" ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY VofumeXXlll'.—Number 34. Rev.Geo.B. Holmes Will Be New Rector At St. Rams Church Scheduled to Arrive In' Edenton About Mid dle of September Announcement was made early this week that the Rev. George Blake Holmes will arrive in Eden ton about the middle of September to assume the rectorship of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. Mr. Holmes will succeed the Rev. Gor don Bennett, who recently resigned to accept the rectorship of a church in Macon, Ga. Mr. Bennett and family plan to leave Edenton September 1 for their new home. Mr. Holmes, a native of Norfolk, Va., is 38 years old, and is mar ried to the former Rachael Brugh of Roanoke, Va. The couple has four children, Rosemary 5, George Blake, Jr., 4, Jane Douglas 3 and Rachael Brugh 2. Mr. Holmes attended public schools in Norfolk and graduated from Maury High School in 1936. He is a graduate of Norfolk Busi ness College, the College of Wil liam and Mary, Virginia Polytech nic Institute, and Seabury-Westorn Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois. Other schools attended in clude the Norfolk Division of the College of William and Mary, Washington and Jefferson, North western and Garrett Biblical Insti tute. Majors includechemistry, sociology, theology and child psy chology. During World War II he served in both the United "States Navy and the United States Army Air Forces mostly overseas. "He was for a period attached to the Royal Air Force. Theatres include the Pacific, American, North Atlantic, and European Expsiriiaices inchrttr frabWfr Vorfte, City of Norfolk; Department of Education, 1 Williamsburg,' Virginia; United States Navy Department, and churches in Illinois, Wisconsin, Mecklenburg County, Virginia; rec tor of Christ Church, Pulaski, Vir ginia; associate rector of Saint John’s Church, Roanoke, Va. Covered Dish Supper Planned In ffonor Os Rev. And Mrs. Bennett A covered dish supper will be held at the Parish House on Sun day night, August 26, honoring the Rev. and Mrs. Gordon Bennett. All friends of the couple are in vited and are asked to contact either Mrs. John Raines at 744-J-4 or Mrs. Edward G. Bond at 860 or 856, notifying the mntaber in each family planning to attend. The supper will begin at 6 o’clock so that all children may attend with their parents. 20 Years Ago i As Found In the Files of I The Chowan Herald n .... *■« | Entire Albemarle area unites in | building bridge across Albemarle Sound, when about 200 attend mass meeting held in the Chowan Court House. Richard Dixon and Mayor E. W. Spires were notified by C. C. Crit tenden of the State Historical Com mission' that an historical marker was in the nyftltk designating the! Chowap County Court House. V Town Council hears complaints! t about an acute dog nuisance, Thieves entered the office of Dr. W. S. Griffin and stole a quantity of gold stieed, in dental work. Ex-service man of the Rotary Club related some of their mil standing war Wperiencm. W. J. Taylor 'was seeking a now coach at Chowan High School due. to E. C. Woodard Signing. v Perry town protested the find game for-the Bertie-Chowap Lts gu* championship wimu Joe WAb weNt to the plate aa a pinch, lilt- 1 ter. i » Opening of Bdonton schools was V ufet for September 31. Charlie SWanner, foreman at **Hsye*” reported cotton ready to pick, jjfc- THE CHOWAN HERALD t. * ■ ■ I * ♦ New Rector { v. —c* .. ft' ■ .. ' H REV. GEORGE B. HOLMES About the middle of September the Rev. George Blake Holmes will arrive in Edenton to become new I rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. He will succeed the Rev.j Gordon Bennett, who has resigned to accept a rectorship in Macon, Georgia. Revival Services Begin At Christian ChurchAtigust 27 The Rev. W. O. Hend , ersojvof Four Oak§ ; ' Will Preach ■:> Revival services will be held at the First Christian Church in Edenton, the week of August 27, through September 9, according to an announcement by the pastor, the Rev. E. C. Alexander. The visiting evangelist will be the Rev. W. O. Henderson of Four Oaks, N. C. He will speak each night at 7:30 o’clock beginning on Monday night, August 27 and con tinuing through Sunday night, Sep tember 9. The public is cordially invited to these meetings. At the conclusion of the revival a homecoming celebration will be observed. [ Veteran Absent 1 . .* / j W. J. Yates, Edenton 1 * assistant fire chief, and A1 Owens attended the 69th annual convention of the North Carolina Firemen’s Conven ! tiom held in Raleigh early this I week. Fire Chief R. K. Hall was j unable to attend the convention due jto his health, the first time in . many years he missed the gather ing where he has always been, an I outstanding figure as the oldest ! fire chief in the United States. Faculties Are Complete For County Unit Schools Which | Will Open On September 3rd J 4 W. J. Taylor Reports Purchase of Two New Buses Chowan High School and Rocky Hock School will open for the new school term on Monday, September , | 3 and Superintendent W. J. Taylor I reports complete faculty and that will be in readiness for fte opening. The White Oak Con , irniidated opened Monday, 1 '3[agust 20, witJr 880 pupils enroJU ed. Thi« school opened earlier due i U$ losing two weeks for cotton picking at the peak of the season. Mr, Taylor reports that two ex tra school rases have been pur- j I chased for the colored schools in i j his unit, one for V(jhite Oak and f Superintendent Tatlor also an ’ Bounced that member* the sixth 1 Edenton. Chowan Countv. North Carolina. Thursday. August 23, 1956. f Marine j Sullivan’s August 26 . Lt. James B. Bowers | Scheduled to Sing j Solo on Program Marine 2nd Lt. James B. Bow ers of the Edenton Naval Auxiliary Air Station has been selected to appear on the Ed Sullivan Show Sunday .evening, August 26. Lt. Bowers will do a vocal solo. Bowers was selected to appear on the Sullivan show by producer Mario Lewis. Also slated to ap pear on the Sunday evening show are eight to ten other Navy and' | Marine Corps acts, j Producer Lewis selected the per sonnel for the Ed Sullivan Show from the contestants in the All- Navy talent contest finals held at the U. S. Naval Hospital, St. Al bans, N. Y., on August 16. Lieutenant, Bowers is married to the former Miss Patricia Lee Mc- Cormick of Houston, Texas. They are the parents of a baby daugh ter, Stacey Lee, born last month. Parents of the Marine vocalist' • are Mr. and Mrs. Clyde O. Bowers I of Houston. r ' The University of Houston I awarded Lieutenant Bowers a bach- > . elor of arts degree in 1954. The 1 l; singer is a student of Evelyn Ha- ■ , gara of Hollywood, California. Cub Scouts’ Field Day Be Observed 1 Tuesday, Aug. 28 Competition In Field f EveittsfcWill Begin At 5:30 P.M. w 11 , i “Cub Scout Field Day” is to be , the theme for the regular monthly i meeting of Pack 159 Tuesday i evening, August 28, at the Little League Ball Park in Edenton. The program gets underway at 5:30 • o’clock and will include picnic sup per. i Boys will compete individually in Cub-size track and field events. • Prizes are to be awarded to the winners in each activity. Contests will center around the high jump, ball throw, broad jump, i hoop roll and 30-yard dash. Awards are to be presented to Cubs who have completed advance ments recently. Methodist Men’s Club Will Meet August 30 The Men's Club of the Methodist Church will meet at the church Thursday night, August 30, at 6:30 o’clock. This meeting has been postponed from Thursday of this week and Rufus Carraway, presi dent, urges all members to attend. An interesting program is being ,i arranged by John A. Holmes, pro gram chairman. _rtrtI%AAJVV'VA/VVVu*»*‘‘' r m ■■ a- M— ■— and seventh grades at the Rocky Hock School have been assigned to Chowan High School for the 1956- 57 term. The faculties for the schools in the county administrative unit will be as follows: Chowan High School —R. H. Copeland, principal and mathemat ics; Clyde A. White, English and librarian; Miss Edna Louise Wil son; social studies; Bob E. Godwin, sciences and athletic director; Mrs. , Marvis H. Hendrix, French and commercial; Mrs. Loraine H. Rog ersou, home economics; E. S. White, vocational agriculture; Mrs. Annie Perry Asbell, Bth grade; Ralph A. Spainhour, 7th grade; Mrs. Igargaret L. Smithaon, 7th grade; Mrs. Myra B. Stokley, 6th grade; Miss Elia Mae Nixon, sth grade; Miss Hattie Hudgins, 4th Continued on Pag* S, Section 1 Getting Ready For School ] SB Wi -1 . W am t <4 A mL Wljwl » i jpT In above picture appear majorettes for the Edenton Junior-Senior High School Band for the next school term. Left to right, Linda Leary, Patricia Bunch, Ruth Stokley, Chief Leigh Dobson, Rosa Hollowell, Brenda Mooney and Lorraine Wright. Anne Spruill does not appear in the picture. The majorettes are elected each year by a point system set up by the band director. Practice will begin the last week in August. In the bottom picture arc the cheerleaders, left to right, Virginia Jones, Page Cayton, Rita Wright, Chief Bon nie Wright, Imogere Rogerson, Carol Jethro and Peggy Elliott. | Linda Griffin does not appear in the picture. —(Evelyn Leary Photo). District Health Officer Urges Vaccinations Against Polio For All Children Under 20 _______ *• Points Out Epidemic In Nearby County With 11 Cases Dr. B. B. McGuire, District Health Officer, announces that the District Health Department is glad to join the local Medical Society in urging all children under 20 years of age to start polio vaccinations at once, as well as all pregnant wo men. “The presence of a polio epidemic in a nearby county,” says Dr. Mc- Guire, “should remind the citizens, of our four counties that ‘it can | happen here’, too.” Dr. McGuire points out that 11 cases have al ready been reported, of whom 10 had not taken the Salk vaccine and one died. j “See your private doctor at once i and save your children from this j dreadful disease,” says Dr. Me-j Guire. “For those who want it at j the Health Office, call your County j Health Officer for schedule of vac-j cinations. Let’s not sacrifice our j children when we have so good a chance to save them.” Local VFW Auxiliary Thanked For Help Given In Formosa Some months ago the VFW Au xiliary received a letter from Sgt. Werner Krenzer asking help for his welfare program in Formosa. The Auxiliary members donated two large boxes of clothes, candy, toys and school supplies. This week Mrs. Betty Perry, president, received a letter of thanks from Sgt. Krenzer in which he said “It is a nice feeling to ex perience the support you gave me in this welfare program. The need in the Orient is indeed great. Your gifts will bring forth many smiles and the missionaries and myself send our grateful thanks.” •*- - ■ < ■ ROTARIANS MEET TODAY - Edenton Rotarians will meet this j (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock in the Parish House. The program will be in charge of Jack Mooney and President George Alma Byrun* urges a 100 per cent attendance. A Masons Os First District Meet In Edenton Tuesday John C. Vance, Grand Master, Makes Prin cipal Address Masons from all over the First * Masonic District gathered in Eden | ton Tuesday when an afternoon meeting was held in the Masonic Temple and a night meeting held at 8 o’clock. Present for the meetings were j John C. Vance of Asheville, Grand ( Master of Masons in North Caro- I lina; Leon Gray, Grand Chaplain of j the Grand Lodge and superintend | ent of Oxford Orphanage; Wilbur I Mclver of Raleigh, Grand Secre | tary of the Grand Lodge, and W. jH. Burgess of Camden, Deputy 1 Grand Master of the First Ma sonic District. A goodly number of Masons were on hand with lodges represented being Edenton, Coinjock, Elizabeth City, South Mills, Gatesville, Hert ford, Shawboro and Camden, as well as several from other North Carolina districts and other state^k The afternoon session was devor-j ed to a round table discussion of Masonic procedures, with Grand j Secretary Mclver in charge. Ma sonic law was explained and many Continued on Page 2—Section 1 Edenton Jaycees At District Board Session Joe Conger, Jr., and Warren Twiddy, two members of the Eden ton Junior Chamber of Commerce, attended the first quarterly Jaycee board meeting held at Guilford Col- j lege Saturday and Sunday. MV. Conger is vice president of! the lOtn District and Mr. Twiddv is chairman of the 10th Districts' major project committee for the' year, education. This project has for its aim advocating a higher pay , scale for teachers, more class rooms and less student load for! teachers. _ ' Savings Bond Sales In Chowan Amount To $8,431.25 In July County Sales Show a Decrease For Six Months According to A. B. Harless, Sav ings Bonds Volunteer Chairman for Chowan County, local sales in July were $8,431.25. The county’s com bined sales of E and H Savings Bonds for the January-July period amounts to $79,087.50. In contrast : this is a decrease of 33% for the I year in the county. ' During the month of July sales in North Carolina of Series K Unit ed States Savings Bonds were over I 3% greater than they were in July of last year. Total E Bond sales I amounted to $3,298,612,25. January-July sales for the Series E Bonds were 2.4% over the amount sold during the correspond ing period of 1955, which amounts to over $583,000.00. The E Bond sales continue firm both in North Carolina and across the nation, with North Carolina sales increase in E Bonds running over 1% ahead of the national in crease. The combined sales of Series E and H Bonds for the first seven months of the year totaled $32,-1 023,253.75. This is 51% of this! year’s sales goal of $62,700,000. | 30 Golfers Slated To Play In Local Golf Tournament Qualifying Rounds to Be Played on Sep tember 5tK Seven new entries have been added to the list of those already slated to face competition in the Edenton Country Club Golf- Tour- i nament. at the Naval Auxiliary Airl Station from September 5-9, an- J nounced Capt. John L. Cobb, special services officer. The new entrants bring the total of competitors to 30. New civilian entrants in the tour ney are K. A. Wright, J. M. Tlior ud and B. K. Dyrnek. Six other civilians are set for competition in the tournament. Added to the group of military personnel competing in the tour-1 ney are Ist Lt. W. J. Wojciechow ski, 2nd Lt.’s R. F. Calabrese and R. Kazmierezak and M-Sgt. M. J. Bowen. Entries are still being accepted for the tournament at the Base. Competition is slated to begin with a qualifying round on opening day, September 5. NO MASONIC MEETING I With an emergent communioa-. tion of Unanimity Lodge No, 7. A.I F., & A. M„ held Tuesday night of this week, Ernest P. Kehayes, mas- { ter of the lodge, announces there I will be no meeting of the lodge to- j nigh- (Thursday). John A. Holmes Announces Teachers For Local Schools Which Open September 4th i Three Vacancies to Be Filled Within Few Days Superintendent John A. Holmes announced early this week that the faculty for the Edenton City Schools was complete with the ex ception of one first grade teachei for the white schools and a band 1 instructor and an English-French teacher for. the colored schools. | The last two vacancies were caus |ed by August resignations of ' Charles S. Jenkins, band instructor, ' and Annie Frances Gilmer, Eng ' lish-French teacher. Several appli ! cations are being considered and the band instructor and an English , French teacher will be employed within a few days. ! Edenton and St. John’s schools • will open Tuesday morning-, Sep- $2.00 Per Year Iri North Carolina ; Bookmobiles Will 1 Renew Schedule Os Runs September 4 New Chief Justice 1 ~~* V ' epPe I - -V HR iflSt ■ ■ B b& iQg i J. WALLACE WINBORNE As of August 21 Judge John ’ Wallace Winborne, a native of Cho -1 wan County, became Chief Justice : of the State Supreme Court. He was appointed by Governor Luther Hodges to succeed Judge M. V. 1 Barnhill, who resigned due to ill health. i New Students Must Register In Order To AM School | Friday and Monday Designated as Days To Register Students who have moved to Edenton during' the sumrtier arid who expect to enroll in grades 7 through 12 should report to the Kdenton Junior-Senior High Schojnl on North Broad Street on Fjiijat,’. j August 24, or Monday, August 27 1 between the hours of 9 and 12 and j 2 and 5 o’clock. Students should bring with them report cards and any other information which should be of interest to school officials. As announced earlier, the Eden ton Junior-Senior High School will open on Tuesday morning, Septem ber 4, at 9 o'clock. School will dis miss on the first day at 12 o’clock noon. The lunchroom will he open i on the second day and a regular I schedule will be observed. The hours for the regular schedule will be from 8:40 A. M„ to 3:20 P. M. Resume Meetings] { > Edenton Woman’s Club will hold its first meeting since suspension of meetings in June. The club will I meet Wednesday afternoon, Sep tember 5, at 1 o’clock in the Par ish House. Mrs. Thomas Cross, Jr., is presi dent of the club and urges every I member to attend the first meet | ing of the fall season. , y , j tember 4, at 9 o’clock. Seven new teachers have been employed for the white schools and four new teachers have been em ployed for the colored schools. » New teachers employed for the - Edenton Junior-Senior High School ’ are Miss Jean Ward Mobley of ■, Williamston, a recent graduate of, i East Carolina College. She will ! replace Miss Delphia Rawls as i teacher of Vocational Home Eco- 1 • nomics. Mrs. Rebecca Walker - Shepard will replace Mrs. Jenette E Rivenbark Baucom as teacher of | , mathematics. Miss Evelyn Kil - patrick of Hookerton will replace | - Mrs. Louise H. Blades as librarian. I Miss Kilpatrick has been librarian' ■ in the Henderson High School. I Miss Catherine Atkins of Albe- J marie, a recent graduate of Mese s dith College, will teach history and I - Continued on Page 3—Section 1 ' I SLOW DOWN AND LIVE/ “ rr J Budget For Pettigrew | Regional Library Ap proved at $21,271.50 f The budget for the Pettigrew Regional Library for t'j* fiscal year July 1, 1956, to June 30, 1957, has been approved. The total is • $21,271.50. Participating counties are Chowan, Tyrrell and Washing ton including Tyrrell and Washing ton county libraries and their col ored branches, and the Shepard- Pruden Memorial Library and Brown-Carver Library in Edenton. Designated amounts are as fol lows: Salaries $13,110.00 Books and periodicals and binding 5,199.50 Library supplies 300.00 Insurance 340.00 Social Security 260.00 Rent 612.00 Bookmobile operation 750.00 Travel 600.00 Miscellaneous 100.00 Sources of income are as follows: State Aid ... . $10,800.00 City appropriations 2,708.00 County appropriations 6,999.90 Balance 517.49 1 Various sources of income from i the three counties have been added together in lump sums. Tyrrell 1 County is the only one that has a tax levy for its libraries. Chowan and Washington have appropria tions. The two bookmobiles will begin operation September 4. The book mobile librarians, Mrs. Alexander and Mrs. Harris, are taking their vacations the last two weeks in Au gust and Labor Day, September 3, is a legal holiday. Both bookmo biles will g<> on their winte- sched ules nnd will be in Washington County the first week in Septem ber: in Chowan, the week of Sep tember 9; and in Tyrrell' the, of the 16th. Schedules will be published the week before opera tions in the various counties. Evans And Center HHI Churches Plan Revival Aug. 26-31 The Rev. J. A. Auman Os Hertford Will Be Speaker Center Hill and Evans Methodist churches will hold a joint revival beginning Sunday night, August 26, and continuing through Friday night, August 31. Services will be held each night at 8 o’clock in the Center Hill Church. The Rev. J. A. Aomen. na' f '". of j the Hertford Methodist Church, will be the guest speaker. ' The Rev. P. M. so of the two churches, invites the pub* Ilic to attend and join in these ser vices. [civic Calendar] Golf tournament will be held on the Edenton Naval Auxiliary Air Station course September 5-9. Edenton Woman’s Club will hold its first meeting of the fall sea son Wednesday afternoono, Sep tember 5, at 1 o’clock in the Parish House. A covered dish supper will be held at the Parish House Sunday night, August 26, at 6 o’clock in honor of the Rev. and Mrs. Gordon I Bennett. Extra general election will be I held Saturday, September 8, to ( vote on an amendment to the North Carolina Constitution to change the school laws regarding segregation. 1 1 Methodist Men’s Club will hold a dinner meeting at the church I Thursday night, August M, at 6:30 o’clock. Revival services will he held in the Rocky Hock Baptist Church , Sunday, August 26, through Sun* day, September 2. j Chowan County Fair will be held * Continued on Pas* 4 Section 1