ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXl%h-Mumber 50 Jolly OldSartta Claus Make i Triumphant Edenton Entry As Many Kiddies Greet Him This Year’s Party Best Ever Staged By BPW Club By EVELYN G. LEARY More than 5,000. children and adults overflowed Broad Street here Thursday afternoon to wit ness a glittering parade of floats, bands, marching units and Santa Claus. The children were so an xious to see Santa that when his dazzling sleigh came ifito ■ view shouts of delight filled .the air. Police had a difficult time-trying to keep the youngsters m line while the parade was in proces sion. Spectators claimed that this year’s affair was the best ever Staged by the BPW Club and merchants. It was a little .chilly* but the day was ideal. Following several days of rainy weather, the sun finally broke through to give the kids the perfect day they had been waiting for a year. To add a festive spirit to the occasion, as well as usher in the holiday sea son, the colored lights and decora tions on By>ad Street were turn ed on. Shortly after 4 o’clock the pa rade left Hicks Field under the direction of Miss Goldie Layton, parade chairman. In'the line of march were the following: Highway patrol cars, horseback riders, a clown, a car in which were Mayor Ernest Kehayes, Col. Frank Collins, Col. A. R. Stacy, Geddes Potter and other Marine officials, the crack Marine Band from Cherry Point, honor guard, color guard and marching units | Continued on Pago 7—Section 1 Teen-Age Party Scheduled For December 18th Tom Hopkins, president of the teen-age council, announces plans for a teen-age party to be held at the Teen-age Club Wednesday night, December 18 at 8 o’clock. An orchestra has been obtained for the party and all teen-agers with 1957 membership cards are invited to attend. All boys are requested to wear shirts, ties and coats and, of course, the girls are: to dress up, too. Warren Twiddy is in charge of decorating the club. Mrs. Kath ryn Goodwin, Mrs. Warren Twid dy .-Mrs. Merle Wilkins, Mrs. Jua nita Cozzens and Mrs. Helen Perry are in charge of planning and refreshments. Both commit tees will be assisted by a group of teen-agers. Mr. Hopkins advises that the Council is most anxious to wel come the presence of all parents, members of sponsors and anyone interested in teen-age functions. He also announces that recently a juke box has been acquired for the club, along with a new bank pool table. These pieces being acquired mostly through the gen erosity of some of the boosters and it is hoped that additional equipment will be available in the near future. The new pieces just acquired are free to the chil dren with no money being re quired for operation. Methodi&s’ Family Night December 13 Family Night will be observed at the Methodist Church Friday night, December 13, beginning at 6:30 o’clock. An interesting pro gram has been arranged so that jt is hoped a large number will at tend this popular monthly church A feature of the meeting will be an address by Linwood Black burn, who recently returned from a missionary; tour in Africa. ■; / i/|.qa nVlnrlr All in tenanted THE CHOWAN HERALD Edenton Merchants Consider Schedule For Closing Hours A general meeting of retail merchants was held Monday night at the County Court House to try to formulate a uniform program for store hours for the year 1958. The Merchants Com mittee the newly organized Edenton Chamber of Commerce •proposed an agenda for the 1958 program. There seemed to be disagree ment by some of the members on two issues which included the period of time to be closed on Wednesday afternoons and clos ing on Saturday nights at 7 o’clock. By majority vote it was decided that stores begin closing at 7 o’clock on December 28th. The Wednesday afternoon issue may be compromised at a» later meeting as the difference of opin ions are minor ones. - The following holidays Edenton Aces Scheduled To See Professional Football Game In Washington Sunday Afternoon As a token of appreciation for their prowness on the gridiron the Edenton Aces will be treated to a trip to Washington Sunday, where they will attend the Red Skins-Pittsburgh football game. The group will spend Sunday night in Washington and return to Edenton Monday. The expense of the trip will be b(Wie by to'wnsp*ople who gener ally are very proud of the record the Aces have made this season with their playing bringing an other State Class A football championship to Edenton. Not only have the Aces again won the state championship against some Masons Elect Reeves Master Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A. F. & A. M., elected officers for the year 1958 at a stated meeting held Thursday night. Daniel P. Reaves was elected as master, who will succeed William W. Ad ams. Other officers elected were as follows: Senior Warden, Ernest J. Ward, Jr.; junior warden, Mc- Kay Washington; treasurer, R. E. Leary; secretary, Louis George Wilkins. T. B. Williford was elected as a trustee for a three year term, succeeding H. A. Cam pen, whose term expired. According to present plans | these new officers, together with' those appointed by the new mas ter, will be installed at a meet ing to be held Thursday night, j January 2. POCAHONTAS MEETING I Chowanoke Council No. 54, De gree of Pocahontas, will meet to night (Thursday) at 8 o’clock in the Red Men hall. Mrs. Ella Mae Parrish, Pocahontas, urges every member to make a special effort | to attend. New Bookmobile Is Purchased For Pettigrew Regional Library Mrs. Eugenia Babylon, director of the Pettigrew Regional Li brary, announces the recent ac quisition of a new bookmobile for the library, which will be used for colored people in Chowan, Tyrrell and Washington counties. The vehicle is a Gerstenslager and the company is located in Wooster, Ohio. The chassis was purchased from the 8.8. H. Motor Company in Edenton. Mrs. Verdie Alexander, book mobile librarian for colored peo ple and Mrs. Harris, bookmobile librarian for white people, made a trip to Wooster by bus and Edentor owan County, .North Carolina, Thursday, December 12,1957. were adopted: Easter Monday, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and two days for Christmas. The stores* will re main open six trade days before Christmas and Saturday nights until 9 o'clock from Thanksgiv ing through Christmas. It was decided by vote that stores begin closing Saturday night, December 28 and close ev ery Saturday night at- 7 o’clock until the holiday schedule. Be ginning Wednesday afternoon, December 28, stores are to close at 1 o'clock everv Wednesday through October with the excep tion of Wednesday before Easter. Grocery stores will remain open 30 minutes longer than other mer chants on Saturday nights and Wednesday afternoons in order that downtown employees may pick up perishables and groceries after leaving work. very stiff opposition, but their conduct on the football field was equally as impressive 'as their playing. Accompanying the Aces will be their coach, Bill Billings. Alton Brooks, John Mitchener, Sr., and West Learv. Even before the championship was won Mitchener and Leary one night entered the field house after a hard-fought victory and said to Coach Bill ings and the boys, win or lose, you’re- going to be treated to a professional football game.” All of the boys are looking for ward with great delight to the trip. J 20 Years Ago { As Found In the Files of The Chowan Herald - ' Though confronted by a strong delegation, the Chowan County Commissioners failed to make any move toward equipping the Cho wan County Court House wilh an up-to-date and safe heating sys tem. The request followed two, recent instances of narrowly averting a fire in the court room. The Commissioners decided that an up-to-date heating system was 100 costly and agreed to move the first bench from in front of the stove, construct a metal shield around the stove and employ an elderly man whose duty was to ] Continued on Page 3—Section 1 Lagging s.. j According to Mrs. James Bond and Ralph E. Parrish, co-chairmen of the Chowan County Christmas Seal Sale, returns are coming in rather slowly. The Chairmen ap peal to those who have appar-, ently forgotten to send in” their | contribution to do so as soon as possible. weather experienced. They had a personally conducted tour of the Gerstenslager plant, which they especially enjoyed. The bookmobile is a walk-in type, of all steel construction and is very well made throughout. It carries in the neighborhood of 1,- 000 books. To make the bookmobile pur chase, a grant of $2,000 was re ceived from federal funds and the remainder of the cost.was furn ished from State funds, which will amount to approximately SI,OOO. V Mrs. Babylon and the librarians are very well pleased with the new bookmobile, which will add greatly to the service. New Bookmobile For Regional Library la Only recently the above bookmobile was purchased for the Pettigrew Regional Library to serve colored people in Chowan, Tyrrell and Washington Counties. Mrs. Verdie Alexander, in front of the bookmobile, librarian for the co ored people, and Mrs. Harris, bookmobile librarian for whi e people, made a trip to Wooster, Ohio, and drove the vehic.e back home. Joe A. Webb, Jr., Is Re-elected As Chowan District Supervisor Joe A. Webb, Jr., was re-; elected in Chowan County’s su pervisor election which was held 1 last week. He will be one of the | representatives from the county j on the board of supervisors for the Albemarle Soil Conservation District.' The other two from: Chowan County on the board j are L. C. Bunch ancl R. H. Hollo-1 well. The district is composed of I live counties, Currituck, Cam- J den, Pasquotank, Perquimans] and Chowan. Mr. Webb has served as a dis- j trict supervisor since his elec- 1 Hobbs Given 1 Certificate For I District Work In charge of the -Lions Club; program Monday night was, James Griffin who during the course of his remarks introduced Lloyd C. Bunch, chairman of the ! Albemarle- Soil Conservation Dis trict. In turn Mr. Bunch pre sented Guy C. Hobbs of the Hobbs Implement Company with a cer tificate for the outstanding work he has done in the district. Jesse Harrell had as his guest Sgt. Fred Erwin of the Edenton Naval Auxiliary Air Station, who will assist with the Cub Scout program in Edenton. Dr. A. F. Downum reported that $3lO has been turned in through the White Cane sale and he ex pressed his appreciation to all who in any way contributed tr the success of the drive. 'The club will not hold its reg ular weekly meetings on Mon day night for the. next fhree weeks, so that the next regular meeting will be held Monday night, January 6. VFW Post Will Burn Mortgage William H. Coffield Post No. 9280 will celebrate a momentous occasion Saturday night, Decem ber 14, when a Christmas party will be held in the Post home at 9 o’clock. A turkey dinner will be served, with a feature of the meeting being a mortgage burn ing ceremony. All members and their wives are cordially invited to attend and enjoy a sumptuous turkey dinner and see the mortgage on the building go up in smoke. Brotherhood At Rocky Hock Will Hold Ladies’ Night Rocky Hock Brotherhood will observe its annual Ladies’ Night banquet tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 o’clock at the Oak Grove Community Building. The organ ization has been organized only two years, but already has about 40 members, and much interest has been aroused. Lloyd M. Peele is president of the group and Jack Evans is secretary, A turkey-dinner with all the trimmings will be served by members of the Oak Grove Home Demonstration Club, after which a special Christmas program will be presented. ; tion in December, 1947, and is ! secretary for the Chowan County ] supervisors. He now will serve I a term of three years. ! The next meeting of the board !of supervisors of the Albemarle Soil Conservation District will be January 9 in Hertford at 7 ;P. M. The public is invited to j attend these meetings. This i meeting will be for the'purpose |of electing officers for 1958. Of ficers for 1957 are: L. C. Bunch, Chowan County, chairman; H. A. I Leary, Camden County, vice [chairman; Frank Skinner, Per -1 quimans County, secretary. Stockholders Vote In Favor Bank Merger Jphn G. Wood, Jr., -president of The Bank of Edenton, an nounced Wednesday morning that the stockholders of The Bank of Edenton had approved a merger of The Bank of Edenton with the Peoples Bank .and Trust Company of Rocky Mount, N. C. At a special meeting of the stockholders representing in ex cess of 85'J- of the stock out standing, it was voted unani mously to approve the prior recommendation of the board of Continued on Page 6—Section I Christmas Party For Base Kiddies j Santa Claus will be at the sta- 1 tion theatre at the Edenton Na val Auxiliary Air Station Satur day afternoon, December 14, at 2 o’clock. The Christmas party will be given by the base for all base children between 1 and 12 years of age. Santa will be on hand to speak to the youngsters and will also give a present to each child attending. Javcees Plan .For Shopping Tour For Group Os Children Edenton Jaycees are again planning their annual shopping tour for underprivileged chil dren, which will be held Mon day, December 23. About 15 children, selected through the Chowan County Wel fare Department, will be includ ed in the shopping tour, during which they will be allowed to buy clothes, toys, candy, fruit and al so be presented a silver dollar. | CIVIC calendar) V, . The Music Department of Edenton's City Schools will pre sent its annual Christmas Con cert Sunday afternoon, December 15. at 5 o'clock, in the Elementary School auditorium. Edenton Cub Scouts will hold a Christmas party Monday night. December 16. at 7:15 o'clock at the Elementary School cafeteria. William K. Coffield Port No. S2IO. Veterans es Foreign Wan. will stage i Christmas party apd mortgage burning ceremony in the Poet home Saturday night. December 14, at 9 o'clock. A Masonic play by the Acacia Continued on Pago 7—Section 1 Town Council Winds Up Year’s Business In Hurry Tuesday Another Request For Making Change In Zoning Town Council wound up the year’s business in record time Tuesday night. Though the meet ing started a little late due to several members attending a por tion of the Business and Profes sional Women's Club Christmas party, all business was transact ed and the Councilmen were re leased before 10 o’clock. A request was made to rezohe the area on the South side of West Queen Street between Granville and Mosely Streets from RA-7 residential to RA-5, residential. A public hearing on the request is scheduled to be j held at the January meeting of, Town Council, Tuesday night, January 14, when action will be taken. The purpose of the re quest is to change the former Baptist parsonage into an apart ment house. Chief of Police George I. Dail j made a report relative to stop, signs at all streets entering Broad. Granville and Oakum Streets.' Due to a ruling made in Record er’s Court by Judge Marvin Wil-: son, there is no liability in case, of wrecks when no stop signs are I provided at intersections. Chief Dail listed a number of accidents at some of these intersections and stated that 35 signs would be! needed at a cost of approximately | Sl5O. Action was delayed until] the next meeting. Councilmen Luther Parks and. J. Edwin Bufflap made a report ! relative to a meeting with Tom [ Rivers and Mr. Carlisle regarding' a difference in cost of the Park Continued on Page 6—Section 1 ' Red Men Oyster Roast Dee. 16th* * Chowan Tribe of Red Men will stage a “dutch” oyster roast Mon day night, December 16, at 7 o’clock. The affair will be held I at the Scott & Ackiss Recapping j Company on West Eden Street, j Any of the Red Men who plan! to attend are requested to contact Albert Cullipher at the 8.8. H. ] Motor Company before Saturday ' night, so that arrangements can be made to secure enough oys- j ters. The oyster roast was previous ly scheduled to be held Fridav night, December 20, but the date was changed to December 16 at Monday night’s meeting. The oyster roast will take the place of the weekly meeting. f Houses Wantedi > \ p Wilh some 20 people recently arriving in Edenton in connection wilh the Douglas Aircraft Cor poration's activities at the Eden ton Naval Auxiliary Air Station, a need has developed for housing facilities. Some are single men and have found living quarters, but at least three families and possibly more are looking for houses or apartments. Anyone having a house or apartment for rent is requested to contact Ernest J. Ward, Jr„ at the Municipal Building. Annual Christmas Concert Will Be Presented At Elementary School Sunday, December 15th The Music Department of the Edenton City Schools will present its annual Christmas Concert on the afternoon of Sunday, Decem ber 15, at 5 o’clock. This concert, which traditionally marks the be ginning of the Christmas musical programs in Edenton, will pre sent the Senior High School Chor us, the Junior High Girls’ Chorus, the Junior High Boys’ Choir, the Elerqentary School Chorus, and Treble Clef Club, which sings as a girls’ triple trio. In all, over 200 children, ranging from grades 4 through 12 will participate. Mrs. Mary Leggett Browning, the school’s choral director, has $2.00 Per V ear In North Carolina. BPW Club Names Mrs. Campen New “Woman Os Year” | Award Winner Thursday night in Raleigh six persons were presented Charles A. Cannon awards for their work in historical research and restora tion in North Carolina. The awards climaxed the annual meeting of the North Carolina So ciety for the Preservation of An ! tiquiiies. ■> Among the six receiving the awards was Grayson H. Harding of Edenton. i soaGdioiTstiii Is Captured In Chowan County Chowan County ABC officers j and ATU officers' early Saturday j morning swooped down on one of th< largest and best-equipped I stills ever to be seized in Cho ! wan' County. The outfit was found on the road leading from ] Cross Roads to Center Hill and was in operation at the time. I I Two white men. Harold Cope land and Earl Reid, were arrested and taken to Elizabeth City for a preliminary hearing. A third ' man made his escape. I The still was a 500-gallon ca , pacity outfit and was totally des j troyed. It included a 400-gallon , FREE heater, a 400-gallon cooler ] box, fifty 250-gallon barrels, 500. I gallons of whiskey and three ] trucks which were confiscated. A I small building used as living 'quarters, together with other, equipment was destroyed or seiz- • ed. The lane leading to the site of the still was camouflaged with j limbs of trees. Masonic Plav At Meeting Tonight A treat is in store for local Mas- ! ! ons tonight (Thursday) when a Masonic play will be presented in j the Masonic Temple by members ! of the Acacia Club of the Norview Lodge. | Each year a play is presented by their club at various Masonic lodges in Virginia and Eastern North Carolina, each of which wins commendation from all who ; see it. It will be the third time the Acacia Club has presented a play in Edenton and a large ; crowd is expected to be on hand to witness it. A "Poor Richard" dinner will be served in the lodge dining j room at 6:30 o’clock with the j Acacia Club members be ing ! guests of local Masons. William ! Adams, master of the Unanimity I Lodge, urges all members to be ] present and extends a cordial in- I vitation to all visiting Masons to enjoy the play. ROTARfANS MEET TODAY Edenton’s Rotary Club will I meet this (Thursday) afternoon at : 1 o’clock at the Parish House. The program will be in charge of I Dr. Ed Bond and President Robert 1 Marsh requests a 100 per cent at tendance. announced that the program, con sisting of both traditional and modern Christmas music, will be gin promptly at 5 o’clock and should last less than an hour. Jerry Holmes, a member of the school’s senior class, will act as narrator, and the student accom panists are Betsy Ross and Bren da Mooney for the Senior High Chorus, Jo Ann Leary for Junior High Girls’ Choir, Roger Lamm for Junior High Boys’ Chorus, Mary Harrell for Treble Clef Club and Jean Goodwin for Elemen tary Chqrus. The program is non-sectarian and there is no ad mission charge. DRIVE CAREFULLY YOU MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE! j Announcement Made At Party Held Tues day Night By EVELYN G. LEARY Mrs. Ida Campen was named "Woman of the Year” by the Edenton Business and Profession al Women’s Club at its annual Bosses' Night Christmas Party held Tuesday night in the Ma sonic Temple. She is the first woman who has eve" been select ed as a woman of the year with in the BPW Club, of which she is t charter member. .Mrs. Lena Li-tiry, mistress of ceremony, pre sented the honoree with a dozen red roses on behalf of the club. Mrs. Campen was so astonish ed when her name was announc ed, a few seonds (lapsed before -lie could compose herself. With the assistance of club members she made it to the speaker’s ta bu. where she exclaimed in a tearful voice, "You don't know how much I appreciate it. It was the greatest surprise I ever had.” Mrs. Campon s joviality is one of her greatest assets. She has never known a stranger. Once I one meets this "live wire”, he is immediately put at ease by her constant flow of laughter and friendliness. Never at loss for words, this lovable lady warms the hearts of those who come in contact with her. Mrs. Campen is always surrounded by friends ' who enjoy her peals of laughter and humorous chatter, which has become her "trademark” in Eden ton. Her vivacity and force is Continued o:- Page 6—Section 1 Harry Smith Is Interviewed As To C. OfC. Post The board of directors of the Edenton Chamber of Commerce held an interview Friday, De cember 6. with Harry Smith rs Old Saybrook, Conn. The board was very much impressed with Mr. S)nith, who has been recom jnended very highly by former . associates and has had several years experience in Chamber of Commerce work. Mrs. Smith ac companied Mr. Smith here and was entertained bv a group of Edenton ladies while here. Both were very much impressed with Edenton and enthused with the possibilities, geographical location and general surrounding. By unanimous vote the hoard offer ed Mr. Smith the position as man ager of the new chamber. Mr. Smith explained that he was very much interested in the position. However, due to some , personal holdings in his home town he was unable to make an j acceptance before working out ] some other details. Mr, and Mrs. I Smith left Edenton v ith the high | e-t praise for the hospitality cn • joyed and indicated that the ! Chamber would be notified with j in a short time of his decision. Christmas Party For Cub Scouts Monday, Dec. 1.6 •» ] Col. W. A. Free, Cubmaster of the Edenton Cub Scouts, has an nounced that the monthly meet ing for thf Cub Scouts will be in way of a Christmas party. The party will be held Monday night. December 16, at 7:15 o'clock in the Elementary School cafeteria. At this meeting some awards will be presented, with a feature being a visit by Santa Claus. Gifts will be exchanged during the meeting, after which refresh ments will be served. The Cub Scouts are requested to bring gifts of canned food, which will be distributed among the needy. Any information about the meeting can be secur ed by contacting any one of the six den mothers, who are Mrs, Nancy Cars oh, Mrs. Todd Whit ten. Mrs. Anthony Miranda. Mrs. Gerald Tumijiy| Full Carpen ter of Mrs. Lofflf feeorge Wilkins.