ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXV. —Number 6. Consolidation Os The Bank Edenton And Peoples Bank & Trust Co. Consummated Richard S. Atkinson, j Jr., of Rocky Mount Joins Staff In Capa city of Vice President The consolidation of The Bank of Edenton with The Peoples Bank and Trust Company of Rocky Mount was completed as of the close of business on Fri day, January 31. John G. Wood, Jr., chairman of the local board of managers and director of the Peoples Bank and Trust Company, said, “we take i pride in joining hands in service i with the Peoples Bank and Trust j Company. They have had a phe- j nomenal growth in services and! facilities in Northeastern North Carolina. At the present time they operate the home office and four other offices in Rocky Mount and have branches in Nashville, Whitakers, Middlesex, Battleboro, Pinetops and Enfield.” John A. Kramer, executive vice j president of the local branch and i director of the Peoples Bank and i Trust Company, in a statement Wednesday said, “the consolida-1 tion of these two banks brings to i our community a bank with re-! . sources of more than $30,000,000.' 4 It is the desire of the manage- ’ ment of the bank to serve agri- , culture, business, industry and the f people of the Edenton comiViunity in a manner that will help it to continue to grow and prosper in the years ahead.” Mr. Kramer announced that 1 f Richard S. Atkinson, Jr., had join- ’ ed the staff as a vice president of £ the bank. Atkinson is an experi enced young Rocky Mount bank-j' er, having served for several ' year? as cashier of a $25,000,000 bank before coming here. He Continued on Page 6—Section 1 | r t Over 150 Attend ] Masonic District J Meeting Thursday c j Over 150 Masons from the east ern part of North Carolina ga thered at the Masonic Temple Thursday night of last week when { members of Unanimity Lodge No. J 7, were hosts at a meeting of the First District. A barbecue din-! _ ner preceded the meeting. Willie H. Burgess of Old Trap, j district deputy grand master, pre- 1 sided over the meeting, the prin- | cipal item of business being re- I ports from the various lodges in 1 the district. The lodges repre- 1 sented were Indiantown, Camden. J Hertford, Gatcsville, South Mills.:! Elizabeth City, Coinjock and ■ I Edenton. A number of visitors j I were also present from various I j other parts of North Carolina, in-| j eluding P. C. Stott of Wendell, o' certified lecturer. The feature of the meeting was! exemplification of the Demolay' degree by a group of young men from Norfolk under the direction | of George Shultz. The young men performed like professional actors j and drew thunderous applause i and many flattering comments from the large number on hand to witness the degree. 20 Years Ago As Found In the Files of The Chowan Herald K Officers of the Edenton-Cho ■wan Chamber of Commerce were disappointed to learn that Gov ernor Clyde R. Hoey would be unable to speak at a proposed Chamber of Commerce banquet. R., C. Holland, president of the peanut cooperative, reported the sale of 101,223 bags of peanuts to be diverted into oil. The community was shocked io learn of the sudden death of W. S. Vincent, superintendent of the U. 8. Fjsh Hatchery at Eden ton. Ed Bond Post No. 40 of the American Legion received a beautiful certificate of Most Dis tinguished Beatrice from national headquarters for its successful membership program. " Centinced on Paga 6—Section 1 THE CHOWAN HERALD New Bank Officials -t ■ mi With lot consoliuai.on of The Bank oi Li.ui.on ana the Peoples Bank and Trust Company of Rocky Mount consum mated Friday of fast week, Richard S. Atkinson, Jr., let, of Rocky Mount joined the staff in the capacity of vice president. John A. Kramer, right, will serve the new bank as executive vice president. The merger of the iwo banks results in a banking institution in Edenton with resources of more than $30,000,000. County Commissioners Employ County Assistant Home Agent Chowan County Commissioners: at their meeting Monday morn-| ing voted unanimously to approve the employment of Miss Catherine Aman as assistant home agent for Chowan County. Miss Aman will. succeed Mrs. Jacqueline Lewis, 1 who resigned to return to High j Point. Miss Aman attended the Com missioners’ meeting, accompanied by Miss Florence Cox, Eastern District Home Agent, who highly recommended her for the position Miss Aman will graduate this' month at East Carolina College at Greenville and will report to take j up her duties in Chowan County Monday, March 3. Miss Aman is a native of Ons low County, graduating from Ons Rotary President W iy9 B DR. ED BOND Edenton Rotarians at thei meeting Thursday of last weel elected Dr. Ed Bond president, to succeed Robert S. Marsh. Dr Bond will be installed at the first Rotary meeting in July. LIONS MEET MONDAY Edenton Lions will meet Mon day night, February 10, at 7 o’clock. Medlin Belch, president, is very anxious to register a 100 per cent meeting. j. H. Conger, Sr., New Chairman Os Chowan Hospital Trustees At the January meeting of the directors of the Chowan Hospi tal, J. H. Conger, Sr., was elect ed chairman. Mr. Conger suc ceeds J. W. Davis, who has ser ved in that- capacity continuously for II years. Mr. Davis was elected chairman to succeed Al bert Bvrum, who served for a one year-term when the hospi tal was first organized and was operated on the Edenton Naval Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, February 6,1H58. ■J&; MW : Wk low High School before entering I East Carolina College. She has an unusual club background in ■ that her mother has been an out i standing home demonstration club l member for many years, and be- I fore entering college Miss Aman j received state recognition for 4-H j I club work. She also will come to I Chowan with splendid recommen dations from East Carolina Col lege, Miss Cox stated that Mrs. Lew- j is did a splendid job in the coun-; ! ty and that she was of the opinion \ that Miss Aman will also do an, I equally good job among the coun-j ty’s clubs. The Commissioners immediate- 1 ly agreed to approve the employ ! ment of Miss Aman. r Candidate I A— | Congressman Herbert C. Bon I ner late last week informed The Herald that he had filed with the State Board of Elections notice of his candidacy for the nomination as Representative to Congress from the First Congressional Dis trict of North Carolina in the Democratic Primary to be held May 31. Mr. Bonner, very popular in the entire district: has represent ed the district about 15 years, succeeding Lindsay Warren when the latter was appointed Comp troller General. Penalty Goes On ’57 Taxes Sheriff J. A. Bunch reported to the County Commissioners Mon day morning that 1957 taxes Col lected during January amounted !to $58,916.89. This figure brings total 1957 taxes collected to date to $148,138.69. As of February 3, a penalty of one per cent will be added to the 1957 taxes and after March 1 a penalty of two per cent will be i added. t Auxiliary Air Station when the deactivated base was taken over by the Town of Edenton. Mr. Davis served as chairman during the early phases of a local hos pital hnd during the building program when the directors were faced with .many perplexing problems. Other officers elected by the directors were: W. P. Jones, vice president; Jesse Harrell, secretary and James Bond, tieasuie-r. Winners Os Jaycee Awards * h ■I? - \wm % | m w jyj ■ »■- taen.on jayeces at their DSA uanquat he'd Wednesday nig at oi last week conferred outstanding honors on three young men other than Gilliam Wood, the DSA winner. Casweil Ed mundson, left, was selected for the Jaycee Key Man award, while Lindsay Ray Bunch, center, was chosen as Chowan County's outstanding young farmer of 1957, and Gene Ward, right, received the Jaycee Rookie of the Year award.—(Eve lyn Leary Photo). W Oman’s Club Art Show \\ ill Be Staged In Penelope Barker House Two Days, March 8 And ( ) Announcement was made early This week that the annual art -how sponsored by the Edenton Woman’s Club will be held Sat urday and Sunday, March 8 and *, in the Penelope Barker house. The judge will be announced at a later date. It is hoped that a large number of .school children in both gram mar and high schools in the town and county and that adults both civilian and the Marines will par ticipate. It is requested that work be turned in one week in advance of the exhibit and that exhibits are at the owner's responsibility. Following are the rules of this year’s art show: 1. All work must be original. Copies of otner pictures are not acceptable. 2. Any medium may be used, such m pencil, ink, charcoal, oils, crayon*, etc. 3. Any size paper or canvas may be used. 4. Seven (7) entries only from Valentine Danee Scheduled In j Edenton Armory Friday Night 1 For Benefit March Os Dimes ‘ Friday night, February 7, a Val entine dance will be held in the Edenton armory. The dance, sponsored by the Edenton Jun ior Chamber of Commerce, is be ing held for the benefit of the Chowan County March of Dimes, with all of the proceeds going to ward the fight against polio. Music for the dance will be fur nished by John Piland and his orchestra from Scotland Neck. Mr. Piland is no stranger in Edenton, so that it is expected Bvrum Seeks ! •/ Re-election As | Representative Albert G. Byrum late last week announced that he will again be a candidate to represent- Chowan County in the North Carolina ! House of Representatives in the i Democratic primary election to be | t held Saturday, May 31. Mr. Byrum has served one term J in the General Assembly and stated that if re-elected he will perform the duties of the office to , the best of his ability and the best interest of Chowan County. BONDS ORDERED PAID West Byrum, Chairman of the Chowan County Commissioners, on Monday morning was au thorized to pay $5,080.19 on the county indebtedness. The amount represents school building bonds ! and coupons which fall due March 1. i RED MEN MEETING i Chowan Tribe of Red Men will meet Monday night, February 10, |at 7:30 o’clock. Hurley Ward, sa i them, urges a Ml attendance. each class (To be chosen by the teacher or a vote of the class) will be accepted. Each work submit ted must have the name and grade of the entrant on the front. 5. will be awarded in each homeroom in each individual school. 6. First, second, and honorable mention in the form of ribbons will be given for over-all exhib its from individual schools or school grounds. Twelve cash awards will be given for outstand ing work. 7. Adult work will be in a sep arate class and no.t placed in com petition with that of school chil dren. 8. A hobby coiner—arts and crafts—will be set up where un classified entries such as: photo graphs, ceramics, needlecraft, tint ing of photographs, handicrafts, etc., may be exhibited. For additional information cal! Mrs. Scott Harrell at phone nurii her 2933. that a large crowd will turn out k to enjoy good dancing music and at the same time make a contri bution to a very worthy cause. I March of Dimes contributions are. lagging, and Tom Ridgeway, Cho wan March of Dimes Chairman, is hopeful that the dance will boost the amount already in hand. a special inducement a charge of only SI.OO will be made for each person attending. Table reservations can be made! by contacting any member of the j Junior Chamber of Commerce, i ! Brenda Mooney |Chosen Queen For Bov Seoutsi j Edenton friends will be pleas- j ed to learn that Miss Brenda Mooney, daughter of Mr. and: Mrs. C. B. Mooney, on Friday j night was chosen Boy Scout j Queen, to represent the Albe- j j marie District of Boy Scouts at j ! the Tidewater Council Explorer! Ball. The ball will be held Sat- j urday night. February 15. at the, Dinwhitty Hotel in Portsmouth. Miss Mooney was chosen forj the honor at a dance sponsored j by the Blue Heron Lodge in Eliz-1 abeth City Friday night, when, she was presented a beautifuL cup by Wade Marr. Two prin-1 cesses were also chosen, Shirley j DeJoy of Elizabeth City and Pa-; tricia Waterfield of Powell's j Point, who were presented bou quets of peppermint carnations. TOWN COUNCIL MEETS Edenton’s Town Council will , meet in the Municipal Building Tuesday night, February 11, at 8 c'cleuk. Dr. Ed Bond New President Os Rotary Club Edenton Rotarians at their meeting Thursday of last week had as their principal item of business the election of officers for the new Rotary year which begins July 1. Dr. Ed Bond, vice president, was elected as president to suc ceed Robert S. Marsh. Jimmy Earnhardt was elected ,vice presi dent and J. P. Ricks, Sr., Philip McMullan, Jack Habit and Lloyd Bunch were elected directors of the club. Officers are elected so far in advance in order for the new president and secretary to attend Rotary assemblies, but they will not be installed until the first meeting in July. At Thursday’s meeting Gene Ward beepme a member of the chib with John A. Holmes in charge of the induction ceremony. Guest Speaker At Methodist Church Sunday • The Rev. Paul Carruth, execu tive director .if Christian higher education for North Carolina Conference Method ist s, will preach in the Edenton Methodist Church Sunday morning, Febru ary 9. at 11 o’clock. On a nationwide scale, Metho dists have launched an emphasis on strengthening its colleges and its Wesley Foundation work with students in state-supported schools. Os ,-special significance for eastern North Carolina in this program is the recent estab lishment of North Carolina Wes leyan at Rockv Mount and Meth odist; College at Fayetteville. A $5,000,000 pi ogram for this work is currently being developed., Methodist schools involved in ad dition to North Carolina Wesley an and Methodist College are' Louisburg College, Duke Univer sity, Greensboro College and Hieh Point College. Mr. Carruth came to this work following a four-year pastorate at Tabor Citv. He was appointed te Tabor City following a period > of service as chaplain in the L'. S. Air Force. He was born in Mississippi, and earned degrees from Milisaps College and Duke! University. He and his familv. including three children, make their home in Durham. Speaking On . orld Peace * February 12 * Eden tun Junior-Senior High School will sponsor the high school world peace study and spt aking program which is con ducted by the Extension Division j of the University of North Caro lina. The program, for seniors only, will be held Wednesday morning.; February 12. at 10:50 o'clock in the school's gymnasium. This year's topic will be “The United Nations In the Search For World Peace.” The purpose of this program is to stimulate interest and furnish j information on the problems of peace. The aim is to reach not j only high school students, but through them the masses of the j , people upon whose collective con- j 1 viction eventual world peace : must hinge. Continued on Page 5, Section 1 I Red Cross Bloodmobile ill Be In Edenton Monday, Feb. 10 ! Joe Swanner, Chairman of the j : blood program in Chowan Coun ty, has announced that the Red; ' Cross bloodmobile will again j make its appearance in Edenton i j Monday, February 10. The blood -1 mobile will again be located at I the Edenton armory, where blood S donations may be made from 9:30 ! A. M.. to 3:30 P. M. I Mr. Swanner stated that Cho -1 wan’s quota will be 100 pints of ; blood and points out the great ! need for blood, so that he hopes ' enough people will ' vlunteer in $2.00 Per Year In North Carolina . J. Gilliam Wood Is Winner Os Jaycee Annual DSA Honor DSA Winner GILLIAM WOOD Edenton Jaycees at a meeting held Wednesday night of last week proclaimed Gilliam Wood as Edenlon's most outstanding young man of 1957, and was presented the coveted Jaycee Distinguished Service Award. L. Os C. Directors \\ ill Meet Todav Harry Si ii i t It. Jr., executive vice president of the Edenton Chamber of Commerce, announc es that a meeting of the board of directors will be held in tin Chamber of Commerce office ill Hotel Joseph H.ewes this (Thun day) afternoon at 5 o'clock. This will be a vt rv important . meeting, so that every director is urged to make a -penal effort to be present. j ROTARIANS M£ ET TODAY Edenton will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o'clock in the Parish House. .The program will he in charge of County Agent G W Overman and President Robert Marsh urges ev ery member of the club to lie present LEGION MEETING Ed Bond Post \ 49 of the American l.egipn will meet in the Post home Tuesday night, Febru ary 11. at 3 o'clock. Commander Troy Toppin is very anxious to see a good turnout of members. Visiting Preacher Ijjjjj p JUjgk %!P jy REV. PAUL CARRUTH Next Sunday morning, Febru ary 9, at the 11 o'clock service, the Rev. Paul Carruth of Dur | ham will preach at the Edenton : Methodist Church. order to meet the quota. At the last appearance of the bloodmobile in November Cho wan people donated 107 pints, which was very encouraging in view of the fact that at previous visits donations were short of the quota. Mr. Swanner states that ar rangements will be made for transportation for any who de sire to donate a Dint of blood, but have no way of getting to and from the armory. If any trans portation is desired, it will be in- ids-.! 1> fhotiin: 2521. fight polio . . . GIVE TO THE MARCH OF DIMES! * Lindsay Ray Bunch, Caswell Edmundson And Gene Ward Also Presented Awards J. Gilliam Wood won the covet ed Distinguished Service Award bv the Edenton Junior Chamber (it Commerce, at the annual Jaycee DSA. Bosses' and Ladies’ Night banquet held in the dining room of Jhe Masonic Temple Wednes day night, of last week. The award' was presented to Mr. Wood by Bob Cox of Chape) Hill, na tional vice president of tie- Jun ior Chambi r of Commerce. Mr. Wood was chosen for the honor by a secret committee and but tor the committee members the winner was not known until it was announced by Mr. Cox. Mr: Wood is president of tin Bank of Edenton, now the Peo ples Bank and Trust Company He also spearheaded.- ahno-t sin-' .-■le-handt d tin- drive to organize a Chamber of Commerce in Eden ton, now a reality. He is prrsi .cle nt of the Home Feed & Ferti lizer Company, a .director of tie Edenton Cotton Mills and Mr- Edenton Development Corpora tion. past president of the Eden ton Rotary. Club, a licensed lav leader of St. Paul's Episcopal Church and is very active in all eivic and n ligious activities in Edenton. He was also chosen by the Jaycees last year as Chowan County s most outstanding young farmi r. In accepting the award Mr. Wood said, he hoped everything so nicely said about him was true and that pi being chosen for !::•• honor in was truly appreciative and that he was so flabbergast -d that adequate Word.- tailed him !-- rv'operly ex pres, his a. c.rermtion Another coveted honor awarded Lindsay Ray Bunch, wh" Continued on Page s—Section 1 (A>mmitl<‘cs Lor (~ Os ('. Vimril lLi!i 111 ; Wood, president of the Edenton Chambe: of Corhmi'rce, has announced the following standing committees to be ap pointed for the remainder of the year. Chairman and members of the various committees will be submitted t- the Chamber's board of directors fi.n- confirmation at a later date. President Woodd-mphasised, t:v import a hut of members serving on. Chamber committee., to car ry iuii its program of work. II welcomed' tin- of fir of several wild have '-already uidir ealed their interest in a specific committee and have requr-li d appointment to it. Any niembc r with special' interest in :the com mittees listed should contact Mr. W . ; oi the Chamber of- Com merce office. , The committees are: Advertis ing.' and promotion, agric.uitu; education. In al*n and safety, high ways and Iran's phi tat ion. indu trial development. mcrchani . parking and traffic, state and na tional affairs, tourist and recrea tion; Committees concerned with the. . internal' administration of the. Chamber are: Executive, finance, memberships and classification, and projects. j riVTC CALENDAR! X. i . p The Red Cross bloodmobile will again appear at the Edenton armory Monday, February 10. from 9:30 A. M. to 3:30 P. M. Chowan's quota is 100 pints of blood. Edenton Jaycees will sponsor a Valentine Dance in the Eden ton armory Friday night, Febru ary 7, from 9 o'clock to 1 A. M-. with the proceeds going toward the March of Dimes. The annual art show sponsor ed by the Edenton Woman's Club will be held Saturday and Sunday. March 8 and 9. in the Penelope Barker house. The Rev. Paul Carruth. execu tive director of Christian higher Concluded on Page 6—Section 1

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