II * OfilLY NEWSPAPER PUBUSHED IN ' CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXV— Number 12. $68,900 Has Been Allocll :ed! To Chowan For Secondary! Road Work Through 1959 j t « First Year’s Amount Will Be $28,700 and Second Allotment Is Listed at s4osoo ; An announcement made by the State Highway Commission is to the effect that $87,000,000 has been made available during the i current biennium for mainte nance and improvements on coun, ty roads in the state. According to the county alloca-1 tions, the Chowan County Com-! missioners were informed that Chowan will be eligible to re ceive $28,700 for work in 1957- 58 and $30,200 in 1958-59 or a to tal of $68,900. The Commission earmarked $60,000,000 for maintenance on the State’s 58,000-mile secondary road network and allotted an ad-j ditional $27,000,000 for improve- | ment to county roads and bridg-1 es. Highway Director W. F. Bab- j cock explained that the alloca- 1 tions to the various counties for; road improvements were made on the basis of the relative need of each county as compared to the total secondary road needs of the State. Maintenance funds were allocated to Highway Di visions for distribution among the counties of each Division on the basis of traffic volumes, soil types ' and weather conditions. Improvement funds available for the 1957-58 year total $9,122, 989. $2,000,090 of t this amount was made available by the 1957 General Assembly from existing surplus $6,297,989 will beavail ahte Jfettcrment Funds and the remaining $825,06$ comes from Feaeral-aid Second ary Funds. Allocation of the 1957-58 funds will be made available for im provements to secondary during the approaching construc tion season. Babcock explained that the Federal-aid Secondary Funds for this fiscal year are rel- Conlinued on Page 3—Section 1 Ovid W. Pierce Today’s Speaker For Library Week ■ t. With National Library Week being observed in Edenton this week, a feature of the observ ance will be an address by Ovid Williams Pierce, author of The Plantation. Mr. Pierce will speak at 8 o’clock tonight (Thursday) at the Shepard-Pruden Memorial Library and the public is cordial ly invited to attend. - Mr. Pierce has the reputation for being an interesting speaker, so that all who attend are assur ed of being well repaid for their time. , RED MEN MEETING Chowan Tribe of Red Men will meet Monday night, March 24, at 7:30 o’clock. Hurley Ward, sa chem, is very anxious to have a large attendance. civic calendar) Edenton Lions Club Variety Show will be staged in the Ele mentary .School auditorium Fri day night. April 11, at 9 o’clock. Ovid Williams Pierce, author of “The Plantation", will speak in the Shephrd-Pruden Memorial Library tonight (Thursday) at • o'clock. Hie fourth annual Fat Stock Show and Salt sponsored by the Sion building Wednesday,, March The Senior High School Chor us win preseat the Lenten can tata. "Penitence. Pardon and * 9 O r -w Santera of Edenton Junior xneir annual ©snciiy ncoooi auditorium* j THE CHOWAN HERALD Senior High School Chorus Will; Present Lenten Cantata On Palm j j Sunday At The Baptist Church i The Senior High School Chor-, us of the Edenton Junior-Senior High School is planning to pre sent on the afternoon of Palm Sunday, the Lenten cantata, “Penitence, Pardon and Peace,” -by J. H. Maunder, j The performance was original ■ ly scheduled to be given in the new auditorium wing of the Junior-Senior High School build ing, but when it became obvious that Ihe completion of the new i auditorium wpuld be delayed be cause of the unusually severe winter weather, the Edenton Bap tist Church graciously offered the ! use of the church auditorium for | the performance, which is plan | ned for 5 o’clock Sunday after j noon. March 30. Miss Lula Williams will be or ganist for the occasion and Mrs. j Mary L. Browning, director. The Zackie Harrell Winner Os 1957 4-H Club Peanut Growing Prize Zackie Harrell is county win der of the 1957 Chowan 4-H pea nut growing contest. The an nouncement was made at a ban quet given by the Edenton Ro tary Club, sponsor, Thursday night of last week. Zackie pro duced a total of 3,037 pounds of jlumbo Runner peanuts on his acre plot. He was awarded a pmduStf' 943 pourids on his 4-H project acre, was second place winner. Jerry White, with a production of 2,970 pounds, was third place winner and Clyde William Boyce with,a. yield of 2,511 pounds was fourth place winner. Lewis -was awarded $5 and Jerry and Clyde Panel Feature At Meeting Gs Edenton PTA Despite the inclemency of the weather, a large crowd attended the Edenton PTA meeting held in the Elementary School audi torium Tuesday night, which proved to be both interesting and enlightening. The feature of the meeting was a panel discussion concerning schools with members of the Edenton school trustees an swering ’ a group of questions which were written on slips of paper. All of the school trustees were on hand except the chairman, Thomas Chears, who was pre vented from attending due to his health, so that the panel includ ed John A. Holmes, Philip Mc- Mullan, J. Clarence Leary, M. A- Hughes and W. T. Harry. Mrs. R. T. Whitten picked out the var ious questions and directed them to the various trustees. Joe Congqr, Jr., PTA president, Continued on Page 3—Section 1 County Council Recommends Signs At Community Buildings 1 The Chowan Community Build ing will soon he easily identified by the erection of a sign on the front Home Demonstration Club women m*(ie plans at their meeting on Monday to have the sign painted and erected. A pro ject to have rfuch signs identify ing each of the five community buildings in the county has been strongly encouraged by the Home Demonstration County Council this year. The Chowan Club also planned to ipake inside improvements by purchasing a new floor covering for the kitchen and having re- £T«*ee e ri, e I a , incidental solos will be sung by Jane DuLaney, Peggy Elliott, Minta Hobbs, Jack Overman, Tommy Kehayes, Gus Hughes, Jr., and Billy Wilkins. J. H. Maunder, composer of j “Penitence, Pardon and Peace,” was a well known composer of! English church music, and for many years organist and choir master in one of the larger Lon don churches. The text of the cantata is scriptural, and its per formance lasts approximately 35 minutes. The High School Chorus plans no additional religious service in connection with the cantata, and emphasizes the fact that, as is the case) with all school concerts, the performane is completely non-sectarian. There will be no admission charge, and no offering will be taken. $2.50 each. Awards were based on the fol lowing: Yield 30 points, quality 30 points, following recommend ed practices 10 points, proper stacking of crop 20 points, and project record 10 points. There fore, the club member who had a high yield did not necessarily be come winner over one whose Pields was somewhat lowly. $12.58 per cwt. which was the highest grade produced by any club member. However, since his yield was only 2,400 pounds he was not in the top winning group. Average yield of the 15 projects in the 1957 contest was 2,329 Continued on Pag# B—Section 1 OES Officers Are Installed! I In an open installation held . Monday night in the Masonic Temple officers for Edenton Chapter No. 302, Order of the Eastern Star, were officially in stalled for the new year. The ceremony was conducted in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends of the new officers. 1 Mrs. Annie Laurie Mullen of South Mills, was the installing of- Continued on Page 6—Section 1 Hospital Auxiliary Meeting March 21 The Chowan Hospital Auxiliary will meet at the nurses’ home Fri day afternefon, March 21, at 3 o’clock. Mrs. Selby Harney will give a talk on the Grey Ladies organiza tion and its service to the hospi tal. Mrs. Harney was trained in the Marine Hospital in Norfolk. Everyone is especially urged to attend the meeting. project, and the club selected their most outstanding homemaker. The club voted to donate $5 to the Red Cross. Health leaders will help solicit funds for the Cancer drive in 4pril. Club mem bers were reminded of “The Wo manless Wedding” to be present ed in April at the Chowan High School. Mrs. Roland Evans pre sided during the business session. Mrs. Drew Welch presented a demonstration on “Fabrics—Syn thetics and Blends”, using a kit of sample fabrics to illustrate her explanation on the various kinds of fabrics available locally. Blends, pried, oare, and use es the fabrics were discussed. - Mrs. J. D. Hobbs was hostess to the group. ■<.c2 a- fr. * . iton, Chowai) County, North Carolina, Thursday, March 20,1958. , nr.-rsr " ' ■ . .n - “ I v Promoted To Captain In japan | BE h] 1b a Hk' ML. H I SfsSfr f HV 1 / IN- k| i "BBBBBBBB,; After being promoted to captain at Regional Camp Drew, Japan, George E. Hassell (right) of Edenton. receives the silver ! bars signifying his new rank from Colonel Rollin H. Smith, post commander. Captain Hassell, who has be;n in the Far East since May, 1957. is chief of the equipage branch of the Quartermaster Supply Control Agency's clothing and equipmerl division at Camp Drew. The 31-year-old officer was gradu ated from. Edenton Hiqh School in 1944 and orig nal y entered the Army in June, 1945. He is a 1955 graduate of the College of the Ozarks in Clarksville, Ark. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Hassell, live in Edenton, and his wife is with him in Japan.—(U. S. Army Photo). Very Busy Session Chowan Superior Court In Prospect ________ '• One Charge of Murder And Two Charges of Manslaughter Listed On Full Docket With a calendar prepared by ; Clerk of Court E. W. Spires for the spring term of Chowan Su peripr Court, which convenes on busy session is iii prospect. Judge, Henry L. Stevens of Burgaw is scheduled to preside over the mixed term. Among the criminal cases dock eted are the following: Joseph Chessons charged with murder. Henry Collins • Cousar, man slaughter, Roscoe Valentine, manslaugh-; ter. | Van R. Page, first degree burg- j j lary and highway robbery. Jesse Dillard, embezzlenjent. ! Norwood Koonce, forgery. Melvin Carl Barrington, drunk en driving, reckless driving and speeding at 90 miles per hour. j Continued on Page 2—Section ) I Chowan Churches Planning For Sunrise Service Easter Morning Final plans have been made | concerning the Easter sunrise ser- J vice to be held in Chowan County at the Rocky Hock Baptist Church of which the Rev. B. L. Raines is pastor.' This service will be held at 6 o’clock Easter mornirtg. The churches participating in addition to Rocky Hock will be Center Hill and Great Hope Bap tist, the Rev. Hfciry Napier, pas tor; the Center Hill Methodist and Evans Methodist, the Rev. F. V/. Fortescue, pastor, and the Mace donia Baptist Church, the Rev. L. Marina Plans 1 Open House Scott Harrell and R. T. Har rell announce that they will ob serve open house at the Edenton Marina which began Wednesday of this week and will continue through Saturday, March 22. During the open house cele bration, new 1958 boat motors will be demonstrated, with rides, arranged for the entire family. A special marathon boat race j will be held starting Saturday as- 1 temoon at 12:30 o’clock from the i Edenton Marina to Colerain Continued on Page I—Section 1 ROTARIANS MEET TODAY Edenten’s Rotary Club will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock in the Parish House. President Robert Marsh urges ev ery Rotatran to be present. r Edenton Speaker } OVID WILLIAMS PIERCE As a highlight of the observ ance of Nationay Library Week, j Ovid Williams Pierce, author of ! "The Plantation," will speak at | the Shepard-Pruden Memorial i Library tonight (Thursday) at 8 I o'clock. I |C. Chandler, pastor. ( The pastors i and members of the churches will I have part on, the program. The combined choirs of all the church es will bring a special choir se lection preceding the message by the Rev. F. W. Fortesue. Other special music will be pre sented by the Rocky Hock Men’s quartet and the Macedonia Choir Organist will be Miss Beulah Ev ans, who will play hymn selec tions prior to the service. Flow ers are to be provided by the host church. The public is reminded of this service and urged to make plan to attend. Citizens Urged To Purchase Easter Seals A sure sign of spring was the opening last Thursday, March 6, of the 1958 National Easter Seal campaign. Thousands of sheets of colorful I Easter Seals flooded the mails : during the week for delivery to i most of the homes in Edenton, ac j cording to Ernest Ward, Jr., ! chairman of the 1958 Easter Seal 1 appeal. Ward pointed put that this year’s mailing will reach nearly every citizen in the town to seek support for the continuation and expansion of Easter Seal services for crippled children. The 1958 appeal, sponsored )£y i Concluded on Pag* 6—Section 1 Plans Are Now Complete For Annual Fat Stock Show And Sale Wednesday, March 26th Peoples Bank And Trust Co. To Sponsor Community Progress i Contest For People In Chowan I The Peoples Bank & Trust Company of Rocky Mount and Edenton have offered to sponsor and furnish prize money for a community progress contest in j Chowan County. The offer has | been accepted by the County Ag j riculture Workers’ Council pend | ing the acceptance of the people, j Tom LeCroy, farm relations of ficer, and Richard Atkinson, vice j president of the Peoples Bank & t Trust Company of Edenton, met ! with the Agriculture Workers’ \ ! Council and explained the con ! test. They informed those pres ! ent that they have sponsored i such a contest in Nash and Edge-1 ; combe Counties for several years j | and some of the excellent results i . that have been attained. | The Agriculture Worke rs’ j j Council, using the information ‘ I from Nash and Edgecombe coun- I ties as a guide, is in the process I j of outlining tentative suggestions | jto offer the Chowan County Webb Will Not Be Candidate | For County Commissioner! Joe A. Webb, veteran Chowan County Commissioner, stated' early this week that he definite-! ly will not be a candidate for re election in the May primary elec tion. Mr. Webb is the oldest County Commissioner on the Board, both iri years and in service. "He has served as Commissioner from the ' Fourth Township for 38 years. ; having gone into office in 1920. In making the statement that he will not be a candidate in the forthcoming election, Mr. Webb! expressed his appreciation and j 1 thanks to the voters in his town- j ship for their support and confi- j dence in him over the years and j that although many vexing and. ! Napkin Sale j Planned For Teen Age Club i The Senior and Junior Coun cils of the Edenton Teen Age j Club are making plans for a i ! paper napkin sale to be held j ! Tuesday, April 8. The Junior! j Council, along with club mem-1 bers will make up sales groups I for a concentrated drive. They i will be assisted and supervised j under the direction "of the Senior j Council. Tom Hopkins, Senior Council president, advises that the Senior and Junior Council feel that an annual money - making project Continued on Page 6—Section 1 MASONS MEET TONIGHT A stated communication of i Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A. F. & i A. M., will be held tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. Daniel' Reaves, master, urges a large at-, tendance. 1 Fashions Galore Displayed At BPW Fashion Show Thursday f The Edenton High School case- j teria was filled to capacity Thurs day night to witness a glittering show of beauty in spring wearing apparel and coiffures displayed by the merchants of Edenton. The | Fashion Show, sponsored by the ; Edenton Business and Profession- | al Women’s Club, was a hit from beginning to end and thoroughly ■ enjoyed by those attending. Adding a professional air to the occasion by 12 years of ex i perience, commentator Mrs. Ann Boggs gave the models poise and : confidence with her modulated, I flow of descriptions and easy! t manner. Another highlight of the i evening was the voice of Mrs. r Frank Elliott, who sang “Easter Parade” and “Sweet and Lovely,” $2.00 Per Year In North Carolina. __ ! communities. Each community will have an opportunity to se- j lect the projects it wishes to work on. In brief, the suggested I projects are outlined under five j main headings: Educational pro jects, recreational projects, com munity improvement projects. <■ farm improvement projects, and ] home improvement projects. When a family works together j to improve its home and farm i conditions, a community coop- j j erates in improving community ! j conditions, and counties cooperate I in improving county conditions 1 the result is inevitable better ! farm and home living for all who ! participate. In addition to this it provides a more pleasant atmos phere for visitors. It is hoped | j that Chowan County people will j I accept the community progress j i contest starting this year. I Through its continuance for sev- : jeral years great community pro gress can be accomplished. ; difficult problems faced the Com . missioners while he was a mem-; | her, he enjoyed the work and I senses some degree of pride and | satisfaction in the fact that he 1 has been able to serve his county for so many years. The principal reasons for Mr. Webb deciding not to be a candi | date is that his health isn't up to | ■ P ar and that it js his firm convic- J ! t>°n that a younger and more ag- 1 gressive man should fill the of- j i fice. Though Mr. Webb vaguely i hinted that he will not be a can j didate, a definite statement was ; made Monday of this week. Up j to this writing no announcement I has been made as a successor to Mr. Webb. Edenton Team Winner Jayvee 1958 Tourneyi i Edenton’s Junior Varsity has-. ketball team out-scrapped every body to win the third annual j Jayvee basketball tournament ; held in Edenton last week by [defeating a strong Wallace-Rose ! Hill team 37-31. The Aces lacked height in j every game, but made up for' Continued on Page 6—Section 1 ! C. Os C. Directors Will Meet Today J Harry Smith. Jr., executive vice president of the Edenton Cham ! her of Commerce, calls attention I to a meeting of the board of di ! rectors which will be held this (Thursday) afternoon at 5 o'clock |at Hotel Joseph Hewes. All di i rectors are especially urged to at- I tend. I with Miss Agnes Chappell at the piano. Edenton concerns participating' lin the fashion show and their models were as follows: | The Betty Shoppe—Mrs. Ann i Boggs, with Mrs. Laura Fergu i son as commentator for her; Pat ■ Haste, Alma Smith, Patricia Bunch, Mrs. Doris George and Ann Stocy. The Jill Shoppe Elwanda Gibbs, Barbara Spencer, Crystal Haste, Mrs. Clara Bunch. Rose’s 5, 10 & 25c Store—Joyce i Layton, Alma K. Griffin. Tots & Teens—Nora Hicks, Joe I Bunch, Nancy Twiddy, Joe Leary, Debbie Wilkins and Sandra Bunch. Continued cn P«g* 2—Section 1 ft ' FIGHT POLIO . . . GIVE TO THE MARCH OF DIMESI P This Year’s Affair to j Be the Largest In the History of Chowan i County j According to Robert S. Marsh, j assistant county agent, plans are | now complete for the fourth an | nual Chowan Fat Stock Snow iand Sale. The event, sponsored by the Edenton Jaycees, will be held at j the American Legion building on Wednesday, March 26. Judg ng j will begin at 9:30 and the show j vVill start at 11 o’clock, j During the lunch hour break | from 12 to 1 o’clock noon, John ! Christian, meat specialist from | State College, will give a carcass ! cutting demonstration . He will cut a carcass from a U. S. No. 1 and also a U. S. No. 3 hog. This promises to be a very in teresting demonstration. “Chowan farmers who produce j Logs should find this depionstra jtion very helpful,” says Mr. | Marsh, The sale will begin at 1 P. M. j Any person attending the sale may bid on the steers and hogs. | Terms of the sale are "C. 0.8." [(Cash on the barrel head) ac ! cording to the Jaycees. A per son may buy a'whole steer, half j a steer or a quarter. The steers ] will be butchered at the Co- Continued on Page 3—Section 1 Annual Senior ; Play Will Be Held March 28 . . , - * • rv The annual play of the senior j class of Edenton Junior-Senior i High School will be presented in i the Elementary School auditori um Friday night, March 28, at 8 o’clock. This year's play will be : “Strictly Formal,” by William Davidson. Directors of the t>lay are Miss Ann Mayo and N. J. George with Grace Whiteman as student director. Rehearsals are being held and from advance reports the play should provide a delightful even ing of entertainment. Senior? taking part in the play include: Rosa Hollowell, Linda (Leary, Patricia Bunch. Jack Ov j erman, Ruth Stoklev, Eddie I George, Jerry Holmes, Deanna I Hollowell, Carlo Jethro, Page Cayton. Tommy Kehayes, Ray White, Anne Stacy, Myrna Skin ner. Imogene Rogerson and Bil ly Harry. Lions Candidate | Guest Local CluL Edenton Lions were visited on Monday night by Don Glisson, Tom Wilson, and Jim Valentine of the Nashville Lions Club. President Medlin Belch intro duced the visitors. Glisson spoke to the club on the importance both to the individual and to the community of being a Lion. The speaker is a candidate for Dis trict Governor, Lions Interna tional. It was pointed out that being a Lion gives a man the oppor tunity to serve his fellowmen in ways that benefit both the per son served and the one who seiz es the opportunity to be of ser vice. H. L. Edwards was presented a Certificate of Membership by i President Belch. * 20 Years Ago Ae Found In the Files of The Chowan Herald ] Chowan County cotton and to- II bacco farmers turned in an over- I! whelming vote 150 to 6 in favor of marketing control of these s crops. It was announced that the : Daughters of the Revolution . would meet in Edenton May 27 i for a national convention visita tion more or less in honor of the Continued on Page 9 —Section 1

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