What’s In Store? | By JOCXN AYNES %- IIEKIEB WIISKEY. 16 6 EIHF 65% HAIR REITIAt SFIIITS I 1/3 c. minced onion Vs c. butter or margarine 2 c. cooked ijice IV2 tsp. poultry seasoning 1 c. canned apple sauce .1 tsp. salt Saute’ onion in butter or marga rine; add remaining ingredients; mix well. Enough stuffing for 5 lb. chicken. Double recipe for 10 lb. turkey. Uncooked Apple Sauce V* c. white com syrup % tsp. salt 6 apples V* c. lempn juice Combine corn syrup, lemon juice and salt. Slice cored (peeled or not) apples into syrup, stirring frequently to keep apple slices coated with syrup. Blend apples and syrup for 1 minute in electric blender. Pour into freezer contain er and add to your freezer wealth. "‘More corn syrup should be added if you use cooking apples. Apple Coffee Ring Coffee Cake Mix:- 2 c. flour 4 tsp. baking pi ivder V 2 tsp. salt 2 tbsp. shortening 1 tbsp. beet cr cane sugar 34 c. milk Filling:- 1 4c. chopped apples • Vs c. sugar 1 tsp. cinnamon Vs c. chopped nuts V* c. corn syru{f For cake mir, sift together dry ingredients; cut in shortening with 1 pastry mixer; add milk slowly to j make soft dough. Roll into a 1 square V* inch thick on floured J board. Spread cake mix with fill ing which has been well mixed to gether. Roll up in fashion of a jelly roll. Cut with very sharp knite at Vs inch intervals, leaving one edge of roll uncut. Place in oiled pan, curled into a ring. Brush entire surface with melted butter and sprinkle lightly with sugar and cinnamon, if desired. Bake 45 min. in moderate oven (350° F.) 'j SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Continued from Page 4—Section 2 bus’ dying legacy—an encourage ment to his disciples for faith in a living, loving God and Saviour. Read again the words of our Scrip ture passage with these thoughts in mind and see how much more they will mean to you now. It was just beginning to dawn on the disciples that Jesus was about to lea-ve them, as he had tried to tell many times be fore. They became anxious; their future was uncertain and ominous. And, to make matters worse, they were deeply concerned about the fate; of their beloved Master. Things just were not working out as they had thought they would, This man can give you dependable delivery of THE ***tfp\ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MON ITOR international r newspaper Housewives, businessmen, teochers, ond students all over the world read and enjoy this international newspaper, pub lished daily in Boston. World famous for constructive news Stories ond penetrating editorials. Special features for the whole family. The Christian Science Monitor On* Norway St., Boston IS, Mass. Send your rvewspoper for the time checked. 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( Mr I I • A \ «j\ / •/ • Sweet , smooth and sassy! The Bel Air Sport Coupe with Body by Fisher. # Only franchised Chevrolet dealers display this famous trademark B. B. H. MOTOR COMPANY, Inc. “YOUR FRIENDLY CHEVROLET DEALER" 1100 North Broad Street dealer’s franchise no. rrs Edenton, North Carolina and life was dealing therm many disappointments. In the midst of these anxious thoughts came Jesus’ comforting words, “Let not your heart be troubled.” These were the words they needed most, and probably thought of most during the suc ceeding events and throughout the following years. The saint. words come to us, when our times of anxiety seem more than we can bear, we, too, can hear him say, “Let not your be .troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.” With the consciousness of the pres ence of God and of his care for us, we should be able to meet the crises of life courageously and triumph antly/ , Curious to know about the fu ture life with Jesus and not able to understand what they could not see, the disciples were eager to know all that Jesus would toll them. Jesus did not explain any thing about immortal life, but he insisted that they must not worry about it, must not allow their lack of understanding or knowledge to check their hope and faith. He said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions ... I go to prepare a place for you.” This statement is the foundation for our belief in an after life of happiness and satisfaction. The human mind has grappled for ages with the question of im Shares in American Business ... GIFT WITH A FUTURE »For Your Son —Daughter—Wife For several years we have helped heads of families select securities for Christmas giving. It’s a worthwhile gift that becomes more valuable as time passes. Those who receive-it have a prideful sense of ownership in something important. If this unusual and valuable gift idea appeals to you, arrange an appointment now to allow ample time for the purchase and proper registration of certificates. | The 1955 session of Ihe N. t . General Assembly passed a law providing for a new method of making such gifts lo minors. Call, or write us, for a copy of the law as enacted. fm *****••■* tV '•*■. •••■ ■.«**•.«* **v* •••*.••- ■*'> •* ••' Represented in this area by I Hfl David M. Warren f .'till S. Grain ill,. Street RHONE 3332 Kdei.i.ui ISjOMBSi& Johnston Bldg. Charlotte INVESTMENTS for SECURITY | 10 Wall Street New York City ' 24 YEARS IN THE INVESTMENT FIELD mortality—after life, what? There, have been men in past ages who felt the certainty of another life. Socrates was one, so was the sav age who. buried the body of his chief and surrounded it with the! utensils and weapons he might need/ in the new world. The distinction! between the body and the inner! consciousness—the soul—has long been drawn by mankind, for, in primitive days, there are evidences; that man recognized some great | power or force within himself, which was higher than his body, j and which controlled it. Throughout the history of man kind, as far as we have been able to read it, and apparently contra-! dieting the seeming faith and belief! in immortality, there has been an I evident dread of death. A few sui-j cides now and then of men in dis-l tress or fear form no basis for de-f n ying this universal apprehension I of entrance into the strange and! unknown realm which follows life! on this earth, for such actions were caused by so great sufferings ands anxiety over earthly things as to overcome the usual aversion to the j end. Such voluntary dismissals were never caused by normal de sire to experience the life after the grave. From its earliest beginning,! Christianity has held to a firm! faith in an eternal life after an i earthly existence. It was emphati-' SECTION TWO PAGE FIVE cally and positively taught by Je-- stis time and again. one of these. '*•*«- Jesus points the waw to over* coming our fear of d4tlHfF()lk>* me”—-for “I am the way. 1 ’ If we accept him as our guide r .,we need ' have no fear. The • (jolliers • of, Jesus in the days of the Early Church were so completely in ac cord with this statement of Jesus that they called themselves follow ers of “the Way” before they were ever called Christians, Ts we catP say with the poet, “I know not what the future holds, but I know who holds the future,” we can truthfully say, “I will not let my heart he troubled, for I do believe in God, and I also believe in thee, oh, Christ!” y°u dentists say “wonderful” . “best I’ve ever used” .., “best tooth paste on the market* 1