J ONLY NEWSPAPER 1 PUBLISHED IN \ CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXll.—Number 4(>. ’55 Christmas Seal Sale Is Under Way To Get SI2OO Goal A ■--.— 2,512 Letters Placed In Mail Early This Week Mrs. J. A. Moore, Christmas Seal chairman for Chowan County, an nounces that on Tuesday of this week Christmas TB seals were sent out to hundreds of people in Clio wan County. It is hoped that each person who receives them will re- j spend as quickly as possible before the rush and activities of Christ-! mas crowd this matter from their minds. Mrs. Moore says that already there has been wonderful coopera tion in yet tint; the Seal Sale launched. On Thursday night of last week a group of young women spent some time at the home of Mrs. Moore stuffing the envelopes | which have been mailed. These j helping were Mrs. Richard Hardin. I Mrs. Gerald James, Mrs. Rodney Harrell, Miss I .aura Satterfield, Mrs. C. A. Phillips, Mrs. Wesley Chesson, Jr., and. Miss Elizabeth Moore. Gerald James and Cecil Fry. with student help at the Junior-Senior High School, built the double-bar red cross which stands as a re- j minder at ..the Rost Office.. The j Edenton Bov Scouts, Under the di ■raytion. of Scoutmaster Jack Habit, have distributed posters to the various places of business. Many people haVe helped in oth-. er waysy showing their interest and recognizing the importance of the tuberculosis seal sale. “Chowan County has done grand work in th P past,” says Mrs. Moore, “and it is hoped this will he one of the best years.” The goal for Chowan County is $2,000 and 2,512 letters have been I mailed in ail effort jo secure this! amount. t For 40 years Americans have j been using Christmas Seals to sym bolize their contribution toward the eradication of tuberculosis. Their aim has been a future fur their. children free from the tragedies they have seen cau-ved by the di sease. For this year’s Christmas Seal Sale two companion seals were de signed, one showing a little hoy against the blue of a winter sky., the other a little ffjrl against a background of apple green. Car-1 rying packages in their hands, they convey the happy mood of Christ mas giving. . '. ■ ■. EARLY MORNING I IKK Edenton firemen were called out about 5:110 o’clock Tuesday morn-, ing when a flue five was in pro gress at the home of Emily John-1 Son, f>oo North Oakum Street. The l fire was extinguished without caus- j ing any damage. Board Os Public Works Votes To Buy New Lighting System In Edenton’s Business Section . . A 25 Fluorescent Units Approved at Special Meeting Meeting in special session Tues day night the Board of Public Works voted unanimously to in stall 25 fluorescent light fixtures to replace the 41 globe type lights now in use. Th e new lights will be placed on Broad Street from Water to Church Street, on King Street from Broad to Court Street and one back of the P & Q Super Mar ket, where there is now a greait deal of parking. It was pointed out that the pres ent system is in bad shape,'the ca bles for which were laid some 25 years ago, and frequently cause trouble not to mention electric cur rent lost by breakage. The opinion was advanced that the time is not far distant when the system would have to be rebuilt. According to the figures, instal lation of the 25 fluorescent units will cost approximately $9,398, . while to rebuild the present sys tem would cost appioximately fo,- Continned on P»f<“ I—Section 1 , THE CHOWAN HERALD '• County Winner ) i -1 m j Stephen Burch, son of Mrs. Mar- j gucritc Burch, who won first prize! in tile Jaycoe-simnsorcd Voice of! Heinocracy contest held Monday night of last week in the Klcnien- 1 tary School auditorium. A hand- j sonic trophy and certificate, which j entitles him to compete 'in the I State Contest, was presented by j West By rum, J r., chairman of the ' | Contest, Caleb White of Edenton I took second place and w as aw arded I a certificate, (Evelyn Leary Photo) Bookmobiles Busy In Chowan County 1 622 Hooks Loaned to ! White Readers Last Week Both bookmobiles have been busy in Chowan County last week with 1122 hooks loaned by the white bookmobile during th ( . week, j Due to an overloaded schedule and heed for more Stops, a fifth , day is being added for the colored bookmobile. Response at all the schools was excellent. There is a need for more i easy books which have been or | derod. j The North Carolina Library j j Commission has loaned the Petti grew' I.ibrary Region 400 books for use on the colored bookmobile, t Most of the books are,new. They, are life-savers, for the response has been so great-That the colored li- ' hraries in the region have had a 1 difficult time supplying enoughl hooks. I I Thp liPL'ional Roanl | (ThursHav) at 8 o’clock in IMy • mouth at thp Court I Joust?. \ Helps Some ] Hooks of The Bank of Eden ton Christmas Club were closed Mon day of this week and checks to members are expected to be put in the mail th e latter part of this week. This year's Christmas Club had about 1.000 members and in the neighhorliood of $75,000 in savings will he distributed among the mem. bers. Methodist Laymen To Meet Nov. 22nd Interested laymen of the Metho dist Church will meet Tuesday evening, November 22, at 7 o'clock I to lay plans for the formation of a unit of Methodist Men in the Edenton church. Methodist Dis trict Lay Leader, Fred Ritter of Ahoskie, will he guest speaker. Plans for this meeting are in the formative stage and are in charge of Rufus Carraway, who is vitally, interested in Methodist lay activi ties. It is hoped thai this -.Mil be :i supper rrifPiinv Edenton, Chowar, County, North Carolina, Thursday, November 17,1955 Inton Aces Face Cary Friday Night i For Region Title Opponents Have Won ) 39 of 40 Games They | Have Played Bv GEORGE RORRER Umlpfeatetl Cary ks tin* n»'xt toa'ni that Fdi'ntnn must tic fp.rt if it is t«> retain its Stat<» (Mass A .championship, and tlj«‘ Acps trav I pi to (irccnvillp Friday nif ht to s« « .if they can earn the ri.vbt t° Vl,> next week for the Kastrrn Crown. Gamp time is 8 I’. M. Cary pain pc! tomorrow niirhtV contest by -cdjjirijt favored Mchani' last Saturday nitrhf l»y tin* irracc ,of a system that does not allow | North Carolina playoff frames to end in tins. With the score, 0 0 at the end of four regulation periods, the two foams 'squared off in an I overtime* “sudden death” period. I Cary out-gained Mehane by “•» yards after a forward later«il vyasi J called by the officials, nullifyinir ‘, a 15 ya rd run by a Mfhano bark j that put the ball -within the victors’ five yard line and Gary was -de clared'the winner of the District 2 ! championship. Fdenton smashed Murfreesboro. | 33-f. to win the District One chain piotiship and earn the ritfhf to play lin Friday night’s ranw*. The \ces* season now stands at eight wins land two losses. Cary has won lb straight, atid has the .ivfnarka.bU.* defensive rec- C Greenville, will he tho principal l(, speaker. Gerald James, president of the t* Rotary Club, uigOs cvei i l(< laiian Working On Edenton’s Christmas Party j j M £S 1 I The Edenton I’BW Club Steering Committee is shown putting fin . ishing touches to plans lor the big Santa Claus parade and party to be 1 held in Edenton Thursday, December 1. The affair is staged annually . for tile children hy the Business and Professional Woman's Chib, in co operation with the merchants of Edenton. Sealed, left to right, are: I Miss Goldie Layton, who is in charge of the parade, and Mrs. Margaret Phthisic, gei-cral chairman. Standing, left to right, Mrs. Adelaide Chesson, chairman of tile party: Miss Mildred Mmiden ticket chair- i mail; Miss Inc/. Felton, president of (he club; Miss Beulah Perry, chair man of hags and conleetions, and Mis. Percy Smith, hospitality chair- i mail.- (Evelyn Leary Photo). ! ‘Hansel And GreteF Will Be Presented In Edenton On Dec. 5 —. . t i Grass Roots Opera to! Be Sponsored By ! Edenton PTA Grass Kants Opera, the North Carolina institution that, has era “Hansel and Gretel” is presented ') in the Edenton Elementary School auditorium Monday night, Decembei 5, at 8 o'clock. The onera is sponsored by the Edenton PI'A, t I Rides Wanted ] Gerald James, priiieipil <>f the | Edenton Junior-Senior High.Seliool, j amioiuiecs that quite a few stu dents desire to attend th ( . Kdenlon- Cary foolhall game to h ( . idaved in Greenville Friday night, but have no transportation. Anybody planning to at tend the game who will have room for one or more passengers is requested to contact Mr. James a( (lie school hetw-een S A. M., and 5 I*. M.. up until Friday noon, so that these young people can attend the game. The telephone number is 755. civic calendar] — Christmas Seal sale in progress 1 in Chowan County, with a goal of $2,0(10. Edenton Ares will play Cary High School in Greenville Friday night at S o’clock for the Region I championship. Edward G. Bond Post No. 10, of the American legion, William 11. I Cos field Post No. 02H0, Veterans of 1 Foreign Wars and the Ladies’ Au xiliary of both organizations will | observe Veterans Day (inlay (Thursday); A special barbecue i chicken supper will he served in . the Legion Home at 7 o’clock. Chowan Hospital Auxiliary will ! meet Friday afternoon. November ! 18, at 3 o'clock in (ho nurses' home, A class of nurses’ aides will he awarded pins and emblems and Dr. Edward G. Bond will be (lie prin cipal speaker. Annual l-H Achievement Day will he held at Chowan High School ! Monday night, November 21, at j 7:3(1 o’clock. { Bdcnlon ISO Club will observe Pal Day lonighf (Thursday) willi * oprn house* for riviliaiis and per- Contiiuicd on Page 6—Section 1 i Two Boys Confess To Breaking Into Stores On Sunday Seven Establishments In Business Section Entered Fdenton police early (hi.; wnek broke up a wave of break iiiK, when two hoys 11 and 14 years old confessed (o the I’riuies. Soinelime -Sunday afternoon nr ! night seven places in the business section were entered, with small | amounts of money stolen ns well as I money from $1 to sf». The places i entered inehuled Getldie Fnytmi’s , office, N tV R Cleaners, Halsey ! Feed & Send Store, Ward’s barber I Shop, Kalydi K. Parrish, Chap’s Rillianl Parlor ami Sanitary Clean- i ! ers. The. most damage, according to Chief of Polic,. Georg,. 1. Dail, was in Mr. Parrish’s store, where a watch and knives were stolen, worth shot the light bulbs i" the . tore with an air rifiie. Chief Dai! is of the opinhui that the hoys w<*re efinnectcd with a se ries: of break-iris- at the Fileme.ntary School since the elnse «»f the meeting and ail] members are especially urged to attend. Know Your Library Mouth Is Observed Everybody Is Urged to Make Use of Li brary Books Tlie entire month of Noveinhcr lias Ix-eiideeignntcd a “Know A onr T.ilirary Month,” with special em phasis on Book Week, this Week. Get to know your library this month, support it, and find out what its ■'services'are. ll.can give you great pleasure and it. raiv con tribute to your education, whether you are 8 or 80. If you read 10 i to 15 minutes every day you ran . read at least; one hook each month, j Your library has books that can tell • you how to get. a better job or how to succeed in the one you now have, j Your library can supply you with j honks on your hobby, on gardening. ! farming, care of animals, rooking, ; sewing, and hnw-to-fix-it hooks, i Book., can open new worlds to you ! m any field such as history, trav | el, music, drama, poetry, art, lit erature, science, engineering, phy. | chology, religion. You can he any- I body you want to be and go any where you want to go. if you Hose yourself in books. Your library will find the answers for you. If it cannot answer your questions lo cally, it will secure the necessary information for you, if need be ( from -the Library of Congress. ’Give ij, a chance. Oct a.- m mml it-ith if rriomu $2,00 Per Year In North Carolina Edenton Aces Trim Murfreesboro 33-6 For District Crown ►- - • I PAL BAY j Today (Thursday) I’al Dal will he observed hy the Menton USO j Club, hy which it is hoped many j civilians will meet and heroine ac quainted with service personnel at the cluh room in Hotel Joseph Howes. A feature of Pal Day will he open house at the I’SO from 8 to 0 o’clock, after which a dance will he held for the Marines and junior I hostesses. Merit System Is Adopted By Band Several Members Arer ( By Director 11 A merit award system has re- t ecntly been initiated into the or- t ganizanfion of the Edenton High | School Band. This system has been < net up With several ideas in mind. It.; prime function is to arouse and f insure interest and pride, and the ( system wilt ultimately he the basis ( for the formation of a Band Mono- t 'grain Club. In this system, credit f points.are given for every possible f musical experience a hand member f may have. For example, attend- j nice, i.u-actice. listening to radio , and or television performances of , good music, participation in church | choirs, cleanliness qf instrument , and uniform, good grades made in ; acaderpic subjects, and .other tjmes. t In this regard Miss Lula Wil liams'.ltiic hand director, would like j to take this opportunity to con- c gratulfite the following band mem- j a her- on their high academic stand-. k ing, based on first term grides: j j 'Gen,. Ashley, Jimmy Ashley, Bob-i c hy He leh, Pat Bennett, Rebecca I s Boswell, Bill Cates, Sadie Crum-1 iney. Dick Goodwin, Annette Owens, t Ruth Stokely, Roland Vaughan, f Don Welch, Lorean Wright, and t Ruth Wright. f .' ■ '■ -■. ■—;—- —— ■ t TOWN CLERK AT SCHOOL FOR t Ml Nil IP VI. ADMINISTRATION j v Town Clerk; Ernest J. Ward, Jri, ) left Wednesday of this week for Chapel Hi 11, where he is attending a school in. municipal administra lion spormored hy the Institute of j Government. : He will return home ; n j Friday. i I Chowan County 4-H Clubs Will Observe Achievement On Monday, November 21st one¥a7Traffic |' d George K. Mack, district engi neer for the North Carolina High way and Public Works Commis- * sion, has announced that traffic 1 over the highway bridge on Route 1 IT. S. 17 over Perquimans River at • Hertford will he restricted to one- I wav traffic as of Monday of this ■ week to approximately Firday, No- 1 vember 25. 1 I One-way traffic is necessary due ‘ to making repairs (• the bridge and 1 building a new floor. Motorists ' are advised to proceed cautiously 1 and observe warning signs and obey flagmen. i Legion Dance Will Be Held Saturday Night Sponsored by Ed Bond Post of . the American Legion, another - dance will be held at the Legion i home on the Windsor highway next r Saturday night., November 19, from r 9 o’clock to midnight. Music for the dance will b P fur ’ nishod by J. D. Page and his or -5 chest ra from East Carolina College • at Greenville. The I.egionnaires l are expeclina lari;* ecox'il to at - --.A'*!* SLOW DOWN AND LIVEt Visitors Outdassed In First Round For State Title By GEORGERORRER Another link in the chain toward the North Carolina Class. A foot ball championship was fashioned Friday night at Hicks Field by Edenton's Aces as they hammered an out-manned Murfreesboro team down to a 33-fi defeat. The victory by the Aces, Albe marle Conference champions, add ed the State District One title to their 1955 laurels. The loss for the Roanoke - Chowan Conference tit lists was their second of the sea son against eight victories. Eden ton’s record became 8-2 after the contest, with both losses coming at the hands of Class A A teams. The gam,- was the first contest j of the 1955 Class A playoffs, and gives Edenton a shot; at the Region One crown next. week. The Region One winner will play the Region Two champions a week later for the Eastern title. The Eastern titlist meets the Western cham pions on December 2 for:the State championship. Un folding their versatile and smooth-functioning attack and a defense that held when it was ne cessary, the defending State Class A champs did as they pleased against Murfreesboro. They (cored every time they had the ha'll in the first half except when four passes fizzled out, on them as time ran out in the second period. They marched to a touchdown the first time they handled the ball in the second half. And, after a fumble stopped their next drive, they add ed their final score. The most sensational play of the game was a 7fi-y.ard coring gal lap off left tackle on ah option play by" all-State Quarterback Stuart Hol land, who scored two touchdowns in the game. His otlierisix-poihter came on a one-yard quarterback l sneak in the first quarter. Edenton took charge of the con test early in tlie first quarter when Billy Bunch's, first of two par s in terceptions nipped the Red Devils’ first drive in the hitd. Bunch got the hall for Edenton on the 50. and three plays later Jerry Dowuutn was standing iti the end zone with Continued on I’ago 3—Section 2 LION'S MEET MONDAY Edenton Lions will meet. Monday night at 7 o’clock. I'res.ident AL Phillips urges a full attendance. . County Boasts Three Members Who Are State Winners Chowan 4-11 Club members, par ents, friends and the general pub lic are invited to attend the an nual Chowan County 4- It Club Achievement Day at Chowan High School Monday night, November 21, at 7:30 o’clock. Club members will be entirely in charge of the program and the program will show in a very dramatic way the many good things which Chowan County 4-H Club members are do ing. Chowan Club members have been very active in 1955. Jackie Mor ris, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mor ris of the Tyner community, was State winner in the 4-H electrical project. Sherwood Harrell, ran of Mr. alid Mrs. Gilbert Harrell and Dick Lowe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Lowe of the Advance community, are members of the State winning vegetable produc tion demonstration. In addition to these State winners, Chowan Coun ty has several district winners. All State winners, district win ners and county winners, both boys and girls, will receive certificates and medals as a reward for theig i 'eceißfn! 4-H Club work in 1.95««