4 """Si I ONLY NEWSPAPER > PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXH.—Number 44. National Education Week Observed In Schools Nov. 8-11 Parents* School Night Scehuled For Wed nesday Night In an effort to fret local patrons to take literally the theme of American Kduratinn Week, “Come See My School,” the entire staff of the Edenton Junior-Senior High School will he on duty for a “Par ents' School Night” from 7:30; to 9:00 I*. M., on Wednesday, Novem ber 9. Student Council members will act. as guides for the occasion; Now, what is meant by a “Par ents' School Night”? It is hoped that you, the parent, will See the, type of deck your child sits in by j having you sit in his desk. It is I hoped that you will see each of his/ Classrooms and meet each of bis I teachers in the setting that lie sees them each day. This is to be ac complished by having you follow his schedule through a typical day. Os course, you will do this by changing classes six times in one hour: whereas, lie spends six hours doing tile same. Parents should re-| port to the lunchroom at 7:39 for a briefing before beginning .sched ule. Mrs. N,. J. (ieorge, I’TA room representative chairman, has pledg ed tile cooperation of each home room representative chairman from grades seven through twelve in lumping to make this “Parents’ School Night" a great Success. | Other events in observance of American Education Week, Novem ber 6-12 an 1 : Tuesday niglvt at 8 o'clock I’TA neeting in Elementary School au- j ditorium. Thursday afternoon at I o'clock Members of Rotary Club wilt have 1 lunch in high school lunchroom and then make a tour of the school, Friday morning at 11 o’clock—! Special Veterans Pay (Armistice) ! prgrnm arranged by members of a ninth grade homeroom under leadership of N. J. George. Parents, are cordially invited to attend aiiy or all of these pro grams. J. Paul Holoman Becomes Baptist Minister Nov. 6th Qrdination Service In Baptist Church at 3:00 \\ M. The ordination of J. Paul llolo man, of Kdenton, to the Baptist ministry will take place in the Kdenton Baptist Church on Sunday afternoon. November 6, at 3 o’clock. Those forming the presbytery are Dr. Douglas Branch, president of the N. C. Baptist Convention; the Rev. G. M. Singletary, mission ary of the Chowan Baptist Asso ciation;. the .Rev. L. f. Chandler, pastor of the Center Hill Baptist Church; the Rev, B. 1,. Raines, pas tor of the Rocky Hock Baptist Church, and the Rev. I A. M., to .3 I*. M., clurinp: which time ;inv hmly, white or colored, is not only invited lull urged to donate a pint of blood, Sonic |MM>t>lc h.ivV made appoint, ments, hut. Mr. Malnm* ctnphasi'/es tile fact that dona lions ca n he made lie tween th,. 'scheduled ■ hours' even if no appointment has heen made. I r rh*. county’s quota is again 100 J pints of hlood and Mr. Malone i* j hopeful that Chowan will meet this j rqiiota. At; the last visit only 00; pints were donated and .'lfl'.of these j J pints ranie from Ma rine v»duhtmVrs, j j so that Chowan County citizens do- ' Tinted a mere '27 pints. Mr. Malone j points out that since the Inst visit ) of the bloodmoj.yile' : . KG phits of j J hlood were used at (he Chowan j 1 Hospital, so that local civilians not | only fell down .on local needs, hut | have made no contribution to the j blood bank which is badly in need I of hlood. Another significant phase, ‘of the last hloodniohilf visit was ' that not a single colored'.person do nated blood, so that members of the Negro race are <.specially urged to join in the blood giving program.; Mr. Malone points out that giving blood is not painful and that it , takes only a few minutes of. one's time. WSCS Study Course At Church Tonight Members.of the W oman’s Society of Christian Service of the Metho . Hist Church will meet in the l-diir cational lUiilding tonight (Tlutr.s day) at 7:30 o’clock. At this meet ing a studycourse. “Indian A unci cans.” will Id* taught by Mrs. Clean St a lie up and all members afe es -1 penally urged to attend. s get the vaccine at: the licaltli of- j fire, 'according, lo (tie schedule be low, A .parent-inns!, coine with the children and . ign (lie card. Any parents of last year’s first and sec ond grades who , refused the first , vaccine may still gel it by bring , ing tile children to the health o(- ! fire and signing the permission ca rd. The schedule for admini dering the. vaccine in , the health district follows: Edenton hours. —Monday.. 2:00 to. 3:01) P. M. Hertford hour.. —Tuesday.; 2:00 to 3:00 P. M. Ca.rridep hours— Wednesday;; 2:00 to 3:00 P. M. Elizabeth City Monday. and, Thursdays 9:00 A. M.. to 5:00 P. M„ except noon hour. j Air Force Recruit in**' Officer In Edenton All Day Thursdays An Air Force recruiting repre sentative is now at the Edenton Post Office all day Thursdays from 9:30 A. M., to 3:30 P. M. At present the Air Force is ship ping local men to Raleigh for pre processing. They come back borne for two or three weeks to get their personal affairs in order, then en listed and flown Commerrial Ail- Lines to San Antonio, Texas, for basic training and an Air Force career. BANK CLOSED NOV. 11 The Rank of Edenton will be closed all day Friday, November 11, in observance of ‘Armistice Day. Important banking business should, therefore, be transacted according ly. LIONS MEET MONDAY NIGHT Edenton’s Lions Club will meet Monday night. -November 7 at 7 .V-Uhl Schedules Released For Bookmobiles In New Library Setup —■—— Chowan Home Demon stration Clubs Big Help In Planning Mrs. Eugenia R. Babylon, reg ional director, this week released bookmobile schedules I'm- both white and colored residents. Mrs. Babylon stated that home demon stration Hubs of Chowan County, by their interest and cooperation, have made it possible t° work out tbn schedules. The mapping of these routes has been a club pro ject. In addition members mentioned last, week, Mrs. Helen Hoi towel I ac companied Mrs. K, Bryan Harris, bookmobile librarian for white peo ple, and Mrs. Babylon to plan routes in Center Hill and environs. Mrs. Hattie S. Byrum, home demonstration agent, has solicited the help of Hulls throughout the j county arid deserves a great deal j of credit herself. | As may be seen the fifth route 'is incomplete. It is hoped that schedules Will have to be expanded. ' More time wilt have to be allowed for some stops arid people are urg ed to. request stops. Home Demon stration Cluli members will! be glad to relay requests to tile proper per- I sons or word may be left at any .listed slop. Don’t forget the white "flag" in •■your mailbox if you want the bookmobile to stop arid are not near a regular stop. Stops are for all persons and not just for those ; listed. Special consideration will be giv en to books requested which are not on the bookmobile. They will be criired, if possible from one of tho three county libraries or if not available in th,. .Pettigrew Region, will he borrowed on inter-library loan. Such requests are sent to the North Carolina Library Commis sion in Raleigh, which has about 10,000 volumes which it loans reg ularly. If they do not. have the vol. lim,. desired, they will borrow it Continued on Page s—Section 1 Ernest J. Ward, Jr., Is Named Director Os Municipal Group Represents First Dis triet In League of Municipalities r.drnton and'Town Clerk Ernest I J, Ward, Jr., in particular were sig nally liquored in Durham last week, when Mr. Ward was fleeted to the hoard of directors of the North Carolina League of Municipalities al the H»th annual convention. Mr. Ward will represent the First Dis trict of North Carolina at the Lea gue's executive sessions during the Ihhr. r.f, fiscal year. Tip. North Carolina 7>eague of Municipalities is made up of more than .350 North Carolina Munici pals ws and flu* convention in Dur • ham brought «’• record attendance |of more than 700 officials. Mrs. Davcffa Steed is executive director ; of th,. League and S. Leigh Wilson is Assistant Executive Director. VFW Poppy Day Will Be Observed Saturday Tho VFW Auxiliary will observe Poppy Day in Edenton next Satur day, November 5, Members of the Auxiliary will sell poppies on the street all day, with proceeds go ing toward aid for disabled vet erans. Auxiliary members urge the gen eral public to cooperate by buying and wearing a poppy. MOONEY TRIO TO ENTERTAIN CHOWAN TRIBE OF RED MEN At next Monday night’s meeting of Chowan Trib 0 No. 12, Improved Order of Red Men, Mrs. Jack Mooney and two daughters, Brenda and Patsy, will present a program of entertainment for the Red Men. Carl Keeter. sachem of the tribe, is very anxious to have a good at tendance, so that all members are ,IIV ocgeH »•• L*i nresqr* [Peanut CropCut] Peanut picking is now under way in Chowan County. Reports received thus far by County Agent C. W. Overman indicate that yields are averaging about half of nor- I mal. Some few spots are making up to 25 to 30 hags per acre. The quality is ranging from poor to good blit i, appears that gen erally it might he considered fair. Three Local Clubs Join In Taking Part In Contest i i Busy Meeting Is Held Thursday Night By BPW Club j Mrs. W. J. P. Earnhardt, presi dent of the Edenton Woman’s Club, appeared at the monthly meeting i of the Business arid Professional 1 Women’s Club held Thursday night in the Court House, at which time she invited the club to participate in a National Community Achieve t ment, Contest along with her club and the Junior Chamber of Com merce. Mrs. Earnhardt explained that the purpose of the contest is to , show what progress has been marie I for the betterment of the eommuni f ty of projects sponsored by the l threw organizations, dating back from March, 1954, through March, r 1956, when the contest, closes. She , pointed out that substantial cash ■ prizes will bd Swarded the winners t. l and'hoped Edenton would Win some j of the money which would b e used toward restoration of the Penelope . Barker House. The Hub voted to enter the contest and Mrs, Josie R- Carr and Miss Evelyn Leary were Continued on Page 6—Section 1 ! PTA Meeting To Be , Held Tuesday Night Dr. Sibyl Vincent of, Suffolk Principal Speaker The Edenton Parent-Teacher As , soeiation will bold its regular meet ing Tuesday night, November 8, in the Elementary School auditorium ■ at 8 o’clock. W. T. Harry, program chairman, ; has arranged an interesting pro gram in observance of American Education Week. Dr. Sibyl Vin cent, reading consultant in Suffolk City Schools, will discuss "Read ing Difficulties.” Members of the National Honor Society will bp there to act as baby sitters. President Al Phillips has an- ! nouneed a directors’ meeting for Tuesday night at 7 o'clock in the' Elementary School. U. S. Navy Recruiter In Edenton Tuesdays Effective this Week, a recruiter for the U. S. Navy will be in Eden ton every Tuesday from 11 A. M., to 1 P. M. The recruiter will be , stationed at the Post Office, where i he wilt take volunteer enlistments for four years, or give any infor mation to any young man who might be interested in a Navy ca reer. The recruiter says splendid op portunities are available for high school graduates and that he will h P delighted to discuss the matter with any young men. | VFW AUXILIARY MEETING The Ladle's’ Auxiliary of Wm. H. i Coffietd Post No. 9280, Veterans of Foreign Wars, wild meet tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock in the VFW home. Mrs. Ella Gray Potts, ! president, urges -h memtiers to at » Goodly Number Os Masons Gather For Scottish Rite Party Edmund Harding and T. Bruce Boyette Speakers In tho neighborhood of 200 Mas ons and their wives from Eastern North Carolina gathered in the Ma sonic Temple Wednesday night of last, week to enjoy a Scottish Hite party .sponsored by New Bern Con sistory No. 3. A delightful roast turkey dinner was serv'd by mem bers of tin* Eastern Star. 11. A. Campen served as toast master, with the in vocal ion by the Rev. Richard If. Lucas of Plymouth and .an address of welcome by C. vH. Parker of Belerossi The after dinner speaker for the | occasion was .Edmund. 11. Harding of Washington, who was introduced , by 11. A. Campen. Mr. Harding in ! his inimitable stylo kept his audi ence, ah uproar as he used many humorous stories to carry out the point of his subject on Masonry. E. P. Blair of Vaneehoro intro duced T. Bruce Boyette of Wil mington, who spok ( . eloquently on Consistory membership. During the evening Mrs. C B Mooney provided music at the or- Ran. |crvic~ calendar] American Education Week will he observed in Ihc local schools j next week. Parents’ School Night al. Junior-Senior High School Wed nesday night, November 9, from j 7:30 to 9 o'clock. .1. Paul Hotoman will he ordained to' the Baptist ministry at ordina-j (ion services to be held in the! Edenton Baptist Church Sunday afternoon, November (>, at 3 o'clock. | Edward G. Bond Post No. 10,j American Legion, will celebrate Veterans' Day, November 11, when a barbecue chickm supper will he . served at the Legion hut at 71 P. M. Edenton I’TA will meet Tuesday! night, November 8, at 8 o'clock in the Elementary School auditorium.. A meeting of tile directors has been called prior to the meeting, at 7 o'clock. Air Force recruiting rcpresenta- Contimred on Page 6—Section 1 Eastern 4-H District Holds Recognition Day In Edenton Tour of Edenton Nav al Auxiliary Landing Field a Feature On Saturday, October 29 almost 150 -Idler;;, parent;, friend, and. Extension ‘worker's met in Edenton for the Eastern District t II Rec | ognitiqn Day. It wa., a beautiful | day tor the event and the program I planned certainly \va.; appropriate I in regard tq the weather. The day's program began at 10:15 \. M. with a tour of t.liej | Edenton Naval Auxiliary landing. Field. The delegation wa . divided^ 1 into groups of 20, each group led hy one of the military perauim-! to points of interest on the base. At each stop there was a person 1 designated to explain the purpose ! and some of the uses of that par ticular location or instrument. The tour ended about 12 o'clock noon, and the delegation moved to the Masonic Temple in Edenton for lunch, served by the worried of the, Eastern Star. The atmosphere was! i wonderful, the food was delicious; and,everybody enjoyed meeting and j talking with old friends arid new friends they had made during the day. The important part of the day came when all were filled and hap py. That is, the presentation of awards to the district winners. First, awards were presented to the | winners of demonstrations given at District Elimination Day in July. Chowaft County’s Sherwood Har rell and Dick Imwp were present ed certificates and ribbons as win ners of a team demonstration in vegetable production. They went on from the district and became state winners, winning a trip to New o*-te:,M- '* llfyeil.lv. I. ii $2.00 Per Year In North Carolina Annual Halloween Party Again Proves Be Very Successful | Caleb White Wins] Caleb While, son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace White, was declared winner in the Jayree-sponsored Voice of Democracy elimination contest held in (lie Edenton Junior-Senior High School Tuesday. Young White will compel,, with the Chowan High School winner in i a contest to be held in the Eden- | ton Elementary School auditorium j Monday night, November 7, at 8 o'clock to decide tlq. county winner in the nationwide contest. FOondPosTWl Celebrate Veterans Day November 11th Barbecue Chicken Will Be Served at Legion Hut at 7 O’clock Plans are being made by the I Edward G. Rond Post No. 40, of I th,. American Legion for a barbe cue chicken supper at the Legion [ hut; Friday night, November 11, at (7 o'clock, to celebrate Veterans' | Day. I A guesl speaker will h 0 secured I for ill,, occasion and the public is I invited to attend. j Tickets for the supper ar r on sale by th,. Auxiliary and may be purchased from Mrs. J, L. Chest l.nutt or any member of the Ameri | ran Legion Auxiliary. ’Striped Bass Situation Ts Now Beinsr Studied The U, S. Fish ancT Wildlife Com-| mission is conducting a study ofj striped bass in North Carolina. I The ■■service is going to enforce the 1 laws relating to under size striped 1 bass in regard to interstate ship-1 in cuts. A new agent has been employ-1 ed to enfoiv,. all regulations and | all eomuieivia l -■fishermen and deal-1 or ; are required to cooperate. j XJVGA Cqtigress to compete in national competition. Billy Goodwin wa., {be winner of (lie livestock production demonstra tions arid Bai bara Anri Jordan was j i In- winner- of the poultry demon . (ration. They were proud receiv ers of their certificates and rib j lions. ■ When the project winners were ; announced the Chowan County 4 ll’ei-.i were again among the , winner -. Extension workers were especially proud to have both the j boy arid girl in the eastern district who had shown hy their records that they had made the most health improvement during the past year, i the girl was Mary Sue Elliott, | now a Freshman at Woman’s Col .lege in Greenslroro, and the boy Continued on Page 6—Section 1 Judge Chester Morris Defers | Opinion In Restraining Order- Heard Tuesday In Gatesville Both Sides Heard ln[ ♦Gates Superior Court { Tuesday Afternoon | Mayor Ernest Kehayes, Town * Clerk Ernest J. Ward, Jr., and 1 Town Attorney J. N. Pruden ap- 1 peared in Gates -County Superior Court Tuesday afternoon for a * hearing in connection with a re- 1 straining order enjoining the Town ! of Edenton from cutting down a 1 , tree in front of the home of Mr. anu Mrs. Henry Allen Bunch on i Oakum Stieet. 1 The --ni i Orrie- was signed bv s tir 1 SLOW DOWN , AND LIVE! Those In Charge Ex press Appreciation For Cooperation _ ■»' A dazzling sight greeted the small fry here Monday night when they gathered at the children's playground to enjoy th P big Hallo ween Party provided for them an nually by flic Edenton Woman’s (Club. Young eyes bulged and I mouths flew open at the “big top” I air of colored lights, spooky talk ing witch, corn stalks, banners, , streamers arid the many eerie look- J ing characters milling around the ! grounds. The affair is one the chil dren will remember with reverence ■ and joy. arid, will create re-hashing for some time. ■ j The parade got under way at 1 6:30 o’clock at tile Court House Green arid moved along Broad I Street, headed bv clowns, junior I and senior majorettes and the Edenton High School Band, follow ed by a few floats and hundreds of youngsters, who wore all sorts of imaginable Halloween costumes, including Walt Disney’s famous characters. At the playground the children passed through the reviewing stand for judging of costumes, anjl to al so receive, their tickets and bags for the abundance of hoi dogs, pop ■ Corn, peanuts, apples, bubble giiin, soda pop, witeli’s brew, ride with the Marines, fortunes told, chat with the Talking Witch, fish 'for I prizes, See tile Mickey Mouse movie | and many other attractions, which .were all free. Joe and Bonnie Conger won the prize for the best, dressed pair. They appeared as Hansel and Gre.tr el. Daphney Turner, dressed as a princess, was the winner for the best dressed girl. Martha Vaughan took the prize for the most comical | giifl and was dressed ■> a scare-. i crow, while jimmy Floyd as a | pumpkin, was awarded the prize 1 for the most comical boy. I Judges for this corilcsf were I Mayor Ernest Kehayes, Lieut. Col. | R. R. Baker, Col 1,. K. Davis, Mrs. I Georg,, Dai! and Gerald James. Winners in the floats were Billy t Prudep and Did:Dix.on. wlto enter |ed a pirate boat and Ida Campen with her dog, Hansie, pulling a witch in a cart. s The judgewere Col.. Hamilton Lawrence, Miss Inez Felton and Mrs. J, L. Chestnutt As an added attraction and cre ating .favorable cnniTnent this year, a box contraption was set up by W. T. Harry which blew large wa ter bubbbles into Hie air and around Continued on I’age 8 - Section 1 Husbands’ Supper Is Scheduled Nov. 11th Announcement was made this week that the annual Husbands’ Supper, of Cliowqn .'Home Demon stration Clubs will be heild Friday night, November 11 . at 7 o’clock in the Oak, Grove Community Build ing. Tickets, can be purchased from the various club presidents. It is necessary to know in advance how many are planning to attend the supper, so that tickets should bo purchased at. once. The ladies must know who will attend by Fri day, November 4. Judge Malcolm C. Paul upon com plaint of Mrs. R. S. Carr and Miss Clara Wheeler and was to be beard before Judge Chester Morris in Pasquotank County Superior Court. However, due to illness of Judge Morris, the hearing was transfer red to the Gates County Court. Judge Morris heard both sides of the argument, with Mr. Pruden representing the Town of Edenton and Norman & Rodman of Ply mouth representing the plaintiffs. At th e conclusion of the hear ing Judge Morris held the matter under advisement and deferred iss soinw an opinion until later.