Kt ONLY NEWSPAPER II PUBLISHED IN |L CHOWAN COUNTY i Tdume^C^llL—dumber 15 = Machinery In IVBtion For Election Which Is Kheduled To Be Held Saturdl?,May26 Deadline For Candi dates to File Is Noon Saturday, April 14 According to L. S. Byrum, chair man of the Chowan County Board of Elections, machinery has been set up for the Primary election scheduled to be held Saturday, May 26. Registrars and judges have been appointed to supervise the election and are as follows: East Edenton Precinct —Mrs. Al bert Cullipher, registrar; judges, Walter M. Wilkins and William Cozart. The voting place is at the Court House. West Edenton Precinct—Mrs. George Hoskins, registrar; judges, Mrs. Oscar Duncan and M. A. Hughes. The voting place is at the Municipal Building. Rocky Hock Precino t—W. H. . Pearce, registrar; judges, W. H. Saunders and Jack Bunch. The voting place is at Henry Bunch’s store. Center Hill Preoinct —Ralph Goodwin, registrar; judges, R. H. Holiowell and E. D. Byrum. The voting place is at Elliott Belch’s of fice. Wardville Precinct—T. A. Berry man’. registrar; judges, Jennings Bunch and Melvin Copeland. The voting place is at Herbert Peele’s store. '.yeopim Precinct—T. J. Hoskins, Sr.,, registrar; judges, T. J. Hos kins, Jr., and J. A. Webb, Jr. The voting place is at Harry Perry’s store. . Registrars will sit at the various polling places for three Saturdays, April &8, May 6 and 17, frpm 91 A. M., until sunset for the purpose, of registering voters ~and btTsat-' urdajt, Mdy IS, MjA ajgafh sisc f ai the polling .placds froih 9 A. M., to 3 P. M„ for the purpose of chal lenging any voter. Polls will be open»on election day from 6:30 A. M., to 6:30 P. M. Up to Tuesday of this week only two candidates filed with the Cho wan County Board of Elections. These were Albert G. Byrum for Chowan County’s Representative in tjie N. C. General Assembly, and Raleigh Peele for re-election as County Commissioner. Other offices to be filled in the election are: District Senator, Dis trict Solicitor, Register of Deeds, County Commissioners, Judge of Recorder’s Court, Prosecutor of Re corder’s Court, County Treasurer and Coroner. The deadline for prospective can didates to file in order to partici pate in the election is Saturday, April 14, at noon. Junior High School Chorus Will Present “It Happened In Holland” Friday Night At 8 < Youngsters Expected -To Present Interest mg Program The Junior High Chorus of Edenton Junior-Senior High School makes its first step into the field of musical idrama when it presents the operetta “It Happened in Hol land” Friday night, April 13, at 8 o’clock in the Elementary School auditorium- Edenton’s patrons of school entertainment remember the High School Glee Club’s musical comedy productions of former years: “Miss Cherryblossom,” “The Belle Os Barcelona”, “Gypsy Rov er” and others, and it is under stood that “It Happened in Hol land” will compare favorably with these past performances, in spite Kiat the 60 members ind chorus are all s Junior High ’School a tdlls of Julianna, wealthy dutch Burg* (•earn* she-ia lonely id, agrees to change THE CHOWAN HERALD Pre-School Clinics Scheduled Be Held In Chowan County e Health Department Is Prepared to Give Vaccinations Dr. B. B. McGuire, Health Officer, announces a sched ule for pre-school clinics through out the district which began Mon day of this week and will continue until May 15. Dr. McGuire says some children are not on his list so that if par ents of any child in the district whose sixth birthday will occur on or before October 15, 1956, should fail to receive a note from the Health Department, the children should be taken to one of the clin-. fcs. In many instances at these clin ics the Health Department will be prepared to give at least one dose Lions Urge Support Os Appropriation At Edenton Air Station Resolution Sent Her bert Bonner, Sam Er vin andTCerr Scott At the Lions Club meeting Mon day night West Byrum, Jr., chair man of the Lions Variety. 'Show i which whs' presented Tnurtday night, expressed his sincere appre ciation to all of the partlcipahtA and members of the Lions Club who helped stage the'show, which was the most successful evei 1 held by the club. Other members of the rommittee included Ray Childers, N. J. George, Milton Bass, R. W. Leary, Jr., Cecil Fry, James Grif fin, T. B. Williford, R. R. Baker, Bruce Jones and Ernest J. Ward, Jr. During the meeting certificates of membership were presented to R. R. Baker, James Griffin and Ray Childers by President A1 Phil lips. The club voted to send a resolu 1 tion to Congressman Herbert C. Bonner and Senators Kerr Scott and Sam J. Ervin, Jr., requesting them to support federal legislation concerning appropriations for the local U. S. Naval Auxiliary Air Station. • AAAru-uvvvu*M*»* * Coming In Slow] l ~— Mrs. Richard Hardin, co-chair man of the 1956 cancer campaign in Chowan County, reports, that from initial returns up to early this week $350 had been collected in the drive. Os course, the report is far from complete. The quota for Chowan County is $1,600 and those interested in the campaign hope that amount ’will be realised during the drive. Citi zens are urged to contribute gener ously in helping to wipe out the killer cancer. [civic calendar] The Junior Hirh School Chorus of the Edenton Junior-Senior High School will present the operetta' “It Happened it Holland,” Friday night, April 13, at 8 e'dotfc in the Edenton Elementary School audi l°Edenton Woman’s Club art show planned to be held at the Penelope , Barker Houoo Friday and Satur day, April 27 and 38.. Membership drive for the Cho- Continued on Pub I—Section 1' Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, April 12,1956. of vaccination if the parents desire it, but it will not be required at the clinics. The schedule of the clinics in Chowan County follows: St. John’s School, Tuesday, April 17, at 9 A. M. Rocky Hock, Tuesday, April 17, at 10:30 A. M. Chowan High School, Wednes day, April 18, at 9 A. M. White boys at Edenton Elemen tary School Thursday, April 19, at 9 A. M. White girls at Edenton Elemen tary School Friday, April 20, at 9 A. M. White Oak Consolidated School, Wednesday, May 16, 9 A. M. Negro boys at the colored school Monday, May 7, at 9 A. M. Negro girls at the colored school Tuesday, May 8, at 9 A. M. Senior Art Exhibit Os Sara Kemp Wood Now On Exhibition Exhibit Will Last Un til April 14 at Lynch burg, Virginia The senior art exhibit of Miss . Sara Kemp Wood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Wood of Eden ■ ton, opened Sunday, April 8, at Randolph-Maron Woman's College, ; Lynchburg, Va. , Miss Wood is exhibiting with two Other senior art majors, Miss Alice [ Crittenden of Charlottesville, Va., and Miss Nancy Jo Ferguson of , Lynchburg, Va. Among Miss Wood’s work on dis play is a variety of semi-abstract oils, oil portraits, a landscape, a charcoal portrait, and a watercolor and ink wash. She has studied painting at Randolph-Macon under Pierre Daura, Robert S. Fuller and William B. Owen. The exhibit, which opened with a reception from 3 to 5 P. M., will remain in the Art Department ex hibition room through April 14. Miss Wood will receive guests with ’ her mother. Miss Wood is a member of Chi Omega sorority, Sock and Buskin Dramatic Club, the Dance Group, and the Sun Diel weekly newspa per staff. Every School In County Is Included , In Poster Contest Winning Posters In District Competi tion Friday The annual conservation poster I contest was held in the Edenton Elementary School Friday after noon at 2 o’clock, at which time 1 many splendid exhibits were on dig play which made judging a diffi ! cult job. Complete entries were on hand from every room in the Edenton, Chowan and Rocky Hock ' schools. • Judges were A. T. Hicks, voca tion agriculture teacher in the i Windsor High School; B. E. I of Windsor, Bertie County Agent, i an* Bill, Goodwin, of Windsor, bi i ologist in this area for the N. C. i Wjldlife , and Resources Commis i Sion. At the conclusion of the judg i tag, the following were announced • as winners; Fifth prize, Fred ’ erick AsbeH; second prize, Richard t White. Both boys are pupils at . Chowan High School. ■Sixth Grade —First prize. Brad ■ Williford; second prize, Boots Las- Continued on Page B—Section 1 | EDENTON AIR STATION INSPECTED } s. ; lif ■ & n- ii ' ' -'WMHHP JHMf ■ Brig. Gen. C. A. Roberts, fnspecror General of the Marine Corps, left, and Col. Hamilton Lawrence, commander of the Edenton Na val Auxiliary Air Station, return salute of honor guard (not pic tured). General Roberts heads the team which conducted a rou tine annual inspection of the Edenton Marine Base Friday. —(Official U. S. Marine Corps Photo). Woman’s Club Art Show Scheduled To Be Held April 27-28 m « Judge of Entries Will Be James Walker Os Greenville Plans are rapidly being, whipped into shape for,the annual art show sponsored' by-fhft pcjejitoii Roman’s Club which will be held in the Pe nelope Barker house Friday, April 27 and Saturday, April 28. The Friday show will be in progress from 10 A. M., to 5 P. M., while the Saturday hours will be from 10 A. M., to 7 P. M. This year’s show is expected to be better than in previous years, with entries expected from school children in the grammar and high schools in Edenton and Chowan County as well as civilians and Ma rines. Exhibits are requested to be en tered one week in advance of the show, and the following rules will apply: 1. All work must be original. Copies of other pictures are not acceptable. 2. Any medium may be used, such as pencil, ink, charcoal, oils, crayons, etc. 3. Any size paper or canvas may be used. 4. Seven (7) entries only from each class, (to be chosen by the teacher or a vote of the class) will be accepted. Each work submitted must have the name and grade of the entrant on the front. Continued on. Page s—Section 1 u u~xrxrvn c- y _r~ cv* c-1 * m > *mm Town Councilmeni Agree To Buy Fish Hatchery Property Council Also Author izes Bids to Widen Oakum Street Town Councilmen, by a split vote, at their meeting Tuesday night de cided to purchase the U. S. Fish Hatchery property to. life used for pecrea tional purposes. Hie vote as recorded was: In favor of the pur chase, George Alma Byrum, Luther Parks; Graham Byrum and J. Ed win Bufflap. Opposing the pur chase was John Mitchener and J. Clarence Leary refrained from vot ing. Mayor Ernest Kehayes read a letter froih A._R. Smith, chief of the Real Property Disposal Divis ion in which it was stated the prop erty has been appraised and the fair value established at $35,000, « -IP- ‘Free’lce Cream) ~ r 1 Edenton Woman’s Club is join | mg in an all-out effort to raise ■ enough additional funds to com -1 plete the Edenton swimming peoi ' this summer. Members will un- I dertake a house-to-house solicita -1 lion Friday, April 13 and Tuesday, ; April 17 in an effort to secure con ' tributions. 1 Anyone who contributes as much 86 $2.00 will receive free a half 1 gallon of ice cream. The ice cream 1 can be picked up at the Colonial Freezer Locker, but deliveries will be made within two weeks to any one who is unable to call for the ice cream. The ladies ucce citi zens to cooperate in their drive to the end that a substantial sum will be realized. Mr's. W. B. Rosevear President Os Woman’s Auxiliary Os Diocese , The Woman’s Auxiliary of the Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina r meets at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Fayetteville Wednesday i and Thursday of this week. The . meeting will be of special interest I to members of St. Paul’s Church I since Mrs. W. B. Rosevear will at ’ this time be installed as incom ing president, with Mrs. Gordon Bennett as her secretary. ft —— but that it would be sold to the Town of Edenton for $17,500, rep resenting 50 per cent of the fail market value, plus S6OO represent ing the cost of the appraisal and also plus the expenses which will he incurred by the National Park Service in investigating and recom mending approval of the town’s application. These expenses are estimated to run between S3OO and S4OO. The town’s application for pur chase of the property will, of coursp, be referred to the National Park Service for recommendation. The Councilmen, at the request of Robert S. Marsh, assistant coun ty agent, appropriated SIOO toward the expense of the Jaycee-sponsor- , ed Fat Stock Show and Sale. W. E. Malone made a request for Continued on Page 3—Section 1 Chowan County’s Fat Stock Show And Sale April 25 Is Expected Outclass *ssEvent Wind Tears Down Barricade And Three Women Are Hurt JAMES WALKER Judge at Hie Edenton Woman’s Club art show April 27-27 in the Edenton Furniture Company’s store will he James Walker, critic teach er in art at East Carolina College, Greenville. Edenton Marine At ASpecialCeremony Held In Washington Honored as Out stand ing Aviation Cadet For 1955 Marine 2nd Lt. William A. Holmes, Jr., of the Edenton Naval Auxiliary Air Station went to Washington, D. C., Tuesday of this week, where he participated in rec ognition ceremonies, honoring him for his achievement as the Out standing Naval Aviation Cadet for 1955. The Edenton Marine learned of his honor on March 15, He is a pi lot in VMA squadron of Marine Aircraft Group 14. Lieutenant Holmes was named Outstanding Naval Aviation Cadet on the basis of his overall academ ic, military and flight record through flight training at Pensa cola, Fla., and Corpus Christi, Tex. He competed with some 3,000 oth er cadets for the honor. Cooperative Produce Group Is Organized In An Elf fort To Get Better Prices In Chowan 4-H Clubbers Plan Clean up Campaign Cross Roads Eyesore To Be Transformed Into Playground The Cross Roads local 4-H Club is planning to clean the rubbish and trash from a vacant lot which is located netx to the house of Mrs. Roland Evans, one of the local leaders. A building was there a number of years ago, but has since been dismantled and the lot has grown up in weeds and briars. One I of the many hurricanes of the past I t>yo years blew over some trees on j the lot, and it is now in a very / dilapidated looking condition. The? dub members plan to remove all the trash and rubbish, mow the lot, and convert it into a playground. Since this lot is at the very junc-, tion of Cross Roads, and is acces sible to any of the club members, it should prove to be a very popu lar playground. w: ’ I HELP ‘ FIGHT t CANCER Second Annual Affair Again Sponsored By Edenton Jaycees This year’s edition of the sec ond annual Chowan County Fat Stock Show and Sale will feature more animals and additional buy res than last year. Jaycee Warren Twiddy, chairman of the affair, said nine steers and numerous hogs will be judged and sold at the Fat Stock Show and Sale Wednesday, April 25 at the Edenton American Legion hut. Chowan County beef and swine wifi be entered by youths of the 4-H Clubs and the Future Farmers of America. The Edenton Junior Chamber of Commerce is sponsor of the event and Jaycees hope to boost Chowan County stock produc tion and to encourage young farm ers of the area. “Zeke” Rochelle of Elizabeth City will be auctioneer. The sale begins at 1:30 o’clock Wednesday afternoon, April 25. Judging will start at 10 A. M., while tile fitting and showmanship contest gets under way at 11 A. M. The program is to recess at 12 o'clock noon. Ladies of the Ameri can Legion Auxiliary will offer barbecue, hot dogs, sandwiches and other food for lunch. Cold drinks will be furnished without charge. Chairman Twiddy asks, “Are you a booster to your Fat Stock Show and the young farmers of this area?” A donation of $lO or more for Fat Stock Show prizes and ex penses will qualify an individual or Continued on Page 3-—Section 1 First Oistrio! VFW Meets In Edenton Sunday, April 15 Election of Officers Will Be Feature of Meeting Veterans of Foreign Wars will hold a First District meeting in Edenton Sunday, April 15, with the ' sessions scheduled to be held in the VFW home on the old Hertford road beginning at 3 P. M. A feature of the meeting will be election of district officers, so that it is hoped many local members will attend. The VFW Auxiliary will meet at the Parish House also at 3 o’clock and supper will be served at the VFW home at 5 P. M. 9 Common Stock Being Offered at $5.00 Per Share The Chowan Cooperative Produce Exchange is moving along, accord ing to County Agent Charlie Over man. The Exchange committee has agreed on the charter, the by-laws, and the marketing agreement. The Chowan Cooperative Produce Exchange committee elected by the stockholders of the old Exchange ■on Tuesday night, April 3, were E. L. Pearce, W. A. Harrell, J. D. Ward, Gilbert Harrell, L. A. Bunch, C. M. Evans and L. C. Bunch. This committee was authorized to pro (ceed with reorganization of the Exchange, preparation of a mar- J keting agreement and sign-up of J growers. ? The Exchange committee met with C. W. Sheffield and Hugh B. Martin of the Markets Division, State Department of Agriculture, . on Wednesday morning, April 4. The charter, the by-laws, and the marketing agreement were agreed upon. Mr. Sheffield was authoriz- Continued on Page S—S-xtloa i