[f ONLY NEWSPAPEX f Wr* published in ft CHOWAN COUNTY —4 _ . - Vdliymp XXTFlNunib6r lU. i3S<SSißsSiSS3BssSsssißs*>*""" || "* iiii|,i, * ||i|iii|||,Mi,lM ' l *^ Stage Set For BP WFashion Show And Luncheon Friday Evening In Masonic Temple Group of An pating Merchants Everything is in readiness for the Fashion Show to be held in the Masonic Temple Frida* night, March 9, beginning with a lunch eon at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. Lala Smith, chairman of the show, which ' is sponsored by the Edenton Busi eijd Professional Woman’s Club (> announced early this week that alt models had been chosen for the various merchants who are coop erating and that .all the latest spring and summer styles will be included in the show. For the first time, men’s clothing will be mod eled, so that it is hoped many men will join women attending the show. A feature of the affair will be a musical program in charge of Mrs. C. M. Mooney. Harry Dog gette of radio station WCDJ will serve as commentator for the show. Mrs. Smith announced that the ■ following will serve as models for' the participating merchants: Belk-Tyler Patricia Harrell, Mrs. Frank Holmes, Miss Carol Lassiter, Miss Faye Twiddy and Stuart Holland.' Elliott Company Wilbur Ray Bunch, Errol Flynn and Steve Burch. Malone’s Pamela Bennett and Martha Fallis. Jack & Jill —Carroll Perry, Pau la Spruill, Sonja Edwards and Catherine Woaelka. Preston’s —Miss Brenda Mooney, Miss Leigh.Dobson, Mrs. Dick Dix on, Mrs. Joe Thorud and Mrs. Rob- Wilkins, Priscilla Bunch, Edward Jenkink ■and Pair hieoriey. The Betty Shoppe—Miss Jtidy Israel, Mrs, J. M. Boyqe, Mrs. Cla rence Britton anjl Mrs. Bruce Jones,Jr. Cuthrell’s Department Store— Misß Patricia Bunch, Miss Yvonne Williams t Miss Rosa Hollowell, Miss Carolyn Harrell, Miss Linda Chappell and Alex Kehayes. Anita’s Hat Shop—Mrs. Jimmy Earnhardt, Mrs. Henry Cuthrell, Miss Gloria McCollum and Miss Eleene Tarkingtop. Rose’s—Alma Kay Griffin, Mer ian Willis and Maxine Miller. Nu-Curl Beauty Shop—Mrs. Re ta Bestic, Miss Linda Chappell, Miss Vickie Allsbrook, Mrs. Lucille Stokes and Mrs. Irene Dunbar. Anne’s Beauty Salon—Miss Peg gy Dale, Mrs. L. K. Davis and Miss Nora Hicks. Floral arrangements will be pro vided by Lula White’s Flower Shop, Boswell’s Florist and The Bouquet Shop. EdentonCubsTiret Blue -Gold Banquet Outstanding Affair Group of Boys Honor ed By Receiving Rec ognition Awards *i - Approximately 200 Chib Scouts j . .1 . Blue THEICHOWAN herald ■w~ - 1 v — ' '■ 1 —... ' '7?"’. "" ."" * " —- = sl] [wins worlld peace speaking contest) Li J ■ : I < ■ t Caleb White, a senior at Edenton Junior-Senior High School, . is shown being presented » gold hey hy Mrs. W. J. P. Earnhardt, ' president of the Edenton Woman’s-Club, for winning the World Peace speaking contest held Thursday morning in the school gym nasium. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace White.—(Evelyn Leary Photo). . i_i u uuwi<vviriniv»vrtri*«v<*»**i*i*****"*‘*** AAA * AM * AAA * AAA,M^AAAAAAAAAAA>< Plans Started For \ ’56 Cancer Crusade a In Chowan County; V o 1 * Workers Meet at Hotel Joseph Hewes on , Wedn^day Artiterieaii ’Caaflfer Soefet|f'volun teers froii nirtjij couptics ib' this area gathered to mitke pland 1 for the 1958 Chncef Crusade ht tfitj Jo seph Hewes Hbtel Wednesday 'of this week. . * The meeting opened at 10 A. M., with greetings from Mrs. Richard Hardin, president of the Chowan County Unit.' ' Dan Hill of Durham, vtee-ehajgnj*s of the State Cru sade, and, using visual aids, presented the goals and ob jectives of the April drive. On the sc bectule of events were a review of publicity plans and ma terials, a film entitled “House to f 24 Repair And Maintenance j Projects At Edenton NAAS ; Given Green Light For Bids ' ' .. —* : Total Cost of Work Is Estimated at About $490,000 Bids will be advertlsedjlKiriing the next three months for 2Arepair and maintenance projects *t the Edenton Naval Auxiliary Air Sta tion, it was announced early this week. Total estimated, cost is $490,000. Four of the projects will be advert tised for bids this month. Col. Hamilton Lawrence, com manding officer of the station, stat ed money has been allocated for the maintenance and repair. Work on all projects is expected to start (within two weeks after contract* I nvo awarded. W ,L - jjiiuij mii-tAi# jgy I flirt in Norfolk office I /•' ffdenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, March 8,1956. -t; A;==ag=g=BCS==a====gmJ ' ' .n' "== | House Solicitation,” and general b discussion by the group with an- tl nouncement of county goals. tl “Horizons of Hope Through Re rdearth’’ •was lJi*r topic df *ati "Tfd* * dress by Dr. Wm. A. Peters of Elizabeth City. Cured cancer pa- V tients told their stories briefly, tl The meeting clpsed at 1 P. M. v This year’s cancer drive is spon- R( sored by the Edenton Woman’s R Club aiid will be in progress during 11 the entire month of April. The P goal for this year is $1,006. Last 8 year Chowan County contributed SI,OOB, which was considerably b more than the goal. v Counties represented at thee Edenton meeting included Chowan, li Bertie, Camden, Currituck, Dare, c Gates, Hertford, Pasquotank and 5 Perquimans. t > Complaint Time ..... —WW.. ■ ■ V—— Chowan County Commissioners < will be called into special session c ■ at 10 o’clock Monday morning, 1 i March 19. At that time the Com- t , missioners will sit as a Board of c : Equalization and Review to hear t any complaints about valuation of property for 1956 taxation. « 1 This is t‘he only time the Com- j missioners can legally change valu- 1 ations, so that any complaints < should be registered at this meet- - ing. 1 y.' • ■— < Emu Os Urns Jj -Paul Little of Elizabeth City, ! "■ ' ■■■ Use Os Golf Course At Base Prolonged Indefinite Period Housing Construction* Delayed According To Latest Word Bids for proposed construction of housing at the Edenton Naval Au xiliary Air Station will not be ad vertised in late March or early April as had been anticipated. Con templated revision of the master plan for expansion of the station will cause postponement of the housing construction. This is a reprieve for local golf enthusiasts, who feared imminent construction would destroy the sta tion golf course. Citizens of Eden ton built the course when the sta tion was inactive and still use it in *»>^^^^i»MOewM<W^^waww^e»wv , «vvwvvwvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvi^i««* w Local 4-H Members Join In Celebrating National 4-H Week • / 4 - Hers and Leaders Proud of Accomplish ments During Year Chowan County 4-H Club boys and girls this week are joining oth er rural youth throughout the Unit ed States, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico in observing “National 4-H Club Week.” The observance l>egan Saturday and will last through Sunday, March 11. The theme for this year’s observance is “Improving Family and Community • '?>*■ *j>~>**~ ■ The obserton'ce of. Sfhtjohal 4-H W ae.k in Chowan Codniiy, !ks throughout Nbrth Carolina, will be Vadio programs by club members, school chapel programs, demon stfations of 4-H work, and bring ing to public attention the accom plishments and purposes of the or ganization. The 4-H Club in North Carolina • began in Hertford County in 1909 when I. O. Schaub, who later be came director of the North Caro lina Extension Service, organized a club of boys who grew com. On May 8, 1914, an act of Cortgress, the Smith-Lever Act, created the Agriculture Extension Service, of which 4-H Club work for boys and girls became an integral part. Since thp creation of the Extension Service, millions of boys and girls throughout the United States and its possessions have been given an opportunity to improve their lives by carrying out projects in better farm and home living, by giving demonstrations, and by practicing their ipotto, “To Make The Best Better." During the National Observance of 4-H Week, Chowan 4-H’ers will review their achievements during the past year and study methods of improving their efforts during the current year. The 4-H organization is the world’s largest youth organization. It consists of a million and a half boys and 'girls between the ages of 10 and 21. There are nearly 160,000 members in North Caro lina. Chowan membership consists of 150 girls and 120 boys. Amon£ highlights of 4-H work last 'year were: County Elimina tion Day; 4-H Dress Revue; 4-H Health Pageant; 4-H Chureh Sun day; Achievement Day; 4-H Week ak State College; 4-H Camp -at Mantgo; Wildlife Camp, at Mill stone; Forestry Camp at White Lake; District Elimination Day; District Recognition Day; local, school and County 4-H meetings and, of course, the 4-H project work bjr boys and girls. The 4*9 com and peanut contests sponsor ed by the Edenton Lions Club and Rotary Club, respectively, are al- Sheriff J. A. Bpneh reported to 1 ... . . , . fi An * I cooperation with the Marines. Word that on-base housing had been indefinitely postponed was re ceived last week at Edenton and re layed by Col. H. Lawrence, com ’ manding officer of the station. The informal information originated with Capt. C. J. Sheve, public works officer in the sth Naval Dis trict at Norfolk. Colonel Lawrenxe explained that Edenton and two stations in Cali- 1 fornia were the only installations authorized on-base housing from Defense Department funds. New Federal legislation may provide off-station housing with govern ment participation in the expenses. Details of this particular bill were not available at the Edenton sta tion. »■ - ■ Rotary President j •V' *%■■* m GEORGE ALMA BYRUM - Edenton’s Rotary Club recently elected George Alma Byrum as president to succeed Gerald James. He will be officially installed at the club’s first meeting in July. Seniors Os Edenton Will Present Play Thursday, March 22 Affair Will Be Held In Elementary School Auditorium The Senior Class of the Edenton I Junior-'Senior High School will pre- j sent its annual play in the Ele mentary School auditorium Thurs day night, March 22, at 8. o’clock. The title of this year’s play is “Ah! , Continued on Page S—Section 1 ' yWWVNVWWWWWVX^/VWWWWWX^' At Long Last Chowan County To Erect Memorials Honoring All Who Participated In Wars Flag Poles Proposed At Three County High Schools Appearing before the County Commissioners Monday, John A. Holmes presented a proposition at long last to erect memorials in hon or of Chowan County’s men and women who served with the Armed Forces.- ■ • * Mr. Holmes informed the Com missioners that the American Leg ion and Veterans of Foreign Wars ,had agreed upon a memorial which will be three flagpoles with in scriptions at the baae of each. The flagpoles will be placed at the Commissioners Decide To Proceed With Revalpatipn/ Os Chowan County Property .. ... .... H I FIRST CUB PACK BLUE AND GOLD BANQUET V ! r - In above picture is seen members of the Edenton Cub P parents and friends who attended the first Blue and Gold banquet of the organization. The affair was held in the cafeteria of the Edenton Junior-Senior High School Tuesday night of last week.— (Photo by N. J. George). Caleb White Wins Build World Peace Speaking Contest <s Six Students Partici-j pate In Local School Thursday By EVELYN G. LEARY Caleb White, a senior at Eden ton Junior-Senior High School, was the winner in the Build World Peace Contest of last week in the sclioW gymnasium. He was presented the gold World Peace Key by Mrs. W. J. P. Earn hardt, president of the Edenton Woman’s Club, which sponsors the annual event. International Rela tions Chairman is Mrs. Dan Reaves. Young White won over five oth er contestants including Frances Boyce, Clinton Davis, Estelle Stall ings, Janis Comer and Wayne Keet er. They were introduced by Wayne Emminizer, vice president of the Student Council. The contest is intra-mural and Continued on Page B—Section 1 [legion Birthday] Eld Bond Post of the American 1 Legion and the Legion Auxiliary j will celebrate the Legion’s birth day in the Legion hut Tuesday night, March 13, at 7:30 o’clock. A box supper will feature the par j ty and all members of both organi ’ zations are urged to attend. j three county high schools, the • Edenton Junior-Senior High School, Chowan High School and the Eden ton Colored High School. Mr. Holmes -pointed out that poles can be purchased 40 or 50 feet high and at the bottom of, each will appear a bronze plate anchored in granite bearing the following inscription: “Ererted in honor of men and women of Chowan County who ser ved in the armed forces during the time our country was at war." This, it was pointed out, will em brace those who have participated in all wars. Some years ago when the idea j was advanced to erect a memorial for County Tr.tertis fits' $2,00 Per Year In North Carolina Senior Class Plans Make Northern Trip : '1 Will Visit New York And Washington While Away The Senior Class at Edenton Jun ior-Senior High School is planning an educational trip this spring to Washington, D. C., and New York City. The class has sponsored sev eral projects during the year to raise money in order to decrease the cost of the trip for each person so that every member of the class will be able to make the trip. They are starting on their last project this week by selling cor respondence notes with a sketch of the historic Chowan County Court House. They also have some with a sketch of the Junior-Senior 'high | School building. These notes are ! packaged ten notes to a package ! with envelopes included. » Every member of the Senior class i has the notes to sell. In case they miss you, in their canvass, please ■ get in touch with a member of the ■ class and, in addition to getting . these lovely sketched notes of the Court House, you are helping a senior to make the trip with his class. , , I County Commissioners and Town Council appropriated SSOO each to ward the project However, the two service organizations could not ; | agree as to the type of memorial i j to be erected, so that nothing has :, been done. In the meantime the SI,OOO has - earned $308.26 interest, so that the ' fund now in hand for the parpoee I amounts to 51,308.26, which, Mr- Hoimes stated, woufld cover the eje • pense of the proposed memoirs. The Commigsionens agreed to re . lease the money they appropriated 1 when the order for the poles is read# and a committee from both . service organizations agfrrgve the 1 purchase and it is bslirasi Town : Council - will slow jyl down Wm , AND LlVter I lv ■ JBfrfl =gg=—, ■ , i .x±.i J. N. Pruden Author- J ized to Secure Com petitive Bids Reporting to the County Com missioners Monday about a confer ence attended by W. W. Byrum, j chairman, W. E. Bond and County | Attorney J. N. Pruden, the Com : missioners decided to proceed with revaluation of property in Chowan | County in deference to construct- I ; «ig county offices in the building I recently purchased from T. C. By rum. It was reported that Chowan I County was one of only 13 North I Carolina counties which has not had a recent revaluation of prop erty. It was also pointed out that there is gross inequality in proper ty as now appearing on the County tax books so that the Commission ers took the position that this problem is more important at pres ent than building office space for | county offices. After a lengthy discussion J. N. Pruden was authorized to adver tise for competitive bids for re valuating property on a county wide basis as well as inclusion of a map, which is also a costly phase of revaluation. Continued on Page B—Section 1 Mrs. Edna Reeves Elected As Worthy Matron for O. E.S. New Group of Officers Will Be Installed March 19th At a meeting of Edenton Chap ter No. 302, Order of the Eastern Star, held Mondqg night Mrs. Ed na Reeves was elected worthy ma tron to succeed Mrs. Frances Wil kins. Other officers elected were: Dan Reeves, worthy patron, Mrs. Margaret Stanton, associate worthy matron: Dr. A. M. Stanton, asso ciate worthy patron: Mrs. Ruth Overman, secretary; Mrs. Mary Leary, treasurer. The appointive officers include: Mrs. Peart Harrell, conductress; Mrs. Helen Wood, associate conduc tress; Mrs. Margaret Bell, marshal; Mrs. Edith Bufflap, chaplain; Mrs. Vivian Mooney, organist; Mrs. Lon nie Harrell, Ada; Mrs. Myda Tay lor, Ruth; Mrs. Clara Boswell. Es ther; Mrs. Anita Tarkington, Mar tha; Mrs. June Parker, Electa; Mrs. Lydia Daniels, Warder; Jim my Oglesby, sentinel. ; All of these officers will be in stalled at a meeting to be held Monday night, March 19, at 8 , o’clock in the Masonic Temple. The installation will be in charge of Annie Laurie Mullen of South Mills, Grand Ruth of the Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star. Chapters in the district will be in vited to attend the installation ceremony. ( cmc calendar] Edenton’s BPW Club will spon sor a fashion show in the Masonic Temple Friday night, March 9, at 7 :S0 o’clock. * Edenton PTA will meet in the Junior-Senior High School cafe tens Tuesday night, March 13* at 1 8 o'clock. Chowan County Commissioners ! will git as a Board of Equalizafmn ( and Review in the Court Home Monday morning, March 19, at 1* 1 o’clock. Ed Band Post of the i Legion and the Legion Auxiliary 5 wiH celebrate the Legion's birthday 1 » Tuesday night, March I*. at 709 • o’clock with a box rapper in the i - Legion hut. ' ' r^^gg|| - 2LT* Tuesday j , K Vfrii uuMmam

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