handicaps' | who needed some training or other I assistance before they could he j considered employable. It was al so noted that persons with physi ,] oal handicaps who were doing suit- I able work did not have a higher aC loident rate than non-handicapped ] persons, had a lower absentee rate, ] and a production rate equal to non ] bandkpaped persons. The local Employment Office, j along with various civic clubs and j other public agencies, gives coun ] s.eling and special assistance to all ■ handicapped persons. The commit tee urges all employers to use ’ these handicapped persons when ever possible and help them make a normal adjustment to life while contributing their skills and abili ties to community work-life. Physically Handicapped Week will be observed October 3-8. EASTERN STAR MEETING ! Edenton Chapter No. 302, Order j of the Eastern Star, will meet next j Monday night, October 3. at 8 ; o'clock in the Masonic Temple, j Mrs.. Frances Wilkins, worthy ma-, 1 iron, urges all members to attend, i Mary Ann Elliott Is Awarded March Os Dimes Scholarship Conferred Upon Rec-j ommendation of Na tional Committee I Miss Mary Ann Elliott, daugh l ter of Mr. and Mrs. John M. El ! liott, has been awarded a March of Dimes scholarship by the National j Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, it was announced this week by J. Edwin Bufflap, Chowan County Chapter Chairman. March of Dimes scholarships are part of a comprehensive profes sional education program which to day ranks as the largest ever un dertaken by a voluntary agency. Since 1938, when the National] Foundation was established, S2O,- j 250,000 has been authorized to) Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, September 29,1955. ' NE VVCOM M AND IX G OFFICER OF MAG-14 ] Col. L. K. “Duke" Davis, left, relieved Lt. Col. R R. Baker as the Commanding Officer of MAG-11 at an informal change of command coremoh'y Thursday. September'22. at the Edenton Naval Auxiliary Air Station. Col. Davis has just returned from the First Marine Air i craft Wing, where he was the Personnel Assistant Chief of Staff. Ho | graduated from the United Slates Naval Academy at Annapolis in Meeting Called To, Revive Cub Scouts On Monday Night All Interested Persons! Especially Urged To Attend All parents interested in the nr- ] ganization of Cub Scout Pack No. 109 are invited to attend a training session at th e Edenton Elementary . School on Monday night, October 3, at 8 o'clock. This training ses- 1 sion will b e under the leadership ' of Ray Heck, District Scout Rep-j i resentative. j j The Cull Scon! Fm-k w ill be spoil- ; sored by the Edenton Lions Club 1 and will be a joint project with the ! personnel stationed at the Naval Auxiliary Air Station. C. A. Phi}-- lips, president of the. Lions Club,a met with a group of interested per sons on Monday of this week to make plans for the organization. Present at the meeting were: C. ( ■A. Phillips. Jesse Harrell, V est Byrum, Jr.. Herbert HolTowell. Eai-1 I Continued on Page 6—Section 1 | train the minds and hands of pro i fessional personnel for sendee in fields relating to poliomyelitis and. other diseases which beset the com munity. , The scholarship awarded Miss Ellioft was conferred upon recom-] mendation of a national committee i of leaders in the physical therapy profession, and affords opportunity j for study in this field. She will study at Medical College of Vir ginia, Richmond, an institution ap proved for physical therapy train ing by the Council on Medical Edu cation and Hospitals of the Ameri can Association. In announcing this award, Mr. J Bufflap stated that Miss Elliott is one of 42 residents of North Cato- I Continued on Page 3—Section 1 1955-56 Membership Drive For PTA Launched Today Goal Is To Exceed Last ] Year’s Membership j Os 502 Members j i ! i The annual membership drive of, I the Edenton Parent-Teacher Asso j ■•iation will get under way today I I (Thursday) under the direction of ' Mr- Jo e Thorud, membership chairman. Last year’s PTA mem- I berth ip was 502 and PTA Presi ] dent C A. Phillips and Mrs. Thor -1 ud urge each mother and father of ' o school age child, to affiliate in;the ) hope that they will he able to e\- j eeqd the 502 mark this year. The i membership fee is 50 cents per per-. son. Citizens who no longer have chil dren in school, lint are still inter ested in tlie Schools, are urged to ! join. The following letter has been ! distributed among the children to Continued on Page 3—Section 1 ■ Annual membership drive of the : Edenton Parent-Teacher Associa tion will get under way today! (Thursday). Edenton Aces will play theiri first home game of the season on Hicks Field Friday night, Septem-j ber 30, at 8 o'clock, when they meet Beaufort. Parents interested in organiza j tion of Cuh Scout Pack urged to ] meet in the Elementary School! I Monday night, October 3, at 8 o'clock. Edenton Rotary Club wTil meet , this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o'clock in the Parish House. Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A. F.. & A. M, will hold an emergent communication tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. Edenton Chapter No. 392, Order of the Eastern Star, will meet in the Masonic Temple Monday night, October 3, at 8 o’clock. Edenton Woman’s Club will meet Wednesday afternoon, October 5, at 1 o’clock in the Parish House. Continued on Page .3—Section 1 i 1935, and entered flight school a year later. During World War 11 he served in the Pacific area and won the Navy Cross, Distinguished Fly. i ing Cross, three Air Medals and the Order of the Cloud arrd Banrer (a Chinese decoration). Col. Davis has stated he is looking forward to his new command with great anticipation. Lt. Col. Baker will as sume the duties of group Executive Officer. | Regional Director ] Iy.--- -- -i i - —d MBS. EUGENIA R. BABYLON With the announcement that Chowan, Washington and Tyrrell counties formed a library region, i Mrs. Eugenia R. Babylon has been ] named regional director. | j 12 Expectant Mothers ■ Attend First Os Series Os Special Meetings Tim first, of a third series of j classes for expectant mothers was ■ Held Wednesday night of last week j at the VFW building, with 12 ex i pectant mothers attending. Dr. Roland Vaughan conducted the class and gave a very interest ; ing talk on “Physiology of Concep tion,” after which members of the VFW served light refreshments. It was announced that there will be five classes held in this series, instead of four as previously held. The classes will be conducted every Wednesday night through October 19 at the VFW home, beginnnig at 8 o’clock and are not confined to expectant mothers alone. Prospec tive mothers are cordially invited. The local Health Department is sponsoring this project, in coopera tion with the VFW Auxiliary. Jaycees To Sponsor ’56 March Os Dimes For Chowan County Luther Parks Will Act As Chairman For Campaign Luther Parks, president es the Edenton junior Chamber of Com merce, has informed J. Edwin Buff lap. chairman of the Chowan Coun- ' ty Chapter of the National Foun-j dation For Infantile Paralysis, that j . the Jaycees will sponsor the March| j. of Dimes campaign Mr, Parks | will serve as chairman of the.March] of Dimes drive and he will perfect his organization in time, for the ] I annual drive. J Tlie March of Dimes drive is; scheduled to begin January 1 and! continue throughout tlie month. Mr. Bufflap is very much grati-i fied that the Jaycees wilt sponsor the drive for 195fi and predicts that] under the leadership of Air. Parks, Chowan County will again make a ] Continued on Page 6—Section 1 $750 Is Raised Saturday For Benefit Os Edenton’s Band - - - Band Parents Associa tion Expresses Ap preciation According to the committee of the Edenton Junior-Senior High School Band Parents Association, which had charge of Band Booster Day on Saturday, in th e neighbor hood of $750 was raised, with more , contributions expected to trickle in. “We are taking this means to ■ thank each and every person who ■ cooperated so wonderfully in our Band Booster Day,” said a eommit i tee spokesman early this week. • “We especially want to thank The Chowan Herald and Mr. Bufflap for ; the editorial and amount of space ■ which he allotted to Band Booster Day. $2.00 Per Year In North Carolina County Delegation Requests Help Due To Hurricane Loss Group Meets Gover nor Hodges In Eliza beth City Friday A delegation of Edenton and Chowan County officials met with Governor Luther H. Hodges in Eliz-j abeth City Friday to discuss the' losses in this county due to Hurri-J cane lone. j Governor Hodges visited this area of North Carolina at th e re-i riiest of A. B. Harless. Mr. Har-] j less made this request to the Gov-1 ernor because pf the severe damage ] j done in this area by recent hurri-J canes. Governor Hodges had visited j Morehead City, New Bern, Wash ington. and Manteo prior to his ar -1 rival plane in Elizabeth City. I" He expressed grave concern for this j section of North Carolina with all i of its public and private losses due ' to Hurricane lone. He pledged his ! whole-hearted efforts toward the ! procurement of assistance for the j 1 disaster area, C. W. Overman, county agent for' Edenton Aces Will Play First Game At Home Friday Night Band Will Also Be on Hand to Liven Up Game 1 Football fans will have an oppor tunity Friday night to see the j Edenton Aces in action on their | i home gridiron for the first time ! this season when they are schedul | i.'d to lock horns with Beaufort j High School, Th 0 Aces opened the 1955 season j on September 9 when they played j i Roanoke Rapids on the latter’s! field. The Aces, the victims of ! two had breaks, lost to th e Halifax j County outfit by a score of 20 to : 13. The second game was played; j in Great Bridge, Va., when the) Aces won by a score of 19 to 6 and l hast Friday night in Wiilliamston i the Aces .overpowered the Green I Wave by a score of 34 to 6 to win their first Albemarle Conference game. The Ares are now scheduled to play five consecutive home games including, in order. Beaufort, Eliz abeth City, Tarboro, Hertford and Legion Schedules i Two Dances At Post Home This Week Sponsored by Ed Bond Post No. I 40, American Legion, a dance will' •bn held in the Post Hom e Friday I and Saturday nights of this week. Both affairs will begin at 8 o’clock and continue until midnight, j John Piland and his orchestra i from Scotland Neck will furnish | tlie music for the Friday night dance, while Francis Slade and. the ] Four Aces and Band will be the ! attraction Saturday night. “The money raised is much need ed and every effort will be mad e to spend it wisely. It was also very gratifying that so many people con tributed. Although several large amounts were given, for which the band is duly grateful, the fact that so many individuals became Band Boosters indicates that the people are really for the band and will! support it when called upon.” | Th e Committee urges that if any , place of business earned a 100% Rooster Placard and failed to get • one. or if it didn’t earn one and wants to do so now, please call . Jack Mooney or J. P. Partin. The band still hopes to have 1,000 ■ band boosters before the band’s ■ first appearance Friday night when ■ it will play for the Edenton-Beau fort football game, ' \ SLOW DOWN AND LIVE/ | > ——. ■ -■ ■ . Chowan County, reported to Gov. ernor Hodges that Chowan County farmers had suffered loss of ap proximately $1,489,000 in damage to crops. W. S. Privott, Civil De fense Director for Chowan County, reported that the Town of Edenton , had suffered approximately $50,000 I damage to its public facilities. 1 Governor Hodges advised those | attending the steps they should take in securing disaster assist- I ance. He pointed out that towns | were eligible for grants from the j Federal Government for use in re ; placing or repairing hurricane dam. | age. He also advised the farm iri | terests that they were eligible for long term loans at nominal interest rate. Attending the meeting from Edenton and Chowan County were: Mayor Ernest P. Kehayes, W, W. Byrum, chairman of Board of County Commissioners, A. B. Har less, chairman of Board of Public ; Works, W. E. Bond, J. B. Webb, H. j R. Peele, J. Clarence Leary. J. A. Kramer, W. S. Privott and Ernest I J Ward, Jr. y Ahoskie, the latter three being con ference games. Despite two victories to one de feat, Coach Bill Billings has been practicing hard during tho week. The strength of the Beaufort team ic a hie ouestior rr”‘V on that ,1 Coach Billings is Heaving no stone .. unturned in order to have the Aces . ready for anything the Carteret County boys have to offer. Accord ing to advance information the Beaufort team outweighs the Aces. Billings has announced the fol lowing as the probable starting j lineup for the Aces: Kramer and ; Emminizer, ends; Ward and Fletch er, tackles; Keeter and Canipe, guards; Speight, center; Holland, quarterback; Bunch and Bass, j halfbacks, and Wilson, fullback. I Beaufort will start with Owens 1 and Moore, ends; Copeland and | Willis, tackles; Martin and Swain, ‘guards; Miller, center; Potter, quarterback; Piner and Norris, halfbacks, and Willis, fullback The game will begin at 8 o'clock and the Edenton band under the di . rection of Miss Lula Williams, will play prior to th e game and entev- Continued on Page 6—Section 1 Snow Scheduled To Speak At Woman’s Club Meeting Oct. 5 Remarks Will Be Di rected to Sewage Disposal Members of the Edenton Wo man’s Club are looking forward with pleasure to their October meeting, when the guest speaker will be B. C. Snow Os the Department of Con servation and Development. The meeting will be held in th e Parish House Wednesday afternoon, Octo ber 5 at 1 o’doek. Th e topic of Mr. Snow's speech will be “Proper Sewage Disposal in Edenton.” This has long been a problem in Edenton and members of the club, along with a number of other citizens, ar e interested in a solution. Mr. Snow has recently made a study of the pollution abatement j situation in the Chowan River Bas- I in and is going to give some in formation regarding the problem. In addition to Mr. Snow th e club will have as guests some of Eden ton’s leading citizens including Mayor Ernest Kehayes and officials of the civic organizations. ROTARIANS MEET TODAY Edenton’s Rotary Club will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock in the Parish House.

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