ONLY NEWSPAPER ' PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXIV. —Number 48. Edenton Aces Trip Farmville In 28-18 Uphill Battle To Claim Eastern Championship Many Loyal Fans Wit ness Game Despite / Drenching Rain VERY CLEAN GAME Fullback Bruce White Called Upon to Bear Brunt of "Battle Though plagued with a case of fumbilitis, Edenton’s Aces fought an up-hill battle against Farm ville in Greenville Friday night to again win the Eastern Class A football championship by a score of 28 to 18. Two of the Farmville touchdowns were set up by fum bles, once when the Red Devils recovered on the Edenton 19 late in the first quarter and-again near the end of the half when they fell on the ball near midfield. In both cases the Red Devils drove for touchdowns. Their fi nal touchdown came just four plays after the Aces punted in the last few seconds of the third quarter, with Allen in a beautiful play racing 54 yards. The Aces drew first blood about midway of the first quarter. They received to start the game and marched from their own 27- yard Jine after a series of four first downs and scorecT'whcn 'Hen ry Overton connected with Jack Bunch in the end zone. The second touchdown was scored late in the third quarter when Farmville punted and the Aces returned to the Farmville 30. Bruce White and Robert White alternated in lugging the ball for two first downs and with the ball on the seven-yard stripe Robert White crashed through the line to score, putting the Aces ahead 14- 12. However, the Red Devils scored early in the final quarter to take the lead 18-14. It was not until about the middle of the j quarter that the Aces scored their third touchdown and go in the lead to stay. Bruce White re turned a Farmville punt 19 yards to the Aces’ 35. The Aces march ed from this point to gain the lead with four first downs, aided by a 24-yard jaunt by Bobby Ashley, an eight-yard gain by j Robert White and consistent short gains by Bruce White until they reached the two-yard line, from , where Bruce White crashed through for a touchdown." The final and clincher score £ came just a few plays later after Edenton got the ball on the Farm -1 ville 36. After a three-yard gain by Bruce White, Bobby Ashley 4 scooted through for a touchdown and with less than foyir minutes to go the Aces were sporting a 28-18 lead, which* greatly calmed the large crowd of Edenton fans \ on hand at tfie game, for it was the only time during the game that the outcome was reasonably sure. \ The game was played for the - most part in the rain, which was no doybt responsible for some of the fumbling. It was the clean est game of the season, with each team penalized only 15 yards, all of which was for minor infrac- I, tkraa. - ' r ■ Continued on Page 3—Section 2 §| THANKSGIVING DANCE R& Edenton Jaycees will hold their Kgggliual Thanksgiving dance Wed nesday night of this week in the Slenton armory beginning at 9 o'clock and continuing until 1 |p Music for the dance will be a large crowd isln -1 ttcipateo- L THE CHOWAN HERALD % ||B friends, for life in a land of W * JB freedom, and for all our many B : JP fathers did. let us give thanks in the church of our choice. : . v Bt Bk II Directors Os C* Os C. Interview Applicant For Manager Position 41 * Members of the board of direc- 1 tors of the newly-formed Edenton i Chamber of Commerce met at the Municipal Building Thursday j night for the purpose of inter-. viewing an applicant for the po sition of manager. R. B. Stone of Portsmouth attended the meeting ] and gave a resume of his career i and his experience with Chamber \ of Commerce work. The interview was opened to th£ directors and Mr. Stone was ; asked several questions of inter- j est pertaining to Edenton needs i for an active manager. No action I was taken as to the employment j of Mr. Stone, as several applica-I tions have been received and j more interviews are to be con- \ ducted later. A resolution was presented re- j questing improvements to make! Highway 17 a four-lane road and' 20 Years Ago | As Found In the Files of The Chowan Herald / : d| Edenlon's Aces were defeated by Hamlet 39-20 in a game play ed at Wake Forest for the East ern Class B Championship. Mayor J. H. McMullan made an earnest appeal to citisens to pur chase Christmas Seals in the fight against tuberculosis. Jimmy Munch, office superin- Continued on Page 3—Section 1 Marine And Navy Records Are Being Sold To Help Raise Fund To Build Permanent Memorial A special arrangement of “An chors Aweigh” and “Thg Marine Corps Hymn”, recorded by Mi(ch Miller of Columbia Records, went on sale in Edenton this week. Proceeds from the sale of records will go to the fund now being raised to establish a permanent memorial to heroes of the Navy and Marine Corps. The memor ial. a 30,000 seat stadium, will be dedicated to “those who have ser ved and will serve” and will be the only single monument 'to both services. - . . * The 45rpm record features a 45 ThA nKsgivi n # Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, November 28, 1957. i protesting the extension of U. S. i 13 from Goldsboro to the South Carolina line. The opposition to j the latter was to protect invest ! ments of tourist accommodations in this area. The board went on record for adoption of the reso | lution and proper representatives i throughout the state have been 1 mailed copies. Board members present at the Thursday meeting were: Gilliam ; Wood, Wilmer Malone, Bill Har ! ry, John A. Holmes, John Gra i ham. Bill Perry, Tom Hopkins, i Shelton Moore, Philip McMullan, Ernest Kehayes, West Byrum, Sr., ! Marvin Wilson and the Rev. j George B. Holmes. Some of the furniture has been • secured for the office in the Ho- I tel Joseph Hewes, and it is ex -1 pected the office will be ready for I use within a week or ten days. Rotarians Enjoy French Program Edenton Rotarians were treat i ed to a French program at last week's meeting when Miss Ann Mayo, a the Edenton Junior-Senior High School, pre sented four seventh grade pupils who .are studying French under Miss Mayo. The four French pu pfils were Diane Brabble, Marlene Gilley, Donna Lee Lorance and P. L. Beeler. Continued on Page 2—Section 1 the stadium fund. A certificate of appreciation for the contribu tion, signed by Mitch Miller, is in cluded. The records will be sold by the Officers and Enlisted Wives Clubs, who will canvass Edenton this week. Construction is expected to be-1 gin on the stadium as soon as a minimum of $3,100,000 is raisedj by public contributions. Since j federal funds are not available' for such a project, an appeal is | being made to friends of the Navy j and Marine Corps thrpughout the country. The will be built on 101 acres of land adja cent to the if. S, Navaj Academy and will b» adorned with me-1 morial plaques. For a eontritfu- j tipn of SI,OOO, a plaque may be Coatiauad on Page B—Section li Marine Corps Birthday Ball B K K; fll - General Christian F. Schill, center, who was guest of honor at the Edenton Naval Auxi iary Air Station for the celebrat on of the Marine Corps birthday, receives a s ice of the birthday cake from Colonel A. R. Stacy, left, commanding cificer of Marine Aircraft Group Fourteen at the traditional cake cutting ceremony.—(Offi ial U. S. Marine Corps Phoio). Edenton’s Christmas Party Is Scheduled To Be Staged Thursday Afternoon, Dec. 5 Event Again Sponsor-) ed By Edenton’s I BPW Club MANY EXPECTED j Chief of Police Issues Traffic Regulations During Party By EVELYN G. LEARY Chowan County youngsters are anticipating a big day next Thursday, December 5, when San ta Claus pays his annual visit to Edenton. Excitement is mounting by leaps and bounds as the time draws near for the jolly old fel low to favor his subjects with hearty ho-ho’s and friendly greet ings. This day is recorded as one of the happiest for the little ones. They turn out by the hundreds to watch a spectacular parade of glittering floats. As Santa’s float ends the parade, the children will rush to the Court House Green to be the first to chat with him. It is hoped old sol will not dis appoint the kiddies by being dis agreeable on that day of thrills. ; The event is sponsored each year by the Edenton Business and 1 Professional Women's Club and I local merchants. Miss Inez Fel ton and Mrs. Percy Smith, chair men, say no efforts have been spared to make this affair one of the most successful ever staged for the children. Workmen have already put up Christmas decorations and color ed lights on Broad Street. These | will be turned on the afternoon of the parade to lend Christmas spirit for the occasion. Edenton merchants, too, have beautifully Continued on Page 6—Section 1 ✓ Encouraging A - Mrs. James Bond and Ralph E. Parrish, co-chairmen of the ; Christinas Seal Sale in Chowan i County, report that the response to the sale thus far is very en ' couraging. The first seals were purchased ' by Mayor Ernest Kehayes. who i contributed generously. Mr. Parrish and Mrs. Bond hope those ’receiving seals will re- ' spend as early as possible before the matter is crowded from their j minds by the inevitable Christmas I rush, ! "Let's get rid of tuberculosis [in Chowan County." say the i chairmen. "WUI you hslpr Edenloii Aces Gel Another Shot At State Championship Crown On Hicks Field Friday Night Definite information was re leased by Edenton school officials Monday that the Edenton Aces will meet Mebane, western cham pions, on Hicks Field Friday night, November 29, at 8 o'clock in a game to decide the State Class A Football Championship. The Aces won the eastern cham pionship Friday night by defeat ing Farmville in Greenville by a score of 28-18. Mebane won the western title by defeating Mar shall 25-0. Some question developed about when the game would be played due to Elizabeth City scheduled to meet Myers Park High School of Charlotte on the same night for the Class AA State Championship It was hoped that a schedule' could be arranged so that football fans in this section could see both games. However, the only choice Edcn ton had was to play cither Fri day night or Thursday afternoon and the latter date was not deem ed advisable, so that both the championship games will be play ed Friday night, one in Elizabeth City and the other in Edenton. Edenton school officials ex State Officers Visit Edenton Eastern Star Edenton Chapter No. 302, Or- 1 der of the Eastern Star, will hold j a very important meeting Monday j night, December 2, at 8 o’clock in the Masonic Temple. At that time an official visit will be made by Mrs. Lila R. i Duke of Washington, N. C.. Wor thy Grand Matron and Garrell Moser of Jacksonville, N. C., ; Grand Patron. The Hertford Chapter will be j joint hostess with the Edenton | Chapter and Eastern Star mem- j bers from all over the eastern! part of the state are expected to attend. Mrs. Margaret Stanton, worthy matron 'of the Edenton Chapter, urges all Edenton mem bers to be present. Mrs. Stanton states that prior to the meeting a banquet will be held at the Methodist Church be ginning at 6:30 o’clock and that after the meeting in the Masonic Temple a reception will be held. T* - plainrd the situation to the Eliz | abeth City officials and both groups understood the situation. | The Edenton game is played | under the sponsorship of the j North Carolina High School Ath ! letie Association, which ha< set the price at $1.50 for adults and 50 cents for students. This infor mation as well as other particu j lars regarding the game .was re- I ceived from L. J. Perry, executive j secretary of the High School Ath letic Association. Tickets for the game may be purchased in advance at Mitch ener's Pharmacy and Leggett & Davis Drug Store, except student tickets which must be purchased ! at the school. It i., pointed out that there will be no reserved seats for this game so that first come will be first served so far as seats are con cerned. The Edenton stadium will, seat about 2,000. so that fans are urged to be on time if they want a seat. Edenton school officials worked very hard to have this final game played in Edenton and hope their efforts will be appreciated by Continued on Page 2—Section l !Scout Executive Speaks To Lions j Edenton Lions were visited Monday night by Gene Traut wein. Scout Executive for the Al bemarle District. Trautwein was introduced by Jimmie Griffin. The speaker pointed out that Lions International was the lar gest civic sponsor of Scouting in the United States, sponsoring over 6,000 units. Trautwein presented a color picture made at the Scout Jam boree at Valley Forge, Pennsyl vania, which showed some of the activities carried on at the jam boree. Over 50,000 Scouts were | 'Continued "on Page B—Section 1 GOVERNOR VISITOR Governor Luther Hodges made a brief visit in Edenton Friday. He was on his way to Murfrees boro to make a speech and stop ped at the Court House to speak to Clerk of Court E. W. Spires, who introduced him to the folks working at the Court House. The Governor remained in Edenton only a few minutes. ~, 2,00 Per Year In North Carolina. Festival Os Values Prizes Distributed Climaxing Event if Change Made j j*v— _ J The Merchants Committee of i the Chamber of Commerce has announced a change in the holi day hours as previously reported. ' It was originally announced j that beginning Monday night, De ' cember 16, stores would remain i open until 9 o'clock every night through December 24. This has oeen changed, so that stores will begin Thursday night, December 19, to remain open un- I til 9 o'clock. The remainder of the previous schedule will be carried out which calls for stores to begin Saturday, November 30, to re main open until 9 o'clock every Saturday and be closed all day December 25 and 26. Criminal Docketln Superior Court Is Completed Tuesday Jesse James Mooring' Given 25 Years On Murder Charge Judge Chester Morris presided over a term of Chowan Superior ] Court which convened Monday of this week. Immediately following opening ! of court by Sheriff J. A. Bunch. ! the following were chosen to serve as members of the Grand j Jury: W. Bruce Jones, R. Elton : Forehand. J. C. Nixon, W. L. i Hardison, T. B. Smith. J. Preston Rogerson. Jim W. Griffin. W. A. .Harrell, J. M. Thorud. George S ; Twiddy, McCoy Spivey, Isaac J. i Harrell, Ralph Peele. Henderson | E. Waff. W. C. Owens. Shelton j Rogerson, E. W. Nixon and L C. i Bunch. George S Twiddy was ! selected as foreman. Judge Morris, not yet recovered , i from a case of flu. asked how ! many of the jurors had served on j grand jurors before and the great jor portion of hands went up He. ! therefore, said it was not neCes 5 sary to spend a great deal of time to point out the duties of a Grand I J u rv. 1 The Judge made it clear t.hat ) he would excuse a juror in case i of illness or where he was necd j ed at home due to illness in a i family, but would not excuse one |on account of business reasons i unless the excuse caused undue | hardship and appealed to him. I Only two of the jurors were ex | cused. Judge Morris pointed out that Continued on Page 3—Section 1 1958 Vehicle Responsibility Act Will Co Into Effect January Isi %/ With the state's vehicle respon-j sibility act becoming effective; January 1, the following question- j and-answer material in capsule form will help car owners to be come better familiarized with the new law. Question: Must every North Carolina automobile owner have liability insurance to secure his 1958 license plate? Answer: Almost everyone will have to take out automobile lia bility insurance. The only ex ceptions are those willing and able to post SII,OOO in cash or a $15,000 surety bond, the operators of fleets of 25 or more vehicles, and Federal, state and local gov ernment vehicles. Question: Is my insurance pol igp; all I need when I go to get my license plate? Answer: Absolutely not! When you buy your license plate over ' \ DRIVE CAREFULLY -• YOU MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE! 't | Names Picked From j Receptacle Contain ing Many Tickets r __ ► As a climax to the observance of f*all Festival of Values observ ed by Edenton merchants last 1 week, a group of valuable prizes were awarded Saturday after i noon. The drawing took place in : the Edenton Police Station due to : inclement weather, where officer : W. H. Phelps drew the lucky tic . kets from a large can in which j thousands ol tickets Were deposit ed representing registrations at ; Hv 24 cooperating places of busi : ness. i The drawing was under the su pervision of radio station WCD.J, with the entire procedure being ■ broadcast. W inners of prizes and who do nated the prizes follow: Continued on Page 4—Section 1 Home Agent / Is Speaker At BPW Meeting Highlighting the monthly din ner meeting of the Edenton Busi ness and Professional Women's ! Club held Thursday night in the I Barker house was an interesting talk by Miss Maidred Morris, • Chowan County Home Agent. .Miss Morris related some Os the humorous incidents experienced on her recent trip to the National Home Demonstration Convention held in Minneapolis, which was told in such a delightful manner ' that the ladies were keot in an uproar of laughter. She ‘rid Miss Rebecca Colwell, a former Chowan Homo Agenl, was also | along and judging from the ma terial on which she based her talk as well as souvenirs brought back. ; the ladies must have had a “glor i l ous time." She was presented by Mrs. Alice Twiddy. Mrs. Laura Ferguson, president. Continued on Page 2—Section 1 5 civic calendar] —~~——-—^ Edenlon's 195? Christmas par ty is scheduled to be held Thurs day night, December 5. Edenton Chapter No. 302, Or der of the Eastern Star, will meet Monday night, December 2, at 3 o'clock in the Masonic Temple. BPW Club's Bosses' Night Christmas party will be held Tuesday night. December 10. at 7 o'clock in the Masonic Temple. Edenton Aces will play Mebanc for the Stale Class A football championship on Hicks Field Fri- Conlinued on Page 3—Section 1 | the counter, or when you write : for it, you do not need the policy but you MUST have your “Fomi FS-1.” Without the form you can’t get your license. Question: What is this Form FR-1? Answer: Form FS-1 is a ca nary yellow colored certificate of insurance — 3*2-in. by 6-in. in size —which is issued the liability policyholder by his insurance company. Question: When will I receive my Form FS-1? Answer: Insurance companies are supposed to mail these cer tificates to their policyholders in North Carolina before January 1. If you already carry insurance and do not receive your certifi cate by the end of the year, write for it. If you buy policy just before purchasing your license i plate, make sufe the company Continued on Plga 4—Section 2 .■ •'»*'. * • *. - <