, rvAJAMtMIIir II H vUL/rr JaiT v II Volume XXlll.—Number U. BPW Fashion ShoMFriday Night More SuccesMk Than Fondest Hope Club Members 4 .'U - .... " ■' ■ ■ ' '•■ < _ 4 Masonic Temple Filled' To Capacity For Occasion ‘ By EVELYN G. LEAKY The pre-Easter parade was out in all its glimmering finery Fri day night at the Masonic Temple, when the Edenton Business and Professional Womens Club and merchants staged the most elab orate and glamorous fashion show ever to be held ImEdenton. Love ly models displayed a beautiful ar yay of the latest Spring fashions, along with the usual matching ac cessories to complete Milady's Stunning and well-groomed look. Men’s and boys’ wearing apparel also came into focus for the first time, with models showing up-to date fashion trends that Would please even the most fastidious male. The banquet -robm was filled to capacity and a scene of beauty, with floral arrangements furnished by The Bouquet Shop, Lulu White’s Flower Shop and Boswell’s Florist. Mrs. Percy Smith, chairman of the show, should be highly com mended for the magnificent enter , tainment resulting from her dili gent work. She spared neither time nor effort in working out the numerous details in order to pre sent a show that will long Be re membered* The event was a huge and enjoyable success from begin ning to end. Harry Doggette, of radio station WCDJ, did an excellent job as com mentator. His warm and friendly manner gave confidence to the models and they put on a show worthy of professionaliets as they gmceftdtoa^£alongth^^ Miss Inez relton t president • of the BPW Chib, called on Luther Parks fo* the invocation*; after which a delicious cbickeq salad plate was served by| members of the Eastern! Star. Miss Lena Jones acted as toast mistress and introduced Mr. and Mrs. Harry Doggette,- Mrs. Ernest (Continued on Page 7, Section 1) Sinclair 1956 Farm Show March 19 At Rocky Hock School -4 Everybody Invited to Enjoy Evening of f , Real Pleasure The annual "Sinclair Farm Show will be held on Monday night, Mardh 49, at Rocky Hock School, W. J. Yates, local representative of Sindlair Refining Company, has an nounced* The show will start promptly at 8 o’clock. The main attraction will be an exciting, full-length movie, “The Best Man.’’ The movie combines romance and humor in a suspense ful story with scenes actually film ed at the National Mechanical Corn Picking Contest. Other events in clude a color cartoon, door prizes, Souvenirs and local entertainment by Johnny Lewis and .his Hillbilly Mr. Yates stressed the fact that, as in other years, everyone is wel come. “It’s a show for all ages and it’s all free,” he said, “so we hope the entire family will attend.” . fVtTYI TRIRRIOndjB In Special Session ; THE CHOWAN HERALD [ Joint Meeting ] Plans are fat the making for a joint meeting of Edenton Rotati ons, Lions and Jaycees, with the three dubs much in fsvor of such a meeting. Efforts are being made to se cure Governor Luther Hodges as the principal speaker for the oc casion, so that the date of the meeting wiU depend upon when the Governor can come to Edenton. The Governor will speak on the subject of "Small Business.” . 1 i v Easter Seal Sale Is StartedjnEdeirton Packages of Seals Go Out In Mail Tuesday Os This Week Blue and red Easter Seals—crip pled children’s colorful messengers for 1958—went out to citizens of Chowan County as the Chowan Cquhty Easter Seal Society took the first step in launching the greatest campaign in its history. The campaign, which officially opened March 10 and" continues through April 10, provides an an nual opportunity for residents in Chowan County and across the na tion to contribute financial assist ance for crippled children’s ser vices, according to Ernest J. Ward, Jr., chairman of the 1956 appeal in Chowan County. Funds contributed isl County #fll provide services for crippled childrtii And adultihj this oountr^rPT:7.i-fTjlj; ! store : leaf pine trees. The trees were I secured by arrangements made - with Camp Manufacturing Com ■ pany of Franklin* Va, by Chowan Forest Ranger Frank V. White. The trees were planted in Pem broke Circle, Morris Circle and a ■ few on the Court House Green. t 1 Senior IMPtoy : Thursday,March 22 1 • . v }i , Comedy In Element ary School Begins !| ,AtBP. M. Seniors of the Edenton Junior -1 Senior High School will present their annual play, “Ah! Men!” ! Thursday night, March 22, in the Elementary School auditorium. Curtain time will be 8 o’clock. The play promises to be very entertain ! ing so that those who attend will enjoy an evening of real pleasure. The public is cordially invited to attend. Those who will take part in the play are Estelle Stallings, Dick | Lowe, Faye Haste, Wayne Keeter, , Faye Twiddy, Jackie Byrum, Pat Partin, Terry Bennett, Alma Hard- I ison, Bobby Pratt, Chan Wilson, Kathryn Byrum, Janis Comer, ( Marine Miller, Peggy Halsey, Frances Boyce and Mary Ellis. , The play committees, working | hard to make the play a big suc , cess, include: John Jethro, chair . man of scenery and props; cos | tumes, Lillian Whiteman; publicity, Juanita Hopkins and Marvin Shaw; sound effects, Eddie Stal t lings; make-up, Estelle Perry; pro . grams and tickets, Dick Lowe; lighting system, Larry Tynch; , propmter, Shiriey Langdale. i Federal Funds For Edenton Schools t Local Unit Scheduled To fteceive Total of ; $5;005 i j According to a report from s Washington early this week the 1 Edenton school administration unit . has been certified for payment of $5,005 in federal funds by the U. S. Office of Education. The funds were appropriated due t v to an increased number of children L attending the Edenton school as the • result of Marine families living in ' Edenton. An immediate payment [ of $3,253 wiU h* made, according t to information flom 'Senator Sam I J. Ervin; Jr. '■ . : ..7 . Varsity Club Will | HaveJimTatumAs! Banquet Speaker New UNS Grid Coach Expected to Attract Large Crowd Joe Thorud, president of the Varsity Club, has announced that Jim Tatum, new head football coach at the University of North Carolina, will be the principal speaker at the dub’s annual sports award banquet. The date for the banquet has . been tentatively set for Thursday ■ night, May 10, at which time the Varsity Club will present awards to athletes of the Edenton Junior- Senior High School. Mb. Tatum was a star football player at the University of North Carolina and gained national rec ognition as coach at Oklahoma and Maryland. His presence at the banquet has greatly stimulated in terest in the forthcoming affair, which is expected to draw the lar gest crowd since the sports award banquet was inaugurated. 7th - Bth Graders Play Tournament March 16 And 19 Series of Games Spon sored by Girls Mono gram Club Sponsored by the Girls’ Mono gram Club of the Edenton Junior- Senior High School, a basketball tournament will be held in the school gymnasium Friday and ' Monday nights, March 16 and 19. 1 Games'sthH at 6:30 o’clock. Boys arid girls of thfe seventh ' ahd eighth grades will jiartidipate in the tournament with two tro phies to be presented at the con- • elusion of the tournament. A tro phy will go to the boy and girl 1 judged to be the most outstanding 1 player. 1 Revival Begins In Methodist Church 11 Next Sunday Night t Revival services will begin in the s Edenton Methodist Church Sunday 1 night, March 18, and will continue < throughout the week. The guest speaker will be the Rev. Fred Dup- 1 lissey, pastor of the North Gates i Charge. 1 The pastor of the church, the ’ Rev. J. Earl Richardson, extends a i cordial invitation to the public to attend. The services will begin each night at 7:30 o’clock. j>ew uins uria u>acn « 'pT [Seekingße-electi.nl .Inc Thnrml. |>ri\M• \ Jim Tatum, ip w In-ad fiMvtiall 4 coach at 111'■ I !iivi'i\at\ ni \nitK I , T-X-'*'-y“- 5 *• Carolina, will lie the principal ports award banquet. The date for the banquet has heetl lellltlM T.i 1 f"l Hull d It* HS. ‘ '' _ jjj night'. May !•>. at which time the I ' J? Varsity Club will present, awards I to alhlotes ot the h,(lei,loll Junior I Senior High School. plapfr at the I nr,('rally ol North I mill: H- ’ v r i’’ * oglll'ioy.ri ■ : ‘f r 1 i., IK# Ma ryla ml. His |resenei :,| the I v ' ' h, -111(1111 I In,, y.eany I I I::: IIaI •(I i nil B terest in the forthcoming affair, which is expected to draw the lar- N. ELTON AYDLETT gest crowd since the sports award Announcement was made last banquet was inaugurated. week by N. Elton Aydlett of Eliza- beth City that he will seek re-elec •f ii n _ J Aa ._ tion as Senator from the First Sen /in - otn hraders Play Tournament Aydlett Is Seeking March 16 And 19 Second Term As Series of Games Spon- SCHStOr In DlStfiCt sored by Girls Mono- gram Club Incumbent States His „ - ~ Intention to Run Sponsored by the Girls Mono- _ , gram Club of the Edenton Junior- LtlSl W CCK Senior High School, a basketball tournament will be held in the Elton Aydlett of Elizabeth City, school gymnasium Friday and. Senator for the First Senatorial Monday nights, March 16 and 19. District, last week announced that Gamds'staH at 6:30 o’clock. he will he a candidate for rt-elec'- Boys and girls of the seventh «>e Democratic Primary to ahd eighth grades will participate be held Saturday, May 26. in the tournament with two tro- la announcing his candidacy, phies to be presented at the con- Senator Aydlett had this to say: elusion Os the tournament. A tro- “I w 'sh to express my sincere phy will go to the boy and girl appreciation to the people of the judged to be the most outstanding First Senatorial District for the player. very fine support and vote which they gave me for the State Senate Reviva l Begins In s .,„ eJ MetnOdlSt Church through serving in one session of Next Sunday Night the General Assembly, I feel that _____ I am now better fitted to repre- Revival services will begin in the sent and serve the people of the Edenton Methodist Church Sunday First District in the next Session night, March 18, and will continue of the Legislature, throughout the week. The guest “It will be my purpose at all speaker will be the Rev. Fred Dup- times to protect and promote the lissey, pastor of the North Gates interests of the people of this sec- Charge. tion of North Carolina, as well as The pastor of the church, the the entire State, to the best of my Rev. J. Earl Richardson, extends a ability. I earnestly solicit their cordial invitation to the public to vote and support of my candidacy attend. The services will begin for the State Senate in the corn each night at 7:30 o’clock. ing primary.” ’56 Red Cross Fund Raising Drive Gets Started In Chowan «/ Various Captains An nounced By Dr. A. M. Stanton, Chairman Dr. A. M * Stanton, chairman of the Chowan County Red Cross Chapter, has announced workers for the annual fund raising drive which will be in progress during the remainder of March. Those who will serve are: Treasurer: Louis George Wil kins. Publicity Chairman—Dr. Edward G. Bond. Captains of the various sections: East of Broad and South of Church —Jim Daniels. West of Broad and South of Church—-Mrs. J. C. Leary, Sr. East Broad and North of Church —Mrs. Thomas Cross. West Broad and North of Church —Mrs. A. B. Harless. Morris Circle -and Albemarle Court—Mrs. Wendell Copeland. I Norjkh Edenton—Mrs. W. C. Ccntinred on 6—Section l $2.00 Per Year In North Carolina j TownT urns Thumb DownForChangeln Zoning Ordinance fGettingßeadyl West By rum, Jr., director of the Lions Club 1956 variety show, an nounces that plans are rapidly be ing whipped into shape for the show, which will be presented in the Elementary School auditorium Thursday night, April 5. This year’s show is expected to be bigger and better than any pre vious show sponsored by the club. Mrs. Flynn To Give Demonstration At NCO Wives’ Meet The Fidelis NCO Wives will hold a social meeting Tuesday night, March 20, at 8 o’clock in the game room of the Staff NCO Club. Mrs. Elizabeth Flynn, manager and owner of The Bouquet Shop will give a talk and demonstration on flower arrangement* at this meeting. Mrs. Flynn has been giv ing these talks at different clubs *sd schools throughout Edenton, SUPPORT YOUR RED CROSS !! VtWI HIM ■■"■■( ■ I/l | Service Station to Be > Built at Broad and j*' Gale Streets For the second time Town Coun cilmen at its meeting Tuesday night turned thumbs down on changing the present zoning ordi nance when a petition was ignored asking that the section of North I Broad Street between Gale and Al | bemarle Streets be changed .from I neighborhood business to a strictly I residential area. I Previously the Councilmen refus- I ed to make a change in the status I of West Church Street by refusing I to allow the Bishop Laundry to make additions to its plant. A delegation was present at Tuesday night’s meeting with a pe tition signed by almost 150 citi , zens which requested a change in the zoning ordinance which would prevent the Sun Oil Company from erecting a service station on the corner of Broad and Gale Streets, now occupied by trailers. Spokes men in support of the petition were J. N. Oglesby, Mrs. H. S. Ziegler and Mrs. R. P. Badham, who claim ed the service station would be det rimental to the five churches in the immediate neighborhood, as well as a parish house and funeral home. Another complaint, too, was that it will be necessary to remove five elm trees, thus marring the beauty of the main thoroughfare through Edenton. It was pointed out to those ob jecting to the hew service station that at least two public hearings were held before the zoning ordi nance was finally, adopted and that no complaint had been registered against the block on Broad Street being taken out of the strictly resi dential section. Spokesmen for the petition, however, stated that they knew nothing about the public Hearings nor that the area was placed in the neighborhood busi ness status despite the fact that the hearings were advertised and publicity given to the proposed zon ing ordinance. Present at the meeting were S. O. Southard of Norfolk, district manager for the Sun Oil Company, and Earl Fry, of the Land Depart ment. Both heard the complaints registered and Mr. Southard pre sented a group of pictures of vari ous sites before and after a Sun Oil Company service station was erected to show the improvement made in eaclj case. He stated that the Sun Oil Company has an ex pansion program extending from Continued on Page s—Section 1 [ ovic calendar] State Extension specialists will be in Chowan County Tuesday, March 20, to discuss improved mar keting for vegetables grown in the county. Edenton Boy Scouts will stage a barbecue supper in the armory Tuesday night, March 27, at 7 o’clock to help raise funds to send the Scouts to camp this summer. Varsity Club has tentatively set I Thursday night, May 10, for its annual sports award banquet, with Coach Jim Tatum of the University of North Carolina as the principal 1 speaker. ; Chowan Hospital Auxiliary will - meet in the nurses’ home Friday - afternoon, March 16, at 3 o’clock. ; An Easter egg hunt will be held i at the Edenton Naval Auxiliary i Air Station Saturday afternoon, March 31, at 2 o’clock for children > of Fidelis Club members. Chowan County Commissioners . will sit as a Board of Equalization and Review in the Court House Monday morning, March 19, at 10 o’clock. , Edenton Woman’s Club will eele- L hrate its tenth anniversary at a 1 party scheduled to he held in the > American Legion hat Friday, April e 20. A basketball tournament with r seventh and eighth grade hoys and ? girls participating will he held in 1 the Edenton Junior-Senior High 8 School gymnasium Friday and - Monday nights, March 16 and 3 Games start at iOt o’clock. (Continued on Page 7, Section 1)