ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED I$ , CHOWAN COUNTY V Volume %0. Edenton’s Official Family Takes Oath Os Office Tuesday Meeting Called Mon day Night to Con sider Zoning With Town Council opening its May meeting with prayer by Town Clerk Ernest J. Ward, Jr., Tuesday night, the first business transact ed was payment of the April bills, the last official act of the Town Fathers who were elected two years ago. With this business out of the way Town Clerk Ernest J. Ward. Jr., administered the oath of office t) the successful candidates in the municipal election held Tuesday of last week. Few changes were made in the official family for the next two years, which includes: Mayor—Ernest P. Kehayes. , Treasurer—James Bond. Councilmen-at-Large— J. Edwin Bufflap and George Alma Byrum. First Wal'd Councilman—J. Cla rence Leary. Second Ward Councilman Ra leigh B. Hollowell. Third Ward Councilman John A. Mitchener, Jr. Fourth Ward Councilman Lu ther C. Parks, Board of Public Works Philin MdMullan, Thomas Bvrum, A. B. Harless, Walter M. Wilkins and Sidney Campen.' Before the meeting adjourned Town Council perfected its organi zation, which is almost the same as it was during the last admini stration. J. Clarence Leary was appointed Mayor pro tern. The Finance Committee includes J. Cla rence Leary and John Mitchener. Luther C. Parks was appointed Packs and Playground Commissipn er. succeeding Graham Byrum. J. Edwin Bufflap was appointed Street Commissioner. Georgr' L Dail was again named Chief al Po lice and W. J. Yates, Fire Chief and Harbor Master. Skinner White was appointed Assistant Fire Chief; W. E. Mills, building inspec tor; William S. Privott, Town At torney; Ernest J. Ward, Jr., Town Continued on Page 6—Section 1 Grand Opening Os Stokes’Sunoco Service May 17-18 41 Free Prizes Will Be Awarded During Two Days Although open for business for several weeks, Harold Stokes will observfe grand opening of his new Sunocb Service Station on the northeast comer of Broad and Gale Streets Friday and Saturday, May L’7 and 18. As !an incentive for friends to visit his station during the two days, 41 free prizes will be award ed. These include a 14-inch port able television set, ten prizes of 10 ga lions Premium Blue Sunoco gasoline, 10 five-quart oil changes and 2(8 A-Z lubricants. Free candy and bajlloons will be given to chil dren, /and free dimks will also be distrit iuted. In connection' with the grand openir g Mr. "Stokes has arranged a gif antic sale of tires ’which shouk I attract automobile owners in n« *1 of tires. Eas tern Star Chapter \Wil I Celebrate Fourth Birdhday On May 20th rv-. ■. £ - I « __________ Edetnton Chapter No. 802, Order Os 4h«l Jpastem Star, will celebrate its fPfifth birthday at its regular t Monday night, May 20, at P 8 o’clock. Mrs. Margaret Stanton, \ matron, announces that an I interesting and appropriate pro gr«tt( is being arranged and she \ fcop4W member of the ch.p --* terwMl be present. 0 District deputies ape expected to THE CHOWAN HERALD I Poppy Day j IS. . r\ j Saturday, May 25, Poppy Day ; will be observed in Edenton, when i | everyone in Edenton will be asked '! to wear a poppy in memory of those who gave their lives to pro , | tect free America against the threat of twentieth century tyran i i ny which three times have made j war on freedom. Wearing a poppy is the individ- j ual way of showing remembrance, j honor and gratitude for those who died, standing between America and the enemies. It is the way to give them a personal salute. PTAWfirMeet Tuesday Night Slides of Europe and Installation of Offic- | ers Features Edenton’s Parent-Teacher Asso- j ciatipn will meet Tuesday night, I May 21, at 8 o’clock in the Edenton Elementary School auditorium. A feature of the meeting will be the showing of a number of pictures taken in Europe by Lieut. H. G. Gillis, who will comment upon the various slides. New officers for the year will also be installed at the meeting, and these will include the follow ing: President, Joe Conger, Jr.; vice president, Charles Wood, Jr.; sec retary, Miss Frances Marsh burp; . treasurer, Mrs. .Leon Leary. The flag will be presented by a j group of Cub Scouts. Mrs. John Ross, retiring presi dent, urges nil PTA members to attend the meeting. My Number At Hearing On Zoning Interested Parties Ad vance Various Sug gestions That there is considerable inter ' est in the zoningjof the newly an nexed area Edenton was re flected in the goodly number at tending the public hearing concern- Continued on Put 6—Section 1 Baptist Women’s Missionary Union Os Chowan To Meet In Local Baptist Church May 23 r —s Class Postponed] u a J Due to the Lions Club’s Variety Show Friday night, the first aid class, sponsored by the Business and Professional Women’s Club, will not be held this week. How ever, the class will be resumed Fri day night of next week, May 24, when the subject will be "Injuries Due To Heat Or Cold.” The 12- week course will continue through June. { 20 Years Ago | r As Found In the Files of j The Chowan Herald f V : <> Edenton’s first collective visual representation of what home com forts were Uke here 156 or 200 years ago was afforded the public in an exhibition of antiques and historic relics and momenta* at the Cupola House. The exhibition was sponsored by the Garden Club to help raise money to paint, re decorate and regaaden the Cupola House property. Nineteen graduates at Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday May 16,1957. f Commended For Saving Life j i. 'frA f j ,r j 1— i |H(H| ML a Pictured above at right is HMC Carroll Boyce of Edtiuon receiving a Letter of Commendation from Captain A. H. Willis, commanding officer of the U. S. Naval Air Facility at Elizabeth City. The commendation was in recognition of his outstanding loyalty and service in saving the life of J. M. Boyette from drowning in August, 1956, at Avalon Beach, North Carolina. St. Ann’s Catholic Church Observing 100th Anniversary Series of Events Plan ned In Connection j’ With Event i x^(^T’d^“- g^w 4454 one hundredth anniversary of the! j ground-breaking for St. Ann’s! ! Church on North Broad Street. , The parishners have planned a| series of events to commemorate the day and to. inaugurate a year- j long celebration of the various j events connected with the erection of the church, now a century old. At 5 o’clock on Thursday even ting Solemn Benediction of the !’Blessed Sacrament will be given by the Right Rev. Monsignor Charles J. Gable, V.F., pastor of St. Peter’s Church, Greenville, N. C., and dean of the Rocky Mount deanery of the Diocese of Raleigh. Monsignor Gable will be assisted by the visit ing priests of the deanery, within whose jurisdiction lies St. Ann’s Parish. Following the Benediction, a par ish picnic will be held on the | Continued on Page 2—Section 3 j 4> Very Interesting Pro : gram Arranged For Two Sessions The Baptist Women’s Missionary Union of Chowan County will meet in the Edenton Baptist Church Thursday, May'23, with the meet ing scheduled to begin at 10 A. M. The theme of the meeting will he “Our Task,” and a very interesting and uplifting program has been arranged. The morning program will be opened with a prayer by Mrs. E. L. IBelch, after which Mrs. Haywood Bunch will welcome those present and the response will be made by Mrs. D. H. Berryman. The devo tional will be in charge of Mrs. A. D. Ward, Sr., followed with spe-j cial music by Mrs. Ruth Phillips. I Those taking part in the dis cussion of the theme of the meet ing include: Mission Study by Miss Margaret Harrell; steward ship, Mrs. G. W. Smith; commum-1 ty missions, Mrs. W. A. Harrell; literature, Mrs. B. P. Monds; Cho wan College scholarship, Mrs.'C. T- Doughtie. The Rev. R. E. Gordon will speak on “Our Task As "Seen In the Philippines.” . The morning session will close with a prayer by the Rev. R. N. I Carroll, puator of the church. Continued on Page 4, Section 1 New Fire Chief 1 (-4- “ ■ I i Mi I , W: -I, Vfj frdM J I ■*%. W.JORDAN YATES J Recently appointed Edenton’s, | Fire Chief, W. Jordan Yates sue-1 ceeds the late Robert K. Hall as ' head of Edenton’s Fire Depart- j ment. J - l _ n _ r^_rLrL - u rij-u-xnj~u-ij- 1 Albemarle Chorus Meets Monday Night The Albemarle Chorus will meet I Monday night, May 20, at 8 o’clock at the home of Oscar Duncan on j West Queen Street. Dick*Sehu j man is director, and all members ] are especially urged to be pres ] ent. Elizabeth City Is Planning To Present Edenton Bell Painting — 4 Local Committee Chooses Cupola House From | Six Pictures Appearing In April Issue of Ford Times By EUGENE HURDLE “ . . . a token representing the good feeling we . . . of Elisabeth City have for Edenton and for ali of our neighbors in the Albemarle’’ prompted outgoing Mayor L. S Blades, Jr., of Elizabeth City, to check Fold Times publication in Dearborn, Mich., with reference to securing a watercolor painting which recently appeared in that monthly magazine with thejjur pose of presenting it to the Town of Edenton. In the April, 1957, issue of the magazine, published monthly by the. Ford Motor Company at Dear born, a six-page story appeared en titled: EDENTON—North Caro lina’s Cradle of Liberty. The story waa by Thelma Harrington a Medlin Belch New President Os lions Club Elects Officers At Meeting Mon day Night lAt is regular Monday night. meeting, Edenton Lions Club used 1 its unique system of electing new officers by balloting on the entire membership without nominations : | Medlin Belch, popular sales man ' was elected president on the first , ballot. Belch replaces Ernest Ward. Jr. J. R. DuLaney was elected first vice president, and Dr. A! Stanton was elected second vice: president. T. B. Williford was elected third vice president and j James Griffin, tail twister, both in run-off balloting. Joe Thorud was . elected Lion Tamer. Two directors were elected, Cecil ! I Fry and Jesse Harrell. W. J. Tav | lor, secretary-treasurer, Earl Har- 1 rell, pianist and J. Clarence Leary, choirster, continued in office by j motion from the floor. y I civic calendar! |h —d: i, Edenton Lions Club will present ] its annual Variety Show Friday i night. May 17, at 8 o’clock in the j Edenton Elementary School audi torium. Baptist Women’s Missionary Un ion of Chowan County w ill meet in ' . the Edenton Baptist Church Thurs day, May 23, beginning at 10 A. M. j j Edenton’s Parent-Teacher Asso- 1 | ciation will meet Tuesday night, j May 21, at 8 o’clock in the Elemen- ' ’ tary School auditorium, when new | officers will be installed. ] The first aid class sponsored by j Continued on Page 3—Section 3 Bell and was accompanied by six oil paintings by Corydon Bell. Among these paintings were the Chowan County Courthouse on the Court House Green; the Cupola House, erected in about 1725; Booth House, built in 1769; Eden ton’s famous teapot; St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, begun in 1733. and Penelope Barker’s house on Edenton Bay. In a letter dated April 13 and addressed to Mayor E. P. Kehaves of Edenton, Mayor Blades cited the Ford Times article. “I feel that if we in Elizabeth City could acquire these paintings in their original and, as a city, present them to Edenton.” Blades wrote, “it would be a token representing the good feeling we have for Edenton ... ” Ist Band Parents Awards Banquet Very Successful Sgt. Paul George Is Elected President For Year Edenton’s Band Parents Associa | tion held its first Awards Banquet Tuesday night in the Masonic Temple with approximately 200 band parents, hand members and guests in attendance. Mrs. R. H. Vaughan, president of the association, presided and the meeting was opened by Jack Mooney leading the group in sing ing “God Bless America.” after which Percy Mclvcr, senior mem her of the hand, pronounced tb* invocation. Mrs. VauaJian then welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McCullers of Kinston. Mr. Mo Cullers, idol of Edenton children was director of the famous Eden ton Band some 20 years ago and is now executive vice president of the I Kinston Chamber of Commerce | He organized the first Edenton j High School Band and served as! director for five years, enjoying - great amount of success and ae eomplishments with the band un til he was called into the armed Services in 1943. Mr. Mae, as he was fondly known by Edentonians outlined the organization of th. Edenton Band and its success while Continued on Page 2—Section 3 Hosnital Auxiliary Will Meet May 24; Chowan Hospital Auxiliary will J meet Friday afternoon, May 24, at] 3 o’clock in the nurses’ home. This will he the last meeting before tile! summer recess, so that Mrs. John Raines, president, urges all mem bers to make a special effort to attend. Edenton Base Will Join In Celebrating Armed Forces Day f Poster Winners ] s In the Poppy Day contest, spon sored by the American l.egion Au i xiliary. Marilee Case, a member of j the sixth grade, won first prize i with Billy Harrell, also a sixth grader, coming in second place. First prize was $2.00 and second prize $1.50. Honorable mention went to Bet-] sy Campen. fifth grade and Sue j 1 Bunch and Allan Smith, both sixth i 1 graders. BAKE SALE FRIDAY The monthly bake sale sponsoi j ed by the Fidelis NCO Wives Club will be held Friday, May 17, in the Albemarle room of the PX at the Edenton Naxal Auxiliary Air Sta-j ! tion. —— I and asked if they would accept it. Mayor Blades went on to say he had been in contact with Arthur T. Lougee, art director in the publi cations office of Ford Times, who explained that “a standard policy j concerning the paintings which are 1 used in our publication” would nor I allow Elizabeth City to purchase j the originals. “After reproduction,” Louge° 1 continued to explain, “they are en tered into a permanent collection | from which traveling exhibitions 1 are made up and circulated! throughout the country. It may be, possible,” he added, “for us to com- j mission the artist to duplicate one ; of his paintings for the purpose you have in mind . . , (and) let me j knqw which of the paintings would j best fill your need and I will be I glad to raise the question and let you know the answer.” Then Mayor Blades advised that. Continued on Page 2—Section 3 ! $2.00 Per Year In North Carolina. Stage Is All Set For Lions Club Variety Show Friday Night - Auxiliary President j m M ygr^J Hfe- fHjß| 'lie u |. "Mill JI; A native of Chowan County, laughter of Mr. and .Mrs. .1. C. Leary of tlit* Cross Roads communi ty, Mrs. VV. I). Welch. Jr., of Wash ington, N. C.. was elected presi dent of the Woman’s Auxiliary of the North Carolina Pharmaceutical Association at its annual conven-j tion held in Charlotte last week. Community Sing At Warwick Church Announcement Is made that .i community sing will be held at Warwick Baptist Church Sunday afternoon. May 19, at 2:30 o’clock. The public is cordially invited to attend. I Public Cordially Invit ed to Visit Base Saturday Saturday, May 18, officers and personnel at the Edenton .Naval : Auxiliary Air Station will join all I military installations in the nation 1 , in celebrating Armed Forces Day. j [ Special features Wave been arrang-j ed for the Ivenefit of visitors and | lit is hoped manv civilians will visit | 1 ( j the during the day to 7 help j I make the celebration a success. Col. Frank Collins, commanding j officer of the base, has announced t that the base will lie open to the i ■ general public from 9 A. M„ to 3 ' | P. M. Eastern Standard Time and j he extends a personal invitation to j ''all civilians in this section to visit] the base for the event. One of the features will he a ! static display of different types of J aircraft flown by Marines and a| .special feature at 2 o’clock will he, I 1 a demonstration of arrested land-j nigs in which will he used Marine' , Corps latest mobile arresting' equipment. The national theme for Armed Forces Day is “Power For Peace.” HMC Carroll Boyce ] Is Commended For Saving Man’s Life Awarded In Recogni j tion of Loyalty and Service j j Edenton friends will be pleased 1 , to learn that Hospital Corpsman I Chief Carroll A. Boyce. United ■ | States Navy, was recently com- II mended by Captain A. H. Willis, : i commanding officer of the U. S. ; Naval Air Facility at Elizabeth | City for performance of duty which : | resulted in the saving of a life. . Continued on Pago 4—Section I ■'-v * - - & DRIVE CAREFULLY— YOU MAY SAVE YOUR LIFEt $ ________ j | Show Labeled Enter- I tainment Bargain Os the Year i On Friday evening. May 17, at 8 o’clock in the Elementary School auditorium Edenton Lions will hold their annual Variety Show. In de scribing the show for this year, J. ; R. Dili.aney, general chairman, and .Jim Bowers, director, resorted to , Hollywood-type adjectives such as j “collossal” “sparkling” and “best I j ever’’. Special emphasis was made j°f thf fact that the should would 'run for only one evening, pointing | out that tact so that everyone j would he sure to purchase his ticks let and reserve Friday night for this entertainment event. DuLaney j pointed out that even though the , show this year had several pro fessional entertainers, everyone had donated his services, since the proceeds will go toward Lions’ work with the blind and other handicapped persons. I he first portion of the program will be a country hoedown with the following participating: Randy Lee, “All Star” Label re cording artist; A! Doraczon, accor dion soloist; Sunny White, '‘Ala bama Jubilee”; The Three J’s, “My J Gal”; Jackie Ough, “The Hokey , Pokey” (song and dance); Pat | Mooney. “Cuddle I p A Little Clos j er”; Loretta Benton, “Minnie Pearl” (comic); Helen Rogerson, j “Old Fashioned Waltz” (aooompan list. Miss Cecelia Willoughby, Cho wan High School Public School Music Instructor). Scene II is in a park with Ruth Phillips singing “Busy Day Ahead ’ Continued on Page 2 —Section 3 Native Os Chowan Auxiliary President Mrs. W. I). Welch. Jr., Os Washington, N. C. Elected In Charlotte Relatives and friends of Airs, W, 1). Welch, Jr., of Washington, D. C., will ho interested to learn tha; she was elected president of the Woman's Auxiliary of the North Carolina Pharmaceutical Associa tion at its annual convention held in Charlotte last week. Mrs. Welch is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Leary of the Cross Roads community and daugh ter-in-law of Mi-, and Mrs. W. D. W elch. Sr., of the same section of the county. She served as first vice presi dent during the year just ended and succeeds Mrs. I’. W. Kendall of Charlotte. The Auxiliary voted to refurnish the girls’ lounge at the University of North Carolina Pharmacy School and to furnish and equip a room at Continued on Page 6—Section 1 Lumber Concern Opens In Edenton W. I). Townson, Jr., Opens Plant on N. Broad Street Another new industry began op eration in Edenton when the W. T 5. Townson Lumber Company began doing business Monday of this week in the building formerly occu pied by the Outland Supply Com pany on North Broad Street. ! The concern will manufacture pallets, boxes, crates, racks and skids and will employ in the neigh borhood of 20 persons. Their pro ducts are made from low grade hardwood. The owner of the new business is William D. Townson, who comes to Edenton from Murphy, where he was in the same type of business since 1919. Mr. Townson is no stranger in Edenton. having mar ried the former Miss Pearl Which, ard, daughter of the late Dr. and Mm. M. P. Whichard. . * ■ w 'r®*a Jyfcv-'HiSPja fa-mrm

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