NEWSPAPER Published in CHOWAN COUNTY VolumeXjfn^^umberW. Stage Set For / Lions Variety Show Tonight Curtain Scheduled to Rise Promptly at 8 O’clock * Final arrangements have been completed for the ninth annual Edenton Lions Club show to be held tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock in the Edenton Elementary School auditorium. Douglas Ames of radio station WCDJ will be master of cere monies while Lt. Jim Bowers will > be production manager and Con leth MacDonald will be musical di rector. An excellent variety show has been planned for the evening. West Byrum, Jr., chairman of the show, is well pleased with the progress that has been made in selecting talent in Edenton and Chowan County, including the Edenton Naval Auxiliary Air Sta tion, and feels that those who at tend will have a real treat in store for them. The Edenton Lions Club uses the receipts from this show for blind rehabilitation and conservation of sight in Edenton and Chowan County. Last year several pairs of glasses were purchased for needy children and several children were sent to clinics for eye treat ment. The program for the evening follows: Lt. Jim Bowers, “You’ll Never Walk Alone”- The Tailfuse “7”, “When the Saints Go Marching In”; The Starllghters, “Shh Boom and Angels in the Sky”; Bibb Swain and Faye Spencer, Song and Dance Routine; Sunny White, “Dungaree Doll”; Bill Davenport, “Tutti Fruitti”, Heartbreak Hotel”; Chowan Rhythmettes, “Band of Gold”; Lt. Jerry Phillips, Comical lirtpersonatl’hs; Conleth MacDon ald, “Bumble Eodgit;"; Tailiuso “7“,- “Darktown Strutters Hall”; Lewis Evans and His Uke, “This (Me House”; Pat and Jack Mooney, ‘‘Daddy Dear”; Tailfuse “7”, “Five Continued on Page s—Section 1 8 Jurymen Selected For Term Superior Court April 30th Only Civil Cases Will Be Scheduled to Be Tried With the May term of Chowan Superior Court scheduled to con vene Monday, April 30, Chowan County Commissioners on Tuesday chose from the jury box 35 names who will be summoned for jury ' duty during the term. This term will be for civil cases only with Judge J. Paul Frizelle of Snow Hill scheduled to preside. Those picked for jury duty in clude: D. F. Hopkins, R. F. Jordan, C. B. Mooney, Bertram Byrum, M. L. Bateman, Walter Humphlett, Rus sell Byrum, Louis George Wilkins, M. A. Hughes, Herman Layden, Jr., W. D. Garris, William R. Ash ley, L. E. Bateman, R. C. Nixon, D. E. Copeland, Marvin Smith, Lindsey H. Bunch, Roland Ashley, George C. Swain, Jesse L. 'Byrum, Ralph E. Parrish, Elton Morris, Earl White, C. C. Bunch, Allison H. Campen, Clarence Bass, W. H. Parker, Carroll A. Evans, John A. Bunch, Clarence Bunch, Wendell H. Copeland, Herbert Sutton, G. Louis Goodwin, McKay Washington and Horace M. Basnight. Petition Is Signed*For State Take Over Road • In Westover Heights I Chowan Commissioners at their meeting Tuesday morning received a request to petition the N. C. Highway and Public Works Con? mission to take over, a road i# Westover Heights. The petition balls for grading and I hard-surfacing. the road leading , from U. S. Route* 17 and connect ing the road at the rear of the pro ject. The road is approximately £ feet, long with 10 houses al ready buut< * ; THE CHOWAN HERALD ( 1956 YEARBOOK J m ■Bp l7 " * i I */ A* f* *Y/i In top picture Mayor Ernest P. Kehayes is presented a copy of “The Edentonian” by Frances Boyce, editor-in-chief, at special ceremonies held Thursday morning in the Junior-Senior High School gymnasium. Bottom picture shows Mrs. W. H Hollowell, Jr., for whom the annual was dedicated this year, being presented a copy of the book by Wayne Keeter, president of the Senior Class. —(Evelyn Leary Photos). 1956 Yearbook Os Jr.-SrJglrScbool is-Now Distributed \ Surprise Program Is Held In Gymnasium Last Week * _ The 1956 issue of Edenton Jun ior-Senior High School yearbooks “Edentonian” arrived last week and a surprise program was held in the gymnasium Monday afternoon, March 26, to celebrate the occas ion. Frances Boyce, editor-in-chief of the annual, unveiled a large book-shaped frame in which she ex plained the theme of the book and told about the work of the staff during the year. The frame was constructed by Albert Ward and Wayne Keeter printed the cover page. Members of the staff are: Frances Boyce—Editor-in-Chief. Alma Hardison —Business mana ger. Wayne Keeter—Art editor. Faye Haste—Organizations edi tor. Pat Partin—Organizations edi- Continued on Page s—Section 1 Truck Driver On Rampage Damages Nine Automobiles On Broad Street Monday < Hertford Man Facing Three Charges In Recorder’s Court ——— • In a brief but wild ride on Broad Street Monday night Joe Edgar Copeland, 51, of Hertford, damag ed nine automobiles before his pick up truck stopped. Copeland, driving south on Broad Street first, hit a car parked in front of the Colonial store. He swerved in and oat until his truck finally came to a stop against an other car in front of the Citizens Bank building after nine cars were hit and pushed together, doing con siderable damage to the rear ends and sides of the cars. ; The accident occurred, about 7 o’clock when many people were at tending the Taylor Theatre so that the parking area was filled with cars. Continued on *geS, See*. 1 Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, April 5,1956. About Half County Drainage Work Is Completed To Date $17,292.70 Is Spent In Opening Swamps And Creeks Chowan County has completed just about half of the drainage work for which federal funds were allocated as the result of damage done by last year’s hurricanes. For this work the government grant was $35,280 and up to this week $17,292.70 was spent, leav ing a balance of $17,787.30. Work already done in the county includes the following: Pembroke Creek, $7,415.25, Mid dleton Creek, $1,343; Black Hall Swamp, $1,911.05, Rocky Hock Creek, $6,623.40. LIONS MEET MONDAY Edenton Lions Club will meet Monday night, April 9, at 7 o’clock. Last week’s meeting was called off due to observance of Easter Mon day so that President Al Phillips urges every member to make a special effort to attend. > - ——-Tnrrr.- Bids Sought ) W. J. Yates and Joe Webb, Jr., members of the Chowan Fire Com mission, appeared before the Coun ty Commissioners Tuesday in the interest of purchasing a truck and equipment for fighting rural fires. They were authorized to secure bids for the truck needed, as well as equipment, and report at the next meeting of the County Com missioners. Money has been com ing in from the special fire pro tection tax and it is believed ar rangements can 'be made to pur chase the equipment. TAX COLLECTIONS Sheriff J. A. Bunch reports that 1966 taxes collected in March amounted to $6,918.76. oTtal taxes collected to date amount to $164,788.48. 1 Willie Elton Taylor Given 20-22 Years % On Murder Charge I * 1 Warning! ] v Chowan County Commissioners on Tuesday ordered Sheriff J. A. Bunch to advertise delinquent 1955 I tax payers. The delinquent list will be posted at the Court IHouse Monday, May 7, and will be pub lished in The Herald Thursday, May 10. Delinquents are, therefore, urged to pay -their taxes before the dead line in order to save both embar rassment and extra expense. Junior High School Chorus To Present Play On April 13th 60 Pupils to Take Part In “It Happened In Holland” The Junior High School Chorus of the Edenton Junior-Senior High School will present the operetta “It Happened in Holland”, on the night of Friday, April 13, in the Elemen tary School auditorium. This will be the school’s first dramatic musi cal production since “Miss Cherry blossom,” which was given in 1953, and will be the first ever attempt ed here with a cast and chorus drawn from the seventh and eighth grades only. “It Happened In Holland,” as its I , name indicates is a Dutch story, I and involves a cafct and chorus of. 60 Junior High pupils. The set tings, by George Gelbach and his Stagecraft Club, promise to be unique and interesting. The pro duction is under the direction of Mrs. Alice Belch and Mrs. Mary L. Browning of the school faculty. The hour is 8 o’clock and a small admission will he charged. RESTAURANT ROBBED Thieves some time Thursday night broke into the Boswell Res taurant on the Windsor highway and made away with a large quan tity of cigarettes. Edenton police have found 28 cartons of the stolen cigarettes, but have made no ar rests. An Edentonian In Disguise j gfSSpV:*' A' ■* P-■ P: ' a- ■ >#? • ' ' ' I ■* rt . R I M; •-;//' As deceiving; ms it may be, the above picture is none other than Thomas Chears, Jr., an Edentonian now practicing law in Manteo. Mr. Chears is doing his part tbward making sure the Dare Coast Pirates’ Jamboree, starting April 27, has the appropriate atmo sphere, for he has one of the finest beards among the many that are being raised for the occasion. It is reported that on a recent visit to his mother-in-law in Edenton, Mrs. J. A. Powell, she was rather reluctant to alluiw him to enter the house Until someone proved his identity, | (Only Criminal Action Tried In Spring Term 1 Os Superior Court Judge J. Paul Frizelle of Snow I Hill opened the spring term of Cho- I wan Superior Court promptly at 10 o’clock Tuesday morning. The 1 term began a day late due to the observance of Easter Monday. W. T. Harry was chosen as fore man of the Grand Jury which, aside I fom Mr. Harry, included the fol lowing: Brice Everett Ashley, Ralph Peele, T. O. Asbell, K. L. Perry, M. L. Evans, F. A. Jordan, G. T. King, Ralph W. Blades, Den nis W. Basnight, Lloyd Bass, Os car R, Layden, Leslie Jackson, James Jordan, C. D. Bunch, Wil liam M. Morris, J. R. Byrum and J. N. Jordan. In charging the Grand Jury Judge Frizelle said there was nev er a finer opportunity to serve the county and state than serving on a Grand Jury. “Some people,” said the judge, “think that the only qualification to be a member of the Grand Jury is to have enough in- Continned on- Page s—Section 1 Final Plea Is Made For Easter Seals Hoped County’s Goal Will Be Reached By April 10 A final plea is going out to eiti- I zens of Chowan County who have not yet made their contributions to . the 1956 EasterSeal.campaign. Ernest jf. Ward, Jr., president’ of the Chowan 'County Society, Urges residents of Chowan County to par ticipate in the annual campaign so that the society’s goal might be reached by April 10. “So much depends upon the suc cess of the appeal,” Ward declared. “The future of every crippled child in North Carolina is at stake. The Chowan County Society has ac complished tremendous strides throughout the years, and as new advances in treatment for the han dicapped are made, we must keep in step with them, providing the best possible services. All of us can give our crippled children a new lease on life by contributing to their welfare today.” ( UNUSUAL EDENTON ACCIDENT ) * mmmwm mmiK Jii JVEfln Above is seen (he hoom on an Electric and Water Department truck which hit a wire extending across Broad Street from Cuth rell’s Department Store to the Hughes-Parker Hardware Store Tuesday morning of last week The wire was used for Christmas decorations and pulled out a portion of the Cuthrell building and falling bricks ruined a metal awning. Nobody was hurt in the acci dent and damage was estimated at several thousand dollars. -—(Evelyn Leary Photo.) — —^wwwwwwvwv^v Local Credit Union Victim Os Daylight Robbers Last Week P SIOO Boost 1 V Chowan Commissioners on Tues day made an appropriation of SIOO toward the expense of staging an other Fat Stock Show and Sale in Chowan County. The first of these affairs, sponsored by the Edenton Junior Chamber of Commerce, was held last year and proved very suc cessful. This year the Jaycees, with the experience gained, feel certain art even more successful show and sale will be held. Easter Sunrise Service Attracts Large Crowd With ideal weather prevailing Sunday morning a goodly number gathered on the Court House Green to attend the Easter Sunrise Ser vice sponsored by the Edenton Jun ior Chamber of Commerce. Various ministers took, part in the service and an appropriate and very interesting message was de livered by the Rev. Ralph W. Knight, pastor of Ballard’s Bridge Baptist Church. BOV BREAKS LEG Claude Barnett, a member of the ninth grade at the Edenton Junior | Senior High School, had the mis fortune to break a leg in an acci dent at the school Wednesday of last, week. The accident occurred while the boy was playing soccer. He was admitted to Chowan Hospital, where, the leg was put, in a cast and later released. He is now getting along as well as can be expected. Fire Alarm And Sprinkler System To Be Constructed At Auxiliary Air Station <3* Bids Will Be Received Until 2 P. M. Tues day, May 1 The Bureau of Yards and Docks, Department of the Navy, has is -1 sued an invitation for bids to in stall fire alarm and sprinkler sys tems at the Edenton Naval Au xiliary Air Station. Sealed bids in duplicate for furn ishing all labor, equipment and ma terials and performing all work for \ the project will be received until 2 P. M., Tuesday, May 1, in the Dis trict Public Works Office, Fifth Naval District, U. S. Naval Base, Norfolk, Va. The fire alartn system shall in clude an outdoor and indoor coded J system, evacuation alarm systems, in 18 buildings connected to the j coded system, and supervision of | the sprinkler system in three build-1 Continued ©n *—l $2.00 jPerJYear In North Carolina - i Two Men Force Clerk Into Back Room at Gun Point 1 Edenton on Wednesday afternoon | of last week experienced a daring daylight holdup, when two Negroes ‘ at gun point made away with about i $l4O from the Chowan Credit Un ■ ion office on South Broad Street. According to reports the two Ne ' groes entered the office and asked Gladys Morring, a clerk, if she could change a $lO bill. She told them she could, hut was then told the bill was left in the car. Upon , re-entering the office a gun was pointed at her and she was ordered ! to go into a back room and not come out until they were gone. Be fore the Negroes re-entered the of fice Miss Morring became some what suspicious and hid some of the money, so that only $l4O was rea lized by the robbers. Continued on Page s—Section 1 Edenton PTA Will Meet On April 10 The Edenton Parent-Teacher As sociation will hold its regular monthly meeting Tuesday night. April 10, in the Elementary School auditorium at 8 o’clock. W. T. Harry, program chairman, has an nounced that there will be a musi cal program furnished by the high school band. Preceding the meet ing, there will bp a Board meeting at 7 o’clock in the faculty room. Members of the National Honor ‘ Society will serve as baby sitters, so that it is hoped a large number of PTA members will attend. - , More Vaccine | - —p Dr. B. B. McGuire, District Health officer, reports that the Health Department has received another limited supply of polio vaccine The vaccine will be giv en to children on a first come first served basis. Edenton hours for administra tion of the vaccine will be Monday l afternoons from 2 to 3 o’clock and Friday afternoons from 1 to 5 o’clock. 52 JAILED IN MARCH Jailer Herman White reports that during March 52 persons were j placed in the Chowan County jail . with confinements ranging from j one to 31 days. The cost amount |ed to $472.11 which includes jail I and turnkey fees, scouring the jail, telephone 'bill and soap and powder. 1 y: I —^ BUY ► EASTER , SEALS {Cancer Drive Is Under'Way .To Get SI6OO . Volunteers Will Make House-to-House Canvass After weeks of preparation, vol unteers got into action this week in the American Cancer Society’s 1956 educational and fund-raising crusade. Nationally that organiza tion is seeking $26,000,000 this | year for its three-front cancer con- I trol program of medical and scien j tific research, public and profes | sionai education and service to pa- I tients. The quota for Chowan County is | $1,600. i Many of the volunteers began a door-to-door canvass of homes throughout the city, in most cases being assigned to their own neigh borhoods or to other areas with which they are familiar. Others set out to canvass offices, industrial plants and stores. “Fight cancer with a check-up and a check” is the slogan for the 1956 campaign. “Besides soliciting funds, our volunteers are carrying on a vital educational drive,” Mrs. Richard Hardin declares. “At every house and business establishment visited they are leaving life-saving litera ture. This material accents hope and assurance in the cancer fight. It points out the great importance of periodic' health examinations as a safeguard against that disease, and tells of cancer’s seven danger signals. “The fine spirit of all those tak ing part in the campaign promises complete success for it. We con fidently rest our case against can cer on their efforts and on the con cern of the people of Chowan Coun ty in saving lives from man’s crud est enemy.” Proposalsßeceived For Revaluation Os Propertyln County Committee Will Soon Set Up Specifica tions For Bids Chowan County Commissioners at their meeting Tuesday morning reported receipt of sealed proposals from four or five concerns to re value property in Chowan County and to furnish a map. The proposals were turned over to the Revaluation Committee, com posed of J. N. Pruden, Philip Mc ' Mullan, William P. Jones, Ernest Ward, Jr., and West Byrum, who will immediately open the propos als and after making a careful study prepare specifications to be submitted for bids. The Commissioners are very an xious to get the revaluation work started as soon as possible. MASONS MEET TONIGHT Unanimity Ix)dge No. 7, A. F., & A. M., will hold a stated com munication tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. Ernest Kehayes, mas ter, urges a large attendance in or der to consider holding a banquet in the very near future, as well as making preparations for confer ring the third degree at a Masonic school of instruction which will be held in the Edenton lodge room in May. civic calendar] W •> Edenton Lions Club will present a variety show in the Elementary School auditorium tonight (Thurs day) at 8 o’clock. The Junior High School Chorus of the Edenton Junior-Senior High School will present the operetta “It Happened it Holland,” Friday night, April 13, at 8 o’clock in the Edenton Elementary School audi torium. Town Council will hold its April meeting in the Municipal Building Tuesday night, April 10, at 8 o’clock. The Edenton Parent-Teacher As sociation will meet Tuesday night, April 10, at 8 o’clock in the Ele mentary School auditorium. Continued o» Piaffe jetton t__