Edenton ’s Spring Festival of Values Ends Saturday ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXlV—Number 15. Drawing For Prizes Will Climax Spring ‘Festival Os Values’ Merchants Appear to Be Well Pleased With Event Generally speaking, Edenton concerns who are cooperating in j Edenton’s Spring Festival of Val ues are very well pleased of the success of the event thus far. Most of the merchants report splendid business done through Saturday during which not only old custom ers but new faces were seen shop ' ping especially on Saturday. It is hoped the various bargains offer / ed by merchants satisfied custom ers and that many will form the habit of trading in Edenton. f The climax of the Spring Festi val of Values will occur next Sat urday night when another draw ing for free prizes will take place in the business section on Broad i Street. Prizes given by 17 cooperating merchants were won by the fol lowing people on Saturday night: ißelk-Tyler —An $89.95 sewing machine won by Mrs. W. T. Smith of Edenton. Tots & Teens A $5.95 girl’s dress was won by Mrs. Lunia Leary, 129 East Carteret Street. Leggett & Davis—A $5.95 Amity billfold was won by J., Alma Grif fin, 108 Oakum Street. Hobowsky Dept. Store—A $5.00 gift certificate was won by Mrs. Freda White of Edenton. Ricks Jewelry Store —A pair of links and a tie clasp was won by Doris Jean Bass, Route 2. Mitchener’s Pharmacy A $5.00 gift certificate was won by Erpest Culpepper, Route 2. 4 , Continued on Page 3—Section 1 A Programs Planned To Be Presented By Albemarle Chorus Group Is Making Pro gress In Filling Com munity Need The Albemarle Civic Chorus, un der the direction of Richard Schu man, will begin its singing “career” on Friday,April 20. The schedule , so far is as follows: Holy Friday,; at 5:45 P. M., on the local radio network WCDJ; Easter Sunday | sunrise service, sponsored by the Junior Chamber of Commerce, at 6:00 A. M., on the Court House Green; Sunday, April 28 at the 11 o’clock service at St. .Paul’s Episco pal Church. This adult choir, organized as a Continued on Page 7—Section 1 Pettigrew Regional Library Given $1,070 Federal Grant Provides For Expand ing and Improving Library Service t The Pettigrew Regional Library lias received a grant of $1,070 in > lederal funds for the purpose of expanding and improving library service throughout the three coun- I ties of Chowan, Tyrrell and Wash- V ington, whitrh comprise the Petti grew Regional Library. This grant comes under the Library Services Act, passed by the 84th Congress. 55 > Forty thousand dollars for April, 1| May gnd June was made available for libraries in North Carolina to be administered by the North Car olina State Library. Most of the funds will be used on the State lev , el but about *l2 500 is being allo i' rated to library systems. The plan submitted by the Petti gr-'v^ll^ci^nal Libra rywas ap-ir-.v THE CMOWAN HERALD Wins Top Prize j V P Mrs. Carrie Earnhardt and Mrs. Corinne Thorud returned late last week from High Point, where they attended the State Convention of Woman’s Clubs. At the conven tion the Edenton club won, first place in the press book division. The book was compiled by Mrs. Earnhardt. Mrs. Enola Smith was also honored, having been awarded a yellow ribbon for her watercolor painting RFD. The Edenton ladies were very much impressed with the conven tion. ’ ' CHINESE SUPPER TONIGHT The Fidelis NCO Wives Club will hold a Chinese supper tonight (Thursday) at 6;30 o’clock in the game room of the Staff NCO Club. Curtailment Order Affects Services At Local Post Office Change In Normal Ser vice Goes Into Effect April 15th Edenton’s Post Office, along with the entire postal system of the na tion, Inis been affected an order issued by Postmaster General Ar thur E. Summerfield on April 5. Postal service curtailments were ordered due to lack of sufficient j funds to provide normal postal ser vice during the final quarter of the fiscal year ending June 30. In compliance with the order the i Edenton Post Office will be closed 1 all day Saturday, which means j that no mail will be delivered’ on that day. This .order will go into effect as of April 13. Window service will also be af fected, for effective April 15 the windows will be open from 8:30 o’clock to 5 o’clock instead of from j 8 to 6 o’clock as at present. Another important curtailment affects third class mail such as ad vertisements sent out hy merch ants. Effective April 29 no third class matter will be accepted for mailing except medicines, serums, drugs and medical supplies. Effective also on April 29 will be discontinuance of sale of money or ders to the public. The order also provides that re imbursement to employees for pur chase of uniforms for the balance of the quarter will be suspended. ItHI Wrecked ] Sheriff J. A. Bunch and Troy Toppin, with the aid of two ATII agents from Elizabeth City, about 10 o’clock Tuesday night destroyed one of the largest stills ever un covered in Chowan County. The still had a capacity of 1,200 gal lons and included 13 large 500-gal lon vats. The still, found in the Carlton Privott woods, about three-fourths! of a mile from Holly’s Wharf, was being set up but was not in opera tion when raided. ion Catalog, which is in the reg ional library in Plymouth, has been ordered; Brown Carver Library is being cataloged and cards being purchased; and a movie projector, [which may be used under the aus jnices of any library in the region, j is being investigated -and one will f The federal grant is for five j^.Tl.approp^^Ute I ill ill mi North Carolina, Thursday April 11,1957. Winners Announced In Woman’s Club Annual Art Show Large Number Wit ness Exhibits Friday And Saturday A large group of art patrons turned out Friday and Saturday, April sth and 6th to see the an nual art show sponsored by the. Edenton Woman’s Club at thp Pe- j neleope Barker house. On display j was the art work of the children 1 of the four Edenton and county j schools and the many adult entries 1 ranging from painting to needle work. Highlighting the exhibit were the awards and ribbons given to the 1 many outstanding entiies of the [ children and adults. Twelve chil dren were awarded one dollar priz-1 es for very outstanding work. At- | so presented were blue ribbons for first place, white ribbons for sec- , ond place and red ribbons for hon-j orable mention. (Continued on Page 7. Section 1) Polio Clinic Sponsored by the doctors of Edenton and the Edenton Junior Chamber of Commerce, a polio vac cine c4i»ic. will be held at the Pe nelope Barker house Monday and Tuesday, April 15 and 16 from 6:30 to 8:30 P. M. The treatment be free to all persons from one year to 20 but a charge of SI.OO will be made for all over 20 years. There will be three treatments, with the second scheduled one month after the first. Sunrise Service At Happy Home Easter Morning Various Churches Co operating In Joint Service# A sunrise service has been sched uled to be held at the Happy Home Pentecostal Church near Center Hill on Easter Sunday morning at 6 o’clock. The service is sponsored by vari ous churches in that section of the county, including Ballard’s Bridge Baptist Church, Warwick Baptist Church, Chappell Hill Baptist Church and the Happy Home Church. For the service special music will be presented by the Warwick, Bal lard’s Bridge and Happy Home churches. The sermon will be preached by the Rev. Lamar Sentell, pastor of the 'Ballard’s Bridge Church, and the public is not only invited but urged to attend. [ civic calendar] A polio vaccine clinic will be held Monday and Tuesday nights, April 15 and IS, from 6:30 to 8:30 o’clock in the Penelope Barker house. Appeal made for more contribu tions to make up deficit in Red Crass fund-raising drive. Annual fatstock show, sponsored by the Eden ton Junior Chamber of Commerce, is scheduled to be held on the Legion grounds Wednesday 1 April 24. Thomas- Markie wil< present an organ recital in St. Paul’s Episco pal C*'>r-rk Snwtay afternoon. April 14, at 5 • cluck, j- The Albemarle Chorus^wil^meet ’57 Red Cross Drive In Chowan County $1,130 Under Goal i Appeal Is Made For, More Contributions j To Save Services Dr. A. M. Stanton,-Chairman of! ; the Chowan County Red Cross j | Chapter, reported early this week j that the 1957 fund raising drive ! I has reached $1,673. This is $1,130 j less than the minimum goal needs i ■ to operate the chapter’s activities. | ; The goal set for Chowan County i I was $2,803. Os the $1,673 on hand, $350 was , I contributed by Marines at the! | Edenton Naval Auxiliary Air Sta-j tion, $1,313 was collected from citi- j ! zens in Edenton proper and only , ! $lO was collected outside Edenton. Colored citizens contributed $245 , which was triple the amount col | leeted last year. The goal last year was under- 1 . subscribed by over SI,OOO, but! . there was a slight surplus from the 1 I previous years which tided the | j chapter through 1956. j “This year the Red Cross hank 1 account is practically nil,” says Dr.] Stanton, “and to operate we must j obtain our minimum goal. It is | j felt that if the people in Chowan'l j County knew just how the Red | Cross money is spent there would boa greater number of subscrip tions.”' 1 Last year (1956) the funds re ceived, $2,023, did not meet re quirements. Os the funds on hand ; $1,074 was sent to the National ‘ | Continued on Page 3—Section I ! Pumpkin Growing I Contest Will Again j Be Held In County April 30 Will Be Dead-] j line For Boys and Girls to Sign Up “Pumpkin, pumpkin, who can j grow the largest pumpkin?” is tile I question being asked by many Clio- | wan County boys and girls. The | reason so many boys and girls are j asking the question is because valu able prizes await the winners in the I second annual Chowan pumpkin growing contest, sponsored by Ed gar Pearce, seedsman, of Rocky Hock. The contest had many partici pants last year and many have al ready signed up for the 1957 con test according to Bob Marsh, as sistant county agent. It is open to any Chowan County boy or girl be tween the ages of six and fifteen Continued on Page 6—Section 2 EASTERN STAR MEETING Edenton Chapter No. 302, Order of the Eastern Star, will meet in the Masonic Temple Monday night, April 15, at 8 o’clock. Mrs. Mar garet Stanton, worthy matron, urg es every member to make a special effort to attend. Home* Demonstration Clubs Planning Musical Festival At Chowan High School April 28 Edenton and County Clubs Invited to Participate For those people of Chowan County who thrill at the strains of good mnsic, there is a special treat in store. Plans by the Chowan Home . Demonstration Clubs to sponsor a music festival were an nour-ed this w'eek by Mrs. C. W. Overman, County Music Chairman. This event is scheduled in connec tion with observance of National Heme Demonstration CHlb Week. * pril 28-May 4. The music festival will be held on Sunday afternoon, April 28, at i o’clock in the Chowan High } Top Quality Steers j Will Be On Display At Fat Stock Show i Marsh Says Chowan ! Cattle Can Equal. That of West I “Can top quality steers be grown i in Chowan County or are the best I steers only grown and fed out in i the West,” is a question often ask | ed the county agent and vocational agriculture teacher. “For the answer you should at tend the Annual Junior Fat Stock j Show and Sale at. the American T.o (gion Fairgrounds, April 24th. ' 1957.” says Assistant County . Agent Robert S. Marsh, j “The event will be sponsored by ] the Edenton Junior Chamber o r ) Commerce. Here you will see sev-1 ! eral steers which were fed out and I fattened by as many Chowan 4-H , j members. You will see an offi- I cial livestock judge from State Col- j : lege judge and place the steers. 1 Those steers which are placed as \ prime, choice, or good will he equal to any steers from the West : or anywhere else which are in the j same grade. The judge has not | I been announced, hut he will be a) qualified, trained, experienced; judge from the Animal Husbandry I Department of State College. In- 1 |cidentally, livestock buyers earn j Continued on Page 7—Section 1 Sunrise Service At i Macedonia Church j On Easter Morning Sponsored Jointly By Five Churches of County Plans are complete for a sunrise ) j service to lie held at 6 o’clock on) Easter Sunday morning at the | I Macedonia Baptist Church. This! service is being sponsored hv the Center Hill and Evans Methodist, 1 and the Cpnter Hill. Rocky Hock and Macedonia Baptist churches. The choir arrangements will he presented by the youth choir of the , Rocky Hock Church and the mes-) sage brought by the pastor of Rocky Hock Church, the Rev. B. L. Raines. The welcome will be giv en by the pastor of the host church, the Rev. L. C. Chandler and a spe cial solo will be given by Miss No vello White of the Center Hill Methodist Church. The Invocation will he given by Joe Wiggins of the Center Hill Baptist Church and the beneditcion by E. P. Jones of the Center Hill Methodist Church. The Rev. P. M. Porter, pastor of the Continued on Page 2—Section 1 I School auditorium. The program will consist of religious selections • only. Churches in Edenton and the j county have been requested to par j ticipate on the program with spe cial selections by their choirs, eith er adult or junior, or with indi vidual numbers. Each of the elev en Home Demonstration Clubs is to be responsible for presenting one selection. Congregational par ticipation will include several of tV Vs 1 low’ Ir-rre--.. The public is cordially Invited to spend a delightful and inspiring Sunday afternoon by attending this event on April 28. It is hoped by members of the Home Demonstration Clubs to make this Music Festival long to b« remembered in Chowan County. Town Council Calls Municipal Election For Tuesday, May 7 Contracts Are Award ed For Water System Improvements Town Councilmen, meeting half an hour late Tuesday night due to the Baptist revival, faced a crowded agenda and as a result were held in session until after the midnight hour. Due to failure of electricity a goodly portion of the meeting was conducted under the rays of a flashlight. One of the items of business was ' fficially calling for a Municipal ■lection which wi" be held Tues lay, May 7. for the purpose of lecting a Mayor, four Councilmen. two Councilnicn-ai-large. a Treas urer and five members of the Board of Public Works. Voters in lie new area recently taken into 'he city will he eligible to register and vote in the election provider! they have resided there for a pe riod of 30 days. Tile new area will he added to the First Ward. For candidates to file for elec tion Friday, April 26. lias beendes ignated as the deadline. Continued on Page 6—Section 1 Clubs Are Planning To Join In National Week Os Activities I Full Calendar Will Be' Carried Out Dur ing Week There is to lie n husy week A m il 28-May 4 for Home Demonstration Club members in Chowan County. According to Mrs. H. T. Hollowed of Tyner, County Council l’rosi- ; dent, and Miss Maidred Morris, 1 Home Agent, a full calendar of events is scheduled. In joining other Home Demon- j stration Clubs throughout the state and nation in observance of N'a tional Home Demonstration Club j | week, the following plans were an-; j nouncod for Chowan County by j | Mrs. Hollowell. ' A Music Festival on April 28. at , 1 3:00 P. M., in the Chowan High! Continued on Page 2—Section 1 Revival In Progress At Baptist Church i A revival in the full meaning: |of the word is being witnessed at I the Baptist Church during the spe- I cial series of revival services in I progress this week. Professions of J faith, rededications and reactiva | tions are being experienced each I service. The meet in g will continue through Sunday evening, April 14, with services tonight (Thursday) and Friday at 7:30 o'clock and the I final services on Sunday at 11' o’clock in the morning and 7:30 o’clock in the evening. There will he no Saturday service. The pub lic is cordially invited to attend these services. Organ Recital At St. Paul’s Sunday Tile Rev. George Holmes, rec tor of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, has announced that an organ re cital will be presented in St. Paul s Church Sunday afternoon, April 14, j at 5 o’clock. The recital will be presented by Thomas Mackie and the public is cordially invited to attend. fSeekße election] \ d With Town Council on Tuesday night declaring a Mcn'ipe’ elec -1 tion Tuesday. May 7. Mayor Ernest Kehayes and Councilman-at-large J. Edwin BulTlap on Tuesday morn ing filed for re-election. Cp to the time The Herald went to press there were only three to file, L. H. Haskett having filed for Mayor last week. $2.00 Per Year In North Carolina. T enureOf Off iceOf Town Officials Will Remain Two Years Wins In Election j Hr /ML ~ j■ ||||g& **- Mm. CALEB WHITE In an election held last week al tile University of North Carolina. Caleb White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace White, was elected to the University I.egislature. f Bank Director 1 j V . At a meeting of the hoard of rl• rectors of the Bank of Hobhsville held at Hobhsville Monday night. Weldon Hollow ell was elected as a new director of the hank. Mr. H011.6w-.ell was elected to fil the unexpired term of T. W. Roun tree, who died in February. “Open House” For Edenton Teen-Age I Club On April 13th i Parents and Friends Cordially Invited To Attend The hoard of directors of the Edenton Teen-Age Club announce that its annual “Open House” will he held Saturday night, April 13, in tile club room at the Elementary School from 8 to TO o’clock. Continued on Page 7—Section 1 Carroll Tynch, Judy Bunch, Billy Harrell Poster Winners 120 Years Ago ] | As Found In the Files of i The Chowan Herald ) | S d Chowan County Commissioners, as well as many Edenton concerns , and individuals, sent telegrams to Governor Clyde Hoey urging the : reappointment of Jiilien Wood as a | member of the State Highway and I : Public Works Commission. The I Commissioners also passed a reso lution asking the Highway Com mission to build a road leading from the new Albemarle Sound bridge into Edenton. Chowan County’s new seveii | member County School Board per- j feeted an organization with S. E. | Morris Chairman and W. J. Tay- j j lor superintendent. Edenton Rotarians and Lions i I were considering staging a do"kev baseball game with the two clubs; as opponents. I'peer Chow an County citizens were hopeful that with the realiza of _ol«wtriritv. they might sc | cure running water by connecting 1 Continued on Page 2—Section 1 HELP CRIPPLED i CHILDREN , ..BUY EASTER SEALS! || Opposition Causes Al bert By rum Not to Introduce Bill Chang ing Town’s Charter That tin* terms of office for Kdenton officials will remain at | two years is practically assured following 1 a week-end spent at home hy Representative Albert Byrum, who informed The Herald before return in jr to RnToigh Monday morn ing: that In- will not introduce a hill in the General Assembly chang ing: the terms of Town Councilmen and menilvcgs of the Board of Ruh ; lie Works from two to four years. Mr. By.nim stated that on the strength of a motion passed hy Town Council to change th». terms, li«‘ subsequently had a hill prepared and it was ready to he introduced, I hut that he has heard considerable (objection t<» the plan and was pre. limited "ith a petition hearing sig ] natures of about 10(1 representative j Cdenton. (dtizHns. The petition, in ]■( feet, voiced opposition to chang tin* town’s charter without (citizens of'Kdenton having a voice in the matter, either hy an election »r mass meeting. Mr. Bvrum said he was not op. nosed to changing the tenure of ‘HMeo of Town employees, hut that itli so much opposition he felt hat he was not justified in intro hieing the bill unless there was Continued on Page 7—Section 1 Senior Class Play Friday Night At 8:30 Class Will Present 3- Act Plav “Oh Prom ise Me” At 8:30 o’clock Friday evening, April 12. in the Elementary School auditorium, the .senior class of the Edenton Junior-Senior High School will present a jolly, rotlicking swift-moving comedy entitled “Oh Promise Me." a three-act play hy Pete Williams. The east, under the direction of Miss Catherine Atkins and aided bv student director Rachel Wilder, has worked diligently for long weeks to produce what-is consider ed one of the funniest plays to lie given in Edenton in quite a few years. The story chiefly concerns Harry Haiti's, played hy Billy Bunch, who at 21 has just graduated front Princeton, thereby coming into the fortune left him in his late father’s will. On the train hark front Princeton he meets and falls im- Continued on Page s—Section 1 Winners Will Compete For District Honors Friday | Competition was very keen in the annual conservation poster con ! test held Friday. A|ffil 5, .at the Edenton Elementary School. AH ! of the posters were very good and ! the three judges had a difficult ; time selecting the is-st six posters i in 28 entered in the county contest. Posters entered by the following people w-ere declared the winners: Fourth Grade First Place Carroll Tynch, Rocky Hock School. Second Place Chuck Mosby, I Edenton School » Fifth Grade First Place—Judy Bunch, Rocky Hock School. I v■ irn .Tean Goodwin, i Edenton School. Sixth Grade First Place—Billy Harrell, Eden ton School. Second Place Richard White, Chowan School. These winners will receive their Coatinued m Page I flwll— 1

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