ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Yolrnie XXlV.—Numf Little Project For Chowan Farmers To Secure Drainage Relief Due To *55 Hurricanes r '-\ Five million dollars was allocat ed for Eastern North Carolina for relief of damage, caused by hurri canes, of which tibout one million dollars has beAUjftMttL Chowan County made for relief, turned down, after VlflHH-mers were requested toy tors stating the wStmc due to the fig The l e tt^B'Ufllio nday, however, practical any Chowan for the re- BBmtion for relief and drain age requires that the on lands various water- as a result of the three streams have been so with fall en debris that farm land jflpfllWjforoperly and adc- since that time. Ne x t9bilnt|licunt must state that ha*'h:Bjß , ortniii number of acres crops on land along vHftit the time of the ContnWKlVinlbge 4—Section 1 frSifccsignsAs ChangffiK Duties at EdetfdfiQkir Station i^^Hisible announced Culi Scoutmaster meeting of the Mr. Frohnen, resignation, said a change in his jßWvicUdne Base, and the •a I of ißret. “There is no than this to affect thinking of young Frohnen. Appreciates^Bciiis services was Harrell, mem ber of twßHßlcout Committee; and Ward. Tom presented his membori^Bß^Bf irate in Lions. In tcrnatioqjUt invitation was ex tended 9t|Hß> n Lions to attend the at the Metho dist Chtmfflßplonday night, Feb ruary Rev. Earl Richard son, the invitation, ]>oint(BSßit this one of the na- preachers. BohhV'Bnßi returned to Eden tou fi'tfHvl America, and was a Graham By rum. * of the club involv ing of the Corn Club, the in Durham, and the in Sail Franc - discussed. Also on tile discussion were Night, and 0 b- Jones Month. esfcs'-B Lions. Internationa J an. 17th Mr* Mn, president of the L 4 ; Bit tile Hit, January 15, Van Tn nixMvßßjKg will be held ip ■ High School caf. - L— |§*i*ht/ January 17, j * i the ■ affair. m THE CHOWAN HERALD * »-s Student Council Sponsoring PolioSurveyAmongChildren * * Wednesday of last week in Si | | Paul’s Parish House with Mrs. Joe] i Thorud heading the| j president. She succeeds Mrs. T. 0. . Cross, Jr. I Other officers elected were: Vice president, Mrs. James 'Bond; re-’ cording secretary, Mrs. Daniel P. Reaves; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Ernest Ward, Jr.; treasurer, i Mrs. E. L. Nixon, and historian I Mrs. Earl Richardson. Installation I of the new officers will take place i at the May meeting. Mrs. T. C. Cross, Jr./president, presided at the meeting and Mrs. John Mitchener, chaplain, returned thanks. Reports were heard from the treasurer, Mrs. Wesley dies-; son. and the vice president, Mrs. Al Phillips. Mrs. Joe Thorud, chairman of community affairs, announced that gauze had lieen ordered for cancer bandages and upon arrival club members would be called on to make bandages for cancer patients. This has been a long standing pro ject of the Woman’s Club. Re|M)rting for Mrs. William Case, Mrs. W. D. Holmes, Jr., stated that! the second grade Brownie Troop, sponsored by the JVhtior-Chjpnilx r of Commerce, made pm|Si tray Continued mi Patre 1 $2.00 Per Year In North Carolina^ i ' \ New Attorney £ '#l mi ! > i WILLIAM S. I’RIVOTT Chowan County Commissioners on Monday and Town Council on Tuesday night appointed William S. Privott as county and town at-[ torncy respectively. Mr. Privott succeeds the late J. \. Pruden. >2O Years Ago J As Found In the Files of ) I The Chowan Herald Postal receipts at tile Edenton Post Office reached highest peak since 1929. Mrs. C. I*. W ales and .Mrs. Percy | Perry appeared at the County Com missioners’ meeting seeking an added contribution on behalf of the sew ing rooms in Chowan, County. Ladies of Edenton registered con-: siderahlc objection to donate one of ihe Revolutionary War Cannon to the Mariners' .Museum in Newport News and Town Council at a spe cial meeting rescinded its action at the December meeting. A beautiful cedar tree was plant ed at the loot of Broad Street to he used for Christmas decoration. Ihe tree was removed from the iron! of W. ('. Hunch's home in North Edenton. Augustus Koch, retired German naval officer, was killed at his Continued on Page 3—Section 1 Edenton’s PTA Will Meet January 15th I “Youth Speaks” Panel j Will I*e Feature of Program Kdenton’s Parent-Teacher Asso ciation will linbl its regular meet ing Tuesday night, January 15. at ■ S o’clock in the Edenton Elemen tary School auditorium. Mrs. John J. 'Ross,'president.-is very anxious to •have a large attendance at the meeting. A program entitled “Youth ( Speaks” is being arranged by I’rin- | cipal Gerald James. Mr. James , will moderate a panel of four stu- , dents during which will be eonsid-h ered dating, allo/ivances. social cou-j duct in general, need for reorea-ij ’ tional facilities and juvenile dclili- 1 quincy. Parents will also be given , an opportunity to participate in a| question and answer phase of the 1 1 program. j ( The program should he of special j j interest to parents of high school [ students, so that it is honed a larg > I i number of members will be pres- i; ent. I ; ____________________________ j 1 SUB-DISTRICT MEETING The Chowan-Perquimans Youth j Fellowship Sub-district Council will meet at the Hertford Methodist : Church on Sunday afternoon, Jan- > liarv 43. at- ? o'clock j fight polio ... JOIN THE MARCH OF DIMES! I j Residents In Affected Area Protest By Petition Due to a petition presented at the nn cling of Town Council Tuos ; day night, the Councilmen passed motion requesting the Chowan ( ounty Board of Elections to | a special election to vote on the ; question of extending th,. corpor ate limits of the Town of Edenton I to take in the area south of the I present limits along U. -S. Route 17, ; which includes Westowr Heights. ; The petition read as follows: | ‘We, the undersigned qualified | voters and residents of the pro j posed town expansion area on I I Route 1,. do respectfully peti:ion j that an election lie- called to dfter- f > mine the matter.” The pettion e i was signed by the following: i J. H. Mc.Mullan, Carolyn C. Me- Multan, J. Rhodes Smith, Flojenre M. Smith. W. K. Raker, Eth«l L. Baker. Jacob Hobowsky, Clarice S. llobowsky, Mrs. Cliney Briley. Kl vin 1.. Spivey. James R. Briley, G. L. Gilchrist, Yergie P. Gilchrist, Mrs. Etta .VI. Williams, jgaorge Williams. R. E. ChuiuMdLjyßPL|t * Bth/fch. Ranch. v. yi^^HKngKolierl T. jar Mrs. w i >tute's jHßMHV'titioii^ per aaa^^fl Vdters ittj&lßj^^^l i'' wtp | i •■'!'. i • Che-.van of Elections to call an.lafetion decide the matter dT*' l extension. The election, according To Taw. will be held within 60 days after the Continued oil Page 3—Section 1 Rev. George Holmes Speaker At Rotary Points Out Social Re-s sponsibility In Com- i m unity lh, R" ( rge R. Holmes, ree.l tor ol Kpiscopa , rcli.l was t -p. at I -1 WI k’s Rn J b> Hi: >,ii I.a. ,|, ■■ '.p^B tin pi na i...... At the outset Mr. Holnirs staG-tf, that he was in Edenton as 0n,.; ill several cle _ythei ,|- g part of the Christian. Cline ivi.pi’f accepts the fact the ~ a social responsibility to til. human race. “I am here.” said the speaker,, “because 1 believe,in U fldl-blooded and full-bodied Gospel which is concerned for places where people lay their heads as y as th • resting-places for tlieii >..,.|5. “No mail is like a > "g,-^ stool though by popt , i., r^v tion he is made up of ‘end. Immlj. and soul. My concern :s for tlf whole human being so , cannot pull the necessities >! life into component parts. Continued on Page 1, Section l Young: Churchmen / Distribute Over 1,000 J Items On Christmas! Tommy Kehayes, president <>tl] the Young Churchmen of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, reports that ihe month of December was -s --ful month for the Kmpt Slocking Fund. Community contribution of funds amounted to S3OO an. ov-r 1,000 items of clothiny and toys were gathered to provide for 198 children in 42 families. This [ s the largest undertaking the .up has ever provided a full Ch -anas for in terms of toys and net ifui items. Particular thanks ar axtend»d Edenton firemen for t ir gre t assistance in repairing ami pain , ing toys. The local *i*ihants. Welfare Department, an . al ci‘j zeps are each to be thanked ti/r their contributions. In addition to the als.vq (hmk. plishment the Young ChurciKn sent a $5 check for Huna»rhi^B^._