ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY J Volume XXfll.—Number 33! Ballots Will Include Three Constitutional Amendments In Election September Bth a. ... .. —— . . < School Amendment Is! Expected to Draw Heavy Vote Attention is called to those who wish to cast a ballot in the extra general election on Saturday, Sep tember 8, that registration books will be open at the various precinct polling places Saturday, August 18 and 25 from 9 A. M., to sunset. This will not be a special registra tion, but all who expect to vote must be registered on the connty election books. Registration only ’ on the Town of Edenton’s election books will not entitle a person to cast a baliot in this election. Registrars will accordingly sit at the various polling places the next two Saturdays, August 18 and 26, from 9 A. M., to sunset in order to register voters. Saturday, Sep tember 1,. has been designated as challenge day and the election will take place the following Saturday, September 8. In West Edenton Precinct Mrs. A. E. Jenkins will serve as Regis trar while the duly appointed Reg istrar, Mrs. George C. Hoskins, if on a vacation. At other polling places the Reg istrars will be as follows: East Edenton at the Court House, Mrs. Albert Cullipher. Rocky Hock at Henry Bunch’s store, W. H. Pearce. Center Hill at Elliott Belch’s of fice, Ralph Goodwin. Wardville at Herbert Peele’s store, T. A. Berryman. Yeopim at Harry Perry’s store, T. J. Hoskins, Sr. Os course, the publk school v amendment highlights the extra Continued on Page 7—Section 1 Bloodmobile Will Be In Edenton Friday Joe Swanner, Chairman of the Chowan County Red Cross blood program, makes a final appeal for bhmd donations. The Red Cross bloodmobile is scheduled to be in Edenton Friday, August 17, and blood can be donated at the armory from 9 A. M., to 3 P. M. The county's quota is again 100 pints and Mr. Swanner especially appeals to civilians to give a pint of blood which is so much needed. Edenton Marines hate heretofore donated very generously, so that civilians are urged to take more interest and kelp to meet the quotd. 20YearsAgo As Found In the Files of The Chowan Herald \ ; ~ Mayor E. W. Spires entered pro-' test to changing WPA district headquarters from Elisabeth City to Williamston. The branch office remained in Edenton with W. E. Baker, project foreman being add ed four counties under bis super vision, including Bertie, Martin, Washington and Tyrrell. John A. Holmes was seeking a successor to Leon Brogden as foot ball coach at Edenton High School. J, W. Cates was elected chairman of the Chowan Comity Welfare! Board. • Mayor E. W. Spiros announced ■ a meeting with Charles EL Jackson, acting commissioner of the Bureau of Fisheries regarding improve ments at the U. S. Ffadi Hatchery. Over $1,300 waa received by Cho ' wan County farmers aa a refund on Smith-Douglaes fertiliser pur chased prior to April 15, due to a price decline guarantee. A total of 15 beau loaded with watermelons left the Edenton har bor, compered with 48 the previous Edenton notified that two more historical markers will be placed in Edenton. John Harris* Spruill, Chowan’s I aftdest White citimm. celebrated Ms LjSfh Wrtbday at tha home es his jg, ion, Harrison Spruill. THE CHEW AN HERALD » r . j 1 In Talent Contest 1 r> r * - ■ :r ar'iJfc J * W, ’Mm 1 2nd LIEUT. JAS. B. BOWERS Today (Thursday) 2nd Lieut. James B. Bowers will compete in tl\e All-Navy contest finals at thej U. S. Naval Hospital, St. Albans, N. Y. The Marine vocalist is also scheduled for an audition in the' Ed Sullivan show, Sunday, August 26th. Grte Speaker At Rotary Meeting; DetfTetr Ait Address On Traffic Laws Os North Carolina John Graham was the principal speaker at last week’s Rotary meet ing, when he reviewed North Caro lina’s traffic laws. Mr. Graham referred to the ap palling number of highway acci dents, declaring that speed was the major' factor in traffic accidents. He also stated that driving at too Continued on Page 2—Section 1 , | Warning 1 \ .x Ernest J. Ward, Jr., Clerk of the Town of Edenton, calls attention to a zoning ordinance which was adopted by the Town of Edenton April 12, 1955. According to this ordinance it is necessary to secure a building per mit before constructing a building of any type or making alterations or repairs to an existing building. For conviction of violation of this ordinance a penalty is provided of a fine not to exceed SSO or impris onment of not more than 30 days. Building permits may be secured , from W. E. Mills, building, inspec tor. ‘ Edenton Marine Scheduled To Take Part In Navy Contest i And Sullivan Show Audition Lt. James B. Bowers In Talent Contest Today Marine 2nd Lt. James B. Bowers of the Edenton Naval Auxiliary Air Station will compete in the All- Navy Talent Contest finals at the ,0. S. Naval Hospital, St. Albans. N. Y., today (Thursday). The 24- year-old Marine vocalist is also scheduled to audition with other talent Contest personnel to appear on the August 26 Ed Sullivan “toast of the Town” television shew. ThC Marine Corps has announced that Lieutenant Bowers is to ap pear with other performers select ed in preliminary and semi-final competition. The third All-Navy Talent Contest includes personnel ‘of the Navy, Marine Corps and : . - vV' - - . s - ■ - Carolina, Thursday, August 16,1956. tj Bethel Church WiH 'Celebrate Its 150th ! Anniversary Aug. 26 I | Very Interesting Pro j gram Is Announced i| For Occasion i Plans have been announced for observing the 150th birthday anni versary of the Bethel Baptist Church of the Bethel community in Perquimans County. -The celebra tion is scheduled to take place Sun day, August 26. A wonderful program has been! planned for the occasion. The day 1 will begin with registration from 9:45 to 10:15 A. M. A devotion led by the Rev. T. C. Keaton will pre-' cede a song service to be led by the pastor, the Rev. Phil H. Quid ley. After the song service, the Rev. G. M. Singletary, Association al Missionary for the Chowan As . sociation, will teach the Sunday School lesson in unison. Primary I and beginner pupils will have their j regular classes at this time. Regular morning worship will be ' gin at 11:30 o’clock. “Onward Christian Soldiers”, arranged by W. H. Jude, will be sung by the church choir. Following this, Mrs. Mattie Macon Gardner will bring the message of the hour. Mrs. Gardner is a past member of the ' Hertford Church anti for some < years was a missionary to China. At the close of the morning mes sage by Mrs. Gardner, special mus ic will- be rendered by the Hertford male* chprus under the direction of the Rev. James O. Mattox. After the morning service, dinner will be on the church grounds. This will he a period for getting ac quainted and renewing old friend ships. All friends of the church, past members, fellow Baptists and the-public are cordially invited to fellowship with Bethel Church on this their 150th year. An afternoon fellowship service i will begin at 2 o’clock. The Rev. Vivian Evans, the only minister or dained from the church, will bring a devotion which is to be followed j by greetings from sister churches in Hertford, Edenton and Yeopim. Continued on Page 2—Section 1 Cub Scout Leaders Meet August 21st Adult leaders of Cub Scout Pack 159 will meet Tuesday night, Au gust 21 at 7:30 o’clock at the home of Capt. and Mrs. Anthony Miran da. It is the regular monthly plan ning session. Arrangements will be completed for the August 28 Pack meeting, which will feature the theme “Cub ■ Scout Field Day.” Plans are to be outlined for Sep ' tember activities. «.- - . Coast Guard, regardless of former 1 amateur or professional standing. Sponsorship is by the Chief of Na val Personnel. It'is contemplated that selected i personnel from the contestants will - embark on a recruiting tour after . the Ed Sullivan TV show. A per . formance of approximately 90 , minutes is planned in some twenty . cities. > Lieutenant Bowers • was among ■ winners in semi-final competition ’ at the U. S. Naval "Station, Nor i folk, ya., on July 24. Recently, he i performed in a Lions Club variety show for charity and entertained 1 at a Masonic Lodge banquet in - Edenton. The Marine Corps contestant is 1 assigned to duty as assistant per r sonnel officer of Marine Aircraft I Group 14 at Edenton. He has been l (Continued on Page 7, Section 1) } Chowan Drainage Improved — —— - sy^ |& „Ji' 'WiH I i i i M i Hr 1 ■ *' - ' Some idea of improvement in drainage in Chowan County through civil defense funds is reflected in the above two pictures. In top picture is a view of a drag line at work in the Tiptoe Swamp, while the bottom photo shows a drag line at work clearing out and widen ing the Liza’s Bottom ditch from E. L. Ward’s pond to a point be yond Albemarle Street which carries off a large portion of Eden ton’s drainage water. —(Evelyn Leary Photo). Jaycees Planning Hold Membership Drive Two Months _ «■ Joe Thorud and Ken-' neth Worrell Cap- j tains of Teams j j Edenton Jaycees at their meet ing Thursday night announced a membership drive which will be in ( progress during September and Oc- I tober. President Dick Dixon stat-' ed that several members of the Junior Chamber of Commerce have been transferred to other locations,] so that there are openings for new members in the organization. ✓ Team captains for the campaign are Joe Thorud and Kenrteth Wor rell. Each team consists of one half of the present membership of some 48 Edenton men between the ages of 21 and 36. In other business at the Jnycee meeting, plans were discussed for the upcoming Olympic fund drive and the annual calendar sales. Luther Parks is chairman of the Olympic Committee, which will so- I licit donations to help finance the United States Olympic Games team. Jaycees will collect funds from spectators at one of the foot ball games in September at Hicks Field. Some S9B was collected in a similar effort last year. Ralph Outlaw is chairman of the cajendar sales committee, with Shelton Moore and Harold Stokes assisting. Masons Consider Increase In Dues Matter Principal Topic For Discussion at To night’s Meeting Ernest Kehayes, master of Una nimity Lodge No. 7, A. F., & A. M., calls attention to a stated com munication of the lodge which will be held tonight (Thursday) at 8 ] o’clock. Jtn important matter to be considered will be a proposal to increase the annual dues of the lodge, so that every member is urged to attend in order to take part in the discussion. p- New Policeman ] L P As of Wednesday of last week Edenton had another patrolman. Paul H. Pope, 27, joined the Eden ton Police Department, succeeding Granville Price, who succeeded Richard Canipe but remained on the police force only six weeks. Price resigned to accept a position at Bill Perry’s Texaco Service Sta tion. Mr. Pope comes to Edenton from Dunn. He was only recently diQ charged from the U. S. Army’s 82nd Airborne Division after serv ing nine years in the service. He, is married and has a daughter.! Paula Ann. Mrs. Pope and daughter will I move to Edenton when Mr. Pope can secure living quarters. Doctors Os District: Meet At Nags Head For Annual Meeting Drs. Stanton and Wil liams on Arrange ments Committee The annual meeting of the First Medical District in Nags Head Wednesday, August 29, will hear talks by three leading medical spe cialists on cardiovascular disease and cancer. Dr. George C. Ham, Chief of Psychiatry at the Univer sity of North Carolina, will speak on the psychological factors in heart and blood vessel diseases; Dr. James V. Warren, Professor of Medicine at Duke and Chief of Medical Service at the VA Hospi tal in Durham, will outline recent advances in the knowledge of cor onary artery diseases; and Dr. Wil liam G. Anlyan, Assistant Profes sor of Surgery at Duke, will dis cuss some pitfalls in the recogni tion of cancer. Member* of the arrangements committee for the meeting are Continued on Page 7—Section 1 ) Dr. J. Leo Green Will Be Revival Speaker Rocky Rock Church j Services Begin Aug ust 26 and Close September 2 | Rocky Hock Baptist Church will I he engaged in a series of revival I services beginning Sunday, August I I 26 and continuing through Sunday, | September 2. ' Dr. J. Leo Green, professor of Old Testament, of Southeastern ; Baptist Theological Seminary, at Wake Forest, is to be the visiting , evangelist. Dr. Green has served as supply pastor for the Edenton Baptist Church during recent months. The Rev. Ralph Harrell, a senior at Southern Baptist Tehological I Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky and j a native son of Rocky Hock, is to be director of music. Mr. Harrell | is also an active pastor in I.ouis j ville. I Sunday services will he at 11 A. ■ M., and 8 P. M. the week I services will he held each day at ; 3 P. M., and 7:30 P. M. Visitors are extended a cordial invitation. Sgt. EarlG. Jackson | Wins High Honor At Puerto Rican Base Is Chosen Outstanding Non-Commissioned ! Squadron Officer Technical Sergeant Earl G. Jack son of Edenton, has been chosen “Outstanding Non - Commissioned Officer” of the 72d Food Service 1 Squadron at Ramey Air Force Base, Puerto Rico. < He is the son of Mrs. Bertie < Jackson, Route 3, Edenton. s The semi-annual Strategic Air i Command award was presented to Sergeant Jackson during a cere mony conducted at a formation of , the personnel of his squadron. | Captain Ray R. Keith, Command- ] er of his squadron, stated that Sergeant Jackson has shown out- ( standing performance in his job. Sergeant Jackson was selected, for his dependability, neat appear-' ance, superior knowledge and es- . ficiency of his job, and conduct. In addition, he gets along well with the personnel of his section. Sergeant Jackson was assigned to the overseas Strategic Air Com mand as a baker in March of 1954. ROTARIANS MEET TODAY i Edenton Rotarians will meet this ! ' 1 (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o'clock | in the Parish House. The program j I will be in charge of J. Edwin Buff-1 • lap, who has secured as a speaker , 1 | Milton Bass, manager of the Eden- j ‘ ton Employment Security Commis- j sion office. President George A.; Byrum requests another 100 per j cent meeting. New Burton Texaco Service Station Holds Grand Opening Day On Monday, August 20 Prizes to Be Awarded And Free Gifts Dis ; tributed During Day Announcement was made early , this week that the grand opening of the new Burton’s Texaco Service Station will be observed Monday . August 20. The announcement was , made by Lloyd Burton, who will be manager of the new station. ■ This, Edenton’s newest sendee ■ station, is located on the southeast . comer of Broad and Church streets ;,with an attractive and up-to-date . station replacing the former Korn . er Kupboard and two delapidated . buildings on the rear. It is of . modem design and provides a good . ly amount of parking area to ac commodate customers. > In announcing the grand open >' ing, Mr. Burton stated that five prizes will be awarded in a draw. $2,00 Per Year In North Carolina Ij Growing Pains” Present Problems 'To Town Officials • ——? $ —-—^ Revival Speaker <• - '■* DR. J. LEO GREEN With revival services scheduled to be held in the Rocky Hock Bap list Church August 26 to Septem ber 2, it has been announced that Dr. J. Leo Green of Wake Forest will be the visiting evangelist. Planes Moved At Base To Prevent Hurricane Damage l .. . ■ . ;• .i Steps Taken to Protect Personnel and Base Equipment All but a few- aircraft were evac uated from the .Naval Auxiliary , Air Station here Tuesday as a pre caution against damage by Hurri cane Betsy. Other preliminary steps were takea to protect person- 1 nel and equipment if the tropical 1 storm should strike in this. area. ! The Marine Corps said evaeuat- 1 ed aircraft were sent to inland bases. Some planes remain in hangars at the Edenton Base. ■ ; ■■ ... ' ■■ .J Meanwhile, preliminary steps for the protection of personnel and | equipment and the emergency sup- | ply of food and water were taken, In the event of danger from the , hurricane, Marines will he moved to the safest locations available. / \ Assistant Leader I ■ v d .'ii-is Martha Michal Wood, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Frank Wood, has been selected as one of the assistant leaders for the 30th Debutante Ball which will be held in the Raleigh Memorial auditorium ' I Friday. September 7. 1 Miss Betsy Virginia Purcell of Raleigh has been chosen by the Terpsichorean Club of Raleigh to lead the 1956 Debutante Ball. Ing to be held Monday. To be eli gible for a prize a person must simply register. The first prize will be a tank of gasoline, a wash, grease, simonize iob and oil change. Other prizes' will be: Second prize, 10 gallons! of gasoline; third prize, oil change;' fourth prize, grease job; fifth f prize, a wash job. During the, opening watermelons will also be! given away as long as they last. Another novel contest will be a | free tank of gas to any person who 1 guesses the exact cost of filling his car’s tank. Favors will be giv en to children and free drinks will be distributed during the day. Fire Chief hats will be given to the kiddies: dish towels will be given to the ladies and for men cigars will be handed out. Mr. Burton extends a cordial in ■ vitation to the general public to ! visit and inspect, the new service station. I SLOW DOWN AND LIVE! I /P ! Councilmen Hold Meet i Despite Electrical 1 Storm Despite the elements, Town Council held its regular meeting Tuesday night, although somewhat handicapped. About half an hour before the time of meeting a se vere electrical and rain storm suddenly developed, and the deluge continued so that the meeting was started almost an hour late. How ever, all of the Councilmen put in an appearance somewhat dampened and with electricity off a few hours the meeting was held in Mayor Ernest Kehayes’ office with light furnished by the 1000-watt generator on the Fire Department’s emergency truck. Though a con siderable amount of business con fronted the Councilmen, the meet ing lasted a little less than tw > hours. What concerned the Councilmen more than anything else was a problem developed as the result of “growing pains,” With a new fire truck scheduled to arrive within a few weeks, some provision must be made to house it. The plan is to transform the present Municipal Building into a fire station, so that something must lie done about a new Municipal Building. The Street Department, too, has out grown its present quarters, so that a goodly amount of the equipment cannot he housed and there is no room to store material. J. Clarence Leary and George A. Byrum. appointed as a building committee, reported having confer red with Ed Thigh, Elizabeth City architect, relative to remodeling the building now houring the Police and Street Departments for the purpose of ii cMuhiVipal Building. Mr. Pugh’s opinion was that it would he a false economy t<> re paid the present building, due to its condition. The walls are in a bad state of repair as well as the roof, Mr. Pugh’s opinion is that it would be more economical to build a new building. After quite a lengthy discussion regarding the situation Leary and Byrum, together with Mayor Er nest Kehayes were instructed to have a survey made of the town property on Granville Street near Chowan Hospital to determine the advisability of erecting a metal shop for the Street Department. This committee was also authorized to secure from an architect a sketch of a proposed Municipal Building and to present at the next Council meeting concrete plans for a Municipal Building. Fire Station Continued on Page 2—Section l [civic calendar] Red Cross bloodmobile will he at the Edenton armory to take blood donations Friday. August 17 from 9 A. M., to 3 P. M. Golf tournament will be held on the Edenton Naval Auxiliary Air Station course September 5-9. Extra general election will be held Saturday, September 8. to vote on an amendment to the North Carolina Constitution to change the school laws regarding segregation. Revival services will he held in the Rocky Hock Baptist Church Sunday. August 26, through Sun day, September 2. Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A. F., & A. M., will hold a stated communi cation tonight (Thursday) at 8 j o'clock. Revival services will be held in * the Warwick Baptist Church be ! ginning Monday, August 20, | through Sunday, August 26. An emergent communication of 1 Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A. F., & I A. M., will be held Tuesday. Au gust 21, with sessions scheduled at 3 P. M., and 8 P. M. Revival services will begin Sun- I day, August 19, at Ballard's Bridge ‘ Baptist Church and continue 1 through Sunday, August 26. i Burton’s Texaco Service Station i will observe grand opening Mon day. August 20. Edenton Lions Chib will meet i Monday night, August 20, at 7 J o'clock. ( Continued on Page 2 section 1

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