ONLY NEWSPAPER > PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXlV.—Number 25. County Tax Rate Is Cut To $ 1.00 Chowan Supports Mental Health Clinic SI,OOO Is Given By| Commissioners To Start Local Project Importance of Clinic Pointed Out at Meet ing Thursday Warren Twiddy, president of the Edenton Junior Chamber of Commerce, appeared before the County Commissioners at a spe cial meeting held Monday morn ing in behalf of county support for the proposed district mental clinic. Mr. Twiddy pointed out j the dire need for such an insti- | tution and informed the Com-1 missioners that Chowan County ( was the only one in the dis- 1 trict which had not made any. move to secure the last of ten I such institutions to be estab lished in the with state and federal aid. He also in formed the Commissioners that the county boards in Camden, Perquimans and Pasquotank either have or have committed themselves to make an appro priation in order to secure the much-needed clinic. The Commissioners met for the purpose of approving the 1957-58 budget and after con sidering the request, agreed to make an appropriation of SI,OOO. It is understood that forthe 1 first year of operation of a clin ic the district will be obliged to raise $6,000 and that Chowan’s share of this amount is $1,500. The importance and need of a mental clinic in this section of the state was imparted to a small group of interested people on Thursday night in the Court House by Lorimer Midgett of Elizabeth City. Mr. Midgett stated that he was in no way connected with the clinic, but that he was only eager to do whatever he could to secure one for this section due to the great need. He said 10 such institu tions were to be established, nine of which are already in | operation and that the eastern Continued on Page 4—Section 1 Cub Scouts Meet At Sandy Point Tuesday, June 25 Plans for the June Cub Scout meeting were made Monday night by officials of Pack No. 159. » The meeting will be held at San dy Point Tuesday night, June 25, at 6 o’clock, when picnic suppers will be planned by each den. Commencing with the month of June an attendance awsp-d will be given to the den having the larg est percentage of parents present at the pack meetings. The den will take possession and attend ance banner for the month and any ensuing month it may have the largest attendance. Each Cub Scout will also receive a free movie pass. It was reported that $45 was earned by the erection and plac ing of squirrel cages and that $60.67 earned for the sale of Eas ter Seals was given to the Crippled Children’s 800161/, by the local pack. Mrs: Mildred Clapsadl was wel comed as a new den mother. She has taken over Den 7 for Mrs. Maybelle Sexton who . presided over it since its formation in Oc tober of 1955. A hearty thanks was extended Mrs. Sexton for her, services. TRUSTEES MEET TODAY Trustees of the Edenton Metho dist Church are requested to meet this (Thursday) afteraeon at 4 o’clock at the church. This will be a very important meeting, so that the pastor, the Rev. Earl Richardson, requests everyone to i • V.rr-'r-*. * ’v THE CHOWAN HERALD f~ )ob Well Done ] > 'i With the 1957 session of the j North Carolina General Assembly I now adjourned, Chowan County’s i representative, Albert G. Byrum, | is to be complimented upon his work in the Legislature. Mr. By rum, though a freshman law mak er, was appointed to a group of , important committees and was in- I strumental in having passed a number of local bills affecting Chowan County. He conferred with his constituents before hav ing local bills passed, so that the performance of his duties appear to be very satisfactory to his home folks. Edenton Meets Williamston In Week-end Card) With Renton’s entry in the Al-1 bemarle League playing Hertford, I the league leaders Tuesday and Wednesday nights of this week, they are scheduled to cross bats with WHliamston on Hicks Field Friday night and Saturday night the two teams will play in Wil liamston. Monday of next week Edenton plays at Elizabeth City and on Tuesday night the two teams play on Hicks Field. Edenton ended last week with a 4-4 record. During the week they split with Sunbury and Cam- Tuck winning the home games and losing the away-games in both cases. Continued on Page 7—Section 1 Open House Held At Edenton Tractor And Equipment Co. Edenton Tractor & Implement Company will observe open house as Ford tractor and implement dealer at its new building near the Marina on Highway 17‘Satur day, June 22, from 9:30 A. M., to 5 P. M. Members of the concern cordial ly invite everybody in this area to visit them at their new location, when free drinks, free hot dogSi 1 and free boat rides, both inboard 1 and outboard, will be provided for,visitors. In the new building the concern is better equipped, has more room and will be able to better serve their customers. “Come in and 1 help us open up shop,” says Scott Harrell, manager. Barbara Jordan, E. C. Toppin Crowned Health Queen - King ! At 4-H Club Elimination Day The Chowan County annual 4-H Elimination Day was held Wed nesday, June 12, at Chowan High School and Community Building. Ronald Perry presided over the meeting and was narrator for the health pageant. Barbara Jordan and E. C. Toppin were crowned Health Queen and King and Ce ! lia Rae Elliott and Tommy Har , rell were crowned Princess and Prince, by Miss Maidred Morris, home agent. Members taking part in the health pagent were: E. C. Toppin, Zackie Harrell, Lloyd Gene Chappell, Tommy Harrell, Judy Evan*, Annie Ru|h Nixon, Barbara Ward, Sunny' White, Edith Nixon and Linda Wheeler. Mrs. J. C. Skinrier also partici i pa ted on the pregram, represent ing 4-H local leaders. Edenton, North Carolina, Thursday June 20,1957, d | Two Outstanding Chowan Club Members J l || ? , 4 * r fei/, , If . jj MRS. R. H. HOLLOWELL AND MRS. E. L. WINSLOW “Records burned but memory i survived.” That is how Chowan demonstration club members stiik have £urecord of the way Chowan! Home Demonstration Club Work began. Mrs. P.. H. Hollowell and Mrs.! E. L. Winslow are sisters who! have long been active in Home] Demonstration Club Work. They j often get together and reminisce i over the accomplishments and progress of the Chowan Club of | Vice President Nixon Writes Letter To Local Woman’s Club Officers and members of tha [ Edenton Woman's Club were hon- j ored this past week by a letter! from Richard Nixon, Vice Presi-| dent of the United States. The letter expressed apprecia-! tion for the miniature cradles, signifying “Edenton, Cradle of the Colony,” which were presented io Mr. and Mrs. Nixon by Mrs. W. J. P. Earnhardt on behalf of the Edenton Woman’s Club. The letter, addressed to Mrs. T. C. Cross, Jr., immediate past pres ident of the club, read as follows:! “Dear Mrs. Cross: Mrs. Nixon) and I would appreciate it if you' s —-* 120 Years Ago j As Found In the Files of The Chowan Herald V Attorney General notified the ( County Commissioners that the selection of W. J. Taylor as wel fare superintendent was incom patible with the constitution and in violation of the law prohibit ing dual office holding so that his choice could not be approved by the State. Governor Clyde Hoey appoint- Continued on Page 7—Section 1 Kay Frances White took first place in the Senior Dress Revue with her pink cotton skirt and blouse with white jacket and cumberbun. Barbara Jordan was second place winner. Sunny White was winner of the Junior Revue. She won a black and white outfit of Bermuda shorts and sleeveless shirt. Judy Evans was pianist for the revue. Other girls participating were: Sandra Here, Ann Hobbs„ Linda Spivey and Marjorie Parrish. Demonstration winners were: Dairy individual, Kay Frances White; dairy teams, Bonnie Lou Welch and Celia Rae Elliott and Judy Evans and Annie Ruth Nix on, second place; entomology, Kay Lowe and Georgia Skinner; wild- Centtnuod oa Fag* 7—Section 1 | which both are members. Mrs. Hollowell was secretary of ; the Chowan Club for years. They ! had their club meetings in the ! old school which was located at j Cross Roads. When the school j burned, all of the records were ! lost, but Mrs. Hollowell can re • [ call the contents of those records, j The Chowan Club contributed i many things to the old school at Cross Roads. They donated S3OO i Continued on Page 6—Section 1 | would be kind enough to express | our deep gratitude to the mem ! bers of the Edenton Woman’s | Club for your friendly thought of | us. [ “The special gift from your club has given all of us in our family great pleasure. The two attrac tive cradles with the North Caro lina pine cones will be constant reminders of our pleasant visit to your beautiful state and the cordial reception extended to us at the 1957 General Federation ; Convention. j “With every good wish from [ both of us to you and to each 1 member of your group,” Joe Privott Drowns Friday Afternoon Joe Privott, 22, of Edenton, drowned Friday afternoon short ly after 5 o’clock in Little Alli gator River and Northwest Fork near Columbia. Privott was among a group | of Negroes who had been work-1 ing in the Kilkenney section I gathering pulpwood for C. T. Dixon, Jr„ of Edenton who were i returning home. The young j men stopped at the Richmond Cedar Works boat landing, where Privott waded into the water | and when reaching deep water he disappeared. C. E. Morris, sheriff of Tyr rell County, organized a drag ging operation and shortly after 8 o’clock the body was recover ed by Harold Holton of Creswell and Willie Bowser, Gum Neck Negro. t Visiting Speaker At Men’s Club Meeting The Edenton Methodist Men’s ! Club will meet tonight (Thursday) ! at 6:30 o’clock at the church. The speaker for the occasion will be the Rev. Dan Meadows of Bath. Mr. Meadows before entering the ministry was a building contrac tor and will inspect the church and advise what to do regarding settling under the new education building. The meal will be in chxage of A. L. Brinson, Erwin Griffin and Larry Knox apd every member is urged to aQend. (Mail Delivery To West over Heights To Begin June 29 Club Members! Lay Plans For Historical Tour Benn’s Church. St. Luke's Church, Mariners Museum, Wil liamsburg, Jamestown. York town —these places will be visit ed on a tour planned by the Chowan Home Demonstration jClub women. A tour to attend the James jtown Festival is planned for Wednesday, July 3. The bus will leave from in front of the Eden ton Post Office at 6:15 A. M. Women from Edenton and the county who are non-club mem bers are invited to go on the I tour. Only women will go on I the tour this year. “If you are interested in go ing on this tour,” says Miss Maidred Morris, home agent, i please call the home agent’s of fice, phone 3129, or drop a card to the home agent by Monday, June 24. Information as to the expense of the trip will be given jon request. I “You’ll see full-§iize replicas of [the three 17th century vessels j floating' in the James River. A [visit will be made to the Moore; House and Glass Factory. You’ll J see the weapons, tools and ev eryday utensils used by the col onists. You'll stand in awe in' the ivy -clad church tower built j in 1639. You’ll see how the na-1 tion’s founders lived, worked and worshipped. You'll step into his jtory. Make your plans now to attend the Jamestown Festival with the Chowan County Home Demonstration Club women on July 3.” 4-H Leaders Hold Training Meeting Chowan Home Demonstration Club was hostess to the 4-H lead ers meeting on Monday night, June 17. A chicken salad supper was served to the group present. Marjorie Parrish entertained the group with a solo. There was a dairy food demonstration given by Bonnie Lou Welch and Celia Rae Elliott of the Chowan Senior Club. They presented the dem-j onstration for practice since they I will be represehting Chowan I County by giving it at the 4-H I District Elimination Day in Wash -1 ington, N. C., on June 26. Their j demonstration was entitled “Make I Everyday a Milk Festival”. I Miss Maidred Morris. Home | Agent, presided during the busi j ness session. Plans were made to invite parents to the local 4-H meetings so as to create more in terest in 4-H. There will be su pervised recreation at the 4-H meetings so that there will be some social life mixed in with the project work. Those present were: Mr. and | Mrs. Marvin Evans. Mrs. Gilbert! Byrum. Mrs. Roland Evans. Mrs. Drew Welch, Mrs. E. N. Elliott, Mrs. Minnie Corprew, Mrs. J. D. Hobbs. Marjorie Parrish, Bonnie Lou Welch, Celia Rae Elliott. Miss Jacqueline Pugh, Assistant Home Agent, and Miss Morris. ATTEND SCOUT MEETING Four Edenton Bov Scouts and Scouter Horace White spent Sat urday and Sunday attending the spring ordeal of the Order of the Arrow at Camp Darden near Franklin. Va. - The Order of the Arrow is a national association of honor campers. Scouts accom panying Mr. White were Jack Ov erman. Billv Harry, Bill Goodwin, Jr., and Billy Dafl. Patrons Are Required 1 To Erect Proper Boxes Postmaster J. L. Chestnutt. an nounced Tuesday of this week [ that mail service will be extended I to the Westover Heights area be ginning Saturday June 29. Mail will be delivered in boxes, which must be supplied by the patrons and placed near the edge of the curb. Names should be painted on the box with black paint and posts must be straight up and down, with the approach to a box being a hard level sur face. Mr. Chestnutt points out that it • is a requirement of the Depart ment thai the boxes provided by patrons shall be so placed that they may be conveniently served by carriers without dismounting from their conveyances and that i they shall he located on the right, hand side of the road in the di rection of travel of the carrier. For th"*i reason anyone who de-1 sires mail to be delivered is urg ed to contact Rodney Harrell, the \ mail carrier, or Mr. Chestnutt fori accurate information before the! mail boxes are erected. Carolyn Blanchard Drowns In Chowan Carolyn Blanchard. 13-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J Clyde B. Blanchard of Tyner j lost her life by drowning Sunday afternoon about 4:30 v clock. The victim had attended church services and joined aj. swimming party at Hare’s Land - , ing and it is believed she was. swept into the channel of Cho wan River by swift currents. The body was recovered about j 11:30 o’clock Sunday night with! local citizens, members of the Marine Corps and Coast Guard | aiding in the search. It was I located by Robert Evans. Cho-1 wan County Game Warden arid ! John Waff. Surviving are her parents. Mr. j and Mrs. Clyde B. Blanchard, j and a sister, Debbie Rose, at home. She was a member of Bal lard’s Bridge Baptist Church, where funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock. The Rev. Lamar Sen tell, pastor of the church, offi ciated. and burial was in the church cemetery. Active pallbearers were Faye Bunch, Jack Bateman. Ronnie Hare, Ray Perry, Wayne Griffin, Bryant Griffin, Hughes Bunch. Jr., and E. C. Toppin. Members of the seventh grade of Chowan High School served as honorary pallbearers. Committees For Woman’s Club Named To Serve During Year Plans for the 1957-58 club year, the naming of committeess, and reports of the Interna tional Convention of the General Federation of Woman’s Clubs highlighted the June meeting of the Edenton Woman’s Club held in St. Paul’s Parish House. Mrs. Joe Thorud, president, named the following commit tees: Communications Mary Grey Leary, chairman. Yearbook —Edna Reaves. Program—Betsy Chesson. Scrapbook—Alice Richardson. Subscriptions—Esther Harry. Telephoning—Mary Grey By rum. Courtesy—Frances Copeland. Press and Publicity Mary Margaret DuLmtoy and Jackie $2.00 Per Year In North Carolina. Special Rural Fire Protection Rate Is Cut To Three Cents /j Honor Graduate \ S J Ibernie BALLINGTON baker I Cadet Bernie Ballington Baker i of Tyner, was recently awarded his diploma (honor graduate) at the seventy-eighth graduation ex ' ercises at Fishburne Military ' School. Waynesboro. Ya. The Fi nal Ball was held Saturday night with music furnished by Frank Perry and his Vagabonds. The i climax of this occasion was the [ Senior Ring Figure at which time [Cadet. Baker was formally pre-j j sented his Fishburne ring by Miss ! Judy Knight. ‘ While ;:t Fishburne, Cadet Bak-' er held the rank of Private in the Ist platoon of Company "B", and. was president of his section of the ' Public Speaking Club. He was a j reporter for the “C. Q.". the school i newspaper, and a member of the Y.M.C.A. During the year Cadet j j Baker was on the Merit list and ■ the Distinguished Honor Roll. Hej i was also on the school debating ; team. At commencement services Ca det Baker received a Good Con [ duct Medal. Senior English Med ; al and St nior French Medal. Chaplain Ilev Lions Speaker | At their Monday night meet-1 [ ing, the Edenton Lions heard ! Chaplain Charles H. Ilev discuss the Middle East in connection with his recent visit to that area. Dick Frohnen introduced Cmdr. , lie/, who has been a Navy Chap lain for 13 years and who has I I traveled throughout the world. Chaplain Ilev spoke of the social . customs of the people, the politi . cal situation and the geography and religion of the people, and , concluded his speech with inter , esting slides in color that he had taken in color while in Saudi Arabia. In speaking of the social cus ; toms of the people, the Chaplain s j told of banquets without tables j Continued on Page 7—Section 1 Ricks. Community Affairs Virginia Byrum. chairman. Hospital Auxiliary—Man* Hop kins. Barker House—Pet Goodwin. Sara Lee Smith and Corinne Thorud. Libraries—Lu Blades. Gerontology—Carolyn Rains. Mental Health—Marsv Hardin. Welfare—Charlotte Small.__ Help-a-Home—Betty Ward. Youth Conservation: Play ground—Nelle P. Jones and Mary Hardin. Teenage—Kathryn Goodwin. Swimming Pool—Gerry Fry*. Education—Ruth Conger, chair man. Adult Education Georgia Continued on Page 7—-Section 1 DRIVE CAREFULLY— YOU MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE! Reduction Due to Re valuation of County Pr&perty Atter considerable time spent in reviewing various departmen tal budgets, the Chowan County Commissioners in special session Monday morning tentatively ap* proved a tax rate of SI.OO on the SIOO property valuation for the county for the fiscal year 1957- 1958. The tax rate will be of ficially adopted at the next reg ular meeting of tho Commis sioners Monday. July 1. In the meantime it is not expected that any changes will be made to affect the SI.OO rate. Last year's rate was $1.53. the decrease being brought about due to the recent revaluation of property in the county. The levy is based on property valuation ot $19,000,000 as compared with a $11,250,000 property valuation before the revaluation was made. The budget is made up as fol lows: Bonds. $36,906:64. for which 20 cents of the SI.OO rate will be needed. For charity the budget calls tor an estimated expenditure of 522.772.38. of which $9,372.38 is for general assistance and $13.- 400.00 for hospitalization. Os this amount $6,345.00 is antici pated from state and federal i funds, leaving the county to raise $16,427.38 or nine cents of the tax rate. I For health the budgets calls for an expenditure of $12,988.00, of which $11,788.00 is for the district and $1,200.00 for the Continued on Page 7—Section l Jaycees Collect Bottles Friday Friday night. June 21. starting at 6 o clock Edenton Jaycees will stage a pop bottle cleanup drive. They hope to collect emptv pop bottles s.trewn about the streets, as well as those which have ac cumulated about homse. The Jaycees request citizens to i collect ell soft drink bottles so that they can be picked up when. the various canvassers call in a house-to-house campaign. Red Men Tribe To Nominate Officers Chowan Tribe of Red Men will , meet Monday night. June 24. at, 17:30 o'clock. One of the items | of business will be nomination of : officers, so that Percy Dail. sa i chem, urges a good attendance. MASONS MEET TONIGHT j Unanimity Lodge No. 7. A. F & I A. M.. will hold a stated commun | ication tonight (Thursday) at 8 J o'clock, William Adams, master j of the lodge, urges a full attend ance. J CIVIC calendar] p J I Edenton baseball club plays Williamston on Hicks Field Fri day night, June 21 and on Tues day night, June 25. Elizabeth City will be the attraction. Edenton's Cub Scouts will meet at Sandy Point Tuesday , night, June 25. at 6 o'clock. Edenton Tractor & Implement t Company will observe open house as Ford tractor and imple ment dealer at its new location on Highway 17 Saturday, June 22 from 9:30 A. M., to 5 P. M. Edenton Jaycees will conduct a pop bottle clean-up campaign Friday night, June 21, beginning al 6 o'clock. Chowan County home dem onstration dub members will make a te»r to historical places in Virginia Wednesday. July 3, i Continued on Page 9 Section 1

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