PAGE SIX I—SECTION TWO finals For Voice Os jtemocracyContest HextTuesday Night Speakers Will Compete At Chowan High School I The Chowan County finals in the yoice of Democracy contest, spon- Stsred by the Edenton Junior Cham er of Commerce, will be held Tues ay night, November 13, at 8 o’clock at Chowan High School, i The winner of each high school Contest will receive a certificate, Recording to Graham White, local dontest chairman. The community pinner will receive a first place Certificate and will be entered in the state contest to compete for a Voice of Democracy trophy and an ill-expense trip to the national awards program in Washington, D. C., in February, where the tenth anniversary of the Voice of Democ facy contest will be celebrated. Four national winners will be se lected at that time, and each will teceive a SSOO college scholarship and a gold recording of his award winning script. State and national awards are provided by the U. S. Jaycees, NARTB and JtETMA. ■\ Voice of Democracy is a script writing and voicing competition which each year attracts more than a half million 10th, 11th and 12th grade participants. All stu dents in public, private and paro chial schools are eligible to com pete. Complete contest information is now available in all high schools. [Vets’ Question Boxl « Q —ls it possible to train part time under Public Law 16, the law that provides training for disabled veterans T A—You ntay train part-time only if your disability prevents you from training on a full-time basis. Q —l am a World War II veteran FAYLOR THEATRE EDENTON. N. C. Saturday Continuous tmm 1:30 awnday, 2.15, 4:15 and 8:45 Thursday, November 8— Bette Davis and A&rnest Borgnine in “THE>ATERIED AFFAIR” Friday and Saturday, November 9-10— Double Feature Rory Calhoun in “RAW EDGE” —also— I The Bowery Boys in “FIGHTING TROUBLE Mf*a ERNEST KEH AYES Sunday and Monday, November 11-12 Audie Murphy and Ann Bancroft in “WALK THE PROUD LAND” Cinema Scope EUGENE 1 BYRUM Tuesday and Wednesday, November 13-14 John Payne and Rhonda Fleming in “SLIGHTLY SCARLET” “AMAZON TRADER” J. H. BYRUM HSEwAYTI7~ Drive-In Theatre EDENTON. N. C. Edenton-Rertford Road Cinema Scope Screen Friday and Saturday, November 9-10— Double Feature George Montgomery in “SEMINOLE UPRISING” —also— “THE SCARLET SPEAR” Sunday, November 11— Glenn Ford in “THE AMERICANO” WILLFE CHARLTON Monday and Tuesday, s " November 12-13 V. Jeff Chandler in “FEMALE ON THE BEACH” First Edenton Showing MRS. HERBERT UEARY • Wednesday and Thursday, November 14-15 Fred Astaire in “DADDY LONG LEGS” Cinema Scope A. C. JENKINS NOTE: If your name appears I fit this ad, bring It to the Tay -1 lor Theatre box office and re- I ceive a free pass to se« one of I nietnrM and I have a permanent GI insur ance policy. I am planning to get a loan on my policy. Am I sup posed to repay it in amounts that are multiples of $5? - A—Not necessarily. You may eepay it in amounts of any size, so long as they are not less than $5 per payment. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON J Continued From Page s—Section 2 politics and may have seen armies passing his way, but he was more vitally concerned in the evils pre valent with individuals. The Book denounces Israel, holds a promise to the faithful remnant, predicts the captivities, announces the coming kingdom of peace, and the birthplace of the Messiah. It condemns the oppressors of the poor, the deceitfulness of the poor, ® § has a furnace * to Met (foect kune! I ‘ Over 24 Delta models and sizes —both gas and oil for custom-fit in your home or plant. FIOOR-lEVEI FURNACE—No lUIFENDED Smp.mEi out needed . . . sell in floor out of sight of sight in attic, ceiling, bosement ot . . . heots a smoll home automatically. under floor. Spore-soeing end thrifty. i ! efficiently ond economically. 9 OIL-FIRED COUNTERFIOW —fully en- HI-10 BOY Only S 3" high, this lolly 9 closed, designed for rellorless homes, tom- Automatic unit hides oway in bosement, 9 merriol buildings. Gives safe, silent closet or gorage. Heots instantly, pro || oervice economy-engineered I vides summer oir circulolion, air filtering. :i \ ( For information about the perfect model to solve your beating Coastjand Oil Company PHONE 699 Edenton DISTRIBUTORS OF GULF OIL PRODUCTS OUR HOME DESERVES Perfection BECAUSE A BECAUSE f BECAUSE Only Perfection Only Perfection has Only Perfection hat the thrifty the Regulaire Blower. ha* DynaDraft— "Midget” Rifat. the AUTOMATIC forced draft. Burn* over 40 HOURS Tho ONLY automatic *3^ on one gallon of oil. blower with a seporerfe Gets MORE heat eut A true pilot, its tiny heat-sensitive control that of every drep es ell flame uses LESS oil assorts vslvel-smoofh in|ectt air, burnt LESS than the smallest LOW ALL-OVER cemfort ne ell ends chimney FIRE! A real fuel-saver! cold fleers, ne hot Masts. troubles ferevert j See if Hen • EASY Tetm Coastland Oil Company FIIONE 699 EDENTON DISTRIBUTORS OF GULF OIL PRODUCTS « THE CHOWAN HERALD. EDENTON. NORTH CAROLINA. THTjItSDAY NOVEMBER 8, 1956. the rulers who were corrupt and venal, the judges wtho made justice a sham and shame, and such evils. “The teaching of Micah,” says Dr. W. G. ramsue, “possesses re markable qualities, both in style and thought. His language is vig orous, graphic and varied. At times, he is emotional and pathetic, anon terse and trenchant, and again elevated and sublime, as the oc casion and the subject demand. He does not quite command the grand style of Isaiah, but he is more sharply telling and direct. In width of survey and weight of .. FIGHTS ALL COLDS SYMPTOMS AT ONE TIME... EM LESS TIME l ITS THE PROVEN COLDS MEDICINE movement, he differs from his great contemporary, somewhat as | a tribute of the people or a preach er of righteousness differs from a statesman of the first order.” Micah quotes Jehovah as chal lenging his people to “testify against me.” It is an inspiring thought, followed by a recitaLpf all Jehovah’s goodnesses unto them. 'Modem folk might accept the same challenge. Even today, the inquir ing soul can look about and ques tion wherein God has been unkind. The imperfections and wrongs which exist are not of God’s choice or manufacture —when He finished creation, it was declared “good,” but man has ha,d it in his control from that day, and the inquiry should also be made as to what .man has done to the world God made and put him into to enjoy and have dominion over. Our second passage from Micah explains why the ideal of God for the world has not yet come about — failure on the part of man. The chapter opens with a call to the people to come together and hear what the Lord has to say about them. God inquires of his people why they have turned against him when he has done so much for them. The section beginning with verse 6 is the people’s response to God’s question and pleading. They acknowledge their guilt in forget ting the One who had done so much for her, and wonders what shoul 1 jfjfL ■'■ c 8 B BIIBIHI .. gOU MM :wm 1 jTWgrni w. I 19 fgfjfl ' 1 gSp? M fa]pi HgP^raSa - — - Yf SBmH jgfegHg •• : W Ywfefti'J- ' -.rVm.nE -iiTrui— —l# ] ■. . j, 11 , .... S fii iieiuMViinv l*U IRUiV ,n Life of Riley* JLLjg ■■ flfifiOlYviA' far time and channel jjf| he done to shffw penitence. With these words, the prophet answers the people’s question, with the words of our memory verse: “He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with Ijhy God?” Larger sacrifices are not what our God wants —he wants better people, with hearts full of love for him, and for their fellowmen, show ing that love through acts of kind ness and mercy. Christian people today have the opportunity to put into actual practice the theories they have learned. They should stand firm against fraud, wherever it is to be found, against corrup tion in business, in government or ( Heat. Makes home life healthier, y/yy/yyy/' iBl more comfortable and enjoyable U||i for all. Try a tankful and dis- W/m/A/ cover why this fine fuel oil scores Wy/yy luSQIJP)/ heavil y with discriminaiting '//////// , homemakers. We’ll appreciate '///// ~~~ your business and serve you welL heating oil Call us today. Coastland Oil Company PHONE 699 , Edenton DISTRIBUTORS OF GULF OIL PRODUCTS