| j* || fla Ii ■ I Bdhjl j v 9 ** S J ""N+ -~t * 1 - “ Jmjjf Q| ® M | iXfJfj 1 PUBU^KtQpft CHOW AX COU STY Volume XXV.—Number 1, 1 Annual Jaycees* V DSA Banquet Will [Be Held Jan. 29th I! Joe Conger, Jr., Nam ed Chairman of Out \; standing Event Wednesday night, January 29, ' liks been set by the Edenton Junior Chamber of Commerce for its annual distinguished ser vice awards banquet. The ban- 1 quet will be held in the dining room of the Masonic Temple be ginning at 7 o’clock. Warren Twiddy, president of the Edenton Jaycees, has ap pointed Joe Conger, Jr., as chairman of this year’s affair. I yix. Conger received the dis-i j.tinguished service award • year. j The Junior Chamber of Com-! merce is a constructive action organization of young men who j devote a portion of their time to community * service in the | public interest, developing young men as leaders in their com- \ munity. 1 “We feel that one of the most \ ; effective means by which the i role of young men in the com-1 munity may be emphasized is I through the presentation of a' ..distinguished . soryir? i a'ssMtU’ says Mr. Conger. Mr. Conger also sets forth the following rules for nomination of the distinguished service award honor: 1. The DSA is presented to , an outstanding young man fora community leadership and munity service during the jjGH • year. Jt 2. Any young ,35 years, is cligibl|^| ” 3. Nominees ' members of tig Oio year® ; 8 I ’.5- " i (b) E M Pi »'•* \ oils (ft H' An v A'; y v " S’: -' J “" * V.': Fa. m Will ne fcffff en k 958 > h wm- 1 a BV cvkilJ it and of MB', ’ of County®#' l j u itHF rt carrying :'^K All agencies coopej survey. I obtained is ‘ and usee only f< of compiling ac r on l and use - crop ai ■ #4 livestock num OtfßAPlßver. director *>f tie Extension Ser-* gjff' advised firmers not to con the annual North Carolina Farm Census with the general^ag- Caro. rxmirrinun ** said Veaver WHE CHOWAN HERALD Quaker City Man Desires To Make Home In Edenton A retired officer of the Provi ; dent Tradesmens Bank and Trust j Company of Philadelphia has ad vised Town Clerk Ernest J. Ward, ; Jr., that he wishes to make his ; home in Edenton. I This gentleman is single and , would like to make his home with a family that could provide him I with meals in an atmosphere of | family life. He has an excellent {character and is a member of the ’NvrHiejjisQn Lodge No. 369. A. F. i & A. M., American Society of Ap- I praisers, Kiwanis Club of Phila j delphia and Philadelphia Board of Realtors. Mr. Ward advises that he has talked to this gentleman on visits I that he has made to Edenton and 1 is very impiessed by his excel i lent character references, courte- I ous manner and sincere desire to | become a part of the community. Anyone wishing to meet this ; gentleman to discuss his plans i aye requgdqd to contact Mr. Ward A 'file 'He expert ’o arrive in Edenton the second week in January. Masons To Install Tonight Wfvmity Lodge No. 7. A. F HR M., will held a stated com- tonight (Thursday) al ; 8 o'clock. At this meeting offi cers for the year 1958 will be in ' stalled, so that William Adams outgoing master, is very anxious ; to have a large attendance. Hjons Club Will lumc Meetings ' ‘.'■.tons QJ-ibwiU n jf - . HKectings Monday night. Wf fi, at 7 o'clock. Medlin HgHT president, urges every HHHber of the club to be pres- BHHtf the first meeting of the Prsßequested ii Farm Census :• n t iit right ||pi|;%«m^lly.” one of the state’s Hiding agricultural figures who H|k cited the importance of the jjljHkiai farm census. Otl?eiv % m- L. Y. Ballentine, state of agriculture; D.i W. dean of agriculture at N. HHHfe College: A. G. Bullard, visor of vocational ag . education; Horace God i■PßW/A^Q•ach^^/usl/at(il,: «> i jßfcenhower, state diryqtOr, of tjif '• HCirTe Wdhiiihistt-fetktt B. Caldwell, state Grange Bp-; R. Flake Shaw, late exec *uHeyvice president qf the N. C. Farm Bureau, apd many otheps. Farmers will be asked such questions as total .acreage for eagh • tract ovef- threq acres, number of acres from which crops were har- 1 vested in 1957, number acres of, idle crop land, improved pasture, data on individual crops, cattle, hoes and chickens. The reliable, factual informa tion .provided at the cqurtv and townshp levels by the yearly sur vey is ms great help to local {arm | leaders in working out plans for county and community aericul- \ Pl*? . "i: l Si- J IlHb' wv. \i& ■G' yiSii rfv Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, January 2,1955. 1957 IN RETROSPECT Below Appear a Few Items of News Each Week During 1957 as Chronicled- In The Chowan Herald January 3 Mr. and Mrs. George Goodwin lost their home by fire at Hancock Station. Dr. B. B. McGuire pointed out the importance of good civil defense. , January 10—Town Councilmen requested the Chowan County Board of Elections to call a spe cial election to vote on the ques tion of extending the corporate limits of Edenton. Mrs. Joe Thor ud was elected president of the Edenton Woman's Club. A new siren was put in operation on top of the Municipal Building to des ignate the location of fires. January 17—W. C. Hollowed, Jr., was killed by a falling tree as he was driving a bread truck in Hertford. J. P. Ricks purchas ed the Bishop Laundry. Eden ton’s per capita fire loss for 1956 was figured at 43 cents. January 24—It was reported that $25,000 had been earmarked for reactivating the U. S. Fish Hatchery. Freshmen at high school inaugurated Delores Long Week to aid an unfortunate class- 1 mate. Letters were received an-1 nouncing that the Edenton USO was scheduled to be closed. January 31—Joseph Coqger, Jr., was winner of the Dujinguished Service Award by the Edenton Jaycees. R. K. Hall, Edenton’s vqteran fire‘chief, died. Mrs. H. ,H_oJJ'Acell was ipstaljed presi dent of the Chowan County Coun cil of home demonstration clubs. February 7 Sewage disposal plant was recommended at Cho wan High School. Dr. Edward Bond was named chairman of the local Heart Fund. Robert Marsh was elected president of the Edenton Rotary Club. Miss Ra chael Wilder was chosen DAR good citizen in Edenton. Jail ex penses of $780.43 for one month reached a new high. February 14—Charles Chappell, Ray Evans and Sid White, Jr., were winners of the 4-H corn growing contest. Edenton Boy Scouts filled various municipal offices for a day. Thieves enter ed the P & Q Super Market and JAM away with about $1,500. BwVbrClarv 21-r Philip S. McMdl - ?v£s elected president" of tne fcdenton Colton Mills. . District . J4>{C{ds<thet* in Edenton. Tov>n Council voted to change zoning •West Eden Street. Tom Hopkins succeeded J. Edwin Bufflap as chairman of the Chowan County Chapter of the National Founda tion for Infantile Paralysis. February 28—State jail inspec tor was very outspoken regarding a new jail, for Chowan County. Dan Morgan of Elizabeth City joined Percy Dail in operation of the D & M Superette. Legion naires started drive to elect John A. Holmes department command er. March 7—Clyde Boyce won the annual peanut growing contest. Possibility developed to call $450,000 bond election for build ing program in county. March 14—Board of Public Works asked for change in town's charter to staggering terms. Edenton Lions celebrated '* 20th anniversary. Jane DuLaneM , j Mqoney ; won high ratlngslata piano festi va Greenville,! fi j*j March 21—Dr._0. L. Holley was honored.for 4(5 years of servicers 'physjqian in Edenton. In a spe cial election, extension of Eden- limits .received 54 votes to 36 votes against. Town Coun cilmen requested change in char ter to change terms of office, ex cept the Mayor, to four years. District Student Council met in Edenton. New Eastern Star offi cers were installed at a public ceremony. March 28—Chowan County was | among 28 others applying for ] drainage relief in Eastern Caro j lina. UNC Glee Club delighted a 1 large • crowd at the Elementary 'School auditorium. Local BPW Club was host for district meet-' : ing. * Many of Edenton's mer chants joined in staging a Spring 1 Festival of Values. . April 4—Miss Effie Matalon, a Greek exchange student, spoke at the Rotary meeting. Superior Court was halted long enough to memorialize the Pruden family. L. H. Haskett announced he would be a candidate for Mayor in the May election. April 11—Mrs. Inglis Fletcher | was host to Pi Chapter of the Del- j ta Kappa Gamma Society. Due to opposition, Representative Al bert Byrum announced he would not introduce a bill in the General i Assembly to change tenure of of-1 fice for town officials to four! years and staggering terms. April 18—Mr. and Mrs. McKay Washington opened Agnes & Kay’s Flower Shop on Broad Street. Onc-shot ballots were outlawed in Chowan County. Edenton was given considerable publicity in an issue of “Ford; Times”. April 25 lmpressive Sunrise- Easter service was held on the | 'Court House Green with the Al-1 bemarle Chorus making its first public appearance. The Rev. Ed- i ward Wells died at his home on j West Queen Street. Edenton Ma-' sons Past Master's flight.. Fashion .show was of PTA meeting. Muj- 2—Delores Long died as the rasult of Hodgkins Disease. Edenton Varsity Club abandoned its annual sports award banquet, j Chowah home demonstration club; members made tour of Chowan | County. Warren Twiddy was in-j stalled' as president of the Eden ton Jaycees. Only three candi dates in Edenton's municipal elec tion were without opposition. May 9—Medlin Belch and Al - Phillips won the bridge marathon sponsored by the Chowan Hos pital Auxiliary. Edenton Junior- Senior High School won the first j track meet to be held in Edenton . Ernest Kehaycs won over L. H.j Haskett in the election for Mayor, j Charlie Griffin won the sweep- j stakes in the Woman’s Club Flower Show. May 16—St! Ann's Catholic- Church began observance of its' 100th anniversary. Medlin Belch i was elected president of the Eden-( ton Lions Club. W. J. Yates wasi named fire chief to succeed the late R. K. Hall. May 23—New Officers of the Edenton BPW Club Were installed in unique ceremony. Many visit ors thrilled at the Armed Forces Day program at Edenton NAAS. Large crowd enjoyed the annual Lions Variety Show. Possibility loomed for building a home for Edenton Girl Scouts. The Colon-: ial Store closed shop in Edenton; after being in operation for over; 30 years. May 30—Dr. A. F. Downum was ,• elected president of the Metho-' dist Men’s Club. Frances Chap- j pell and Joe Privott won district honors in a school bus roadeo.! Mrs. Roland Vaughan was elect- j ed chairman of the • Girl Scout | Board- Ernest: J. 'Ward; Jru' was; fleeted president of * the Albe-. marle-Pai»Jico Travel Council and also, y-iee president of the Ocean Hivyay'Association. *■ Ju*e ■,(>—New-'Brown .-store on Windsor highway began a three*. day open house observance. Thir ty-six students graduated at the Edemt#! Junior-Senior • High School. Mrs. Jimmie.- Earnhardt j was selected by the North Caro-; lina Federation of Woman’s Clubs i to serve as hostess at a regional j banquet of Western States Con ference Clubwomen in Asheville. June 13—Col. A. Robert Stacy took over command of Marine Aircraft Group 14, succeeding Col. W. A. Free at Edenton NAAS. E. W. Spires paid tribute to group .whose efforts.-pi gsgrvgd. the old Cupola Hou | June 20—Miss Louise Wilson | and Robert S. Marsh were united • in marriage at the Evans Metho ! dist Church. Chowan County’s tax rate was reduced from 51.53 to SI.OO. Chowan County Com missioners agreed to give SI,OOO toward support of mental health i linie. Barbara Jordan and E. C. Toppin crowned health queen and king at the Chowan County an nual 4-H Elimination Day. June 27—Valuable collection of books was bequeathed to Shcp ard-Pruden Memorial Library by the late Mrs. Frances Tunstall White of Statesville. Center Hill Boy Scouts presented charier. J. W. Davis named director of pub lic relations for the Bank of Eden ton. July. 4 Sgt. Billy D. Cham bless, a Marine stationed at Eden ton. was electrocuted when a tele vision antenna came in contact! with a 3200 volt power line. Lt.| Robert E. Theofield, a Marine pi- 1 lot. lost his life when his plane, crashed in the Albemarle Sound. The Rev. J Earl Riehardsbn was returned as pastor of the Metho dist Church. t July 11—Edenton's tax rate was I reduced from $1.30 to SI.OO. The' Norfolk Southern Railroad budget collapsed resulting in two men | being drowned. A contract was’ let to con-truct curb and cutter in ! front of the Edenton Junior-Sen ior High School. Robert Evans released 25.700 bass in Chowan Continued on Page Seven j !20YearsAgoj > As Found In (lie Files of I The Chowan Herald -A j Sponsors of the Empty Stock-1 ing Fund reported that 120 chil dren were made happy over Christmas by a truckload of pres-; ents being distributed the night before Christmas. Through a letter written by Or ville Wright, pioneer aviator, the Cupola House Museum firmly es tablished its claim to possessing two small parts of one of the orig inal Wright airplanes flown by the Wright brothers at Kitty, Hawk. The parts in question were picked up. W. D. Pruden. Fred P. Wood and Fred B. Drane found the pieces when boys sum mering at Nags Head. Enlargement of the U. S. Fish Hatchery al Edenton was delayed due to fussing of Congressional- Chieftains at Washington over ihe< national budget. Passing all expectations, sales at the Chowan ABC store; amounted to $1,915 the day be fore Christmas. Chowan Tribe of Red Men elected Asa Griffin as new sachem of the tribe. Mrs. O. M. Elliott and Quinn Furniture were winners for hav ing the most attractive Christmas decorations in Edenton. The Edenton Boy Scout Cabin was damaged for the third lime in recent months when windows were broken out, doors broken' -open and other minor damage done to the building inside. Frank Williams and George; •'Wood, students at Augusta Mili-, - tary Academy, entertained the Edenton Rotary Club at Its week ly meeting. Postmaster C E. Kramqr re ported that the Edenton Post Of ftce hung up a record for delivery of Christmas mail. Ruth Goodwin and Buddie Kol lowell won the two major prizes, attractive and substantial bicycles in a contest sponsored by the Leg grit It Davis drug store. Thomas C hears. Jr., and Miss Frances Cushman of Chicago and Charlottesville. Ve„ were united j in marriage in Richmond. Va. i %e|h wgri students at the Uni-j New Peanut Varieties Showing Promising Results In Chowan J Four new peanut varieties were j grown in Cbowai County in com (! parison with standard varieties by I, Thomas A. Cm prew s of Cross Roads community. Two new North Carolina strains, N. C. 7 j and N. C. 10, Va. 56-R. and Ga. 119-20 were compared with tht ! local Jumbo variety and the local Jumbo variety planted in alter -1 nate hills with N. C. 2. I Southern stem rot and pod rot diseases were prevalent in 11 ■ field during the season doing an . undetermined amount of damage. The N. C. 7, N. C. 10, and Va. 56-R varieties showed considerably less disease upon field examination in September. This fact also ap . pears to have been indicated by yield and grade results. The Ga. 119-20 variety is apparently quite early in maturity, since there was considerably more shedding of nuts at digging time than with the other varieties. This shedding would naturally affect the yield. ' i - : Aces And Acelets Will Beoin ’SB Conference Play Friday Night V J JS By BILL GOODWIN > Edenton’s Ace s will open their 1958 Albemarle Conference bas . ketball schedule Friday night . when the Ahoskie Indians invade i the locals' gymnasium with the I girls starting.at 7 o’clock. The Aces will journey to VVd liamston Tuesday night to take on the Green Wave in another con ference game. j The Aces have gained wins over Elizabeth City and Belhaven. They lost to the powerful Wash ington Pam-Pack. The Acelets have an experienc ed squad which took Belhaven 74- I 70. Seniors Imogene Rogerson. | Ruth Stokelv, Rosa Hollow-ell and i Linda Leary make Coach Coteen : Ward’s starting unit an experienc ed group. Junior Linda Spencer, i has seen her share of battle. Sophomore Guard Norma Blanch ; ard rounds-nut the probable start 49 Families Are Helped By \57 Stocking Fund i p The Young Churchmen ol St. Paul’s Episcopal Church wish to j j thank each and every one who j participated in the annual Emp iiy Stocking Fund to bring; Christmas jov to children in the' I area. This year the firemen repaired I more toys than ever before and | this also indicated the generos- I ity of many who were kind j | enough to contribute these! j items. Forty-nine families were as-j j sis*ed with food, clothing and jtoys, with all receiving candy ! and other items for the entire j family. j "Most persons contributing wish to remain anonymous," say 'the Young Churchmen, "so please I accept our thanks and deep ap preciation for your assistance.” H. A. Campen In I Critical Condition H. A. (Izzv) Campen, who has been a patient in Chowan Hospi tal. was taken to the North Caro lina Memorial Hospital in Chapel Hill last week Latest reports are to the effect that Mr. Campen is critically ill. but that condition improved a | trifle Tuesday night. j ROTARY MEETS TdDAY Edenton Rotarians w-ill meet i this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 . o’clock in the Parish House. « Last i i week’s meeting was called off, so , I that President Robert Marsh urg | es every Rotarian to attend to day’s meeting. Per Year In North Carolina Yield and grade results wen quite striking. Final results wen computed by a Federai-Stat grader and were as follows: -N. C 7. yield 2.589 pounds per acre sound meat kernels 70’y, exlr; large kernels 39”., pric< 12.24 cents per pound, value pe acre $316.89. N. C. 10, yield 2.553 pounds pe acre, sound meal kernels 67’; . ex •L a large kernels 36'7 , grade* p. kv 11.57 cents per pound, vaiu per acre $295.38. Va. 56-R. yield per acre 2,45' pounds, sound meat kernels 67'. ■ vtra large kernels W7r. grader price 11 17 p -r pound, value pe are 8274.45. Ga. 119-20, yield per acre 1,91> pounds, sound .-moat kernels 61'» extra large kernels 23'.. grader price 9.7!* -cuts per pound, valui per acre 8177.98. N. C. 2 and Jumbo runner, grown in alternate hills, yield pe: Continued on Page Five ers. Senior S .ndni Boyce' 'is the number one i>-placement. A flock of freshmen p . ed by Sara Relfe Smith, promis,. to produce a win ning team in years to come. The Aces are. paced b\ Junioi Sharp- r i id Ulaym-ik-T Bit l.v Cook Griffin. v\ ho promises to be a candidate for honiiis in con 1 ference play. Griffin is averaging 13 points a game. Henry Over ton. only senior on the probable ' starting team, is averaging 12 points. Along with Griffin and Overtor are Juniors Elton Bass. Jack Bunch and Robert White. Senior Donald Roche will also .sec action Bobby Ashley, Marvin Ashley Jack Overman. Billy Wilkins John Mitchcne- and Claude Bar nette. plus Billv White, round out the squad. All 'he buys have se n sonii action. Negro Killed Bv .22 Rifle! m Though the Christmas h'rtli i !days in Edenton and Chowar County were very quiet, a mur 'd*, r disturbed the peace Sunday ; Joe Sessoms. 16-vear-old col ' I‘. . 1 ored youth, is now confiiu'd in , 11lie Chowan County jail charged 'with the rnurcter of Edward! Fleming, 24. also colored. Sc<- soms is awaiting a preliminary, hearing probably Tuesday f•' next week- in Recorder's Court; on a charge of murder. I Acciirding to information gath- I iered by Shi’riff J. A. Bunch. ! Sessoms and Fleming were en gaged in an argument about i | Sessoms driving the automobih ; !of his grandmother, Emma Che? son. on the highway. The shoot ( ing took place at Oscar Cot j field's pop shop near Valhalla, •where Sessoms shot Fleming with a .22 calibre rifle. iHurley Ward New Red Men Sachem ' Chowan Tribe of Red Men at tits meeting Monday night elect led officers, with Hurley Ward 'elected sachem to succeed Albert ;Cullipher. The other officers -elected were: Prophet. Albert Cullipher: senior sagamore. Cas well Edmondson: junior saga | more, Lcrov Harrell: chief of rec ord't, J. Edwin Bufflap: collec tor of wampum. Jack Barrow: keeper of wampum. William E. Barrow: keeper of the wigwam, W. T. Elliott: trustee for a three year term. J. Edwin Bufflap. These, and the officers appoint ed by the new sachem, will be | insuvlledT at next Monday night’s ! meeiWg^ DRIVE CAREFULLY- • YOU MAY SAVE YOCR LIFE! \ Acreage Reserve Signup For 1958 Starts January 13 C hairman Urges Far mers to Contact i ASC Office ———— I The signup for the 1958 Acre ige Rcsorvt Program for spring ) ceded crops will start on Janii ; try 13. A. G Griffin, Chairman of ! he Chowan County Agricultural ! Stabilization and Conservation | Hommitt •••. has announced. Tha i losing dale is March 7. "Allotment" acres of spring ■ cheat,- corn, upland cotton, rice, : md. tobacco are eligible for the ; 1958 Acreage Reserve, the chair j nan stated: these are the same j Tops which were eligible in 1957. i The new program seeks to re j novo from 11.5 million to 14.5 i nillion acres ol these allotment j 'Tops from production during the I coming season j While there are still a few | weeks before the beginning of the j ignup under the program. Mr. I Griffin urges farmers to get in l.’ouch with their county ASC of riu soon it they are interested in I aking part in the 1958 Acreage ; Reserve Program. I i As was announced in the eai*' all in connection with the-Ac' ; -tge Reserve program for the :: ‘cr . ht at crop, each ’’ 1 j taking part in the progran hit j spring-planted crops must hd’ :i Soil Bank base” established ''"-w*" t. and this must be done before i program agreement nwv be ugned by the farmer The Soil . Bank base will be the total ciop HTcage figure for the farm, based orimanly on the farm’s prodoc ; 'ion history during 1956 and 1957, The total harvested acreage in ; 1958 must he reduc'd below *b I base by the number rif acres pi.v ■d in the Soil Bank. Farmeis who already have a j 5i«4 Bank h i-- for ,•! •heir farm under the Conserve * - ion Reserve or the 1958 | wheat Acreage lfo>f»y* will uty ■,* the same base in pai tieijWnng*jß|^& i - fbri j spring-planted crops, !'• sen ’ y.i t-m rates for •v. bat t for nuyt crops than - hripkrßß which wet in effect in ) Farmers'y. o pe- land in the 19Wf|fl j urogram .v -i! be raid a 10 per ' premium ihove the 1958 compon- I *w4idn -. established for their farm ■f they put thi identical the 1958 program. CIVIC CALENDARS | The nexi Northeastern Candifcilß Clinic will be held Friday noon. January 3. at 12:30 odnK'iß : at i.‘:e Cancer Center, Elizaßp* 3 City. Unanimity Lodge No. 7, ;8 i A. M., will hold a stated MMhjfl municaiion tonight (ThursßKlJyE at 8 o'clock, al which time*)# ficers for 1958 will ’ e Chcwan Tribe of Red 'vih meei Monday night at o'clock, at which lime ticers will be installed. -*'4e3H Edenton Chapter No. der of the Eastern Star, will IHh Monday night January 6. ■HHHH o'clock m the Masonic Edenton Lions Club will Monday night at 7 o'clock. William H. Coffield 9280, Veterans ot Fore : gn W, * will meet Tuesday night **£■- Edenlor. Tea Parly DAR. will meet in the house Wednesday as W January 8, at 3:30 o'clock, M&Sleijrl Edenton Jaycees will BBMHB their annual distinguished gplipil vice awards banquet night, January 29. at 7 o the Masonic Temple. Chcwan County I Continued on Page 2—Section I

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