PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY . : / Volume XXV. —Mum her 4. Edenton Base Scl | duled To Close By March 31, 1959 C. of C. Meet Called For Monday Night, Local Court House » < Members Are Urged To Visit Office In J Hotel Joseph Hewes Gilliam Wood, president of the |2etenton Chamber of Commerce, fias called a meeting for all Cham -1 ber of Commerce members which will be held in the Chowan Coun ty Court House Monday night, January 27, at 8 o'clock. “I am sure you are aware of the fact that Harry Smith, Jr„ has been employed as the exec utive vice president of the Eden ton Chamber of Commerce,” says Mr. Wood. “We are extremely fortunate to obtain the services of a person as well qualified as Mr. Smith. Miss Ann Harless has been employed as his secretary and they both stand ready to as sist you whenever they can. “So that we can all see and know Mr. Smith better, there will be a meeting of all Chamber of Commerce members on Monday night, January 27, at 8 o’clock in the Court House. In your own interest, plan to attend. I will look forward to seeing you there.” The Chamber of Commerce telephone number is 3400, so that members can call the office. “Or better still,” says Mr. Wood, “drop by the office on the first floor of the Joseph Hewes Hotel and be come acquainted with your Chamber of Commerce folks.” Rotary Club Entertains Edenton 5 6 Aces’ Tonight In Parish House Edenton’s Class A State; football champions, their coaches 1 and managers, will be guests of j the Edenton Rotarians at a ban- j quet to be held in the Parish j House tonight (Thursday) at 6:15 o’clock. The meeting was chang-1 ed to the night hour instead of 1 o’clock due to examinations be- j ing held at the school. It was expected to have Jim I Tatum, coach of the North Caro- \ lina Tar Heels, as the principal speaker, but Mr. Tatum had a | previous engagement in South 1 Red Men And Pocahontas Os. Area To Meet An eastern district meeting of Red Men and Degrae of Pocahon tas is scheduled to be held in Edenton Friday, February 21. when Chowan Tribe of Red Men and Chowanoke Council of the Degree of Pocahontas will be hosts. A business meeting will be held in the Red Men hall starting at 2 o’clock, after which a banquet and dance will be held in the r American Legion building. Music for the dance will be furnished by the Windsor Rock ettes. -» A large number of Red Men and Degree of Pocahontas members from the eastern part of the are expected to attend the meeting. ;s. Great Need For Polio Funds Is Pointed Out By Tom Ridgeway Some physically handicapped j boys and girls in Chowan County I may grow up bearing the brunt of I ■ a critical nationwide shortage of trained in the care of the I ' **Tbey may be denied specialized | care they need because there are j not wwwflh physical therapists, I medical-Social workers, occupa- I and other spe p tb cialists to serve every hospital in I Pl TOis l ”2t'u«ion i, descnW * . THE CHOWAN HERALD | Band Concert s A band concert by the Edenton 1 1 Junior-Senior High School Band , will be held Thursday night, Jan uary 30, at 8 o'clock in the Ele mentary School auditorium. The proceeds will be given to the March of Dimes. The concert will be under the direction of Miss Lula Williams, band director, who hopes a large crowd will turn out not only to hear a good concert, but at the same time help a very worthy cause. Farmers Urged To Give Facts In Farm Census Chowan farmers have been ask ed to cooperate in the state’s an nual 1958 Township Farm Census this month by C. W. Overman, county agent. Mr. Overman says that the cen sus will be taken this month as j farmers list their 1958 taxes. Tax j listers are cooperating in the cen-j sus to get the vital information j which agricultural leaders can use in working out plans for agricul- j Continued on Page 6—Section 1 T I I Carolina. Instead Ed Keseler, j ; line coach will be the principal: speaker, who'will, be accompan-) 1 ied by Ernie Williamston, execu -1 tive secretary of the UNC Educa l tional Foundation, who will meet ; j with alumni of the University of j North Carolina after the meet- \ : ing. A feature of the meeting will ! be a film of the Carolina-Duke j football game, which should be I of interest to the Aces as well as ' Rotarians. Robert Marsh, president, urges ' a 100 per cent attendance. Eastern Star Observes ‘Fellowship. Night’ At IVleetingMonday Night Edenton Chapter No. 302, Order j of the Eastern Star held a very! delightfully meeting Monday night when Fellowship Night was observed and the station of Adah honored. A large group of visitors from nearby chapters at tended the meeting including a large delegation from the Ply mouth Chapter. Mrs. Margaret Stanton, worthy matron, presided over the meet ing, during which Dan Reaves presented a very interesting and informative address on Adah. Brief but- interesting remarks were made by a number of visit ors, complimenting the Edenton membets for their magnificent lodge room and the work they are doing. Following the meeting refresh ments were served in the dining room. tion for years has been giving March of Dime s fellowships and scholarships to talented young men and women to help them fin ish their training, Mr. Ridgeway added. , “But unfortunately, the task force supported in training by the March of Dimes isn’t large enough to offset the nationwide shortage caused by skyrocketing demand for modem rehabilitation services. “Without trained hands and minds at the bedside and wheel chair to translate theories into ac tion, modern rehabilitation is nothing more than an empty dream for those who have been injured by disease and accident. ’ General E. C. Dyer Visits Edenton Base mar L «r* HHp! * Brigadier General E. C. Dyer, USMC, and Mrs. Dyer speni neuncuof, jai.uaiy io. in i-den ton. General Dyer is the Commander, Marine Corps Air Bases, Eastern Area and Commanding General. Marine Corps Air Station. Cherry Pcint. N. C. Above, lunching in the Fireplace Room at the Edenton Officers' Club, clockwise around the table, are Mrs. W. B. Rosevear. General Dyer. Mrs. Frank H. CoLins, Colonel W. B. Rosevear, U. S. Army (retired). Colonel J. L. Neefus, USMC, Command’ng Officer, Marine Corps Air Station. Cuantico. Va., Mrs. Dyer and Colonel Frank H. Collins, USMC, Commanding Officer, Naval Auxi.iary Air Station, Eden ton.—(Official Marine Corps Pholo). Area Conference 'm!^'Meet ofNCEAScheduled In Edenton Today! One of 18 Meetings to Be Held Through out State Educational leaders throughout: North Carolina began a series of! 18 conferences on January 151 and will end February 13. Mrs. Ethel Perkins Edwards, j North Carolina Education Asso-1 ciation executive secretary, an-j nounced that the conferences will be directed by members of the Headquarters Staff of the North Carolina Education Association. NCEA leaders expected to at tend the meetings will number more than 2,000. These leaders will discuss important issues and challenges confronting education and the teaching profession. The conferences opened with a general session at which issues, of concern to all NCEA members was presented. These issues in clude: (1) the role of the profes sional organization in improving the services of the public schools; (2) the areas to be included in a legislative program for the 1959 Continued on Page 2—Section 1 Youth Sunday At Presbyterian Church Jan. 26 This coming Sunday, January 26, will be Youth Sunday in the Edenton Presbyterian Church, and the entire morning worship ser vice will be conducted by the young people. George Nixon will be in charge and Emily Shaw, Jerry Nixon and Eddie Nixon will lead in prayer. The sermon will be read by Joe Mitchener, Bobby Ashley, Eddie George, Vicky Cayton. John Continued on Page 6—Section 1 Two Aces Chosen To Play East-West Game Edenton’s Aces, 1957 Class A state ■ football champions, are again honored, it having been announced that two senior mem bers of the squad have been in vited to play in the East-West High School football game in Greensboro in 'August. The two players selected are Bruce White, hard-charging full-, back and Henry Overton, star quarterback. During the week a high school ■ coaches’ clinic will be held in Greensboro and the two boys will spend the week at Greensboro preparing for the game. Coaches BilPßillings and Honey Johnson, mentor of the Elizabeth City Yellow Jackets, will help in coaching the eastern outfit. on, (Jliowan County, JNorth Carolina, Thursday, January Zd, 1958. Turn About IS FAIR PLAY! Edenton Boy Scouts, annually, entertained by the Rotary Club, sponsors of the troop, believe that turn about is fair play. The Scouts extended an invitation to, the Rotarians to be fheir guests at a banquet Thursday night, Feb ruary 13. at 7 o'clock in the Scout Cabin. The Rotarians have accepted the invitation, which will take the place of their usual mid-day meeting. .. Small Crowd At Meeting Os PTA o Mrs. R. T. Whitten, program chairman of the Edenton Parent- Teacher Association, was very much disappointed at the PTA meeting held Tuesday night in the Elementary School. The principal speaker for the meeting was Everett Miller, as sistant superintendent of public education for the State of North Carolina, and only about 50 par ents attended the meeting. Mr. Miller’s remarks were very worthwhile, and Mrs. Whitten regrets that more PTA members did not attend to hear him. Prospects Appear Encouraging For Better Fat Stock Show And Sale Scheduled For March 26th Chowan County expects to have its largest and best Fat Stock Show and Sale in history on Wednesday, March 26. James Patterson, Extension Animal Husbandry Specialist, from State College, visited all 4-H steer pro jects on Thursday, January 9. He was accompanied by Bob Marsh, Assistant County Agent. The steers visited are looking very well and one prime and several choice steers can be ex pected for entry in the Fat Stock Show and Sale, according to Mr. Marsh. Mr. Patterson is a former 4-H Club member from Macon Coun ty. North Carolina, and he fed out several steers during his club career. He specialized in Animal Husbandry at State Col lege and is well qualified to ad vise boys concerning their 4-H steer projects. Mr. Patterson en ! couraged the boys to begin work ing with their steers by brushing, currying and rubbing them. As soon as the steers are accustom Here Jan. 30 Masons of the First District are scheduled to hold a meeting in Edenton Thursday, January 30. with members of Unanimity Lodge No. 7, as hosts. An after noon meeting will be held in the Masonic Temple and at 7 o'clock a supper will be served in the dining room. A feature of the meeting will bt exemplification of the degree of ! Di molay by a group from Nor-1 | folk. A large number of Masons I in the district, as well as members j of Unanimity Lodge are expected i to attend. Negro Woman | Wreck Victim| I Rena Roberson, 47-year-old col-i o: eu Woman of Plymouth died j 'i early Sunday morning in Chowan I Hospital as the result of injuries i sustained in an automobile wreck 1 which occurred near the bridge I over Pembroke Creek on N. C j Highway 32 south. The victim was an occupant of ! a car driven by Henry C. Cosa: iof Plymouth, in which James Moore of Amsterdam, N. Y., and Lillie Mae Davis of Roper were I also passengers. According to Highway Patrol -1 man D. O. Williams, who investi gated the accident, the four Ne groes were going to Edenton. where Moore was scheduled to catch a bus for Amsterdam. The ( driver failed to negotiate a curve j and ran off the highway into the I swamp. j Cosar was arrested and charg i ed with manslaughter. ed to being handled, they should be halter broken. This is best accomplished by putting a strong halter on the steer and tying him i to a firm post in the stable | where he is kept. The halter should be left on for a period of from one to three hours at the beginning of the training period. After the steer is used to the haj ter, the club member and his dad; should begin leading him, being careful that the steer never gets ■ the advantage of him and breaks: away. Most steers will calm down and lead all right if they become accustomed to the halter before an attempt is made to lead them. Four-H club members whose steer projects were visited by Patterson and Marsh included Dick and Yay Lowe, Carlton, Ronald and Jack Perry, Leon and Lewis Evans, Johnny and Bobby Winborne, Tommy Harrell, Rich ard White and Joe Hollowell. Mr. Patterson plans to make an other visit to the steer projects some time in February. Plans Complete For Jaycee Annual DSA Banquet January 29 | j Outstanding Affair to! ; Be Held In Masonic Temple at 7 P. M. Plans are about complete for the Edenton Junior Chamber of Commerce annual Distinguished Service Award, Bosses’ and La ■ dies’ Night Banquet which will be ! held Wednesday night, January I 20, at 7 o’clock in the Masonic ; Temple. Thi will be one of the most j | outstanding Jaycee meetings of. ; the year to which the local Jay- * ' cees look forward to with much j pleasure and anticipation. The distinguished service award is held in strict secrecy until it ; is announced at the banquet, the selection being made hv a secret co mm i t tee from nominations | which have been presented to the! j committee. The award is based on ; community leadership and com munity service during the year; I as well ag evidence of leadership! ability and .evidence of personal) or business progress. | Previous DSA presentations • went to James P. Ricks. Jr., in j 1954, Luther Parks in 1955 and' Joe Conger, Jr., in 195(5. President Warren Twiddy will serve as master of ceremonies at the banquet, which will be served bv members of the Order of the; Eastern Star. The invocation will be by Luther Parks, followed byj introduction of special guests bv' Gene Ward. The principal ad-: dress for the occasion will be; made by Bob Cox of Chapel Hill.. national vice president, who will be introduced by .Caswell Ed mondson, vice president. Edgar ! J. Gurganus of Williamston, past! .president of North Carolina Jay-; I cees. will present the key man j award and the rookie of the year I award. The highlight of the ban quet will be the DS Award which i will be made by Bob Cox. The ! meeting will close with the Jay cee Creed, led by James Price, i vice president of the 10th District. Joe longer. Jr., is chairman of : the banquet a..J hopes every Jay ! cee will attend. * '1 Outstanding Speakers For Series Courses An opportunity to hear out standing speakers in the field of religion will be afforded interest ed persons in Chowan and Per quimans Counties Sunday through Tuesday evenings, January 26 , through January 28. First Meth odist Church, Hertford, will be host to the annual Christian Workers School, with the host minister, the Rev. J. A. Auman. as dean of the school. Classes be gin each evening at 7:30 and end at 9:30 o’clock. Six hours of • study are available with five ) hours necessary for credit. j Among the courses being taught L j is “Understanding the Bible” led by Mrs. R. E. Brown of Raleigh, j Mrs. Brown is the widow of the late Raleigh District Superinten dent, Methodist Church. Mrs. I Brown has an outstanding repu-j • tation as teacher and lecturer, i ■ The textbook for the course will j I I be “Toward Understanding the | 1 Continued on Page 3—Section 1 ! [CIVIC CALENDAR]; A meeting of Edenton Chamber I of Cpmmerce members will be ! held in the Court House Monday > night, January 27, at 8 o'clock. > An area conference of the North i j Carolina Education Association ' | will be held in the library of the "Edenton Junior-Senior High ); School this (Thursday) afternoon J at 3:30 o'clock. ; j An eastern district meeting of r Red Men and Pocahontas is ached i uled to be held in Edenton Fri , day. February 21. A business i j meeting will be held at 2 o'clock r in the Red Men hall and a ban - quel and dance following at 7 . o'clock in the American Legion - building. s Edenton Rotarietu will meet to- Continued oa Page t—Section 1 $2.00 Per Y ear In Moith Carolina Information Given | Out This Week By Navy Department Information Given | Out This Week By | Navy Department | Higher Pressure ] Opportunity to Use s. j Property According to R. N. Hines, su- - perinlendent of the Edenton E ec- Colonel Frank H. Collins, corn trie & Water Department, on or manning officer of the Edenton before March 1 the water pressure Naval Auxhiaiy nr Station, in Edenton will be increased to 60 early this week was notified by pounds. the chief of information of the Due to this change, Mr. Hines avv Department that the Eden j urges citizens to check all piping ,on base will be disestablished j to see that it is in good repair, for :, bout March 31. 1959. the E& W Department will not The reasons for the disestab be responsible for any damage -ishment of the base are as fol j done by the increased pressure. lows: First of all the previous long range plan lor Edenton en -1 Hpnrm<r vs ' ,,n d the relocation of Marine 1 £? Corps activities here in 1959. fol- Fnr , by ,. oxtcnsivi ‘ in »*-i-niza- A BJI 1 IMICI Illcll t:on Os th- field for Navy use O ■ i w i ~m as an auxiliary in the Norfolk Set rOr r el). 1 I ;,:r h;,SI, However. rising prices, higher wages and the increased cost of procure | C. G. Holland, Fisheries Com- merit, maintenance and opora j missioner. announces that purstt- tion of modern, more complex lant to the authority vested in it aircraft and equipment have by the statutes of North Caro made mandatory a general re lina, the Board of Conservation duefion in the overall naval and Development will hold a pub- aviation establishment for con hc hearing in the court room of ,inued operation under the cUr the Chowan County Court House rent level of funding This re- Fndqv morning, February 21. at duetion includes numbers of air -10 o clock. craft, personnel and associated This meeting is in regard to bases. Since the modernization opening or keeping closed Ihe ter* of Edenton for continued use ritory west ot the Norfolk South-1 Continued on Page 2—Section l ern Railroad bridge for taking! fish with gill nets including the J ~~~ two and one half inch bar. Pro- Q /\» ponents and opponents will be X 63 T*Sf\ffQ j given an opportunity to be heard I . ® As found In the Files of 1 Mm . The Chowan Herald airy Smith, Jr.. I ; SnpqLpf Mayor J. H. McMullan received " optUlKt I a letter to the effect that Sir An — thony Eden, prominent member of Edenton’s Javcees will meet to I the British Parliament, has ec night (Thursday) at i o chick ir cepied the honorory citizenship the Penelope Barker house. Pres conferred upon him by the Town ident Warren Twiddy urges every of Edenton. member to be present. Dr . j. A . Powell eonounced lhat Harry Smith. Jr„ executive vice j he was planning to establish an president of the Edenton Cham ; emergancy hospital in connection ber of Commerce, will be thr offices jn , he Cilizcns principal speaker at the meeting. ] Bank Building, with Drs Martin f'SUNDAY FIRES j Wisely and Roland Vaughan as i associates. Edenton firemen were called Gill nelters in this area, after ! out twice Sunday, first at about 1 entering a protest, were hopeful ! 12:30 A. M.. when they rushed to that the ban on shad fishing , the home of Haughton Ehringhau--; would be removed, ion the Indian Trail Road in the Dr. F. H. Garriss, health offi- Yeopim section. Damage was cer. reported seven cases cf confined to a mattress and bed. measles had developed in Chowan At about 11:30 A. M., the fire- County, men were called to the home ofj The Chamber of Commerce de- Mis. Maui ice L. Bunch, where an j cided to hold its annual banquet oil heater flooded. Very little ! early in February, damage was done. 1 Continued on Page 3—Section 1 Suspended Sentenees Drawn Bv Young Men In Extortion Plot { Higher Pressure] According to R. N. Hines, su perintendent of the Edenlon E ec tric & Water Department, on or before March 1 Ihe wafer pressure ! n Edenton will be increased to 60 < pounds. Due to this change, Mr. Hines 1 ! urges citizens to check all piping 1 to see that it is in good repair, for : the E & W Department will not be responsible for any damags j done by the increased pressure. Public Hearing; For Fishermen I Set For Feb. 21 r !„. . . 1 C. G. Holland, Fisheries Coin- \ j missioner, announces that pursu- t j ant to tile authority vested in it ; by tile statutes of North Caro , hnn, th.e Board of Conservation ( ! and Development will hold a pub- a lie hearing in the court room of i the Chowan County Court House , Friday morning, February 21, at c i 10 o’clock. ~ This meeting is in regard to 1; opening or keeping closed the ter-jo ! ritory west of the Norfolk South-j ■era Railroad bridge for taking I : fish with gill nets including the'* ! two and one half inch bar. Pro i ponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to be heard J Marry Sinilli. Jr.. Jayvees* Speaker , - j Edenton’s Javcees will meet to ! t night (Thursday) at 7 o’clock ir < the Penelope Barker house. Pres i ' ident Warren Twiddy urges every < member to be present. Harry Smith. Jr , executive vice ! ] president of the Edenton Cham- j , ber of Commerce, will be thr I • | principal speaker at the meeting'.' [' *' 'TiTO SUNDAV FIRES ! ] Edenton firemen were called i out twice Sunday, first at about) : M2:30 A. M.. when they rushed te 'the home of Haughton Ehringhau--! ion the Indian Trail Road in the Yeopim section. Damage was confined to a mattress and bed. I At about 11:30 A. M„ the fire-1 men were called to the home ofj Mrs. Maurice L. Bunch, where an j oil heater flooded. Very little; damage was done. I In a session of U. S. Eastern District Court held in Raleigh Wednesday of last week, three Washington County young men were given suspended sentences for the parts they played in send ing an extortion letter to Mrs. Irene Dunbar of Edenton and Mrs. Cedric Davenport of Washington County. William Lawrence Tarkington. • 25. who engineered the plot to se- ’ j cure $2,500 each from the two wo . men, drew a three-year suspended ! sentence, while his brother.. 1 Thomas N. Tarkington. 21. and I Fred Tyson, 21, accessories, drew: ! Federal Financial Assistance Granted To Edenton Schools Congressman Herbert C. Bon ner informed The Herald early this week that he received a let ter from Rail I. Grigsby, assistant commissioner of the Department I of Education and Welfare, to the effect that favorable action has ! been taken on a request for fed- i eral assistance for Edenton schools. According to Mr. Grigsby the ! tentative entitlement for the fiscal! | year is $17,341.03 and that $13,- ! , 005.00 has been certified for im- 1 mediate payment. The cheek should be received by Superinten i dent John A. Holmes within the ! next week or so. fight polio ... GIVE TO THE MARCH OF DIMES! Edenton Will Be Given Opportunity to Use Property Colonel Frank H. Collins, com manding officer of the Edenton Naval Auxui-aiy. n r Station, early this week was notified by the chief of information of the Navy Department that the Eden ton base will be disestablished about March 31. 1959. The reasons for the disestab lishment of the base are as fol lows: I.rst of ali the previous long range plan ior Edenton en vsion.d the relocation of Marine Corps activities here in 1959. fol lowed by extensive moderniza tion of th ■ field for Navy use as an auxiliary in the Norfolk air base complex. However, rising prices, higher wages and tii - increased cost of procure ment, maintenance and opera tion of modern, more complex aircraft and equipment have made mandatory :> general re duction in the overall naval aviation establishment for con tinued operation under the cur rent level of funding. This re duction includes numbers of air craft, personnel and associated bases. Since the modernization of Edenton for continued use Continued on Page 2—Section l 20 Years Ago j As Found In the Files of ! The Chowan Herald V Mayor J. H. McMullan received a letter to the effect that Sir An thony Eden, prominent member of the British Parliament, has ec cepted the honorory citizenship conferred upon him by the Town of Edenton. Dr. J. A. Powell announced that, he was planning to establish an emergency hospital in connection with nfi offices in the Cilizcns Bank Building, with Drs. Marlin Wisely and Roland Vaughan as associates. Gill netters in this area, after entering a protest, were hopeful that the ban on shad fishing would be removed. Dr. F. H. Garriss, health offi cer, reported seven cases cf measles had developed in Chowan County. The Chamber of Commerce de cided to hold its annual banquet early in February. Continued on Page 3—Section 1 18-month suspended sentences. The Utters gent to the two wo men shortly after Christmas, de manded $2,500 from each or else their daughters would be killed during tlie year. The trio was caught in a trap set by Federal, state and county officers when two of the young men went to the Albemarle Sound bridge to pick, up the money. They pleaded guittv but Wil liam Tarkington at the trial said "I would have died myself be fore I would have touched their children.” The amount certified for pay ment is determined from the ten tative entitlement for the fiscal year computed on the basis of in formation and estimates contain ed in the application. Additional 1 payments will be subject to such ; adjustments as may be required by actual data in place of esti mates and by the availabalitv of ' funds in relation to total entitle ments for financial assistance. Edenton has been granted this financial assistance due to feder ally employed people living in the area whose children attend the lo cal schools.

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