Jj ONLY NEWSPAPER X II PUBLISHED IN I CHOWAN COUNTY . . /If Volume XXlV.—Number 19. Kehayes Wi* In Race For Mayor — i All Os Incumbents Except One Are Returned To Office For Another Two Year Term Raleigh Hollowell De , feats Veteran Gra ham Byrum In a very close election for May or of Edenton held Tuesday of this week Mayor Ernest Kehayes de feated Leroy H. Haskett, a form er Mayor whom Kehayes unseated in the 1956 election. Kehayes polled 570 votes as against 496 for a majority of 74 votes. He led Haskett by 124 votes in 1955. Kehayes overcame a lead set up by Haskett after three wards were reported, when the former Mayor held a slim 4-vote majority. How ever, when the First Ward, the last to report, turned in a majority of 71 votes for Kehayes, he led the ticket with 74 votes ahead of Has kett. Each candidate carried two wards, Kehayes claiming the First Ward, his home ward, by a count of 203 to 132. He also carried the Third Ward, 146 to 117. Haskett’s strongest ward was in the Second, where he polled 170 votes to 151 for Kehayes, and in the Fourth Ward Haskett had 77 votes to 70 for Kehayes. James M. Bond, who was unop posed for Treasurer,’ polled 890 votes. In the race for two Councilmen at-Large, J. Edwin Bufflap and George Alma Byrum, incumbents, were returned to office, -Bufflap led in this race with J&l votes and Continued on Page 4, Section 1 JayceesTo Sponsor Horseshoe Contest Tournament Schedul ed to Begin Mon day, May 13 Announcement was made early this week by Warren Twiddy, pres ident df."the4Menton -Junior Cham ber, of Commerce, that the Jaycees will. spons<% a horseshoe touma-; ment, beginning Monday, May 13, with the finals to be held Friday, May 17. The tournament, will be held at the Junior-Senior High School with Coach Bill Billings act ing as supervisor and Lieut. Rob ert Calabrese in charge of the con test. Lieut. Calabrese states that thei tournament will be doubles only | , and that two trophies will be awarded the winners. These tro-! phies will be awarded at a dinner held by the Jaycees Thursday night, June 23, at 7 o’clock in the Penelope*Barker house. The tournament is held primarily for boys.in high school who do not| . participate in competitive sports at the school and it is expected a large number will enter the con test. , r. ■- ■ - -- Poppy Day Will Be Observed 1 In Edenton Saturday, May 25 Observance Sponsored * By American Legion r Auxiliary t Poppy Day will be observed in %&denton Saturday, May 26, at Which time the sale of poppies will V he sponsored by members of the American Legion Auxiliary. Mrs. W. E. Mills Is Poppy Day chairman of memoJ THE CHOWAN HERALD \ As Edenton's Voters Picked 'Em ] Mayor: First Second Third Fourth Ward Ward Waid Ward Total . Ernest Kehayes 203 151 140 70 570 L. H. Haskett 132 170 117 77 496 Treasurer: James Bond 302 238 224 126 890 Board of Public W/rks: Philip McMullan 273 242 191 104 810 Thomas Byrum 247 238 195 113 793 Sidney Campen 223 238 178 118 757 W. M. Wilkins 253 223 166 101 743 A. B. Harless 255 189 183 96 723 Bruce Jones,. Jr. 183 173 133 92 581 J. P. Ricks, Jr 140 161 128 70 499 Horace White 55 79 27 31 192 Councilman-at-Large: J. Edwin Bufflap 248 209 194 110 761 George Alma Byrum 206 188 121 87 602' Dr. A. F. Downum 155 175 118 59 507 First Ward Councilman : J. Clarence Leary. 186 Frank Holmes 151 Second Ward Councilman: Raleigh Hollowed 142 Graham JJyrum 107 Larry Dowd 53 Third Ward Councilman: John Mitchener 248 Fourth Ward Councilman: J . Luther Park'; v 135 Edenton Base Open For Observance Os Armed Forces Day 20 Years Ago As Found In the Files of The Chowan Herald \ r> County Commissioners start ma chinery for special election to vote on an ABC store in Chowan Coun ty. Only two changes were made in Edenton’g official family, J. H. Me- Mullan succeeding E. W. Spires, who was not a candidate and J. Ed win Buff lap defeating T. Wallace | Jones as Councilman-at-Large. Eden ton Rotarians defeated the j Lions in a game of donkey base i ball by a score of 1 to 9. County Commissioners named W. J. Berryman as their representa tive forthe 1 newly enacted social security program which was view ed as a costly.’and perplexing prob lem. Work was begun on the Albe marle Sound bridge with the eon- Continued on Page B—Section 1 “We should remember the sac rifices of the Doughboy of World War I, the GI of World War JI and the Korean veteran,” says MS. Mills, “by wearing a poppy—that flower of remembrance, that sym bol of sacifice,. that bloomed so profusely on the battlefields- of France in 1918. We are helping, them to remember, not only those who gave their Uvea, but also those who are still suffering from I the ravages of war, who need eoßi j-fort and cheer. We are helping 'them *o r n wrt'“r s he dl'mhlod | hospitalized veterans who received | tic help through the little red crepe ] paper w e are helping them ito remember the widow and or- I \ Edenton, Chowan County,‘North Carolina, Thursday May 9,1957. Visitors Will Be Wel come May 15 From 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Col. Frank Collins; commanding officer of the Edenton Naval Au xiliary Air Station, has announced that the Edenton base will join with all the various military instal lations in observipg Armed Forces Day Saturday, May 18. I Col. Collins stated that the base will be open to the general public between the hours of 9 A. M., and 3 P. M., Eastern Standard Time. A feature of the observance will be a static display of different types of aircraft flown by Marines with a special feature taking place at 2 o’clock when there will be a demonstration of arrested landings in which will be used the Marine Corps latest mobile arresting I equipment. Armed Forces Day. has been des ignated by President Dwight Eis enhower as the day to honor the men and women who served in the armed forces, and to remind all Americans—and the world —that our armed strength is a “Power For Peace.” Col. Collins personally invites all citizens to visit the base during the specified hours, to join in a suc cessful observance of Armed Forc es Day. Polio State ] S-- - . - r > Edenton Jaycees remind people in Chowan County that the sec ond mam polio shots /ill he ad ministered fat the Penelope Bark er house Monday and Tuesday nfarht*. M*v IS and 14 from 6:30 to 8 o’clock. Jaycees and local doctor* alike hope many people will take advan tage ~f this nreem.tVn against po lio. Shota are free up to Shears of a«e and a fee of *LW wfll ho ft Day Festival Very Successful Very Delightful Af fair Held at Teen age Club w The Pay Festival sponsor ed by the Edenton Parent-Teacher Association which was held Weu ' nesday of last week was a huge success, with Mrs. Horace White and Mrs. R. T. Whitten as co-chair men., A parade was held in the after noon led by the Edenton Junior- Senior High School Band and the Grammar School Band, both direel ed by Miss Lula Williams. In the parade also was Boy and Girl Scouts and Brownies. Cars carry ing the May Queen and attend ants were led to the Grammar School, where the coronation was held. Mrs. J. J. Ross, president of the i PTA, crowned Betty Byrum. a sen ior, as queen. Bunny Brinson, a sophomore, was maid of honor. Charlotte Burgess, a junior and 1.0-rene rene Wright, a freshman, were at tendants. Flower girls were from the kindergarten class, Martha Jean Britton, Helen Pruden, Nan cy Davenport and Linda Byrum. At the Grammar School ground varied activities took place, the most popular being the pony rides. The ponies were furnished by M. T. Griffin. Frank White was in charge of the ponies, assisted by Claude Uocerson, Permie Nash and, Burney Johnson. j Tnside the Teen-Age Club vari-l ous booths had been set up by the grade mothers. Cookies and sweets were on sale as well as drinks, hot dogs and sandwiches. Assisting the grade.pnethgfe at the hot dog, stand was KoliArt'BtiycC,'Trf' " Others taking part were: Fortune-Teller—Mrs. Jim Wood.! Magician—Col. W. A. Free. Clown—Mrs. Frank Holmes. Auctioneer—Arthur White. Items Bold were donated by Edenton mer- j .chants. Sgt. A. A. Adams donated film and took pictures. 1 John Kramer, Jr., did sketches, j Continued on Page B—Section 2 Golf Tournament Will Be HeldFromMay 15toMay 19 [ civic calendar] Second mass polio shot campaign will be held in the Penelope Bark er house Monday and Tuesday nights, May 13 and 14, from 6:30 to 8:30 o’clock. The Edenton Elementary School Band and Chorus and the Edenton Junior-Senior High School Chorus and newly-formed concert band will present its annual spring concert in the Elementary School auditor ium Friday night, May 10 at 8 o’clock. Chowan Tribe of Red Men will have degree work at its meeting Monday night, May 13, at 8 o’clock. Continued on Page 2—Section"! ( Pi Chapter Entertained d .a&tu.* _ -*£• ■ |KO|a P lx Aw Z - m *7l dm f Above is gtoup of or "i Chapter of the Delta | Officers Os Edenton Woman’s Club -> In the above picture are the new and outgoing officers *>f the Edenton Woman’s Club. Installation 'ceremonies were conducted Wednesday ot last week by Mrs. Al Phillips and those taking office | for tile 1957-58 term are: Standing, left to right, Mrs. Earl Rich ardson. historian: Mrs. Joe Thorud, president; Mrs. Daniel Reaves. I recording secretary; Mrs. E. L. Nixon, treasurer and Mrs. Ernest I Ward, Jr., corresponding secretary. Mrs. James Bond, vice presi dent, does not appear in. the picture. Outgoing officers are: Seat ed. left to right. Mrs. Lloyd Burton, Jr., historian; Mrs. Al Phillips, vice president; Mrs. Sarah Boyce, recording secretary; Mrs. Wesley Chesson. Jr., treasurer and Mrs. Cecil Fry. corresponding secretary. Mrs. Tommy Cross, Jr., outgoing president, does not appear in the ' picture.—(Evelyn Leary Photo). Mrs. Joe Thorud Is Installed President Os Woman’s Club Band And Choruses I Will Present Spring Concert May 10th j ‘ Announcement is made that the ] Edenton Elementary School Banil I and Chorus and the Edenton Jun- I ior-Senior High School Chorus and ! newly-formed concert band will | hold their annual spring concert \ Friday night, May 10, at 8 o’clock.; j The concert will be held in the Elementary School auditorium and j - the public is most cordially invit- j jed to attend and enjoy an evening of gpnuine pleasure. * Entrants Will Be Ac cepted Until 4:30 Monday, May 13 Entrants for the annual NAAS Edenton Golf Tournament from May 15 to May 19 will continue to be accepted up until 4:30 Monday, May 13, at the Special Services Of fice at NAAS, Edenton. The match play tourney is sched uled to open with a qualifying round on the 15th. This round will determine the flights each partici pant will compete in. Four flight have been planned for the annual event. Eighteen holes will be play ed in both the qualifying round and Continued on Page 2—Section 1 I Group of Officers In-! stalled Wednesday j Os Last Week ! Installation of officers for 1957-1 58 featured the May meeting of the Edenton Woman’s Club held • ; Wednesday of last week in St.' Paul’s Parish House. Mrs. R. H. ] Vaughan, ,who served as first | president of the club, conducted the i ceremonies and the following were installed: Mrs. Joe Thorud, president; Mrs. James Bond, vice president; Mrs. Daniel Reeves, recording secretary: I Mrs. Ernest Ward, corresponding secretary; Mrs. E. L. Nixon, treas. J urer and Mrs. Earl Richardson, | historian. I Mrs. Vaughan stressed the duties of both officers and members >n , making the club a continuing suc ! cess in the community. In the absence of the president. I Mrs. Tom Cross, the vice president, | Mrs. A1 Phillips, presided at the | meeting which opened with the J Continued on Page 2—Section 1 New Assistant ! Home Agent For j Chowan County Miss Jncquelin Pugh Will Begin Work June 1 Chowan County Commissioners at their meeting Monday voted to employ an assistant County Home! Agent and decided on Miss Jaeque-1 lin Pugh of Randolph County, j Miss Pugh is eheduled to take' over her new duties June 1, and wiif fill a vacancy which has exist ed for a long time. Present at the meeting was Miss Florence Cox, Eastern District Home Agent, who was high in praise of Miss Pugh. She is a former 4-H Cluh member and will graduate from High Point College this month. She will come to Cho wan County with the best kind of references and will take lip her time working with 4-H clubs. OVERMAN APPOINTED Chowan County Commissioners on Monday appointed County Asreut C. W. Overman as chairman of the N. C. Board of Water Com- j missioners for Chowan County. The purpose of the commis-ion is to study water problems having !~- gal, economic and administrative, implications. $2.00 Per Year In North Carolina. First Time Man Has Won Sweepstakes In Flower Showing f Plane Crash ] 5- I An ADI Douglas “Skyraider ’ belonging to Marine Attack Squad ron 211, crashed Monday shortly j after noon in the Albemarle Sound, i approximately ten miles south of Edenton, while on a routine train i ing mission. The pilot. Ist Lieut. George Blackburn, was uninjured. ! There were no passengers in the i plane. Cause of the accident was ! engine failure. A seaplane from the Coast I Guard Air Station in Elizabeth | City picked up the downed pilot, i Blackburn is the son of Mr. and | Mrs. Manford O. Blackburn of 53 Brampton Road, Garden City. Sa j vannah, Georgia. Final Accounting Os ! Delores Long Fund Made By Freshmen I *787 Raised In Drive For Unfortunate Classmate i i | The Freshmen Class of Edenton ! Junior-Senior High School wishes j to take this opportunity to express | its appreciation to all who con tributed to the Delores Long Fund , and to those who have administev ied to her and her family. By their ! contributions, Delores’ life was made more comfortable. “We know that her death has | brought much sorrow to her fami ly as it has to us,” says a spokes-, man for the. class, “hut we realize that it was for the best. She had been a victim of Hodgkin’s Disease for over two years and she had suffered very painfully. Continued on Page B—Section 1 , Edward Wozelka Now Civil Defense Director At their meeting Monday Oho- 1 wan County Commissioners ap pointed Edward Wozelka as Cho wan County’s director of civil do- • ! sense. Mr. Wozelka succeeds William S. Privott, who was obliged to resign due to other duties. Mr. Wozelka is very much interested in civil de j sense and the Commissioners were I of the opinion that he will lie the i best possible director available. Band Parents Association Plans First Annual Banquet T Public Hearing ] Attention is called to a public j hearing which w ill be held Monday i night. May 13, at 8 o’clock in the! i Court House. The purpose of this hearing is to consider a proposed zoning plan for the newly annexed territory to Edenton. so that all interested citi zens are urged to attend. — V-au |*tiful. so that : t will l>e s credit to the area. Quite a few members have already acreed to makp con tributions tl)W»l*i the (r-SQHge, so I that it is expected work on filling in the lot will soon be started. ry DRIVE CAREFULLY— j YOU MAY SAVE j YOUR LIFE! 1 V- -■ Charlie Griffin Win ner of Most Blue Ribbons For the first time in the history of the Woman’s Club Flower Show the Sweepstakes award for the most blue ribbons was won by a man. Charlie Griffin’s prize-win ning roses received more blue rib ons than entries by any other in dividual. The judges were lavish n praise of the flowers entered in the Hortirultural Division of the show, saying that the roses and Vis were among the best they had ■ver seen The silver, howl for the best flows ■r in the show was won by Mrs. Francis Hicks for a blue iris with seven perfect (dooms. Best in the Vrrangement Division was won hv Mrs. Gilliam Wood, with Mrs. Al ,n *i Downum as runner-up. Ribbons were won by the fol lowing: Roses, red ribbon—Mrs. r. B. Williford, Charlie Griffin, Mrs. T. C. Byrum, Sr., Mrs. Frank Wood. Mrs. J. G. Wood, Jr., M**s. John Raines. Mrs. Elwood Nixon, Mrs. John Kramer, Margaret El iott. Mrs. R. P. Baer, Mrs. C. A. Phillips. Yellow Ribbon-—Mrs. T. B. Williford. Charlie Griffin, Mrs. Sam Ross, Mrs. W. H. Copeland, Mrs. J. G. Wood, Jr., Paulina Has sell. Mrs. W. J. Yates, Mrs. J. G. Wood, Sr.. Mrs. R. P. Baer. Iris, blue ribbon—Mrs. J. N. El liott, Mrs. S. F. Hicks, Mrs. K. E. Forehand. Jr.. Mrs. .lob-i Kromer. Continued on Page 2—Section I Food And Nutrition Leaders Serve Meal For Commissioners j Delightful Occasion at j Advance Community Building I Food anil nutrition leaders of tbe Chowan County home demonstra tion clubs served a delicious dinner Monday at 1 o’clock in the Advance I Community Building. The County Commissioners were special guests of the women and II of the club presidents were also on hand. A special guest at tile dinner was Miss Florence Cox. Eastern Dis- 1 1rict Home Agent, who was high in praise of the Chowan County Clubs Continued on Page 2—Section 1 Affair Will P>e Held In Masonic Temple May 14 The Band Parents Association j has completed plans for its first awards banquet which is scheduled to he held Tuesday night. May 14. * at 7 o'clock in the Masonic Temple. All hand members are invited to ibe guests of the association and their parents, friends and patrons in the community are also cordial ly invited to attend. Tickets may be secured from the president, Mrs. R. H. Vaughan, today (Thurs day) the final day for reservations. A lively evening of entertain* ment has been arranged by Mrs. William Case. The feature of the evening will be the presentation of awards and letters by Miss Lula Wflfiams, di rector. A new majorette and chief majoret’e are to nc t>—B as two hand students and one ma jorette to attend camp, tuition free, at East Carolina College this sum mer. Students enterijv* th» band from the Elementary School and those leaving the Vartity Band by graduation wilt b« recogniaod.