PUBLISHED IN J CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXlll.—Number IST Plans About Ready; For Fat Stock Show And Sale April 25th \ V • Nine Steers and Many Hogs Scheduled to Be Entered Plans for the April 25 Chowan County Fat Stock Show and Sale are -nearly complete, as arrange ments for the'second annual event, go into final stages under sponsor ship of the Edenton Junior Cham ber of Commerce. Warren Twiddy is general chair man for the livestock show and sale, which will he held Wednesday, April 25, at the Edenton American Legion hut.' Judging starts at 10 A. M., and the sale will begin at 1:30 P. M. 1 Robert Marsh, assistant county agent, says nine steers and num erous hogs will be entered by youngsters of Chowan County 4-H and Future Farmers of America Clubs. ‘Steers will be entered by Gheryl Hobbs, of Belvidere, the only girl entrant; Carlton Perry, Ronald Perry and Jack Perry of Advance; Bryant White and Edgar Leon Hal sey, Jr., Edenton; Joe Hollowell of Cross Roads; H. Ivey Ward of Ry land, and Jackie Byruin of Val halla. Swine will be shown by Sherwood Harrell, Jackie Harrell, Carlton Perry, Ronald Perry and Jack Per ry, all of Advance; Dan Ward, of Hobbsvillc; Johnny Winborne, Ray Evans and Leon Evans, of Oak | Grove, and Richard White, of Cross Roads. v “Zeke” Rochelle of Elizabeth City is billed as auctioneer for the Ml'that starts at 1:30 P. M. ' tgycee John G. Wood, Jr., chair-) Ujwffettfc* Buyers Committee, says, W- He *«ed that SWfc'Jppl.’ilhußinosßmen and firms ffllQijpShted that they will Continued '(■' Page 2 —Section 1 District Officers For VFWJnstaHed Ceremony, Helft Sun day In Local VFW Home With a goodly number on hand at the District VFW meeting held in the VFW home Sunday, new officers were installed for the year. The principal speaker for the oc casion was Forrest Dunstan of 'Elizabeth City, past department commander. Mr. Dunstan also presided over ■tho installation ceremony during 1 which the following were installed: Commander, Carlton Garrett of Elizabeth City; senior vice com mander, Hunter Morgan of Sun bury; junior vice commander, Carl ton Gilliam of Windsor; quarter master, Jack Stewart of Elizabeth City; advocate, Walter Swain of Plymouth; surgeon, Henry Quinn of Edentoift chaplain, Ralph Hunt er of Plymouth; trustee, Bill Perry c vr* - r of Edenton f eme calendar] l —' Second annual Chowan County | Fat Stock Show and Sale will be - held Wednesday, April 25, at the American Legion hut on the Wind __r iiiirhway. Judging will take pace at JO A. M., and the sale will begin at 1:30 P.M. Bed Cross Woodmobile scheduled again visit Edenton Wednesday, May 2, from 9 A. M., to 3 P. Mat armory. Chowan’s Hltr loo p'nte iHlenton Woman’s Club art show will be held in the old Edenton. Ilpwaiture Company btiMhur «•] fifty- and v Saturday, April z • ■® n | ~ _ ':. I THEdCHOWAN HERALD Sunday Speaker j Wtm ■■■ ■ ■ . ft REV. DAVID C. CRAWFORD For the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the Edenton Pres byterian Church, Sunday, April'22, the Rev. David C. Crawford, former pastor, will be the principal speak \Z 24 Cases Listed On j Docket For Term i Civil Term Scheduled To Convene Mon day, ApritSO Clerk of Court this week re leased the the April term of Chowan County Superior Court which is scheduled to con | vene Monday, April 30, at 10 o’clock. Judge J. Paul Frizelle of Snow Hill will preside over the term, which will bit for trial of civil cases only. There are 24 cases on the calendar. Among the cases appearing on * the calendar are the following: * Loujs E. Expands vs. David M. Smith'. - ; r -- The matter, of a purported will ' and testament of Nellie E. Jones, deceased. ' 3. W. Chappell vs. Josiah Chap pell,- J., W. Chappell vs. Henry M. ’ Layflen. Albemarle Motor Co., vs. Billie Continued on Page 2—Section 1 % + FIREMEN CALLED OUT Edenton firemen were called out Monday afternoon, when a tree was 1 burning on the Blades Lumber Mill r yard. Due to the grass in the vi -1 cinity the firemen were called to prevent a spread of the blaze. Local Cooperative Produce Exchange Making Progress Deadline April 30 For New Members to Join The growers’ sign-up committee • of the Chowan Cooperative Produce Exchange met at the home of Ed gar Pearce Wednesday “night of. last week, when-results of the sign up ' , Jesse Spruill of Washington, N. C., who is deputy district governor of N. C. Libns District 31-F, was guest speaker at the Lions Club meeting Monday night. Spruill used as his topic “Leadership De mands Leadership” and he advis ed the club of the necessity for men with leadership to fill the var ious offices of the club and pointed out the fundamental qualifications that made a person a competent leader. Spruill listed the following fundamental qualifications which make a person a leader and center ed his talk around these poiirte: 1 —Sound judgment of men and sincere liking for peoples of Continued cn Pags S—Sestiou 1 Local Girl Offered Scholarships At Two Universities Miss Ann Cofield Will Accept Offer From U._N.C. ''%in infield,, r d*agtit/T of Mr ( aiJd Mrs. R, fe, Cdfield, Route 2, Edenton, has been awarded scholar ships for graduate study at two major universities. Tulane Univer sity of Louisiana "has offered her a scholarship worth $1,500, and the University of North Carolina has offered a $1,500 award whirh in cludes a Ford Foundation scholar ship as well as a full tuition schol arship. She has also been named alternate for the Consolidated Uni versity Fellowship at U.N.C., and for a scholarship at Vanderbilt University. At present, Miss Cofield is a sen ior at Woman’s College, Greens boro, where she is majoring in so ciology and minoring in psycholo gy. She has been active in vari-: ous groups on campus, including I Student curriculum committee, Psy-| ehology Club, Hall Board, Marshal, Sociology Club and Alpha Kappa Delta. Miss * Cofield has accepted the scholarship offered by the Univer sity of North Carolina. She will enter graduate school there in Sep tember and will work toward a master of arts degree in sociology with a minor in anthropolgy. Allison Campen Is Honored At Averett College In Danville Chosen President Os Student Government Association Miss Allison Campen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Campen, has been signally honored at Aver ett College, Danville, Va., where she is a junior student. By popu lar vote of the entire student body she has been elected to serve as president of the Student Govern ment Association for 1956-57. This is the highest honor that can come | to an Averett girl. Miss Campen was named to both ; the Dean’s List and Honor Roll t for the first semester at Averett. : The Dean’s List recognises academ ic achievement and. also includes | the specification that to be eligi ble a student must be approved by t She faculty from the standpoint of Continued «n Page 2—Section 1 Bloodmobile Again Scheduled To Be In EdentonJday 2nd Chairman Joe Swan ner Appeals For Donations Joe Swanner, Chowan Red Cross blood chairman, announces-that the bloodmobile is scheduled to again appear in Edenton Wednesday, May 2, and will be located at the armory from 9 o’clock in the morn ing until 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Chowan County’s quota will again be 100 pints of blood and Mr. Swanner expresses the hope that more civilians will realize the need and importance of donating blood. At the last visit of the bloodmo bile Chowan exceeded its quota when 148 pints were donated. However, of this number 100 pints were given by Marines, so that only 42 civilians saw fit to cooper ate iq this important program. Mr. - Swanner, at the next visit hopes to again have the coopera tion of the Marines as well as members of the Heavy Mortar Company, N. C. National Guard, j Training Union Members Qualify For State Drill Edenton and Rocky Hock Members Qualify By qualifying for Ihc State Mem-1 ory Drill, eight members of the Junior Training Union of the Bap tist Church have again upheld the tradition of the f church by being represented at -£he State Assembly earfc of seVjljal years. They are: Sandra* Bunch, Jim Par tin, Dickie Cobb, Pat. Mooney, Jean Goodwin, Ann Wells, Ruth Over man and Meg Wiggins. They were coached by Miss Mildred Muoden, who has become quite accustomed to sending participants to the State Drill each year. In order to qualify for the State Drill they have been successful in the local church drill, the Chowan I Associational Drill, and the Region al Drill during the Regional Con vention at Corinth Church, Eliza beth City, last Friday. This en titles them to represent the Eden ton Church, the. Chowan Associa tion and the Eastern Region— along with 10 other juniors—at the Caswell Baptist Assembly this I' summer. The Edenton Juniors are happy that eight junior neighbors from the Rocky Hock Baptist Church will join them in representing the association and the region by quali fying at the Regional Convention. They are: Carroll Bass, Graham Bass, Scott Ober, Danny Long, Re becca Harrell, Etta Rae Bunch, Annie Ruth Nixon, Marlene Gilley. They were coached by Miss Beulah Evans. ‘ Hospital Auxiliary ' Will Meet Friday 1 The Chowan Hospital Auxiliary i will meet Friday afternoon, April 20, at 3 o’clock in the nurses’ home. | Mrs. West Byrum, Jr., president, 1 urges a full attendance and also all members to pay their annual dues ’ by that time. Contributions In Red Cross Drive SI,OOO Short Os Goal Appeal Made For Last Minute Contribu tions final check on the Red Cross 1 Fund Raising Campaign this week 1 revealed Chowan County short of its goal over SI,OOO. The quota i set for Chowan County was $2,- l 962. The total funds raised to . date are $1,917, making a shortage -of $1,045. It may be that many i have pot.been canvassed and would - like to contribute. If So, please i send donations io the Red Cross, f Edenton. Two veers ago a supplementary ( $2.00 Per Year In North Carolina Contest Develops In Primary Election To Be Held May 26 ts s Earns Scholarships j MISS ANN COFIELD A student at Woman’s College, | Greensboro, Miss Ann Cofield has been offered scholarships at Tulane University and the University of North Carolina. She has accepted the latter which also includes a Ford Foundation scholarship and free tuition scholarship. Magazine Names Woman’s Club On j Honor List For's6 Mrs. Freda Ameringer Os Oklahoma Club woman of Year ir ■■ B 1 — - » Mrs. Freda Ameringer of the Pi lot Club of Oklahoma City, Okla homa, has been named Clubwoman of the Year by the Woman’s Home Companion, it was announced Wed nesday of last week by Woodrow Wirsig, editor of the Companion. Mrs. Ameringer was honored at a luncheon in the Executive Dining Room of the Crowell-Collier Pub lishing Company in New York City and presented with a rosewood-and silver gavel and a SI,OOO Savings Bond for her club. An article about Mrs. Ameringer and her work for community bet terment which won her the title Clubwoman of the Year, is featur ed in the May Woman’s Home Companion. The magazine also names the 250 Honor Clubs for 1956 which have been awarded cer tificates of merit for distinguished community service. Among the Honor Clubs named by the magazine is the Edenton Woman’s Club, which also Was awarded this honor in 1955. jGelbach Speaker At Rotary Meeting, .George Gelbach, a member of tho Edenton Junior-Senior High School faculty, was the principal speaker at last week’s Rotary meet ing. He was introduced by James E. Wood, who was in charge of the program. Mr. Gelbach held the rapt atten tion of Rotarians as he spoke about early historical facts having to do i with the U. S Navy and Marine Corps. drive was necessary to continue the Red Cross Blood Bank in Chowan County. It is possible many peo ple don’t realize that the blood they received was collected and distrib uted locally by the Red Cross. This blood was given with no charge for the blood itself. In addition to the Blood Bank, home service work for servicemen is a major Red Cross service. ' Edenton has been fortu nate not to have a major disaster, but if it were to hapjaen, the Red Cross would be here to give assist ance to all. When you donate to the Red Cross you hedp your neigh bors near and far away. If you haven’t given, give now^ • W • -r HELP 1 FIGHT CANCER John F. White and Al bert Byrum Oppos ing Candidates With last Saturday at noon be ing the deadline for ondidates to file for the Demon arc primary election which will m held. Satur day, May 26, only one contest de veloped for Chowan County offices. This contest will be for Chowan County’s representative in the Gen eral Assembly. Albert G. Byrum filed as a condidate a few weeks ago and on Friday of last week John F White filed for re-election. Mr. White, though recently suf fering a heart attack, is gradually recovering and his doctors say he is physically able to perform the duties of the office. He is a vet eran legislator and has represented Chowan County in eight regular and two special sessions. Mr. Byrum is well known throughout the county and some years ago served on Town Council as Third Ward Councilman. All other county officials filed for re-election and will have no op position. They include the follow ing: Judge of Recorder’s Court, Mar vin Wilson; Solicitor, Weldon Hol lowell: Register of Deeds, Maurice L. Bunch; County Treasurer, George Hoskins; Coroner, Hubert Williford and the following County Commisioners: West Byrum. J. A. Webb, William E. Bond. Raleigh Peele and Carey Hollowell. Registrars will sit at the vari ous precinct polling places April 28, May 5 and 12 from 9 A. M., to sunset to register voters and on Saturday, May 19, from 9 A. M., to 3 P. M., wall again sit at the fh order to challenge any voter. On election day, May 26, the polls will he open from 6:30 A. M., to 6:30 P. M. Chairman Os Easter Seals Appreciative For Drive Support Report Not Complete But Returns Are Gratifying A warm thanks in behalf of crippled children Was extended to contributors to the 1956 Easter Seal campaign by Ernest J. Ward, Jr., president of the Chowan Coun ty Easter Seal Society. Ward said that although filial campaign returns have not yet been determined, indications show: that the society has re bed and possibly surpassed tic previous year’s campaign, iiisunug ■ntin i ued, and perhaps expanded, servic es to the area’s crippled. “The county’s cooperation in the 1 appeal has been most gratifying.” ' Ward stated, “providing new hope for many crippled youngsters Our ’ contributing friends ran rest as sured that the Chowan County Easter Seal Society will take ev ery possible step to maintain and ■ develop the services these children ’ need.” Late contributors can still send their contributions to the Chowan County Easter Seal Society, P. O. Box 429, Edenton. Boy Scouts Taken On Bird Hike At NAAS Cub Scouts of Edenton Pack 159 went aboard the Edenton Naval Auxiliary Air Station Monday, af ternoon for a bird hike. The tour started at 4 o’clock. “Cub Scout Bird Watchers” is the April theme for the local Scouts and approximately 40 of the 1 boys observed bird lore at the Ma rine Base. LL Col. J. E. McDonald was , guide for the bird hike, Colonel [ McDonald, commanding officer of. Marine Attack Squadron 225, Is an , amateur orthinologist. Ig'/K • group of Marine* volunteered I to assist in guidmg.flte Cub Scout bird watchers. _ j * - z TirW : - :