\\ ONLY NEWSPAPER H PUBLISHED IN 1 CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXIV. —Number 12. Annexation Election Wins 54*36 Town Councilmen Request Change To Four Year Terms But Two Years For Mayor Decision Made Tues day With One Dis senting Vote I , In a special meeting held Tues day aiuemoon Town Council voted to requesf Representative Albert Byrum to introduce a bill in the General Assembly calling for a change in Edenton’s charter which will provide for the election of Town Councilmen for terms of four years instead of two. The propo sition, however, provides for the Mayor to continue to be elected on a two-year basis. Under this sys tem of Councilmen will stag ger, so that there will not be the possibility of an entirely nq.w Board being elected at an election. No mention was made as to the term of Town Treasurer. If the bill is introduced and pass ed it Will mean that in the com ing May election three of the Coun cilmen idll have to run for a four year term and three for two years, while Hjip Mayor will run for a two year After that three Coun-i rilmeinpviTl be elected every two yea'rs|jp>r four-year terms, so that there'kill always be three old mem bers remaining. - * * The vote requesting the change was not quite unanimous, with J. 'Edwin Puffin p being the only one voting againSt tl»|, motion. Buff, lap was Wot opposed to the four year term idea, but based his ok-' jectiodi 'oh the exclusion 1 of the. Mayor from a like term. " ; Tuesday afternoon’s session was a postponement of a meeting held, Monday afternoon, whiCh was call ed primarily to reconsider action Continued on Page 4—Section 1 Lesion Fish Fry Scheduled To Bej Held March 26th Affair at Legion Hall Expected to Attract Large Crowd y Members of Ed Bond Post No. 4Q of the American Legion will stage a big fish fry at the Legion hall on the Windsor highway next night, March 26, beginning at 7 o’clock. Members of the Leg io(j Auxiliary will be guests of the Legionnaires and an invitation to attend is also extended to all ser vice personnel and veterans not members of the Legion. legionnaires and Auxiliary mem bers Jiave t> een invited from Eliza . beth City, Manteo, Hertford and €Rrtj*jkille, so that the fish fry is expected to be a mammoth affair. Th« fish fry will take place of Legion meeting and will j B 1 less a kick-off meet i candidacy of John A. the post of Department Vionservation Posters Juttyed Friday, April 5 ‘ Gantts Attix, manager of the , Elizabeth' City Chamber of Com merce! has announced that the win! ning Conservation posters in each count* in the Albemarte SoH Con- City from April Bth through the I2kh. These posters will be THEtfHOWAN HERALD Pictures Taken On Friday For Herald j Visiting Speaker j *■ : H 3h fMBMj n mk Special services win 'he held at tha- "Presbyterian Church Monday night, March 25, at 7:3<t o’clock, througjl Friday, 29, when the Rev. David 'C. Crawford, Jr, of Leesburg, Va, a former pastor, will the the speaker. VFW Auxiliary Will Elect Officers Tonight I The VFW Auxiliary will meet to -1 night (Thursday) at 8 o’clock in the Post home. An important item | of business will be the election of 1 Auxiliary officers for the new year, , so that Mrs. Betty Perry, president, I urges every member to be present. District Student Council Congress Meets In Edenton ' JA - * Local High School Will Be Host For Dis trict Meeting The' 18th annual Eastern District meeting of the North ■Carolina Stu dent Council Congress wiH be held at the Edenton Baptist Church Fri day, March 29. The meeting is sponsored by the Edenton Junior- Senior High School. Officers of the diptridt organiza tion are: Billy Bunch of Edenton, president; Alien Cronenberg, of Rocky Mount, vice president; Nancy Brown of Greenville, secretary, and Jerry Downum of Edenton, secre tary. -The theme of the meeting will be “Student Councils—Promot ers of School Spirit." Three general sessions will be to 8;30 P. M., and 5:45 to 5 P. M. Registration wj£ be injwgress gßienton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday March 21,1957. Herald Will Be Fur nished Prints By Photographer As the result of an arrangement i with Smith Studio in Raleigh, a [professional photographer will be | in Edenton Friday, March 22, for i the purpose of making pictures for I Tilt Herald. It is the desire of The j Herald to carry up-to-date pictures ■ of as many Edenton and Chowan ■ County people as possible, and what pictures are taken will be furnished | The Herald. There is ho expense attached to the request to have pictures taken and anybody who has a picture tak en will be under no obligation what ever to purchase any. Os course, if anybody desires to buy one orj more pictures the photographer; will be glad take orders. The photographer will lie at Jo seph Hewes Hotel from 9:80 A. M.. to 6 P. M, Friday, March 22, and it is hoped many Edenton people) will qall during these hours in or-, der to have pictures taken, whidh will be on file in ’M'p Herald office Jr far any possible fut ire use. 120 Years Ago] I As Found In the Files of The Chowan Herald r>\ School squabble between Repre sentative John F. White and the county and Edenton.school hoards ended in an agreeable compromise with the county hoard increased to i seven instead of five.members and abandoning the proposed abolish-, i ment of the Edenton administrative j unit. 4 Miss Mary Perry of the Edenton High School was declared the win- I Continued on Page 7—Section 1 New Business ] Beginning today (Thursday) an other service station opened for business in Edenton. The.new con cern, is the Sunoco Service Station located on the northeast corner of Broad and Gale Streets. i Attractive and up-to-date in ev ery detail, the service station will be operated by H. H. Stokes, form er highway patrolman, who plans a grand opening late next week. The announcement will appear in, next week’s Herald. r^/vwvyw/^zvww'^'r^vx/vx/v^/w'/wv'. Hospital Auxiliary Meets March 22 nd The Chowan Hospital Auxiliary will; meet in the nurses’ home Fri* day afternoon, March 22, at 3 o’clock. A feature of the, meet ing will be a color film on roses, furnished by the Jackson & Perkins Company of»Newark, flew York. Mrw John Raines,, president, urges a full attendance at this meeting. Edewhoh Lions will meet in their j County Commissioners At Work ] ill i i $ - sfi • « BP - B PDK " ***?**• Soil Conservationist Janies Griffin, experimenting with a new camera, tried his hand at taking a picture of the County Commis sioners while in session the first Monday in March. Seated in the hack row are Representative Albert Bvrum, who dropped in to see if the Commissioners were interested in any local legislation; J. A. Webb; Chairman West W. By rum; Raleigh Peele and J. Edwin Buffiap, gathering news for The Herald; front row. W. E. Bond and Carey Holloweil, with Clerk Maurice I, Bunch at the head of the table, and at extreme right Frederick Sexton, called in to pick names from the jury box to serve as jurors in the next term of Chowan Superior Court. James Discusses Problems Os Youth At Lions Meeting Lays an Indictment on Home For Much % Os th& Trouble jf ‘ ■ ; ’At the Monday night meeting, 1 Edenton Lions heai-d High School Gerald James speak about j problems in Edenton xvith school-j age youth. “We are concerned,”, 'stated James, “when we realize) i that during 1953-54 a high school j ) class had 61 members, and today | that group who are seniors num i her only 35.” Seventeen boys and 1 and girls dropped ou’t of school for | various reasons; five were married, | and nine transferred. Contributing I to this alarming situation are such ! things as lack of ambition on the part of youngsters, refusal to ac cept responsibility, and refusal to ; 'accept discipline and carry out! j school regulations. Mr. James stat-j led that a teacher talked with him; for over an hour about the situation j in Edenton, after stating that she ; was leaving the community. The j teacher was unable 'to understand ' the attitude of the boys and girls. The speaker stated that he felt the problem was in the home, where there is a lack of concern about how| youth spend their time, that a large) number leave school in..the after-, noon and hang around for 3 or 4, hours because no < parents were' home to greqt them and supervise their activities. Mr. James stated that schools to day were facing the same problem) that industries face concerning Monday absenteeism. Mondays; Continued on Page 3. Section 1 Postmaster Urges Depositing Os Mail i Early During Day Delivery Often Speed ed Up as Much as Full Day Postmaster J. L. Chestnuft says that raajjerß of Edenton can often, speed delivery of their mail as much a g a full day by depositing it earlier in the day. ' Explaining that many local mail ers, particularly businessmen, need lessly hold., their daily mail until the end of the day and then deiwsit ijuuumwi H Crawford Speaker For Presbyterian Special Services i Series of Meetings to Be Held March 25 I Through 29th The Rev. James MacKenzie, pas-j tor of the Edenton Presbyterian; Church, has announced that the Rev. David C. Crawford. Jr., pas tor of the Presbyterian Church at; Leesburg, Virginia, a former pas tor of the Edenton church, will con-1 duct a series of services in the lo cal church beginning Monday night, March 25, at 7:30 o’clock and con tinuing through Friday night,', March 29. Everyone is cordially invited toj attend these services and a special I invitation is extended to Mr. Craw-j ford’s many friends in the Edenton, area. M, l '- Crawford is well re membered in Edenton as a dynamic preacher of the Gospel and this is! certain to he a time of special chal- 1 lenge and blessing. Christian peo-j pie of other denominations are re-j quested to remember these services in prayer. • Jaycees Sponsor j Polio Vaccination i Program Planned In Cooperation With Local Doctors Edenton’s Junior Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with dop l tors in Edenton, will sponsor a po lio vaccination campaign, the dates for which will be announced later. By this program it is hoped many people in Chowan County will avail themselves of the opportunity to) take the Salk vaccine shots as a preventive of polio. Tentative plans are for the shots Ito be given late ’afternoons and nights with everybody under 20 years of age receiving the treat ment free and a charge of SI.OO made to, those over 20 years old. MASONS MEET TONIGHT Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A. F. A A. M., will hold a started communi cation tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. William Adams, master, ,is very anxious ,to bare a full at-' Jaycees Vote To Again Sponsor Fat Stock Show - Sale Caswell Edmundson Is Appointed to Serve As Chairman At the regular meeting of the, Jaycees on Thursday night of last week, the club voted to sponsor th. j annual Chowan County Fat Stock- Show and Sale again this year. The show and sale is scheduled t< be held Wedivjday. April 24. at the: Legion grounds on the Windsor highway. This is the third year the local club has undertaken this project and hopes to make this the most successful of all. It is an effort ; by the Jaycees to boost Chowan County stock production and to en courage young farmers of the area. President Dick Dixon has ap pointed Caswell Edmundson as chairman and Mr. Edmundson has named the following committee chairman: Treasurer. Gene Ward; publicity,) James Bond: weighing. Tom Shep ard and Wesley Chesson; litter, Joe Conger, Jr.; rin&, Wallace Good win, Jr., building. Dan Reaves, and; refreshments. Billy Leary. It is hoped that this year’s edi-l tion of the growing Chowan County Fat Stock Show will feature more animals and additional buyers than last year. Anyone interested in entering or buying stock at this event are ask ed to contact Assistant Farm Agent Robert Marsh or Chairman Caswell i Edmundson. Cavalier Ouarfet To Sing At Hobbsvilie The Cavalier Quartet, featured on WTAR-TV program, will give a musical program consisting of poo. ular numbers, in the Hobbsville; school auditorium Friday night. March 22. beginning at 8 o’c’ock.i The program is being sponsored by the Hobhsville Ruritan Club. This quartet made its first ap pearance at Hobbsville several months ago and received a big ova tion from its audience. A barbe cue supper will be served from (I to 8 o’clock and proceeds from the supper will be used to equip the school baseball club. The public is invited to both the program and the supper. New Eastern Star Officers Publicly Installed Monday [May Day Festival] Announcement was made early this week that the Edenton Par ent-Teacher Association will spoil-, sor a May Day festival which will, be held in the Teen Age Club Wed nesday afternoon, May 1, beginning at 3:30 o’clock. While on specific j plans have as yet been made, it 1 was announced that a very inter esting and enjoyable program will I be arranged and that it is hoped many will plan to attend. | CIVIC calendar] Ed Bond Post No. 40 of the I American Legion will stage a fish fry for all service personnel and Legion Auxiliary, members Tues day night, March 26, at 7 o’clock at the Legion hall. Edenton’s Parent-Teacher Associ ation will sponsor a May Day festi val in the Teen Age Chib Wednes day afternoon. May 1, beginning at 3:30 o’clock. Professional photographer wiH be at Hotel Joseph Hewes Friday, March ,22, from 950 A. to 6 P. Mm t« take pictures of Kden tou people. No charge wfil be 1 Continued on Pago 7—Section I $2.00 Per Year In North Carolina. Town Councilmen Officially Add Area At Special Meeting Joins Sears ) r~ P O BOV 1.. HARRELL Adding a personalized service to their organization, the local Sears Catalog Sales office has announced the appointment of Boy 1.. Harrell as sales representative. Aided by special training, Mr. Harrell will call at homes to assist in planning for various kinds of home furnish ings. Band’s Activities Aired At Meeting Capes For Band Mem bers Expected In Time For Fall The Edenton Band Barents As-1 soeiation met at the Junior-Senior High School March 12 and made plans for activities at the end of the school term. Various committee reports were! called for by the president, Mrs. Roland Vaughan. Mrs. [.eon Leary reported that; capes for the majorettes are on or-) der and will be ready for use this! fall. The capes will he kept at the school and issued like the uniforms,) on a rental basis. Miss Williams, director, report ed that two concert type drums, were bought with the funds donat-: Continued on Paee 3. Section 1 Impressive Affair At tended By Many Visi tors and Friends In an attractive and dignified! setting new officers for the Eden ton Chapter No. 302, Older of the! Eastern Star were installed in the) Masonic Temple Monday night. It, vas a public installation ceremony] with many visitors from other chapters present, as well as friends who are not members of the older.! The ceremony took place immedi j atelv following a business session, which was an abbreviated meeting ip older to provide time for the in stallation ceremony. Mrs. Annie Laurie Mullen act ed as installing officer, assisted by Mrs. Daphne Yon as marshal, John Yon as chaplain and Mrs. Ruby White as organist. , The officers installed were: Wor thy matron, Mrs. Margaret Stan ton; worthy patron, Dr. Al Stanton; associate matron, Mrs. Pearl Har rell; associate patron, W. A. Har rell; Mrs. Mary Leary, treasurer; Mrs. Ruth Overman, secretary; Mrs. Helen Wood, conductress; Mrs. Geneva Harrell, associate con ductress; Mrs. Sarah Boyce, chap lain; Mrs. Clara Boswell, marshal; organist, Mrs. Vivian Mooney; Continued on Pngs 3—Ssctisa 1 HELP YOUR RED CROSS JOIN TODAYf 90 Voters Out of 98 Registered Cast Ballots In a special election held Satur day to determine if Edenton’s city limits are to be extended "54 hair lots were cast for annexation and :{(! voted against the proposition. A total of 98 qualified to vote in the election so that with 90 votes cast, eight voters failed to partici pate in the election. The majority was 18 votes, so that those who failed to cast a ballot could not have made any difference in the outcome. The new area to come into the city limits is south along both sides < f U. S. Highway 17 to a corner of tlie lands of the J. H. Morgan Estate and E. W. Spires. At a special meeting of Town Council held Monday afternoon the vote in Saturday’s election was re viewed and the area officially an nexed and made part of the Town of Edenton. As a result the terri tory annexed, its citizens and property will be subject to all debts, laws, ordinances and regulations in force in the Town of Edenton and by the same token will he entitled to the same privileges and benefits as other parts of the Town of Edentpn. The new area will be sub ject to municipal taxes levied for the fiscal year 1957-58. Although a regular schedule has not vet been worked out, trash ami garbage collection was mode Wed nesday in the new area and already a complaint was registered about a washed-out street, which has been repaired. Commissioners Act As Hosts At District Meeting In Edenton Various Mutual Prob lems Considered During Day County Commissioners, account ants, attorneys and sheriffs from nine northeastern counties gather ed in Edenton Thursday of last week for an all-day district meet ing. The principal speaker for tils occasion was Alex Mahon of the Institute of Government, who dis cussed many problems which con front county governments. The speaker also presented and ex plained a number of proposed bills to be introduced in the General As sembly, all of which have been ap proved by the State Association of ; County Commissioners. The visitors were guests of the Chowan County Commissioners meeting in the Chowan Court ! House and served dinner in the din ing room of the Masonic Temple I which was served by members of i the Edenton Eastern Star Chap i ter. The meeting extended into late | afternoon and for the most part | all who attended felt that they i were greatly benefitted by the vari ous discussions of mutual problems of government. POCAHONTAS MEETING Chowanoke Council No. 54’ De ! gree of Pocahontas, will meet in i the Red Men hall Friday night, March 22, at 8 o’clock. Mrs. Ella Mae Potts, Pocahontas, urges all members to attend., OH H.C Ml 6HWAVS Raleigh—The Motor Vehicles De partment’s summary of traffic deaths through 10 A. M., March 18, 1957: Killed This Year * .m Killed To ft* l«at Y

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