PAGE TWO I—SECTION TWO f SOIL CONSERWITiaN MEWS | By JAMES H. GRIFFIN, Soil Comarvaiionlst j v— —— r> SOIL conservation .. .r.lugsohaoM Chowan County farmers have again accepted tile drainage as one of their major projects this spring. About 3,500 feet of 6- inch drainage tile has been or dered by about 20 farmers in Chowan County. Carroll Byrum installed 3,700 feet of 6-inch drainage tile in January. Mr. Byrum reports that this tile is doing his job very well. Claude Small, Jr., tried 1.000 feet of 6-inch drainage tile in early January. He reports that his tile is doing a very good job and he wants to start early this fajl in installing some more tile on the farm he lives on. He says that after a rain that the water disappears in the low bot tom where he installed the tile almost immediately. Before in stalling the drain tile water stood in the field after every rain and caused a hardship on him in cultivating this fertile bottom land. This bottom was in the middle of his cultivated field and when one end of the field was dry enough to plow, the other end was too wet. Drainage tile seems to have solved his problem. Mr. Small put 3 tons of crushed rock over Ihie tile in the lowest spot of the bottom. This crushed rock fa cilitates the drainage of this field. Other farmers have re ported similar good results with drainage tile. Gilliam Wood is installing 7,700 feet of 6-inch drain tile on the 1 Hayes farm. A dragline is con structing the open outlet drain age ditches now to provide out lets for the tile drainage sys tem. Mr. Wood says that he has never seen the Hayes farm so wet as it is now in these bot toms on the farm. These bot toms are causing him consider able concern in cultivating his land. Part of the field is dry enough to plow and plant and the other part is too wet. He has found that these bottoms do not generally produce good stands when we have a wet spring as we are having now. Also, Mr. Wood feels that the money he spends on drainage is well spent toward producing a good crop. Other farmers have made a similar statement con cerning drainage. The tile drain age machine started installing the tile Tuesday of this week. Dr. H. E. Nixon of Elizabeth City has started a drainage im provement program on his farm in Chowan County. His farm is located near Carroll Byrum’s farm. The existing outlet ditches on his farm are completely filled up with silt from a slight sheet erosion problem he has on the farm. A complete open ditch drainage system is planned fo the farm and construction was started Tuesday of this week. Dr. Nixon has just become a dis trict cooperator with the Albe , % FREE Dishw&siier Gerity $ 39 95 value * with each Bryant Crystalglas water heater FSi | "YOU'LL LIKE THESE BRYANT FEATURES" • Glass Fuse Weld • 10 Year Warrantee • Completely Sealed in Glass Lined Tank SljLl \ iERVICE EdMlhlL h r uiiwiwuf n> vt j [ marie Soil Conservation District ; A soil survey will be made of ; his farm and a soil and water > conservation plan prepared in co ■ operation with the district. The ■ pian will include the new drain i age system, crop rotations to 1 prevent sheet erosion, woodland > conservation, sod water • way and other conservations that 1 are needed to improve the farm and increase income. 1 T. O. Asbell of Center Hill is ■ i leasing Dr. Nixon’s farm now and 1 suggested a soil and water con > servation plan to Dr. Nixon. ’ Farmers who need drainage work should request it early in order to get the best plan drain ‘ age system possible. Soil Con ’ servation Service technicians are prepared and ready to render service to district cooperators (and others in the Albemarle Soil Conservation District. . » Solves Problem For Water Pond Marvin Jackson of Eden ton has found that it is not neces sary to have a muddy stock-wa tering pond. He dug a livestock ■ watering pond in 1955 as part of his soil and water conservation ; plan with the Albemarle Soil Conservation District. After the pond was dug the clay particles did not settle as expected and his cattle did not like the muddy water. Some thing had to be done and Mr. Jackson is a man who will seek out information. In the mean time a gasoline motor and pump was set up temporarily beside ' the pond. This method served until a solution to the problem was found. Mr. Jackson put 400 pounds of ; land plaster or agricultural gyp sum in his 0.1 acre watering ' pond. He says that the pond cleared up almost over night 1 and now the bottom can be seen I even in the deepest part of the : pond (10 feet). The cattle seem to enjoy the water both for ' drinking and wading and the ; pond is one of the best sources i for livestock water. Gypsum causes the clay par ■ tides suspended in she water to •'come together and settle to the !! bottom, leaving the water clear. i Here is now to figure how I I much gypsum is needed: Calcu ': late the acre-feet by multiplying 1 the surface area of the pond in ; acres by one-third of the maxi : mum depth of the pond measured ; in feet. Apply agricultural gyp -1 sum at the rate of about 400 ; pounds per acre-foot of water in 1 the pond. As a _ rough rule of 1 thumb, 700 pounds of gypsum should be enough to treat the ; average one-half acre pond- For small ponds, gypsum can be broadcast by shovel over the surface area; on larger ponds it . should be spread from a boat eri [ raft. This gypsum is not harmful to | fish or other marine wildlife and j Negro Home Demonstration News ] By MRS. ONNIE S. CHARLTON, Negro Home Demonstration Agent A-- - - - - /- The sixteenth annual State Council meeting of Negro Home' Demonstration Clubs will be held in Raleigh at the Memorial Au ditorium Wednesday, March 26, at 10:30 A. M. The theme is “To day’s Home Builds Tomorrow’s World.” The principal speaker will be Mrs. Harry B. Caldwell of the North Carolina State Grange. In the afternoon movie slides will be shown, giving some of the homemaking achievements made by the different counties in 1957. We would like to have a large delegation attending from Cho wan County. Saturday, eighteen Junior 4-H Club girls, carrying Clothing as a project, met at the office for a training school. Each girl was given her unit requirements for project credit. We then gave the I beginners a demonstration on | how to make a sturdy sewing box and equipment needed in their 1 sewing box. These girls will | meet again March 29, bringing their equipped sewing box and | first article for sewing in their unit. Four-H Leaders will help I WASHINGTON REPORT Washington—“lf my critics are saying we are doing too much for farmers, I must take issue.” Believe it or not, but the per son who made that statement was Secretary of Agriculture Benson. I don’t think anybody will dis agree with what the befuddled Benson said in this particular in stance, but it has taken him a long time to see the light. The statement was made in an 1 attempt to refute charges that Benson has unnecessarily run up the cost of operating the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Os course the Secretary got in dignant when such a thing was suggested. I suppose he figured he’d rise up on his hind legs and let the world know that more ought to be done for farmers. On the other hand, considering what he has done—and deliber ately—to destroy the farm pro gram, it is hard to believe he NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK ■ March 16-22, 1958 * . ■ - v- i PURE gaßolines“hold more records'for performance Get PURE-PREMIUM jgjf- WML AAMI ■■■ l im \NC\jHyi r HOnC OoJO ■ ■Wl'llOfffl * I dtaHHHHEIHIHMHHMBHHHHHHHHHHRIBIEMMIIHMMI ill THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY MARCH M, 1951. i because of the small amount | used will not affect the water for irrigational purposes or live- I stock drinking water. 1 supervise the girls in their re * spective neighborhoods. Those present were: Lillie Blount, Jean Hall, Sarah Carter, Doris Perry, Ruby Simons, Ernestine Williams, Delois Guy, Rosa Gregory, Della Brown, Yvonne Reddick, Lois Carter, Brenda Johnson, Donnelle Blount, Carrie Harrell, Carolyn Moore, Esther Nixon, Roberta Jernigan and Rosa Nixon. Two very interesting and help ful Health films were shown at the meeting of the County Home Demonstration Council Saturday. They were “Life Insurance” which brought out the importance of getting a complete physical ex amination each year and “Cancer Facts For Women.” Club officers will make reports in their respec tive home demonstration club I meetings on films. The following Council officers I were elected to serve 1958 and 1 1959: President, Mrs. Mable Jor ) dan; vice president, Mrs. Martha Ruth Carter; secretary, Mrs. Pat-, | tie Fayton; assistant secretary, Mrs. Mattie Bonner, and treas- I urer, Mrs. Rosa Overton. would make such a statement. In fact, the whole purpose of the Benson farm plan is to give less and less assistance to farm ers. In order to help stop the Ben son plan for lower and lower farm prices, the Senate Agricul ture Committee last 'week voted overwhelmingly to turn down, in ( effect, the new |3enson-Eisenhow er farm price program. Benson and the President have asked Congress to give the Secretary of Agriculture authority to make ad ditional sharp reductions in the price support level. It is obvious that there is very little support for such proposals in Congress. When the. Senate committee voted last week, only three committee members —of a total of 15 members—voted against a resolution that would freeze all price supports at the 1957 level for this crop year. Until this year, the Senate Ag riculture Committee has been al most evenly divided on the Ben son farm price program. The fact that only three members of the committee are still willing to go along with the Administration on its farm price support pro posals is evidence enough that Benson and his policies are stead ily losing favor. There is no way of knowing how long the Secretary and the President will refuse to face facts about their policies, but Congress doesn’t seem to be in any mood to listen to their proposals any more. Instead, Congress is going about its own business of writing a nejv farm price support program. Whether or not it will be the an swer, there, is no way of knowing. But one thing is sure: it will be an improvement over 'what we have now. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson of Halifax, N. C., announce the birth of their second child and first son, Edward Franklin, born March 4, in the Roanoke Rapids Hospital. Mrs. Johnson is the former Miss Virginia Downing of Route 2, Edenton. Legal Notice North Carolina, Chowan County. The undersigned, having quali fied as Administratrix of the Es tate of T. W.' Jones, deceased, late of Chowan County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said Estate to present them to the undersign ed on or before March 14, 1959, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 13th day of March. 1958. ELSIE G. JONES. Administratrix, Edenton, N. C. Mar13,20,27,Apr3.10,17c NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE i By virtue of the authority con ' ferred upon the undersigned by | order made by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Chowan Coup -1 ty, North Carolina, in the special j proceeding entitled, “Gilbert R. | Hare and wife, Lorene B. Hare, Edward J. Hare and wife. Myrtle W. Hare, Petitioners, vs. Lillie H. Dixon and husband, Charlie T. Dixon, Cornelia H. Perry and husband, Claude Perry, Defend ants,” the undersigned Commis sioner will offer for sale at pub lic biddings, for cash, to the high est bidder at the Court House door in Chowan County, North Carolina, at 11:30 A. M., on Wed nesday, April 16, 1958. the real estate in Third Township, Cho wan County, North Carolina, to wit: Beginning at a point, a chopped gum at the Northwest corner of Cornelia Hare Perry’s lands; thence North 16 deg. East 818 feet along K. R. Hare's line to a chopped white oak. Twine com er; thence South 66 deg. 15 min. East 1307 feet along J. Parker line to a chopped hickory; thence South 71 deg. 45 min. East 1262 feet along J. Forehand line to an iron stob in center of swamp; thence South 17 deg. West along run of said swamp 1380 feet, more or less, to a stake, Southeast cor ner of Cornelia Hare Perry lands; thence North 54 deg. 20 min. West 2669.5 feet along Cornelia Hare Perry’s line to the point of be ginning, containing 60.3 acres, ac cording to Survey Plat of W. Les lie Morgan, Surveyor, dated Jan uary 25, 1957, and being the same lands devised by ’Will of D. R. Hare, deceased, to his heirs at law, said Will having been duly probated and recorded in the of fice of Clerk of Superior Court for said County and State. A deposit of ten per cent (10%) in of the price yrill be required of the sue XT TT3 • w;. ■ r ■ • • t J ceasful bidder or bidders at the safe. .All bids will remain open for ten days from date of sale for raised bids as required by law. Purchaser or purchasers of the land will have Immediate pos session upon delivery of deed. Dated and posted this 15th day of March, 1958. ’ WELDON A. HOLLO WELL, CommisskmjmH ADMINISTRATRIX nS+ICD Haying qualified as Adminis tratrix of the estate df Julius Hilton Roberts, deceased, late of Chowan County,; North Carolina, this is to mptify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at .Edenton, North Carolina, on or before the 20th day of March, 1959, or this notice will be blended in bar of their recovery. -All- persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This March 20th, 1968. LILLIAN W. ROBERTS, Route 1, Boar 378 “ Edenton, N.-C. > Administratrix of Julius Hilton Roberts. • mar20,27,apr3,10,17,24c NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE North Carolina, Chowan Countv. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer i tain Deed of Trust executed by E. L. Simpson , and wife, Cenison Simpson, to Herbert Leary, Trus tee, dated April 10, 1952, and re corded in DT Book No. 63, Page 400, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Chowan County, SamoMar sr* 050 iJ 4/5 Ql. pint Product of U. S. A. BooLo tComponlyO, J Sch.nley. Pa. and Frcino, Callt. • Made . ’■ from Groin • 100 proof. e j »WWV I WVVVVVN^»VVWVVVVVVVVVVS<VVVWWVVVVS^<N»^VVVWWVVVWWVVW This General Electric Freezer is BBffi ill Sml MSI Model £' 1. All your food is in easy reach! This G-E Freezer Stores 357 pounds .where you, can reach them. 2. fits in one spare yard of floor space! Iw . - :%f >, Qn|y No trudging to the basement orgaragefQM*< . ri . Y ; 3. Close-up freezinf #etk«! ~ . rr Top and all shelves are freeing surfaces tpfjpeedier, more. SXXH.9S freezing' 110 4. Many ither G-E extra featwes! ■ - T Ana wo or urarron+u onoinct giUfftUi Bnd WOfkffldft- VKnt .....I, ...... North Carolina; And whereas under and by vir tue of the authority vested in the undersigned as substituted 'Hwi tee by an instrument in writing dated February 17, 1955, and re corded in Book No. 11, Page 239, in the Office of the Register of Deeds in Chowan County, North Carolina, default having been made ip the payment of the in debtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, and said instrument be . ing by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, and the holder of the indebtedness thereby having deihanded a foreclosure thereof for the purpose of satisfying said, indebtedness, the undersigned, substituted Trustee, will offer for sale at public auction tq the high est bidder for cash at the Court House Door in Edenton, North Carolina, at 11:30 A. M.. Satur day on the 12th day of April, 1958, a one-third undivided in- the ultimate in WORRY-FREE DRIVING? KELLY HAS II! A KELLY CELEBRITY FULLY OUAKANTIID »T KILLY SC— __ _ .. . ASK POt COMPLtTI DITAIIS / If El IV\ ("HHWb 1 ) look for tho ago of . NTIRES/ WORRY-FREE DRIVING for GUARANTEED $0.20 NEW TREADS l,l “” i nsni#e and iicappaiu tim ; SCOTT fe ACKtSS RECAPPLNG £0; I West Eden Street 10 tßdepton, N. C. I PHONES: Edenton 2688—Elizabeth City 7813 | terestvirf to the; Hereinafter described lands situate in Fourth Townwiia^Chowan County, North Carolina, to-witr ’ / \ Ail thtf&ght, title and interest and estate of the said E. L. Simpson ip and to that certain tract of land known as the Sallie Long fartn, adjoining the lands of Joseph Ai Webb, and bounded by Middleton Greek and the Yeopim river and being the place where the late Jiyj. R, Simpson lived and died "and being the same land conveyed to John R. Simp son by Moses Hobbs and wife, Oct. 1, 4?96, and registered in book E, p. 22 Chowan County Registry, l cdhtaining 112 acrek, more or less: Dated land posted this 10th day of March. 1958. WELDON A. HOLLOWELL ■ Substitute Trustee. mar20.27.apr3,10c '

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