TreasjjmOver The Years 1 If :'s By D. McCREADY AV-, —r~— -*w»— ■■■ —r l . Kdltar’a Nate: Ala U on* m* a Series •t artle'M wrttteai iy Joka D. Me- Craady, kead at the Knglhk Depart ment at Ckowaa Cellege. Mr. Mc- Crtady tor 1« ,„ear* waa pastor of the First Baptist tihareb at Morjknton and Served aa army chaplain in World War H and waa state chaplain for fee Am wipaa Legion. Since connected with Chowan College, Mr. MeCready has preached at many churches In this Brea. Throughout our state, belfotial musics is being heard this Ipilnth, - as regional choir festivals are held. At Chowan College on a recent night several children’s choirs were included in a pro gram given toy various churches of the surrounding section#? Few of the boys and girls who are members of these choirs Rea lize how much some day they may prize and cherish the experi ence they are now- having 'Mem ory in the years ahead wilfrfeng back beautiful melodies, and great words of Scripture and of sacred song will come like? angels to their aid in times of need. A stranger had just registered eat the largest hotel ip one of reNorth Carolina’s leading cities. The manager, a plump and pleas ant man of middle age, noticed his signature. “That name of yours," he said, “interests me.” He went on, to \ ask whether the man was by chance related to a minister of the same last name whom h% had known years before. ‘Yes—somewhat,” replied the' guest; “he was my father.” 1 “Really,” exclaimed the mana-| ger. “Well, I sang in the boys’l choir in his church.” Then, not ing the interest in the ,other’s face, he asked, “Have you a few minutes? I’d like to show you something.” He led the' way to the elevator, while a clerk took over at the desk. As they were carried upward, the hotel man continued the con versation. “I prize very much,” , he said, “what I am about tdj;Show ! you.” ■ i In a few moments they enter ed his apartment, and' the'mana ger showed him a quiet ."nook, where a solitary picture was’plac ed. Before them a cherubic boy of SHOPPING FOR EASTER WHERE THE SELECTION IS LARGEST? There are more than 200 apparel stores morf than 2,000 retail establishments —in Norfolk. You’ll find large selections and wide va riety—all at down-to-earth prices in friendly Norfolk. EVERY DAY A TrailwayS f EARLY BIRD SPECIAL V bus leaves Edenton at 6:20 A. M., 'and arrives <gt~ the terminal in downtow4 -Nor folk at 8:40. ; You can spend the day leisurely shopping in the wide variety of stores. Re turn buses leave downtown Norfolk terminal at 1:30 and 5:45 P. M., and in Edenton at 3:50 and 8:00 P. M. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, THERE'S A SHOPPING imomATim ' booth in Trailways Norfolk terminal. If you’re fior fa- I miHajr-Aritk the stops in I Norfolk, stop at the' Shop- I ping Information booth. The I Attendants, who will be oh - I iiOm JWw untH . I will be glad to provide all Igp-gg ' , , * I jfe M CJTJ All T ibg I ten, clad in the white vestments of a chorister, smiled across the years. “There I am,” announced the older man; then lie added softly “How much that picture means to me!” , - More and more, men and wo men will be saying words like those in the years ahead. One of the marked developments of our day is the promotion of mus ic in the church’s life. And' the maintenance of choirs for chil dren and youth has a purpose that takes in the entire congregation. The motto of the famous West minister Choir College at Prince ton is a vefse from the Bible: “Let ALL the people praise Thee.” A wonderful thing takes place in a child’s life when music at its best is given a chance to play its part during his impressionable years. The youngster becomes aware of the sweetness and joy which belong to true religion, and the reverence which goes with genuine worship. He comes to understand the great words writ ten of old, “O, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.” In a noted church in New York City the huge pipe organ is lo cated partly by the choir stalls and partly in the rear of the edi fice. Across the base of the lat ter portion are words from the l last Psalm, written in letters of | gold: “LET EVERYTHING THAT (HATH BREATH PRAISE THE LORD.” If those words may be applied to a pipe organ, greatest of wind instruments, their direct and highest application is to human beings God’s children, into whom He has breathed the breath of life. VFW Hot Line] Post 9280 By J. NASH r* This is the first issue to feature the “VFW Hot-Line” column from Veterans of Foreign Wars, William H. Coffield, Jr., Post No. 9280. I hope the column will serve its purpose to keep mem bers and the community inform ed on the happenings and goings on of the Edenton VFW. On Tuesday night, March 11, nominations were accepted for 1958 officers of the Post. Sev eral nominations were submitted through the chair for all Post of ficers with exception of second and third year trustees. Tuesday night, March 18, featured further nominations and the political bat tle is on. After the nominations are closed a list of candidates will be announced both through this newspaper and by radio. Elec tions are to be held the last Tues day night in March which by my calendar shows to bp March 25. Needless to say, which I’m sure has been said before, that all members should show enough in terest to at least help install the officers that will govern their post for the next full year, Saturday,’ March 15, was a day many folk will remember who attended the chicken barbecue at the Post home. There was those that tried this delicacy for the first time and vowed to help have this treat more often. I very much enjoyed myself and at this writing, rio one is reported to have suffered adversely at a very successful Saturday afternoon. Earl White, the out-going Post commander, this week was select ed “VFW Man of the Week” from Post 9280. In selecting Earl for this award, Commander White was commended for his work, particularly in promoting mem bership. With 29 members to his credit since the first of the year, Earl now leads the Post in this department. On March ,1 he re ported a 100 per cent member ship. Earl is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Watson White of Edenton and i£ a native of Edenton. He served two years with the Army during World War H*and took part with General Eisenhow- 1 er’s troops in their campaign in ( Northern France. Earl attended Wake Forest College for three years prior to military service. He now works as supervisor to J. G. Wood at Hayes farm in Eden ton. He also serves as stock con- for Mr. Wood./’ EaVl is married to the forma- Ruth Perry, of Edenton. They hfve three children: Bryant,.age 15, Brenda age 9, and Jill age 4. Ear! and his family reside at Hayes term (in Ldenton. LonifAtuiuionfi, Post commander for I#§7. j THE CHPWAW HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY MARCH 20. 1958. broadcast live from the VFW Post home each Saturday after noon at 3 o’clock is meeting with' very good success. As you may or may not know, the doors are open to the public from 2-5 P. M., each Saturday. The dance pro gram, however, does not stop with the end of the broadcast. The juke box is turned on and cost absolutely nothing. Mothers and dads, the teetjj are welcome during these hours and a* member of the VFW is always on hand to serve candies, cookies and soft drinks. No alcoholic beverages are dispensed during the hours of 2 P. M„ through 6 P. M., on Sat urdays. Randy Lee and the swing combo furnish the music and en tertainment. On Sunday, March 16, a dele gation headed by Commander White, journeyed to Goldsboro, N. C., to hear the National Com mander-in-Chief of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, R. L. Rowde bush. The commander urged all Posts to continue the membership drive and to give all eligible vet erans a chance to become mem bers of the American Veterans of Foreign Wars. He spoke out against certain elements in Wash ington who are trying to elimin ate veterans’ benefits. There are nearly 16 and one-half million American veterans, some dis abled. Legislation must not be allowed that will eliminate any of the few benefits now afforded veterans. The National Com mander journeys to Washington on March 25 to confer with Pres ident Eisenhower to outline the Veterans of Foreign Wars’ pro gram for the coming year. Those from Edenton attending the conference in addition to Commander Earl White were Senior Vice Commander George Ward, Junior Vice Commander Buck Langdale, Cowboy White, Jim Basnight and this reporter, i Wonderful success is reported at the weekly Saturday night dances. This dance, at first, show ed a slow start. During the past month, however, attendance has boomed and from all reports ev erybody indicates a good time by returning again and again. Since the dances have been made a per manent and continuing project as an entertainment outlet for the community, the club has been continuing its decorating project. A new stage has been constructed and new white table cloths are being utilized on all tables. A new high-fidelity public address music system is installed and oth er improvements are planned to make this a worthwhile club for all who enjoy visiting with their neighbors and hayfag good, clean, •wholesome fun. Admittance to the Saturday night dance is limit ed to couples and members only. You need not be a member so long as you accompany a young lady. Admission is only SI.OO per couple. Music from 9-12 by Ran dy Lee and his swing combo. That’s all the news at this time —see you next week! Edenton Police Arrest 76 During February Chief of Police George I. Dail reports that Edenton police made 78 arrests in January with 76 found guilty as charged. The ar rests included 50 white males, eight white females, 18 colored males and two colored females. Leading the arrests were 25 for not having a town automobile tag, followed with 18 miscellane ous traffic arrests, 15 for not hav ing a state license tag. There were only two drunks arrested during the month. Fines amounted to $662.50 and costs $414.15’, for_a total of sl,- 076.65. Os this amount $261.70 was turned back to the town in way of officers’ fees. During the month police an swered 50 calls, investigated sev en automobile accidents, recover ed one stoleii automobile, worked four funerals, reported 28 street lights out, extended 19 courtesies, found 26 doors unlocked, made 12 investigations, answered five fire alarms and issued 589 park ing tickets. They made h,®54 ra dio calls and were ®» one I hour, 27 Runui&r and 50 Seconds. • '-ft-gA.» Litter R*w* Snhieet At 4-fftTub Meeting The 4-H Club members of the Rocky Hock*-School presented a chapel program at their meeting , on March 13, on the control of lit ter bugs. This original program vas given in observance of Ra tional 4-H Chib Week and fol lowed theme of Worth Caro tin* 4-H dubs, which was “Keep J Worth Carolina Clean and Beau ’the narrator asking evervohe to stand and take an oath to be a member of the '“Litter Patrol”. *ll Members participating in the program were: Joe Gardner, Gene Harrell, Billy Nixon, Mar vin Ray Smith, Carroll Tynch, Nancy Bass, Janice Bryant, Avis Bunch, Glenda Bunch, Lillian Etheridge, Sandra Harrell, Mary Ellen Ober, and Margaret Tynch. , Mutual Troubles Texan—Texas is a great state. You can board a train at dawn, and 24 hours later you will still be in Texas. Miss Ohio —We have trains 1 like that in our state, too! Town Council 1 Proceedings . Ly d Edenton, N. C., March 11, 1958 ’ The Town Council met this day in regular session at 8 P. M. Members present: Mayor Ernest P. Kehayes, J. Clarence Leary, J. Edwin Bufflap, John Mitchener, 1 Jr., George A. Byrum, Luther C. Parks and Raleigh B. Hollowell. Minutes of the February meet ing were approved as read. | Motion was made by Luther C. Parks; seconded by J. Clarence Leary and duly carried that Charlie H. Jernigan be granted a permit to operate a taxicab. t Motion was made by John I Mitchener, Jr., seconded by J.! Clarence Leary, and duly carried j that SIOO be appropriated to the I Edenton Junior Chamber of Com- • merce for use in staging its an- 1 nual Chowan County Fat Stock; Show. Motion was made by Luther C. ! Parks, seconded by J. Clarence Leary, and duly carried that the I petition for improvements to Wil- ’ liamson Street and Barker Road . be withdrawn in accordance with 1 a request by petition signed by i a majority of the property own- I ers. 1 Motion was made by George A. Byrum, seconded by Luther C. 1 Parks and duly carried that the Board of Public Works be au thorized to negotiate with C. D. Lowther for a lot fronting on i Cemetery Street and that J. Clar ence Leary and J. Edwin Bufflap be appointed as a committee to work with a committee from the Board of Public Works on this negotiation. Motion was made by R. B. Hol lowell, seconded by George A. Byrum, and duly carried that the town engineer, W. F. Freeman, Inc., be instructed to advertise for bids for curbing, gutters, and storm drainage on Albania Street and that the bids be available for the Council to review at their regular meeting ori April Bth. Motion wps made by George A. Byrum, seconded by J. Clarence Leary, and duly carried that town engineers, Wm. F. Freeman, Inc., be instructed to advertise for bids for completion of. the Hicks Street project and that the bids I be ready for the Council to re-1 view at their meeting on April 1 WllWu>, [farm for sale ] By authority given the undersigned by all the heirs of John j J. Byrum, deceased, the undersigned will sell at public auction ( for cash to the highest bidder on March 29, 1958, at twelve o’clock noon, at the Court House door in Edenton, North Caro lina, that farm formerly owned by John J. Byrum, deceased, lo cated approximately 18 miles North of Edenton near Ryland, lying in Third Township, Chowan County, North Carolina, des ' cribed as follows: (1) Commencing at the gate on the main road running South 23J/2 degrees West 6 chains to a dead pine, then South 88 de grees West 8 1/10 chains to a sweet gum in the center of ; branch, then along center of said branch to the run of Sandy run swamp, then along run of swamp to Donnie Byrum’s line, then along said Donnie Byrum’s line to the first station, con taining thirty-six (36) acres. This being John J. Byrum’s part of the land owned by his father C. S.. Byrum, deceased, home i pla6e. [ (2) A small tract of land adjoining the above bounded as follows: Beginning at a pine stump, where J. J. Byrum, R. S. | Ward and J. D. Ward corners running an Easterly course 55]/? , feet to the New road, thence a Southernly course along New i Road to J. J. Byrum’s line 380 feet, thence a Southernly course along said line to the first station. Containing one-fourth acre, more or less. m This land has the following allotments : 3.9 ACRES PEANUTS 2.3 ACRES COTTON 7.4 ACRES CORN . < Reserved and excepted from the above land is the Byrum family graveyard containing approximately one-half acre, the boundaries of which have been marked. , / The successful bidder at this sale will be required to make a deposit of five £5%) per cent of his bid pending advanced bid, said sale to remain open for ten (10) days for advanced bid to be made to the undersigned. In event of advance bid there will be a Re-sale of this property. JOHN W. GRAHAM •I ... . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Bth. Mayor Kehayes appointed Ra leigh B. Hollowell to work with a committee from the Chamber of Commerce relative to a park ing area in the rear of business firms on the east side of Broad Street between King Street and Queen Street. Motion was made by J. Clar ence Leary, seconded by J. Ed-1 win Bufflap, and duly carried that Jesse L. Harrell be appoint ed to the Board of Trustees of Chowan Hospital for a term of three years. i Motion was made by John Mitchener, Jr., seconded by J. ‘ Clarence Leary and duly carried that Electric and Water Depart ment bills in the amount of $48,- 882.60 be paid. Motion was made by George A. Byrum, seconded by J. Edwin Bufflap and duly carried that Town of Edenton bills in the OTTICE M. SAWYER INTERIOR - EXTERIOR PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING PHONE 4442 906 Greenleaf Street Elizabeth City, N. C. • ■■■■• J x • ** Cooperation pays on the party line, too Whenever people cooperate things work smoother, faster, better. Certainly this is true of the telephone party line. When you surrender the line immediately in an emergency, hang up the receiver carefully, and use the line sharingly you help everyone to a bigger share of better telephone service . . . includmg yourself. <njgjg, „ Nor. & Car. Tel. & Tel Co. '•iHiifej 1 iNOIMSMN' I Elizabeth City - Edenton - Hertford _ 1 ' Manteo - Sunbury ■ " amount of $3,373.24 be paid as follows: Coastal Office Equipment Co., $7.53; The Chowan Herald, $17.00; L 8T C Mayers, $107.88; William ston Office Supply, 40c; Norfolk & Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co., $4.55; Norfolk & Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co., $9.20; Twiddy Sign Service, $20.00; Sinclair Refining Co., $174.83; Bancraft Cap Co., $24.67; Edenton Ice Co., $38.18: Pioneer Mfg. CoT, $19.75; Bunch’s Auto Parts. $31.10; 8.8. H. Motor Co., , $47.99; Town of Edenton (City i Tags), $2.00; Bruce Whitehurst, . $29.00; Dail & Ashley Machine Shop. 85c; Norfolk & Carolina Tei. & Tel. Co., $13.13; C. W. Wil liams, $17.86; Railway Express, $6.24; Sinclair Refining Co., $19.74: W. F. Miller, $25.00; Dail & Ashley Machine Shop, $1.50: Ricks Laundry, $6.00; Byrum Hardware Co., $7.39: Motorola Communications & Electronics, Inc., $30.00; Southern Oxygen 1 Co., $12.14; Volunteer Firemen, $193.00; Sinclair Refining Co., $281.74; Thurston Motor Lines, $18.47; Dail & Ashley Machine Shop, $1.80; M. G. Brown Co., Inc., $13.47; 8.8. H. Motor Co., $22.73; Bunch’s Auto Parts, $310.37; Hobbs Implement Co., $13.58; Edenton Ice Co., $23.00; Ack Ack Exterimnating Co., $15.00; Edenton Tractor & Imple- i ment, $52.88; Albemarle Motor Co., $31.00; N. C. Equipment Co., $40.42; Hampton Roads Tractor & Equipment Co., $218.00; Superior. Stone Co., $64.97; Norfolk South- ' Iwanttosell( —CONTACT— I Campen-Smith I Phone 2412 EDENTON, N. C. Phone 2211 | NOTICE DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP FORMERLY KNOWN AS P & Q FOOD CENTER Public notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between Henry G. Quinn and H, M. Phthisic, trad ing as P & Q Food Center and sometimes known as P & Q Super Market has been dissolved. The undersigned Haywood M. Phthisic, gives public notice that he is no longer as sociated with Henry G. Quinn in the op eration of any business and is not respon sible for any debts or obligations which may be incurred by said Henry G. Quinn in the operation of any business. This 10th day of March, 1958. Haywood M. Phthisic* V.. . ■ - r Champion bourbon ; i 1 I Chorniy I PLANTS ■ FRESNO *445 8085 Fifth Zji^r 8 Years Old | Straight Bourbon Whiskey 1 —— _ PAGE SEVEN r— SECTION TWO 1 1 ern Railway, $598.27; Kennan & , Corey PlumbiwfoCo., $2.85; Blue , Ridge Stone Corp.,-$169.73; Eden ton Construction Co., $276.25; | Mrs. M. L. Bunch, $25.75; High Point Blue Printers, $25.00; Rail way Express Agency, $2.88; Eden -1 ton Chamber of Commerce, 1 $103.00; Ernest P. Kehayes, 1 $25.75; Nationwide Fire Insurance | Co., sllO 00; Ernest J. Ward, Jr., '; $39.40; Wall Street Journal, . $20.00. ! There being no further business the Council adiourned. \ ERNEST J. WARD, JR.. ' Clerk.

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