II ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXlll.—Nmriber 46. Aces Win Hard FougllPGame From Scotland Neck Friday Night To Cop District Honors Bruce White Is Spark plug In Winning Im portant Game In a bruising football game played on a wet and soggy field in Tarboro Friday night, Coach Bill Billings’ Edenton Aces defeated the Scotland Neck Fighting Scots 21 to 14 to win district honors and qualify to play for the regional championship next Friday night. The Aces sported a 14-0 half time lead only to have the Fighting Scots even things up at 14-14 about midway of the fourth quarter with only about four minutes remaining in the game. The Aces dominated the play during the first half, chalking up seven first downs which netted the two touchdowns, while holding Scotland Neck to no first downs. However, it was a different Scot land Neck team on the field during the second half. The Fighting Scots tore through the Edenton line for six first domns and the two touchdowns which tied the score. The Aces made no first downs In the third quarter, but after the score was tied in the fourth quar ter, they again became themselves and with only four minutes remain ing registered five first downs in their 86-yard victory march from their own 15-yard line. With Bruce White and Jerry Downum charg ing like wounded tigers, aided by a pass from Johnny Kramer to Bil ly Bunch for 35 yards, the Acgp gave the large number of Edenton fans on hand reason to hope for a victory. In the march White car ried the ball five times, bucking through from the 1-yard line to null the game out of the fire af ter he was knocked out for a brief time. Downum carried three times, adding yardage each time and Billy Bunch was on the receiving end of a beautiful pass from Kramer. With only 2% minutes remain ing in the 'game Scotland Neck threw a scare in the Edenton camp when they marched from their own 37-yard line to the- Aces’ 19 when time ran out. Continued on Page I—Section 2 ROTARIANS MEET TODAY IN CAFETERIA AT SCHOOL Edenton Rotations will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock in* the Junior-Senior High School cafeteria instead erf the Parish House. The Rotarians changed the meeting to file 'school as part of the observance of Ameri can Education Week, and President George Alma Byrum urges every member to be present.. Town Councilmen Vote To y.■■ ■ . - ExtendEdenton y s Corporate Limits Along U, S. Route 17 Contract Awarded to Close Park Avfcnue Ditch With the extension of Edenton’s corporate limits bobbing up for several years, Town Councilmen a.t their/November meeting Tuesday night voted. unanimously to extend the limits on both sides of U. S, 17 gouth taking hi * Westover Heights and the right side of the highway to a lane beyond the resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Baker. ■ The extension will be advertised and if no objection « meeting of Town Council 30>y« after tne advertisement, tne exten sion wijl %o into effect. However, if 15 per cent of the residents who to call an Election on 4 whether or not the extension will •be made. In its discretion Town THI CHOWAN HERALD Dedication Os Flagpoles At Jr.-Sr. High School Feature Os Veterans Day Celebration John Holmes Principal Speaker at Exercises Held Monday Featuring the observance of Vet erans’ Day in, Edenton Monday were appropriate dedicatory exer cises held at the recently installed flag pole at the Edenton Junior- Senior High School! The observ ance was attended by members of the County Commissioners, Eden ton school trustees, American Leg ion, VFW and the auxiliaries of the latter two organizations. John A. Holmes was the princi pal speaker for the occasion and others making remarks during the program were Thomas Chears, Mans Os HobbsviHe Scheduled To Play Game With All-American Red Heads Unique Basketball Game Will Be Played In Sunbury Gymnasium Monday Night, No vember 19, Beginning at 8 O’clock Monday night, November 19, at 8 ' o'clock the -Hobbsville Ruritan Club basketball team will meet the Orwell Moore’s All American Red Head Girls’ basketball team in the Sunbury gymnasium. This is a special attraction in basketball and promises to he a thriller for basket ball fans in this section. The American Red Heads with headquarters in Caraway, Arkansas is composed of ail girl players, red headed, and each player holds some world ohampionship in some form of athletics. They range in height from five feet eleven inches to six feet five inches, and hail from the states of Georgia, Minnesota, Indi ana, Oklahoma, Missouri and Ar kansas. This team is America’s best dressed girls’ team, and Amer ica’s most popular basketball team. They play men’s teams only, play strictly men’s rules and ask no fa- BANK CLOSED NOV. 22 The Bank of Edenton will be closed ail day next Thursday, No vember 22, in observance of Thanksgiving Day. Important bank ing business should, therefore, be transacted accordingly. [course, the extension will not be 'J made. One of the first items of busi ness at the meeting was adopting a resolution of respect for W. Hen ry Gardner, treasurer of the Town of Edenton, whq died recently. Latgt in the meeting, James Bond was appointed treasurer to serve the unexpired term of Mr. Gard ner. town election will be held six months fyence. The matter of paving Granville Street from Blount to the property ’lines of Dr. Martin Wiaely and the Baptist parsonage was presented. J. Edwin Pufflap and Lather Parks were appointed a committee to make an investigation to see if the property owner* are wißlng to pay half of the coat, *• well as report on the a4viaa«lity of die town completing the bulkhead at toe end Due to jjaggerone traffic cm»di T see how they feel about one-wa* traffic. He was also requested to J make a similar Investigation in ! Pembroke Circle. I Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, November 15,1956. P chairman of the school trustees; W. A. Perry, for the Legionnaires, and Ed Parker for the VFW and William Privott. Jerry Downum, president of the Student Council served as master’of ceremonies and adding to the pleasure of the cele bration was music by the school band .under the direction of Mrs. Lula Williams. Mr. Holmes presented a brief history of a- memorial to Chowan County’s men and women who serv ed in the" armed forces while this country was at war, which finally crystallized into the Legion Post and VFW Post agreeing to erect flagpoles at the Junior-Senior High School, the Edenton Negro School and at Chowan High School. vors. They have played for sixteen seasons before 5,000,000 spectators, and have been featured in Life Magazine, Pic, Colliers, Argosy and other magazines. Hobbsville Ruritans will be rep resented by old.timers who claim to be “hot shots” on the hard-wood and boast of more victories than defeats, Lamar Dentcm will act as manager for the Ruritans and oth er players will be Alfred Stallings, McKay Riddick, Weldon Hobbs, Clax Stallings, Frank Rountree and others. An independent team from Sunbury, composed of Jesse Benton Riddick, Frank Russell, J. S. Pierce, B. H. Brown and others have been asked to assist the Hobbsville Ruri tans and spectators will enjoy see ing these super players in' action against America’s most popular, most talked'-about, and best dressed girls’ basketball-team. easterpTsta^ieetTng^ Edenton Chapter No. 302, Order of the Eastern Star, will meet Mon day night, November 19, at 8] o’clock. Mrs. Edna Reaves, worthy | matron, urges all members to at- j tend. Councilmen George Alma Byrum and Luther Parks were also in structed to investigate the advisa bility of parking on the north side of West Water Street and cutting back curbs to allow more room for trucks entering Dock and Frank lin Streets. W. J. Yates, on behalf of the Board of Public. Works, appeared at the meeting in the interest of securing a 60-foot right-of-way from Freemason Street to Jackson Street John Mitchener and J. Ed din Bufflap were appointed an investigation and report M th«* next meeting. Mr. Yates pointed put the irapoYtance of this connec-' tion especially for public utilities and fire protection. Marvin Wilson, representing Ar thur Chappell, asked the Council men to approve a route in Edenton for Mr. Chappell's new bus line to the Edenton Auxiliary Air-Station. The route approved was from the comer of North Broad Street and Paradise Road, south on Broad Street to Church, then east to the base. Mr. Chappell plans to make Page s—Section 1 1 1 ' l/l Lisiiiii i \ iiJiiiif WWttr : Fm ': uSS* «**»*• Jp* «*>. ATOP THE CONTINENT—These Array Transportation Corps soldiers left the summer warmth of Fort Eustls. Va.. to brat the closing In of the Ice parks hovering a few thousand yards off the shore of northern Alaska. Using an LC'l (Landing Craft Mech anized!. they are supply!-’- t’->' D"AV Line radar outposts. 56 Christmas Seal Sale Begins Today In Chowan County Many Batches of Seals: Sent Throughout County Chowan County’s 1956 Christmas | Seal campaign to raise funds for the continuing fight against tuber culosis begins today, the 50th an niversary of the first Seal Sale in 1907. ' '7 ' ' : Mrs. J. A. Moore, Chairman for Chowan County and her co-workers have mailed many batches of seals throughout the county and hopes that every person will return a con tribution at once. If for pny rea son some people have been over looked who desire to make a contri bution, Mrs. Moore will be delight ed to receive any amount. “The dividends of today are the accumulated progress made against TB which the voluntary fight for 50 years by TB associations and 1 other groups has helped to bring about,” says Mrs. Moore. She points out that Christmas Seals have supported education, teaching people how to protect themselves; 1 case-finding, to find active TB so that other cases may be prevented; : rehabilitation, to help patients get ! well and stay well; and research, 1 to find a vaccine to prevent the di- 1 sease and .v-drug that will kill the germ without harming the patient. “This is the protection you get with i Christmas Seals,” says Mrs. Moore, ’ Continued on Pacre S—Section t Paintings Os Linda Downum On Exhibit This Month In Belhaven Memorial Library i Work of Young Eden ton Artist Acclaimed In Many Sections Miss Linda Downum, talented ar tist of Edenton, is conducting a one-man art exhibit during this month at the Fannie Mebane Ralph Memorial Library in Belhaven. Miss Downum is at present a stu dent at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia, after having studied painting and design at Greertsboro College for two yedrs. Her formal training in cludes work at the Memphis Acad emy of Arts and the McKentye Art School, also in Memphis, Tenn.; a fine arts session, of Woman’s Col lege at Beaufort, N. C.; and a cor respondence course in commercial art The twenty-one year old artist is now specializing in painting at Academy and will continue that course for two .more years. By following the coordinated pibgram offered by the Academy and - the Continued on Page B—Section 1 fMtelephones j l J Telephone subscribers are again ! reminded that at midnight Satur day, November 17, the Edenton ex change will be converted to dial operation. All subscribers are grg ed to carefully read the dial in structions on page 8 of the new directories which have already been distributed. One of the most im portant instructions is to listen for the dial tone before dialing a num ber. The dial tone is a steady humming sound heard in the tele phone receiver. Will Meet Tonight The Edenton Business and Pro fessional Women’s Club will hold a dinner meeting tonight (Thursday) in the upstairs dining room at the Triangle Restaurant, beginning at 7 o’clock. The program will lie in charge of the Legislative Committee with Mrs. Josie Ruth Carr as chairman, and will be in the form of a round table discussion of the BPW Fed eration Legislative platform, with emphasis on sta'te legislation mat ters. A chicken dinner will be ‘served and it is hoped that all member? will be on hand for this important meeting. e— femecalendar] ' * The Edenton telephone exchange will be converted to the dial sys tem at midnight Saturday, Novem ber 17. Christmas Seal Sale is scheduled to get under way in Chowan County today (Thursday). Edenton Aces will play Ayden on Hicks Field Friday night, No vember 16, at 8 o’clock for the regional class A championship. Annual meeting of the stock holders of toe Edenton Develop ment Corporation will be held in the Court House Monday night, November 19, at 8 o’clock. The Chowan HdspiUl Auxiliary will meet in the nurses’ home Fri day afternoon, November 16, at 3 1 o’clock. Edenton's Rotary Club will meet in the Junior-Senior High School' Cafeteria this (Thursday) after noon at 1 1 o’clock as- part of the I observance es American Education Week. ■ Continued on Page 3, Section 1 United Fund Drive At Base Extended i Until November 20 H & M Squadron Is In i Lead With 84% of Goal Collected The 1956 United Fund Drive at the Edenton Naval Auxiliary Air Station, which was slated to end November 5 has been extended un til November 20, to give all units on the base a chance to reach their quota. The most recent totals show that NAAS has collected $4,135.45 or 47 per cent of its goal of $8,875 Moneywise and percentagewise, Headquarters and Maintenance Squadron leads all other squadrons with $1,423 or 84 per cent toward its goal of $1,700. Headquarters Souadron-1 is next with 73 per cent or $154.75 of its $2lO goal. Percentagewise Marine Attack Squadron-211 and Marine Attack Squadron-225 are tie, both collect ing 47 per cent. Marine Attack Squadron-211 has collected $752 to ward a goal of $1,600. 225 has $704, with its goal set at $1,505. A total of $951.70, or 38 per cent has been collected by Marine Air Base Squadron-14, with its goal set iat $2,840. The Civil Service em -1 ployees bring up the rear collect ing 14 per rent or $l5O toward a ! goal of $1,020. | Sdine of the organizations which j Idle Drive will contribute to arc:! Navy Relief, American Cancer So ciety, National Tuberculosis Socie ty. Chowan County Easter Seal So ciety, Edenton'Boy Scouts, Ameri can Rerf Cross, Chowan County Charity Fund, USD and many other worthwhile organizations. Red Men Oyster Roast Nov. 26th Affair Will Be Held at Jackson’s Radio Shop At Monday night’s meeting of I Chowan Tribe of Red Men it was decided to stage a “dutch” oyster ■ roast Monday night, November 26, |at 7 oVloik. The affair will he held at the Jackson Radio Shop on West Eden Street. Willie Bunch was named chair man of the committee and must be notified by those who wish to at- j tend before Saturday night, No vember 24. It is necessary to know how many will attend in or- ! Her to secure enough oysters, so | that members are urged to contact j Mr. Bunch at onee. Jaycees’ Dance To Be Held Nov. 21st Music By Earl Zirklc! And Orchestra From 1 Rocky Mount i Sponsored by the Edenton Cham ber of Commerce, a Thanksgiving dance will be held in the Edenton armory Wednesday night, Novem ber 21. The dance will begin at 9 o’clock and continue until 1 o’clock. ; Earl Zirkle and his orchestra from Rocky Mount will furnish the music for the dance. This group is well known in Edenton, having played for previous dances, so that an enjoyable evening of dancing is in prospect. Table reservations can be made by phoning 413 or 47 before the telephone system is converted to dial at midnight Saturday, Novem ber 17. After that date the phone numbers will be 2163 or 2223. Development Corp. Meets November 19 A meeting has been called of the stockholders of the Edenton De velopment Corporation which will be held in the Chowan County Court House Monday night, No vember 19, at 8 o’clock. This is a very important meet ing, so that the attendance of every member is urgently requested. | Any members who are unable to. attend are urged to appoint an other member as a proxy. $2.00 Per Year In North Carolina W oman’sClubCalls Off ’57 Pilgrimage Historical Edenton ( Extra Money ] The Bank of Edenton ig this week mailing checks amounting to $65,- 000 which go to 1,000 members of the 1956 Christmas Savings Club. The checks range from $12.50 to. SI,OOO, and will come in very handy I at this time of year in paying tax-! es, buying Christmas presents and other needs. i : Edenton Marine j Dies As Result Os Pistol Accident , Pvt. Eli Houser Dies Friday In U. S. Naval Hospital Marine Pvt. Eli Houser, 22, of the Edenton Naval Auxiliary Air Station died early Friday at the U. S. Naval Hospital, Portsmouth.! Houser suffered a penetrating! I wound of the brain when he acci-! dentally discharged a .45 caliber! pistol at the Edenton Base Thurs-, day afternoon. The fatal shop was fired at about j 1:30 P. M., Thursday. No other' person was injured. Houser was' treated by Navy doctors at Edenton land flown to the I’ortsmouth hos-j pital. The Marine died shortly as-, ter 4 A. M., Friday morning. , A Marine Corps spokesman sai i| I Houser’s name had been withheld temporarily, pending notification Jjf next of kin. An investigation is r being conducted to determine cir cumstances of how Houser acci j dentally shot himself. The Marine was the son of Eli W. Houser, 6415 S. May Street, , Chicago, 111. Hospital Auxiliary Meets November 161 The Chowan Hospital Auxiliary will moot Friday afternoon, Novem ber 16, at 3 o’clock in tlm nurses’l ] home. Mrs. West Byrum, Jr., pres-1 j ident of the auxiliary, states that' 1 this will he the last meeting until, January, so that she hopes a large! number of the members will at- j tend. An interesting program is i | planned for the occasion. Aces Meet Ayden For Regional Title In Edenton Friday 120 Years Ago] j As Found In the Files of The Chowan Herald Edenton Post Office joined post offices throughout the United States in assisting in obtaining cer tain information from employees! and assigning social security ac count numbers to employees cover- j ed by the Social Security Act. A representative of the Virginia Electric & Power Company appear, ed in upper Chowan County secur ing signers for a right of. way to extend its service in Chowan Coun ty,- The Herald carried an advertise ment for the sale of $90,000 school bond anticipation notes, which ma ture May 14, 1957. The money put an end to the vexing problem since destruction of Chowan High School by fire. Mrs. J. N. Pruden. Chairman of the Red Cross Roll Call, named her committee for the Chowan Chapter with the quota being 250. W. J. Taylor, welfare officer, in formed Town Council that about 20 folks within the city limits must i be given aid in order to prevent , them from starving or freezing during the eoming winter months. Continued on Page 4—Section 1 DON’T FORGET TO BUY . CHRISTMAS SEALS Hope, However, to Re new Popular Event In Near Future The Edenton Woman’s Club held its November meeting at St. Paul’s Parish House Wednesday of last ! week with Mrs. T. C. Cross, Jr., president, presiding. The meeting opened with the reading of the N. C. Clubwomen’s collect in unison after which Mrs. John Mitchener | gave thanks. | After recognizing distinguished | club guests and visitors of club j members, Mrs. Cross recognized I Mrs. Richard Goodwin, fine arts j chairman, who, on behalf of the | club paid tribute to a club mora ,l her, Mrs. T. B. Smith, outstanding ! artist. | Following officers’ reports Mrs. I J- R- DuLaney, education chairman, j presented the program, a panel dis ! cussion on “Survey of the Eiuca j tion Needs of our Community.” : Mrs. DuLaney stated that the sub , ject would he discussed from three 1 standpoints: the need of aduit ed ucation, libraries an i the public J schools. She then introduced the j speakers, Milton Bass, head of the I Edenton Employment Office; Miss Evelyn Kilpatrick, Edenton High Continued on Page 5 Serf ion l Chowan 4-H Club j Achievement Day | To Be Held Nov. 19 Program Arranged at Chowan Community * Building On Monday night. November 19, [ at. 7:30 o'clock, the Chowan County 4-H Clubs will honor their most outstanding members at the annual Achievement Day program. The | affair will bp held in the Chowan Community Building at Cross Roads. All county and district 4-ls winners will he recognized and | awards will be presented. “An interesting program has been arranged," says Assistant | County Agent Robert S. Marsh. I “and we are looking forward to I having a goodly number of par ■ p nts and 4-H Club members to at tend the event.” Home Game Arranged In Appreciation For Loyal Following Having won the Class A district championship over Scotland Neck . in Tarboro Friday night. Coach Bill | Billings' Edenton Aces are now setting their sights on the Region al championship. The Aces will play Ayden for this honor Friday night and fans will be delighted to know that the game will be played on Hicks Field on Edenton with the game starting at 8 o'clock. The Scotland Neck game proved costly to the Aces, for Johnny Speight, one of the team’s power houses in the line, sustained a broken ankle and will not be able to see action against Ayden. De spite his injury. Speight played the entire game but his effectiveness in stopping Scotland Neck plays was noticeable as he limped about the field. David Fletcher, too, was not in tip-top shape Friday night, having been on the sick list most of the week. Billy Bunch also stretched a point in playing Friday night when he had not fully recovered from a leg injury. Johnny Knftaer managed to play Continued I'age s—3&ction 1