IN CHOWAN COUNTY XaV.—Number v. Harvey Point Jase Painted ji As Aid To Section Economy At Tri - County Conference Base at Elizabeth City Will Remain Closed And Edenton Base to I Close as Things Now The tri-county conference spon sored by the Edenton Chamber of Commerce l&onday of this j • week developed in more or less of a love feast which from all' indications proved very benefi-! cidl to the, three counties con cerned. The meeting was held in 1 the Hotel. Joseph Hewes dining room with Gilliam Wood, presi dent of the Edenton Chamber of Commerce, presiding. !, ■ In the neighborhood of 75 peo- \ pie attended the meeting repre senting the Navy Department, Marine Corps, Congress, State Highway Commission, Norfolk- Southern Railroad, Virginia Elec tric it Power Company, Ocean Hiway Association, Board erf Conservation and Development and officials from Ch&wan, Per quimans and Pasquotank coun ties. As a result of the meeting it was learned that as things now stand the Elizabeth City base will remain closed and the Eden ton base will be closed not later | than March, 1959. , However, some consolation was advanced in that the ,P6M Sea master base at Harvey. Point should greatly compensate for thq loss of the other two bases. Mayor Ernest Kehayes welcom ed the group to Edenton, and after Mr. Wood explained the purpose of the meeting and ex pressed his appreciation for so many attending, he called upon Congressman Herbert Bonner to address the group. Mr. Bonner said he realized it was a distinct shock to this area when it was learned that the Elizabeth City facility and Eden ton base was to close, which came about due to a change in the general prospective of na tional defense. He said it is something like changing from horse and buggy days to present day military preparedness. He said the first and primary defense of the country and that closing of a large number, of mili tary installations was beyond the realm ol political pressure. 1 Mr. Bonner said that the size Continued on Pag* 6—Section 1 I '' W ~ m - - Jayvee Basketball Tournament planned In Edenton Mar.' 12-14 Coach William Billings has announced that a Jayvee basket ball tournament will be held in tl»e Edenton Junior Senior High School gymnasium Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights, March 12, 13 and 14, with games starting at 7 o’clock. Mr. Billings is coaching -the Edenton Jayvees and announced that six other schools have eh-1 tered the tournament. He ex pects to line up another school SO that there will be eight teams battling for the championship. Schools already entered in thei tournament, besides EdentdlfMi Elizabeth City, Hertford, Ahoskife, Williamston, Scotland Neck and Conway. Ahoskie will be the defending, Background Musical System Is | New Innovation Just Completed At Peoples Bank And Trust Co. John A. Kramer, executive vice I president of Peoples Bank & fsPiat Company, - announces at ■very unique innovation at the' Eden ton bank with the instalia-; i c kgrou nd musical j iich provides continuous ! during banking hours. The j system was installed Tuesday by j Rflfcky Mount and is flow in op eration. ' j THF. CHOWAN HERALD Editor Makes Terrible Mistake The Herald editor made a terrible mistake last week in. connection with taking pictures of local children. The day for taking these pictures is today (Thursday) from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. at Hotel Joseph Hewes. Despite the fact that a previous story announced the time as Thursday, February 27, plus the fact that an ad vertisement in The Herald carried the February 27 date, and that a contract calls for a photographer to be in Eden ton February 27, the editor, for some unexplainable reasen. carried a story to the effect that the pictures Would be taken of last week, in which he grossly erred. To say that he was sorry and humiliated is putting it mildly, indeed, and an apology is herewith made for the in convenience caused by those who went to the trouble to go to the hotel with their children Thursday of last week. Today (Thursday) is the correct time and last week’s error is greatly regretted. National 4-H Club Week Be Observed Week of March 1-8 Youngsters This Year Paying Tribute to Parents * ' _/ This year marks the 10th an niversary of the National 4-H Club Foundation and the Inter national Farm Youth Exchange Program, ‘according to an an hotiheemtriT 'BjrTTOftnin' C. Min ffHtm, the Foundation’s Execu tive Director. “The 10th Anni versary . . . presents an oppor tunity for everyone concerned with 4-H Club work to join to gether in celebrating this event,” Mindrum said. The Foundation was establish ed by the Cooperative Extension Service on November 18, 1948. In June of the same year, the International Farm Youth Ex change (IFYE) got' under way with the departure of 17 delegates to England, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Holland, France and Italy. In the past decade the Foun dation has pioneered and de- Continued on Pag* B—Section 1 s champions,., although Williamston land Scotland Neck are reported to be the strongest teams in the tournament. It is the purpose to pair teams in the Albemarle Conference with the lion-conference teams to determine the winner. This will be the third annual Jayvee tournament, which has proved very successful in the first two cOntesls. The tourna ment is sponsored by the Boys’ . Monogram Club with the pro ceeds going toward the purchase I of Monogram coats. The admission to the games will be |I.OO for adults and 50 cents’ for students, and it is hoped large crowd* will turn out .for .the various contests. [vide a pleasant working atmos ™ , ‘ Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, February 27,1958. | Candidate | mm m *TyH*i£9lPl :■ A v : ySSk] m k fl EARL GOODWIN Early this week Earl Goodwin announced he will be a candi date for Sheriff of Chowan Coun ty in the primary election to be held Saturday, May 31. -Mr. Goodwin is the second candidate to announce for the office. Her ,man F. White haring previously announced. />A«VWVWWWWW" __ _ . Campbell Touring Choir Will Sing In Baptist Church Mar. 14 The Campbell College Touring Choir will present a concert of sacred music at the Edenton Bap tist Church Friday night, March 14, at 7:30 o’clock. The choir of 44 voices is under the direction of Charles Horton, head of the Campbell Music Department. The concert by the robed and well trained choir'will include music dating from tne fifteenth century *to compositions by some of today’s - outstanding contem porary composers. Arrangements of folk music from Germany, Ser bia, France, and Negro Spirituals will dlso be included in the pro gramy The choir Will sing twelve Sun day evening "concerts in North Sing In Edenton Baptist Church March 14 j —^ i|E|i mbj'a ~ jci- . in ft m ft r -A f • flßiKgjjß £ fS|W M wt 'VI *9 V Y VR - f JnV i I V V| CB % jH'm. WWr ■ VT ; IV JuYTH|VirVf^Kjl^V r Freezing Weather Area - * N \ y •: • -4. .. > ■'V'-. V'-.-. v " ... . v ' ¥i '■ i' ~ * I- am - ' ' jtBL ~ - I Some idea of the freezing temperatures experienced in Eden ton is reflected in the above pictures taken last week. Above picture was taken from the Court House Green with ice as far as one could see. Lower picture was snapped at the old Nor folk Southern freight warehouse while a group of ioys were being chased from the ice by Edenton police. Never before since 1918 has there been so much ice in Albemarle Sound. Drive For Red Cross Is Set For Week Mar. 3 - 8 Elton Forehand, chairman of the Red Cross drive in Chowan County, has announced that the week of March 3 has been set as Red Cross Drive Week. The goal this year has been set at $2,371. “Even though this * figure j seems relatively high,” Mr. Fore hand said, i's feel that this goal can be met with full cooperation j of the people of Edenton and Chowan County. Please be as generous as possible with your contributions when you are call ed upon by a canvasser.” The officers of the Chowan Chapter of the American Red ( Cross are as follows: R. Graham White, chairman; John A. Mitchener, vice chair aAup ‘pueqoiog uojig h :übui chairman; Gene Ward, treasurer and Mrs. William White, secre tary! JAYCEES MEET TONIGHT Edenton Jaycees will meet to night (Thursday) at 7 o’clock in the Penelope Barker house. Presi dent Warren Twiddy urges every member to attend. Carolina. During March the choir v* ill tour for nine days, singing in churches and colleges in North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York. One of the highlights of the tour will be a concert at the famed Westmin ister Choir College in Princeton, New Jersey, The choir performed the choral work in Paul Green’s outdoor drama, ‘The highland Call,” and / also worked in a college produc tion of Monotti’s opera “Amahl And The Night Visitors.” In May they will sing in-a produc tion of Kurt Weill’s opera, “Down In The Valley/’ Continued on Page B—Section 1 HDClubsln Chowan County Sponso ring Feature Na m ing Homemaker Os The Month ’ ‘Homemaker of Year’ To Be Selected Later From Monthly Win ners Chowan home demonstration, clubs plan to sponsor a special | feature in The Chowan Herald \ with the selection of a “Home maker of the Month”. An out standing homemaker will be elected and featured from one of the clubs each month, with the Mrs. Bertha Fanning Taylor Will Judge Annual Art Show Sponsored By Woman’s Club ■> Mrs. Bertha Fanning Taylor, noted artist, lecturer and critic of Norfolk, Va., will judge the annual Art Show to be sponsor- ■ ed by the Edenton Woman’s Club Saturday and Sunday, March 8 and 9 at the Penelope Barker house. “We are, indeed, fortunate to ‘have such an outstanding artist judge our show,” Mrs. Scott Har rell, chairman of the show, said. “Mrs. Taylor will be in Edenton on Friday, March 7, to judge the entries.” Mrs. Taylor, art critic for the Virginia-Pilot, conducts lecture courses and gives lessons in; painting and drawing for the| Norfolk Museum. For four years she was president of the Tide water Artists. During the; ten years preced ing the European War, Mrs. Tay lor was associated with the Louvre Museum in Paris and served on the Louvre staff of lecturers. As artist, pupil and J. Emmett Winslow Will Be Candidate For Seat In Senate Three Candidates In Field For District’s Two Seats J. Emmett Winslow, Perquim ans County business man and former State Senator, has an nounced his candidacy for one of the two positions State Senator for the First Senatorial District of North Carolina. Mr. Winslow, prominent in Democratic party circles in North Carolina, served the District as State Senator during the • 1949 and 1951 sessions of the General; Assembly. j Last July Mr. Winslow com- i pleted a four-year term as High- 1 way Commissioner for the First j Division, having been appointed to the post by the late Governor William Umstead. He served as Sheriff of Perquimans County for 14 years, retiring from the office in 1946 without seeking re-election. He is a member of. the Executive Committee for the First Congressional District and { was twice a delegate to the Na-; tional Democratic Convention in j Chicago. Continued on Page 2—Section 1 | ( “Homemaker of the Year” to be i chosen from those elected by a special committee. I The club publicity leaders met • In the office of Miss Maidred Morris, home agent, last week to discuss this new project. The following qualifications were set '.up as a guide for choosing this | club woman: 1. She habitually performs good homemaking practices. 2. She provides love and under standing to her family life. 3. She is active in church, com ! muriity and club affairs. 4. She is a good neighbor. art critic, she came to know well the artists and current opinion among them in Paris. She ex hibited regularly in three of the large salons there. Since her return to America Mrs. Taylor has given many lec tures and courses on art, and from May, 1945, to November, j 1948, • was connected with the j Hermitage Foundation Museum | of Lockhaven, Norfolk, as cura- j tor, lecturer and teacher of painting and drawing. Not only will the work of the school children Os Edenton and Chowan County be on exhibit, : but all local artists have been in |vited to display their paintings, , ceramics and other handiwork. Mrs. Scott Harrell has announced that all school art work will be collected on Friday, March 31, and that other work may be brought to the Penelope Barker house Monday, March 3, between the hours of 10 and 12 noon. 20 Years Ago! Aa Found In the Files of j The Chowan Herald v ? With the announcement that Governor Clyde R. Hoe? would be the speaker at the Chamber of Commerce, interest was stimulat ed with 15 new members enrolled in two - weeks. Mm Rebecca Colwell, home agent, was appointed chairman in Chowan County far the abcerv | ance of Better Hemes Week in America. ' - Non-commissioned officess of Company F, Edenton National Guard unit, staged a farewell din ned in honor of Major M. P. * sb com* Concluded on Page 6 9ection 1 $2.00 Per Year In North Carolina Highway Officials J Will Meet Today In 1 Local Court House j New Chaplain V ,w> mm r Bn3?> HF TSk ■ jjgk ||||/ TjPLijMMwP*' •- WysPSmi lllll? $■ >• g.: MATTHEW A. CURRY Chaplain Matthew A. Curry has arrived in Edenton to serv» as group and station chaplain at the Edenton Naval Auxiliary Air Station. Chaplain Curry succeeds Commander Charles H. Iley. I 5. She considers the welfare of others. A tentative schedule has been set up to start these features in April. Pictures of the homemak ers will be made by James H. Griffin, with articles prepared and written by the publicity leaders: Miss Morris is enthused with this newest project undertaken by these leaders. She says, “Each woman who is chosen by her club 1 as their outstanding homemaker I should feel that her selection is i a distinct honor to herself, her • family, and her community.” Drive On 1 Mrs. Wesley Chesson, Jr., chair man of the membership commit tee of the Chowan Hospital Au xiliary, announces that the mem bership drive is now under way ’and that up to the present 174 members have been enrolled. "If you have not been contacted," says Mrs. Chesson, "please turn in your membership dues to me or Mrs. Albert Byrum." A list of Auxiliary members will be published in the next is sue of The Herald. Plans Announced By BPW Club For Spring Fashion Show With March 13 Set As Tentative Date Plans for a Spring Fashion, Show were discussed at a meet- j ing of the Edenton Business and Professional Women’s Club held Thursday night at the Penelope j Barker house. A tentative date: was set for Thursday night,! March 13, to be held at the Jo seph Hewes Hotel coffee shop with dinner served at 7 o’clock. As in previous years, Edenton merchants will cooperate with a showing of the latest fashions in j wearing apparel and hairdos. \ This affair has always drawn a crowd and is considered one! ’of the most enjoyable events of the year. Mrs. Laura Ferguson, president, j announced the following commit tees for -the show: Decorating, Mrs. Elizabeth Flynn; Arrange ments, Miss Frances Marshbourne and Miss Goldie Layton; Menu, MrS. Beulah Boswell and Mrs. Margaret Phthisic; Tickets, Miss Mildred Munden; Models, Miss Inez Felton and Mrs. Alice Twid dy. Merchants may use as many as five models and admission to the show and dinner wiU besi .50. fight polio ... GIVE TO THE MARCH OF DIMES! Representatives From Nine Eastern Coun ties Expected to At tend Meeting at 2:30 P. M. Today Officials of the State Highway ! Commission will hold the second ; of their informal highway meet- I ings in the Chowan County Court : House this (Thursday) afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. These meetings are designed to bring together county and muni cipal officials from various areas of the State to discuss informal ly the highway problems and plans of the area. Invitations to the Edenton meeting have gone out from Highway Commission er Fletcher H. Gregory, Jr., to of ficials of nine northeastern North . Carolina counties and to munici pal boards of 23 cities and towns. Representing tile North Caro lina State Highway Commission will be at least three Commission ers, Director of Highways W. F. Babcock, Secondary Roads Offi cer Harold Makepeace, Public Relations Director Sam Beard, and Chief Engineer W. H. Rog ers, Jr. CommmLssion Chairman J. Melville Broughton, Jr., of Ra leigh and Commissioners E. L. White of Wilmington and Fletch er Gregory of Weldon have indi cated they plan to attend. In announcing the meeting. Highway Director W. F. Babcock pointed out that this is not an official public hearing of the Commission, but is an opportuni- Continued on Page B—Section 1 Earl Goodwin Is Out For Sheriff Earl Goodwin this week an nounced that he will be a can didate for Sheriff of Chowan County in the primary election scheduled to be held Saturday, May 31. “If elected, I will use my best efforts to properly exe cute the duties of this very im portant office,” said Mr. Good win. Mr. Goodwin is a native of Chowan County, son of Mrs. Henry Goodwin and the late Mr. Goodwin. He has lived practical ly all of his life in Chowan Coun ty. He attended Wake Forest College for two years, where he was a member of the track team. He is a member of the Edenton Baptist Church and Chowan Tribe of Red Men. Mr. Goodwin is a former Eden ton merchant and is well ac quainted with every section of Chowan County. He was a can didate in the 1954 election, when \ he ran second in a three-corner -1 ed race. The president welcomed Miss Thelma White and Miss Beulah Privott as new members into the club. Members placed on com mittees were Mrs. Eva Privott and Theima White, International Relations; Mrs. Ethel Simpson as co-chairman with Mrs. Lena Leary. Membership: Mrs. Myrtle Cuthrell, co-chairman with Mrs. Continued on Page s—Section 1 (civic calendar] The Merchants Committee of the Edenton Chamber of Com merce will meet this (Thursday) morning at 10 o'clock in the Chamber of Commerce office. A Jayvee basketball '-tourna ment will be held in the Edenton Junior-Senior High School gym nasium Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights, March 12, 13 and 14. starling at 7 o'clock. A professional photographer will be at Hotel Joseph Hewes | today (Thursday) from 10 A. M. . to S P. ML to taka pictures of | children free of charge which will

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