PAGE SIX !—SECTION TWO SAM ERVIN 1 UNI ■—II I | | | 1 | Washington As further evi-j dehce of the Senate’s concern with the economic situation, two concurrent resolutions were pro posed last week by Lyndon John son, Democratic Majority Lead er. I was glad to join in as co sponsor of the resolutions along with many other Senate mem bers. Relieve Economic Distress The resolutions seek to spur action on present military and ci vilian construction projects in or der to relieve unemployment. Funds have already been appro priated for these varied and wide ly scattered projects, but it is felt that actual work on these should be speeded up. Support by both Democrats and j Republicans shows unwillingness I by Congress to accept the Ad-' ministration viewpoint of waiting longer before taking action of this’ sort. One resolution deals with ci vilian construction and the other with military projects. Except for the designation of civil and the wording of the two is identical. They read as fol lows: “Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concur ring), That since there is substan tial and growing unemployment in many areas of the country since many of the productive fa cilities of our economy are either idle or only partially occupied 1 since there is a clear danger in volved in permitting an economic | NAAS NOTES | Ey IRENE JORDAN iHNiuiiHiiMimiiiiuiMMim iiinniiiiniiiininnir«Hi'“iiinniiiiinnHtuwiHMniminMim*iniiiiiiMMiiMii[»i ■» — Mrs. John Hyneman and chil- 1 dren, Carol and Barbara of Cher- i ry Point spent the week-end of March 8-9 visiting with Col. and Mrs. W. A. Freee in Westover Heights. The wives of MABS held their monthly coffee at the home of Mrs. Dora Shoffner Thursday,' March 6, at 1:30 P. M. Mrs. R. M. Boudreaux was co-hostess with Mrs. Shoffner. j Major and Mrs. A. T. Wood en- 1 tertained at a bridge party on Saturday night, March 8. Guests present were Maj. and Mrs. W. H. 1 Jackson, Lt. and Mrs. E. E. Gre-1 benstein, Lt. and Mrs. Sheldon Emerson, Col. and Mrs. C. W. Boggs, Mrs. E. H. Koehler and! Mrs. Paul Leahy. Mrs. Ronald Perkins of New York City, N. Y., spent last week visiting with her brother-in-law j and sister. Major and Mrs. Geo. • Bk>\yman. A hearty welcome home to Squadson 225 who has just re- \ turned to Edenton after 6 weeks in Puerto Rico. ! Vi\ TIME FOR | ! j STORM STOP ! I*: \ PATENTED -j j AWNINGS ;; THE gat FOR SUN, RAIN, and HURRICANE j •• PROTECTION...AND THE WtU FOR YOUR MONEY. | \: 36 MONTHS TO PAY • | TWHBY INS. & REAL ESTATE, INC. ! : 103. E. King St. PHONE 2163 Edenton, N. G. i j ■ | downturn to continue nnchecked : | until it becomes unmanageable 11 and unresponsive to even a maxi mum effort to take corrective ac tion; and since here are many au thorized and urgently needed civ il (and military) construction pro jects for which substanial appro priations have already been made; “It is hereby declared to be the sense of the Congress that all such construction programs for which funds have been appro priated should be accelerated to the greatest practicable extent so as to achieve the desirable objec tives of reducing ,unemployment, putting our productive facilities to fuller use, and moving forward i the date of completion of these | projects which will contribute ' greatly to enhanced national pro ductivity and continued economic '< growth and prosperity.” Expression of Congress As Senator Johnson said in in troducing the Resolutions, Con gress is not the action arm of the Government in this matter. He pointed out that while we can grant authority and make appro priations, Congress cannot ad minister the laws nor can we ac tually construct the projects that will put people to work. He underscored the importance I of the Reylutions when he said that Congress can and should ex oress our feeling that the action arm of the Government, the exec utive, should accelerate the pro jects. i Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hendricks ! of Bluefield, W. Va., spent last ; week-end visiting with their son ; in-law and daughter, Lt. and Mrs. Bob Noble. NAAS welcomes Dr. and Mrs. Basal Langoni, who have been transferred here from Cherry ' Point. Dr. Langoni is the new dentist at the dispensary. They arrived in Edenton on Tuesday, March 11. The Chapel Guild of NAAS met on Tuesday, March 11. The new -1 ly-elected officers of the Guild 1 are as follows; Mrs. Mathew Cur- I ry, president; Mrs. George Dau phine, secretary; and Mrs. Betty Waldorf, treasurer. | Lt. and Mrs. Dick Dennis have j returned to Edenton after spend ing several weeks in Massachu setts. Warrant Officer Gerald Chas l man of DeLuth, Minnesota, was | the week-end house guest of Lt. i and Mrs. Sheldon Emerson. Maj. and Mrs. W. H. Jackson sq.ent last week-end visiting ■ friends at Camp Lejeune. 1 - Vlyw. —■ Tips to Improve Your Hood writing • The race to keep ahead of the Russians haa resulted in a 1 greater emphasis on college education for Americans than ever before. * Several million Americans will be graduating from colleges this June and hundreds of thousands Will be starting their college educations in the fall. Thousands of scholarships will help many young men to All the need for scientists and professionals. - Yet, paradoxically, an over-* whelming number of these stu dents, and other adults, cAnnoi write their own name legibly! Mrs. Claire Slote, author of a new McGraw-Hill book titled, “Improve Your Handwriting,” says, "The handwritten word is a precious, practical craft- passed down through the ages. More than any other skill, it distingu ishes- civilized man from the barbarian.” What has happened to the second “R” today? "Poor hand writing annually is costing us tens of millions of dollars in lost business, and undeliverable mail is heavy enough to sink a battle ship,” says the Handwriting Foundation of Washington, D. C. "We are a nation of illegible scribblers. Education has not taught many of us how to write legibly.” Americans who can recite everything from “Casey at the Bat” to Shakespeare, and who demonstrate on quiz shows what knowledge they have acquired, never could write down all the facts legibly. The Foundation, a non-profit group of educators and business men, is helping schools evaluate their methods, so that the pres ent trend toward specialization does not neglect the cultivation of legible handwriting. But even The Officers Wives’ Club spon- j I 1 sored a delightful and education- j a] Fashion Show and Dessert-' Coffee on Wednesday, March 5, at' 1:30 at the Officers’ Club. The clothes and accessories were from The Betty Shoppe of Edenton. The theme for both the decora tions and show was “From Larvae To Butterfly.” Hostesses for the event were Mrs. C. W. Boggs and Mrs. R. T. Whitten; the decora tions committee consisted of Mrs. i E. E. Carpenter, Mrs. A. Miranda, i Mrs. G. R. Waterstreet and Mrs. I R. T. Whitten; the commentator I was Mrs. C. W. Boggs, and the j models were Mrs. William Bethel, j Mrs. George Bowman, Mrs. j George Ross, Mrs. Sheldon Emer- j son, Mrs. John Barnette, Mrs. H. I G. Gillis, Mrs. John Groover, Mrs. 1 E. E. Smith, Mrs.*' Hetty Black,' Mrs. Reginald HavifU, Mrs. Steve Schuster, Mrs. T. W. Whitten, Mrs. L. D. Wydick and Miss Su- J san Wydick. Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Powell of Kansas City, Missouri are visit- j ing with their son-in-law and i daughter, Capt. and Mrs. Bud Baker. Lt. and Mrs. D. F. Skinner are the proud new parents of a 7-lb.; 2-oz. baby girl born Friday, March 15, at the Chowan Hospi tal. The next luncheon of the Offi-1 cers Wives’ Club will be held on Tuesday, March 25, at ttle offi cers’ club. Social hour 'Will be gin at 1:00 P. M., and luncheon i will be served at 1:30 P. M. Mrs. — - To Top the Market with Top Yields... B field* and uniformity. and freedom firom disease. - LAB TOiflFßlffPlll ■ For y6ur protection. , THE STANDARD with professional E. L. PEARCE, Seedsman "QUALITY SEEDS OP KNOWN ORIGIN ” Route 3 PHONE 3839 Edenton, N.C. '_•..• v T - ** THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, WORTH CAROLINA, TtiPRSDAY MARCHM, 19& , ~ ■■ - ■ rib 5=3 I f—*L . adults long out of school can improve their own writing. Here 1 are four steps that will bring immediate improvement: 1. Watch out fer tricky letters. Close the loop in letters like "a". "g”. “a". Don’t close up looped letters like "e". "I". "f". Don't loop non-iooped strokes like "t", , "l", 2. Be careful of "twin” num bers. Don't make a "7” look like a "1". or your "3" look like a 3. Srt properly when writing. Keep erect With shoulders slight ly forward, hips back la seat, facing desk squarely. Keep belh forearms on the desk, feet flat ; on the Coer, and place papr-r di rectly in front of you at a slant. 4. Score yourself. Check yeur lettc.r formation, slant, -spaces i between words, alignment, i gin 3 End arrangements, and i overall nia’tnec-E. ! Ruth Brent, author of ‘Time for j a Party,” Will present ihe pro -1 gram. Nine different table set- I i tings will be demonstration by j Mrs. Brent. Mrs. John-.Barentte and Mrs. J. H. LaVoy, hostesses, will receive reservations which must be in by Saturday, March I. 22nd. j Lending their services to the' Business and Wo- 1 ; men’s fashion show March 13 ! were Mrs. C. W. Boggs, who was | the commentator, Mrs. E. E. j j Smith, Mrs. Steve Schuster, Mrs. i j R. C. Barrett, Miss Randy Nash j and, Miss Anne Stacy, who were j models. i The wives of Squadron 211 held | their monthly coffee at the Offi- I cers’ Club on Tuesday, March 18. Hostesses were Mrs. Simon J. Kittler, Mrs. Larry Bagwell and 1 Mrs. Dick Connallv. The pro ; gram included a talk on “Safety I Measures” by Capt. Charles New -1 mark. I ! Mrs. C. W. Boggs honored Mrs. Sheldon Emerson with a surprise | birthday party on Monday, March 111. Guests present were: Mrs. 1 Paul Leahy, Mrs. C. H. Koehler, j ; Mrs. B. Skinner, Mrs. George | Parker, Mrs. A. T. Wood, Mrs. j Larry Holdridge and Mrs. R. T.! | Whitten. i Little Matthew Jeffrey LaVoy, son of Major and Mrs. J. H. La- Voy was Christened Sunday, March 16, at St. Ann’s Catholic | Church by Father Hill. Lt. Col. j 1 and Mrs. Patrick Harrison of Nor- I ~- - ft'"' 1 , . -..-.ft#- iV •• . t 1 ■*, folk, Matthew’s god-parents, and their two children attended the Christening. 103 Persons Receive OM Age Assistance Mrs. J. H. McMullan, superin tendent of public welfare, reports that during February 103 persons received old age assistance with ■ $3,446 being distributed. There j were 13 cases of aid to dependent children who received $759. Twenty-eight cases of aid to per manently and totally disabled re ceived $1,120 and 13 aid to blind cases received $5lO. There were 13 emergency as sistance cases requiring the ex penditure of $217.59 and $457.18 for hospitalization, of which the county’s share was $268.68. 1 Service cases included service to 35 individual children, two medical and health care cases, two cases of non-support of chil dren, 10 to adoptive homes, four adult parolees under supervision, ( one family adjustment, one adult mental problem and two voca tional rehabilitation cases. There were 117 interviews with assist ance cases and 93 service cases only. TRY A HERALD CLASSIFIED NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK March 16-22,1958 Commissioners’ \ Proceedings \■: A • The County Commissioners met 1 Monday, March 3, 1958 with all members present including Chair man W. W. Byrum, J. A. Webb, J. R. Peele, C. J. Holloweii and W. E. Bond The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved and the following bills were ordered paid; Mrs. Ethel Baker, refunds on 4957 tax fire district, $1.21; J. L. Chestnutt, Postmaster, postage for County Accountant’s office, $1.50; Thomas Gardner Burke, janitor services, $18.00; Edenton Construction Co., $80.02; Federal Reserve Bank, withholding tax, $742.30; The Peoples Bank & Trust Co., bonds and coupons, $5,080.19; Peoples Bank & Trust Co., $5.00; Orthopedic Clinic, $15.00; H. S. Small, rent, $25.00; Twiddy Insurance & Real Estate Co., rent, $60.00: District Health [Department, $937.73; Edenton Chamber of-Commerce, $100.00; j Henry Bunch, salary list taker, ! $186.09; T. D. Berryman, salary list taker, $144.15; Ward Hoskins, salary list taker, $119.25; H. S. Small, rent, $55.00; Carolyn C. M/’Mullan, travel. $42.35; Hazel S. Elliott, travel, $51.80; Martha W. Bunch, postage, $40.00; Shirley Holley, janitress, $3.05; Edenton Office Supply, $12.91; Mrs. E. L. Belch, member welfare board, ' $35.00; Lloyd E. Bunch, member l welfare board, $35.00; 15. M. bar ren, member Welfare board, $30.00; The Chowan Herald, $69.30; Agricultural Engineering Extension, $2.60; Bank of Eden tan, rent, $420.00; Bank of Eden ton, service charge, $9.82; Belk ’ Tyler, $9i44; J. C„ Blanchard, $20.42; J. A. Bunch, $51.63; Burk head-DeVane Printing Co., $91.39; Chowan Hosoftal: For Elijah Morris $225.42, for Willie' Ryan $43.26; Obici- Memorial Hospital, for Cynthia Simmons, $5.00; Coastal Office Equipment Co., $115.02; Cuthrell’s Dept. Store, $36.57; Dept, of Conservation & Development, $119,34; Edenton Ice Co., $356.56; Gatling & Pierce, 73c; Heavy Mortar Co., heating armory, $15.00; C. H. Jemigan, $7.00; Leggett & Davis, $8.68; Mitchell Printing Co., $3.33; Mai dred Morris, home agent, tele phone bill, $27.90; W. L. Miller, $10.15; National Association of County' Officials, dues, $30.00; National Market Reports, $43.75; Norfolk & Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co.: For Welfare Department $11.15, for J. B. Small $7.80, for Register of Deeds SB.IO, for Tax Supervisor $7.25, for County Ac countant $7.40, for Soil Cohserva tion Service $6.65, for Clerk Su perior Court $15.10; C. W. Over man, telephone bill and supplies, * $24.75: P & Q Super Market, $34.00; Ralph E. Parrish, $8.05; ! Parker’s Drop-In, $15.00; Per quimans County Welfare Depart ment, $15.00; Pioneer Mfg. Co., janitor supplies. $31.52; E. W. Spires, $38.30; State Commission For The Blind, $170.06: Town of Edenton. $72.08; J. T. Twine, $38.55; M. J. Tynch, $32.90; Ber tram Byrura, board of prisoners, telephone and janitor supplies, $381.75; Worrell Laboratories. $52.50: Haywood Phthisic, refund 1956-57 taxes. $28.07; General sal aries for February. -$4,189.75; Thos. G. Burke, $6.00; Edenton Chamber of Commerce, adv. in State Magazine. SIOO.OO. On motion duly seconded that SIOO be donated toward Fat Stock Show. On motion of J. R. Peele, sec onded bv J. A. Webb that Golden A. Frinks* be granted permission to apply for a beer license to op erate Mexicana on Highway 32. On motion of W. E. Bond, sec onded by J A. Webb that Peo ples Bank & Trust Co., be used as depository for withholding tax of county employees. On motion duly seconded and carried that W. W. Byrum, chair man, be authorized to pay bonds and coupons in the amount of $24,280.63. The Board of County Commis 'sioners will meet as a tax board of equalization and review March 17, 1958 at 10 o’clock A. M. Mr. John A. Holmes, Superin tendent of Edenton Schools, was called in. by the Commissioners to voice complaints which had I f ,y ' -» > '' • A' - ••• Melrose RARE V / BST’O 1 -1 Melrose I ■ v>vy? - * - *"< li* ' ▼ „■ -'A -3 - . . _ I * -£ nrl I 2 60X GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS McLkOSc DISTILLERS £O. N, Y I I I ' •• v \ - j,,r^ , ■~f \ been clirectfed to’ the ElemfehttttY School concerning fire hazard. Mr. Holmes pointed out to the Commissioners that the school had been inspected by the prob er authorities and they informed him that- the building met the ne , cessary state requirements, .how ever written report is pending. The following names were drawn to serve as jurors for the April term of 'Superior Court: ! Thomas E. Francis, Lloyd Lane, ; Henry Copeland, P. E. Jordan, R. F. Jordan, William GoOdwin. Sr., George S. Goodwin, Henry : Jordan, Ralph Dale, B, M. Hollo l well, Jr., Lester T. Copeland, Dal las Jethro, George E. Privott, ; Haywood Thomas Hollowell, E. J. Goodwin, Charlie T. Dixon, Jr.. Irvin D. Spivey, C. C. Nixon, John A. Bunch, P. C. Ashley, Jr., Henry Bunch, Eugene Baker. Charlie Fain, C. R. Satterfield, James Kermit Layton, Willie T. Boyce, K. W. Smith, C. Yates Par rish. Jr.. Mack Jordan, Carlton W. Goodwin, H. H. Lane, E. B. Blanchard, G. Albert Keeter, Ver non Halsev, J. C. Hendrix. W. R. Eason, J. E. Perry, Jr., J. Thomas Brabble,'. MarceUe Ward, Clarence E. Bembry. Jesse F. Harrell, T. Bembury H. Wood, George W. Bennett. T. J. Jackson, Frank , Lenox Williams. George P. Hol land, Clifton Mitchell, Leslie E ! Blanchard, Albert Bunch, Earl G. Harrell. The following reports were ac cepted and ordered filed: C. W. Overman, County Agent; R. S Marsh. Assistant Countv Agent: ,T. A. Bunch. Sheriff; Treasurer: J. B. Small. Neero County Aeent; Onnie S. Charlton. Home Agent; Maidred Morris, Home Agent; Chowan County Welfare There being no further business the me ot ir" T w n s adinurned. w W BYRUM. Chairman BERTHA W. RUNOH, Clerk To Board i==—= * deft .on Feed & I Livestock Ccmpany j PHONE 3515 l» | > 'j V l *-' H.XI r llots "[GjB ..... ... For SALE ALBANIA | ACRES I I LOTS j 63 x 134 • l I HOBBS I | ACRES | 3 LOTS I 100x150 | On 17* South O Pine Grove| I Terrace I 2 LOTS I 100 x 200 I On 17 North • 1 K ■ Wood Lawn Park ! CORNER I LOT I 100x200 I Oil Rt. 32 North , l I |. i idt ;; IW. Queen I Street 66 x 170 High and , Desirable 0 jo/’Vif— it ’fit, 4 „ Loeption r. I? i . Campen Smith A • Auctions | " PHBCTE 2211 j. r 1 - $ ami * 1 «' *37 w-. « Vi f ' | 'Jt: L * * J