f ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXm. —Number 13. Legion Auxiliary ol First District Holdl Meeting In Edenton — ' "■ < Sessions Will Be Held At Legion Hut Tues day, April 3rd • The First District meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary will be . held in Edenton Tuesday, April 3, beginning at 10:30 in the morning. The sessions will be held in the American Legion hut on Highway 17, with an interesting program already formulated. Mrs.' D. A. Simmons of Columbia, district committeewoman, will pre side over the meeting. The principal address for the occasion will be made by Mrs. John W. Hearn, state Department ■president. Special music will be provided by the Edenton unit. Mrs. J. E. Cozzens, president of the local unit, will make the ad dress of welcome. Mrs. Mary Brooks Hoy, Department secretary and treasurer, will bring greetings from the Department. Mrs. J. L. Chestnutt, First Area Vice President, will be recognized, along with other Department chair men including Mrs. R. L. Garrett, area civil defense; Mrs. J. H. Ste vens, area publicity; Mrs. M. L. Wind ley, Pan-American; Mrs. Charles Evens, State membership; Mrs. W. S. Carrawan, national com mitteewoman; Mrs. Paul J. John son, State child welfare chairman, as well as some others. Reports will be presented dur ing the meeting from all units in the district. Lunch will be served at the Leg ion hut by members of the local auxiliary unit. Reiigioijslflipiiisis Week Being Held In Edenton School Last of Series of Pro grams Will Be Pre sented Today In observance of Religious Em phasis Week, the local chapters of the National Honor Society, the Tri-Hi-Y and the Hi-Y are conduct ing a devotion-program eitch morn ing this week for the home room period. Clinton Davis, president of the Student Council, presides each day, assisted by the presidents from the four high school classes. Appropriate programs ranged for each day with ministers making the principal address. The speaker for Monday was Chaplain John Mates. For Tuesday’s pro gram the speaker was the Rev. J. Earl Richardson and on Wednes day the Rev. B. L. Raines spoke. For the program today (Thurs day) the speaker will be the Rev. James MacKerizie. Special music will be rendered by Mrs. Rufus Carraway. Jaycees Sponsor Light Bulb Sale On Friday Night House-to-House Can vass Planned to Raise Money In an effort to raise funds for their organization, Edenton Jay •cees will sponsor a light bulb sale _ Friday night, 'March 30, beginning at6:Bo o’clock. Jayceeswill make house-to-house calls during the evening and they urge everybody in Edenton to check their bulb sup ply and buy whatever may be need- THE CHOWAN HERALD [Fir Start Os Goal] Dr. Edward G. Bond, publicity chairman for the Chowan County Red Cross Chaff*, reports that prospects appear very discourag ing for Chowan reaching its goal in the 1956 Red Cross fund rais ing drive. Os course, the report is not com plete, but as of Tuesday afternoon* of this week Dr. Bond stated that only $936 had been turned in. The county’s goal is $2,962, so that early this week the county was over $2,000 short of the gosl. Both Dr. Bond and Dr. A. M. Stanton, county Red Cross Chairman, urge all canvassers to turn in their re ports at once. Edenton Cotillion Club Is Organized At Meeting Friday Charles H. Wood, Jr., Elected to Serve as President An interested group of citizens met last Friday night at the Pe nelope Barker House for the pur pose of organizing a Cotillion Club in Edenton. After a short discussion of re quirements for eligibility for mem bership (he following officers were elected:. * President, Charles H. Wood, Jr.; rice president, William (Spec) Jones; secretary, Mrs. Ed ward Bond, and treasurer, James Bond. ’ 1 ■ Serving on the board oif directors with the president and vice presi dent will be Dr. Richard Hardin, John lCremer, Richard Hines, Mrs. Herbert Hollowell, Mrs. Jasper Hassell, Mrs. William P. Jones, Mrs. Clarence Britton and Mrs. Ro land Vaughan. A second meetihg will be held soon at which time tlip by-laws will be presented by the directors and additional plans formulated for the year. The group unanimously recom mended that the first club dance be staged in the late spring. Easter Egg Hunt At Base Saturday An Easter egg hunt has been fanned for Saturday afternoon, March 31, at 2 o’clock in the chap el yard at the Edenton Naval Au xiliary Air Station. The affair has been planned for children of Fidelis Club members. OFFICE CLOSED MONDAY Due to the observance of Easter Monday, the town office will be closed all day next Monday, April 2. Any important business should therefore, be transacted according ly- gtaVYVilVifVirwifioiVMV » ■ Unusual Accident Results In Considerable Damage To Cuthrell’s Department Store Part of Building Torn Out as Boom Hits Wire Across Street Considerable excitement develop ed on Broad Street about 9:30 o'clock Tuesday morning when an unusual accident resulted In con siderable damage to the front of Cuthrell’s Department store. Employees of the Edenton Elec tric and Water Department were engaged in putting in place bole* for the new whiteway in the busi ness section, using a high boom to place the poles on cement founda on which the boom is carried was Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, March 29JL956 ; _ Mm Boy Scouts ■noted Tuesday Tight In Armory Troop No. 158 Stages Successful Barbe cue Supper A goodly amount of barbecue was devoured Tuesday night in the Edenton armory, where a barbecue dinner was sponsored by Edenton Boy Scout Troop No. 158, The din ner was held in order to help raise funds with which 'to send the Scouts to camp this summer. Scoutmaster Jack Habit wel * who turned out for the affair and thanked them for their cooperation ki Scouting. He said it was the purpose to take the Scouts to the Blue Ridge Mountains for thei summer encampment and that to pay the bill it will take between S9OO and SI,OOO. Mr. Habit also complimented the Scouts for selling so many tickets for the barbecue supper, especial ly citing the Panther Patrol for turning in $107.44 and particular credit going to Philip Camp, who sold $29 worth of tickets. C. W. Overman led the group in singing “America” and “God Bless 1 America,” after Which brief but interesting skits were presented by the various patrols. Scout Executive Raymond Heck spoke briefly about the summer camp which is located along Sher ando Lake, off the Skyline Drive near Waynesboro, Va. The lake covers 41 acres and Mr. Heck stated that the camp will be ade quately equipped and staffed to tjjke care of the Scouts. New equip ment has been purchased, so that Mr. Heck said the camp will prove very beneficial to the boys. He also showed a number of slides of the camp which were very impress ibe, Mr, Heck aiao paid a glow -1 ing tribute to Scoutmaster Habit, Continued on Page 6—Section 1 Sunrise Service On Court House Green Sunday, April Ist Affair Being Sponsofc ed by Junior Cham ber Commerce Sponsored by the Edenton Jun ior Chamber of Commerce, a sun rise Easter service is scheduled to be held on the Court House Green Sunday morning, April 1, at 6:30 o’clock. An appropriate program is being arranged with the Rev. J. Earl Richardson in charge and it is hop ed many people will turn out for the service. . This is the first sunrise service sponsored by the Jaycees and they have made preparations to furnish transportation for anybody who has no way of getting to the service Anyone desiring transportation is requested to telephone 47 before 6 o’clock Sunday morning. pany building. The wire was stretched across Broad Street sev- I eral years ago and was used for decoration purposes during the Christmas holidays. What was taking place was not known to the i driver of the truck, Bob Brooks, until he felt Hie truck trying to stall. - A portion of the north side of the building -was pulled out with falling bricks badly damaging an expensive metal aiming. A good ly portion of the front of the build ing was also damaged, so that off {hand estimates of repairs ranged {from $7,000 to SIO,OOO. | Fortunately, nq one was hurt by the accident. One woman,Jiowever. J buif hearing the bricks crash on Youngsters In Easter Fashion Show s ? '"irirfrai K a Mali' . Above appears a group of children who participated in the Easter fashion show recently sponsored by the Officers Wives Club. In the back row, left to right, are: Faricy McDonald, Martha By ers, Marsha McVicars and Bonnie Read. Front row, left to right: Kay Hoyle, Judy Wiley, Randall Carpenter, Jimmy McVicars and Brian Read. Better Vegetable Marketing Method Planned In Chowan & ; Meeting Called Tues-| day Night at Rocky Hock School Will vegetable growing be one of our principle sources of farm income in Chowan County area? If so, growers must properly clean, grade and pack their produce to meet market demands and compe tition, specialists say. Vegetable marketing specialists clearly explained the situation to growers on Tuesday night, March 20, at Rocky Hock School. “Competition is keen on the vegetaWe markets today,” said Hugh B. Martin of the State Di vision of Markets. “Vegetables which have been cleaned, graded and packed in even-weighted, at tractive packages are in demand. Vegetables which have not been properly prepared cannot meet the competition. That is the reason for most of the low prices on our vege tables. “You have only three alterna tives as I see it,” Martin explained. “One, continue as you are, do noth ing and take the consequences. Two, grade and pack for those who wish and continue your present auction system of selling. Third, go all out for good marketing. Do away with the auction system, sell F. 0.8. graded products in stand ardized packs. “The third system is my recom mendation to you,” Mr. Martin said. “But, you must have a large number of growers who will stick together and a good volume of pro duce moving through to make it economical and efficient. If Tom waits for Dick, Dick waits for Har ry and Harry waits for Tom you better stop right now. But, if you growers will bind yourselves to- Continued on Page B—Section 1 Good Friday Service At Methodist Church The Rev. #. Earl Richardson, pastor of the Edenton Methodist Church, announces that a Good Fri day service will be held in the church on 'March 30. The service will be held at 8 P. M., to which the public is cordially invited to attend. (civic calendar] An Easter sunrise service will be held at the Center Hill Baptist Church Sunday morning, April 1, ’at 6 o’clock. Spring term of cnowan Superior Court will convene Tuesday, April 3rd. Edenton Woman’s Club will cele brate its tenth anniversary at a party scheduled to be held in the American Legion hut Friday, April 20. Chowan County Farm Bureau will meet tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 o’clock at the Chowan Com munity Building. The spring term of Chowan Su perior Cotart will convene In the Court House Tuesday morning, April 3,' at 10 o’clock. SkSSTT - • - I Elected President "] ■ V-. ® {■' ’ taw, ' BILLY BUNCH fn Williamston Friday Billy Bunch was elected president of the Eastern District of the North Car olina Student Council Congress. Easter Egg Hunt Is Planned For Marine Children On Sunday Youngsters Will Gath er on Theater Lawn At 2:30 O’clock Plans are about completed for an elaborate Easter egg hunt which will be held at the Edenton Naval Auxiliary Air Station on Easter Sunday, April 1, at 2:30 o’clock. The affair will be held on the lawn at the station theatre. Parents are requested to bring six colored hard boiled eggs for each child participating in the hunt. A gift will be given each child and an extra prize will go to the child finding the gold and sil ver eggs in four age groups. On the committee arranging the Easter egg hunt are Mrs. H. D. Hoyle, Mrs. D. E. Wiley, Mrs. Ralph Engemann, Mrs. Anne Bax ter, Mrs. Irene Lawrence and Mrs. Pat Taylor. Chowan Senior Class Play Friday Night Plans have been completed by seniors of Chowan High School for presentation of their annual play in the school auditorium Friday night, March 30, with the curtain sched uled to rise at 8 o’clock. The play, “Huckleberry Finn, Detective,” is difected by C. A. White and includes the following cast of characters: Judy Knight, Sidney Perry, Wallace Evans, Stu art Hollowell, Mary Louise Nixon, Vida Lane, Carolyn Lane, Thelma Lane, David Bateman and Earlene Parks. The public is cordially invited to’attend: ~ .. Cub Scouts Hold “Bottom Os Sea” Meeting At School Cafeteria Takes on the Appearance of Davy Jones’ Locker Cub Scouts of Eddnton’s Pack 159 met at the “Bottom of the Sea” Tuesday evening. Their meeting actually took place in the Edenton Junior-Senior High School cafeteria. Decorations and displays for the oceanic theme transformed the high school lunch room into a model of Davy Jones’ locker. The regular monthly Pack meet ing started at 6:30 o’clock—4s min utes earlier than usual —to avoid conflict, with the Boy Scout Troop 156 barbecue that same evening. Lt. Col. R. R. Baker, Cubmas ter, announced that the April theme will he “Cub Scout Bird Watchers.” Dens will meet weekly during April to prepare skits and displays in connection with the theme about birds. The following Cubs received awards at Tuesday’s meeting: Den No. 1: Donny Baker, Wolf; Bobby Breeze, Wolf; Charles Driv er, Denner Stripe. Den No. 2: Brace Richardson, Denner and Wolf; Buddy Acker man, Assistant Denner and Wolf; Gary Sparks, Denner and Wolf; Roy Dorset, Assistant Denner and Wolf. Den No. 3: Charles Autos, Bear, Gold Arrow, Lion and two year Service Star; Haines Stephen, Bear; Lee Griswold, Silver Arrow and two-year Service Star; Jim Quicksa'll, Gold Arrow and Silver Arrow; George Wilkins, Denner; Jim Elliott, Assistant Denner. Den No. 4: Billy Driver, Assist ant Denner, Gold Arrow and Lion; Michael Miranda, Denner and Sil " ver Arrow; Hugh Hamhric, Lion ( and Gold Arrow; Nicholas Zabit chuck 11, 2 Silver Arrow. ben No. 5: Charles Wood. As sistant Denner, Wolf, Gold Arrow and Silver Arrow; John Bunch, Wolf, Gold Arrow, Silver Arrow and Denner; Tom Phillips, Gold Arrow, 2 Silver Arrow; Bobby Fal- 1 iis, Gold Arrow; Guy Hobbs, Jr., Gold Arrow. Den No. 6: Thomas M. Leary, Denner. Den No. 7: Douglas Sexton, Bear, Gold Arrow, 3 Silver Arrow; Jim Pittman Partin, Denner and Bear; Douglas Twiddy, Bear, Gold Arrow and Silver Arrow'. Den No. 8: Phil Harrell, Silver Arrow; Bill Ross, Silver Arrow; Ed Jenkins, Wolf; Robert Whitten, Lion. Larry Lowe Elected Outstanding Pledge At State College Larry T. Lowe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Low'e, Route 3, Edenton, was recently elected the most outstanding pledge of his pledge class of the Sigma Phi Epsi lon social fraternity at North Car olina State College. Larry is a sophomore in mechanical engineer ing. Albert G. Bym Intention To As Chowan F ♦ Ripple Is Made In Lo cal Political Waters On Monday A ripple in Chowan County’s po litical waters was caused Monday of this week when Albert G. By rum filed with the Chowan County Board of Elections as a candidate for Chowan’s representative in the North Carolina General Assem bly. Mr. Byrum is the first candidate to file for office in the primary election to be held Saturday, May 26. The final day for a candidate to file for office in the election is before noon on Saturday, April 14, which is the sixth Saturday before the primary. Prospective candi dates should note the new deadline hour for filing which previously Continued on Page 7—Section 1 $2.00 Per Year In North Carolina' Mrs. Harry and Mrs. Hardin Heading Up 1956 Cancer Drive • ♦ [Court Postponed) Clerk of Court E. W. Spires was notified Monday of this week by Judge J. Paul Frizelle of Snow Hill that the spring term of Chowan Superior Court will convene Tues day morning, April 3, instead of Monday, April 2, as previously scheduled. The postponement for a day is due to the observance of Easter Monday. Sheriff J. A. Bunch has notified all jurymen of the change. Marine Narrowly Escapes Injury In An Airplane Crash Lt. Martin E. Salter, Jr., Crashes During Training Mission Marine Ist Lieut. Martin E. Sal ter, Jr., escaped injury Friday af ternoon when the fighter-bomber which he was flying crashed in a field. The accident occurred ap proximately 10 miles northeast of the Edenton Naval Auxiliary Air Station, where Lieutenant Salter is stationed. The informational services offi cer at the Marine Base said it was a routine training mission and there were no passengers in the AD Skyraider aircraft. Immedi ately after the accident, the Marine pilot jumped from the cockpit and ran to a safe distance from the wreckage. > Cause of the accident has not been determined. Lieutenant Salter, his wife and three children live on Mexico Road near Edenton. Woman’s Club Will Sponsor Bake Sale Is Planned to Provide Cakes and Candies ForEaster The Edenton Woman’s Club will hold a bake sale at the P & Q Super Market on Broad Street Fri day, March 30, beginning at 9:00 A. M. Mrs. Robert Boyce, chair man of this ways and means pro ject, points out that the club is having this sale on Good Friday so that people will be able to buy home-made and home-baked pas tries, cakes and candies for Easter. LIONS CALL OFF MEETING Edenton Lions Club will not melt next Monday night, April 2, due to the observance of Easter Monday. The club will resume regular meet ings the following Monday night. nm Announces Be Candidate Representative Auditions Called For Lions Show Variety Show Will Be Presented Thursday Night, April 5 West Byrum, Jr., chairman of the Edenton Lions Club’s Variety Show, announces that auditions will be held on Thursday night of this week for the members of the cast of the show to be presented .Thurs day night, April sth. An excellent show has been lined up for the ebening and all of tyose who have not been contacted or have not registered at the radio station are invited to be present at the audition on Thursday night. ' '" I BUY EASTER SEALS ! # Local Campaign Will Be Launched Mon day, April 2 The month-long educational and | fund-raising crusade of the Chowan ] County Chapter of the American ; Cancer Society will be launched oh j Monday, April 2. Its goals are to reach every per- j son in Edenton and Chowan Coun- 1 ty with life-saving facts about can- i cer and to raise $1,600 here for re* -j search, education and service to patients. The local campaign is sponsored byj the Menton Woman’s Club. ■ Mrs. W. T. Harry and Mrs. Rich ard Hardin are serving as co-chair men for the county campaign, and all of the members of the Women’s Club act as volunteer workers. Mrs. West Byram. Jr., is directing the campaign in the raral areas ] through the Home Demonstration Clubs. Mrs. Ella Foxwell, presi dent of Junior Woman’s Club, is directing the campaign among col ored people. April was designated as Cancel? Control Month by Congress, and in proclamations by President Eisen hower, Governor Hodges, and May or Kehayes the public is urged to give full support to the ASC cam paign. “In the face of the rise in inci dence of cancer, expansion of the over-all attack on it, demands more funds than ever before,” Mrs. Har din said. “Despite the increase in such incidence, we know that en couraging progress is being made in saving lives from the nation’s no. 2 killer. “ASC doctors tell us that with greater effort, and especially through earlier detection of cancer, it will be possible to save twice as many as the 80,000 persons esti mated to have been saved from it in this country in 1955. “During the last decade much The guests were Lt. Col. and Mrs. progress has been made against cancer through research. Improv ed methods of diagnosis and treat ment are saving more, lives annual ly. And there are many promising leads toward wider and better con trol. Yet the American Cancer So ciety is compelled each year to re ject worthwhile research projects because of lack of funds. Last year scientists sought a total of $8,782,146 in research grants, but the Society could supply only $5,- 916.62. Sunrise Services Easter Sunday At Center Hill Church Public Invited to At tend Program at 6 O’clock An Easter sunrise service will be held at the Center Hill Baptist Church Sunday morning, April 1, at 6 o’clock. The Rev. B. L. Raines will preside, with the fol lowing program announced; Music meditation by Mrs. Wil bur Privott, pianis f . hymn, “At tha I Cross” by the congregation; invo cation by the Rev. L. Chandler; special music by the Rocky Hock Youth Choir; welcome by Joe Wig gins; Scripture reading by the Rev. C. G. Chappell; prayer by the Rev. Ralph W. Knight; hymn, “Why Shoufld He Love Me ’So?” by tha congregation; special music, by the Center Hill Choir, “Christ Is Ris en Today”; message by the Rev. P. W. Porter; hymn, “Christ Arose’* by the’ congregation; benediction by the Rev. Lee A. Phillips. This will be an interdenomina tional service for churches of Cho- 1 wan County and the public is cotw ■ dially invited to attend. BANK CLOSED MONDAY I The Bank of Edenton will b«|| closed all day April 2 in observance 1 of feast* Monday. Important .4 banking business should, be transacted accordingly. * " J

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