ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXlV.—dumber 4IT Fall Festival Os Verities In Edenton Nov. 15th to 23rd Edenton Aces Easily Bowl Over Weldon 40-13 To Win! First Round For State Title Bobby Ashley, Bruce White Thrill Fans By t Long Runs; Band Al so In Star Role Edenton Aces won the first round in the elimination games which will decide the state Class A football champions for 1957. The Aces had little difficulty in bowling over Weldon, the Roa- 1 noke-Chowan -Conference cham- 1 pions, 40-13 in Ahoskie Monday | night. The game was postponed ' from the previous Friday night due to a deluge of rain which covered practically the entire Ahoskie gridiron with water, causing the game to be called off. The Aces proved to be a well oiled gridiron machine Monday night, playing heads-up football, charging hard, providing superb blocking, tackling fiercely, so that, except for a time in the first half, they completely outclassed the Weldon boys in every depart ment of the game. Edenton drew blood about mid way the first quarter. ‘They re ceived the ball to start the game and marched, from their own 29- yard line to score, chalking up four first downs in the drive. Bobby Ashley sparked the march with a 22-yard gallop and Bruce! White pitched in with 12 and 13-yard gains. He crashed over I from the two-yard strips for the first touchdown. tpughdawfi ter Weldon was forWg to kick from midfield. , Bobby Ashley grabbed the ball and thrilled Edenton fans with a 90-yard gal lop, with excellent blocking pav ing the way. This play was as good as any seen this season. In the same quarter Weldon scored its first touchdown after chalking up two first downs and Perry snagging a pass from Wise from the Edenton 46 to cross the goal line with blockers all around him. This, too, was a beautiful play. The score at half time was 14-6 in favor of the Aces but the Eden ton boys came back strong in the third quarter to score three touch- 1 downs. Weldon was forced to kick on I Continued on Page s—Section 1 Buffet Style Meals demonstration Will Be Held Nov. 19th Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays are drawing near and many begin to think of entertain ing family and A sim ple way to entertain a large group of people is to have a meal served “Buffet Style.” '•The Chowan Home Demonstra tion Clubs are sponsoring a dem onstration on “Buffet Meals” which will be given at the Cho wan Community Building on Tuesday afternoon, November 19, at 2:30 P. M. This demonstra tion will be given by Mrs. Rachel Ferguson, Specialist in Foods and Nutrition at State College in Ra leigh, N. C. This demonstration requires a lot of preparation so that it is desired that as many people see it as possible. Non-club members as well as club members are urg ed tq attend, for all will enjoy ' the demonstration on “Buffet Ijieals.” Mrs. R.H. Bachman Presents Group Os Books Tq Libraries According to Mrs. Eugenia ftpKyinn director of the Pettigrew Regional Library, the Tyrrell County Public Library had the highest circulation for October, with Washington County a close Figures released by Mrs. Baby t Tvirell B6l adult books and £ X/FfCU UUI j THE CHOWAN HERALD SECOND SHOT AT STATE CM Edenton’s Aces with the District 1 championship tucked un der their belts, will take their second tling in the elimination games for the State Class A football championship next Friday night, November 15, when they are scheduled to meet Erwin, District 3 champions, for the regional championship. Erwin defeated Millbrook 14-0 for the honor. By agreement with officials of both schools, the game will be played on the East Carolina College stadiunj in Greenville at 8 o’clock. Erwin turned out in full force at the Ederiton-Weldon game in Ahoskie Friday night which the Aces won handily 40-18. so that, ether than straight football, little was learned about the Aces by the Erwin scouters. Little is known about the strength of the Erwin football ma chine, so that Coach Bill Billings is taking no chances in a let down in training or over-confidence. The boys are being drilled this week in anticipation of a tough battle with the Erwin outfit. The Edenton Band, which gave a superb demonstration at Ahoskie Friday night, will not accompany the Aces for this game, but a large following of Edenton supporters is expected to go to Greenville for the game. The winners of this game will meet the winner of the F’armville-Red Springs game for the Eastern crown. VFW Poppy | Day Nov. 16 I The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 9280, have announced that it will conduct its sannual pf Buddy Poppies on Saturday. No vember 16. Mrs. Betty Perry, poppy chairman, stated that the annual sale of Buddy Poppies provides the auxiliary with the funds needed to carry on its wel fare and relief work in the next twelve months. The proceeds are devoted ex clusively to welfare and rehabili- j tation activities. “Do not wait to | be asked to buy a Buddy Poppy,” : says Mrs. Perry, “contribute gen erously when you see the women downtown and when they come to your door, for your dime, quar ter or dollar could not possibly bring a greater return. This is an investment in human life.” Great Pocahontas Will Visit Chowan , Council Tonight Chowanoke Council No. 54, De gree of Pocahontas, will have an imp o r t.a n t meeting tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock, when Mrs. Martha Crummey, Great Po cahontas of North Carolina, will make her official visit to the Cduncil. A dinner will be served in the Red Men hall at 7 o’clock, after i which the meeting will be held, i Mrs. Ella Mae Parrish, Pocahon tas of the local Council, urges ev- ' ery member to make a special ef fort to be present. i 4-H Achievement Program Will Be Presented November 18 In Chowan Community Building The 4-H Achievement Program will be observed Monday night, November 18, at 7:30 o’clock in the Chowan Community Build ing. On Saturday, in Washing ton, N. C., the District 4-H win ners were announced. Chowan County was proud to receive its share of the honors. The winners will also be recognized at the program Monday night. In projects and achievements, Chowan had the following win ners in the District: 3rd place in junior canning, Judith Evans; electric, Billy Goodwin; food preparation, Kay Frances White; home improvement, Georgia S&inner; poultry, Barbara Jor dan; safety, Billy Goodwin; 2nd place in junior com meal contest, Emmy Ruth Overman; cotton, Carlton Perry and tobacco, Carl ton Perry. Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, November 14,1957. Band Day Will Be Held Nov. 16 Saturday, November 16, has been set aside as Band Day. The Edenton Band Parents’ Associa tion'»cg^-eachan*t'everyone to donate generously when asked. Contributions will be used to cov er numerous expenses incurred by the Edenton High School Band during the school year. The pur chase of new instruments and sheet music, and the repair of old instruments are just a few of the items to be covered. “The Edenton H i-g h School ' Band is your band, made up of ; your children,” say Band Asso- I ciation officers. “It has made it possible for them to learn to play instruments and enjoy and ap preciate music. It has provided | entertainment at sporting and | civic events and is a worthwhile j organization, worthy of your sup port. “A representative of the Band Parents’ Association will be call ing on you Saturday. Or, per haps you will see some of the band members stationed at vari ous points throughout the busi ness section of town. They, too, will be soliciting your help. And pledges will be accepted any day throughout this week. So please, be liberal in your support.” EASTERN STAR MEETING Edenton Chapter No. 302, Or- \ der of the Eastern Star, will meet Monday night. November 18 at 8 o’clock in the Masonfc Temple. Mrs. Margaret Stanton, wbrthy matron, requests every member to be present. In the demonstration contest Barbara Jordan and Joe Hollo well won first place in the dis trict with their poultry demon stration. Chowan County was very hap py to receive first place with its county program On safety. The 4-H’ers have made many accom plishments in its safety program and the honor was gratefully re ceived^ Those attending the district contest in Washington from Cho wan County were: Kay Frances White, Sunny White, Kay Lowe, Ronald Perry, H. Ivey Ward, James Turner, Tommy Parker, Judith Evans, Leon Evans and Joe Nixon, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Evans, adult leader?; Mrs. Jac queline Lewis, assistant home agent, and Miss Maidred Morris, home agent. Early Edenton High School Football Team yj*'■ J ’ flf . d|| With football being inaugurated at Edenton High School in 1525 by Frank Sultenfie.d. one of the early teams is pictured above. This is the 1928 team, the third to play for E. H. S. In the picture are: Front row, left to right, William Wells, John Wiggins, Albert Culiipher, cap tain, John Pruden and Ralph Parrish. Middle ro v, lest to right, Fioyd Buftlap, Wi.liam Adams, Curtis Vincent, Joseph Long and Julius Wilder. Back row, left to right. Coach Frank Sut tenfield, William Cozzens, Wil.iam Stokiey, Thomas Chears, Carroll Gooawin and Carlyle Webb. The picture was found by J. Frank Whi.e, Sr., among the belongings of his son, Ned White. Councilmen I Approve New ( Pump House With very little complicated ; business confronting them Tues -1 day night Town Councilmen transacted its business and ad -1 loomed about'; 10:30 o’clock ,in • what is considered a short meet ing. * The Councilmen finally accept ed a lease‘.between the Town of Edenton and the Edenton Veneer Mill, Inc., at $ rental of S3O per month and other considerations including payment of back taxes. At the recommendation of the Zoning Commission, a decision was reached to rezone the area on the west side of Broad Street between Second and Third Streets from RA-5 to neighborhood busi ness. The Councilmen also passed an* j ordinance providing for a four j way stop at the intersection of Second Street and Badham Road, Continued on Page 6—Section 1 More People Will Be Employed At Local Peanut Mill \ In order to employ as many Edenton people as possible the Albemarle Peanut and Storage Company started two 4-hour | shifts on Monday of this week. A. C. Boyce, president, explain ed that, “the management hoped to use one shift of regular cm- j ployees with the other or after- | noon shift to be made up large- | ly of Edenton Peanut Company ! workers.” Total employment under this plan will approximate 150 people and the payroll, most of which is spent in Edenton, will approach $4,000 per week, he added. The Albemarle Peanut and ; Storage Company is a locally i owned and operated independent peanut mill. * Hospital Auxiliary * Will Meet Nov. 15 The Chowan Hospital Auxiliary will meet Friday afternoon, No vember 15, at 3 o’clock in the nurses’ home. Mrs. John Raines, president, announces that .plans for Christmas and the conffng year will be considered, so that due to the importance of the meeting, all members are urged to attend. ; FLUE FIRE Edenton firemen were called out about 9 o’clock Tuesday night when a flue fire was'reported at a house on West -Peterson Street 'The fire was soon extinguished with no damage resulting. t f Bloodmobile I „ / Joseph Swanner. chairman of the Red Cross blood program in : Chowan County, announced this week that the bloodmobile will again appear in Edenton Monday. | November 25. The bloodmobile will be at the | Edenton armory from 9:30 A. M.. to 3:30 P. M, The quota will again be 110 pints. Mr. Swanner points out that at i the last visit 91 pints of blood i were donated and of that num ber 28 donated a pint lor their first lime. He also emphasizes the urgent need for blood and hopes Chowan will meet its quo ta this time. "It lakes very lit tle time," he says, "it is not pain ful or harmful, but any under 21 years of age must have their par ents consent to donate blood. Op en House At; School Tonight | ..... In otfsorvnncc of National | Education Week, the faculty of the Edenton Junior-Senior High School will hold open house tonight (Thursday) beginning at 8 o’clock, for all parents of pu pils enrolled in grades seven through twelve. Members Os the Student Coun- J oil will be on duty to direct par ! ents to the proper home rooms. Parents will receive a copy of ; their child’s daily sehedide which I they will follow in order to be- , ! come better acquainted with the ■ j individual teachers and subjects. I i During the lunch break light re- { ! freshments and a social period | wil be hed in the eafetleria. The Parent-Teacher Associa tion joins the faculty in urging all parents of Junior-Senior High School students' to visit the school this evening. l2oYearsAgoj j As Found In the Files of The Chowan Herald , V_ Edenton's new no-U-tum law was knocked down but not alto gether out when Town Council amended the ordinance to apply to Saturdays and holidays or at such times as deemed necessary. An Armistice Day program was observed at the Edenton Metho dist Church with the message brought by the Rev. Blount. Os car H. Brown and Robert L. Pratt also headed a committee which staged a mammoth oyster roast. Postmaster