SOCIETY NEWS Returns Home Mrs. J. E. Wood returned Wed nesday from Front Royal, Va. Return Home Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wood, whq spent a few days in Raleigh last week, have returned to their home here. While there their daughter, Mrs. John Ed Pittard, of Oxford was their guest and also Mrs. Milo Crawford of Chap el Hill. Sunday At Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Brickie and Jack Badham spent Sunday at Nags Head. Visits In Elizabeth City Mrs. Annie Davis returned on Tuesday after a visit of several days with her daughter, Mrs. Marsha Meads and Mrs. Sharber it) Elizabeth City. Wilson Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Brame Morrison of Wilson spent the week-end with Mrs. Brame’s mother, Mrs. E. W. Bond. In Florida Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Stallcup are spending several weeks with their daughter in Florida. Visit In Danville Mrs. Marvin Jackson and R. L. Chesson spent the week-end in' Danville,. Va., with Mrs. Jack-j son’s brother, J. H. Chesson, who is critically ill. Norfolk Visitors Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Goodwin' of Norfolk were guests Sunday of her aunt, Mrs. Joseph Haste. In Hospital W. W. Byrum, Sr., is a patient at Duke Hospital, Durham. fa Chapel Hill Hospital Dr. Wallace Griffin is a patient at the hospital at Chapel Hill. • Raleigh Visitors Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Overton of | Raleigh were the week-end guests of her aunt, Mrs. M. P. Whichard. O Visiting In Raleigh Mrs. John Small returned to Raleigh with her daughter, Mrs.l R. D. Overton, where she will! visit her husband. O I Sunday Visitors W. E. Hathaway of Elizabeth City, Mrs. G. A. White and son, George of Hertford, visited Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Sutton Sunday. Visiting Father John Ward of Orlanda, Fla., ar rived Monday to visit his father, Ernest Ward. Returns From Kinston Mrs. J. M. Jones has returned after visiting her sister, Mrs. W. S. Sutton in Kinston. y At District Meeting Mrs. J. L. Chestnutt left Tues day to attend a district meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary in Greenville. Chapel Hill Visitors Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Sanford 111, of Chapel Hill are expected to ar rive Friday to spend the week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Dix on. On Monday they will leave for Chatham, N. J.. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Dixon to visit Mrs. L. A. Bailey. Smilhfield Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hobbs and children of Smithfield, Va., were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith. I: Recordsinthe-Groo ve :: MA For “Hep " Fans! Rock ’n roll, be-bop, dixieland newest and best. Come 'n listen! LARGE SELECTION OF CHOOSE FROM Griffin’s Musicenter '_««i Visit In GatMvill* Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wood, Jr., Nellie and Emmett Wood spent Sunday with Mrs. Wood’s moth er, Mrs. Emmett Riddick in Gatesville. O— Hair* From Portsmouth Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Knox and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Gar ner and children of Portsmouth were guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Knox-Sunday. Sunday Gu*sts Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Castelloe of Windsor were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Knox. ■ ■ ■ -O * - Sunday At St. Paul’s Ernest Ward and son, Gene Ward spent Sunday in St. Pauls with Mr. Ward’s son and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Ward. Returns From Convention J. E. Wood returned Wednes day from Washington, D. C., where he attended the National Peanut Convention. y At Camellia Show Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Elliott and family spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Parker Helms in Rocky Mount, where they attend ed the Camellia showing of the Eastern Carolina Camellia Socie ' ty. o Sunday Guests Mr. and Mrs. Bill Garrett and daughter, Deborah of Norfolk, spent Sunday as guests of Mr. I Garrett’s mother, Mrs. John Gar rett. Week-end Visitors j Mr. and Mrs. James Dail of I Norfolk spent the week-end as I guests of Mrs. Dail’s mother, Mrs. John Garrett. Visit In Hertford Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thomas I and daughter, Donna Rae, Mrs. Pencie Copeland, Faye, Richard, Melvin Copeland of Edenton, Miss Annie Spruill of Merry Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Tadlock of j Woodville spent Sunday in Hert- I ford visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gil j bert Garrett. Zackie Harrell Wins 4-H Peanut Contest Continued from Page I— Section I pounds per acre. This yield com pared very favorably with the av erage yield in 1956 of 2,305 pounds and a yield of 1,638 pounds in 1955. Other 1957 con testants were: Robert Skinner, Sid White, Jr., H. Ivey Ward, Jack Perry, Carroll Goodwin, Jimmy Ward, Ronald Perry, Mil lard Joyner, Ronnie Toppin, Dick Lowe, Carroll Tynch. Zackie Harrell, top winner, told how he grew his acre of pea nuts and expressed his apprecia tion to members of the Edenton Rotary Club for sponsoring the contest. Bristoe Perry, local leader of the Advance Local 4-H Club, also expressed his appre ciation on behalf of the parents to the Rotary Club for such a worthwhile project. Ray White and James Boswell, Edenton seniors, attended the meeting as Junior Rotarians. LIONS MEET MONDAY Edenton’s Lions Club will meet Monday night, March 24, at 7 o’clock. President Medlin Belch requests every member to attend. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON. NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY MARCH 20, 1951. ■-■. ■ , ----- -.-.1., . Engagement Announced \ -t yj IH Rk' jyfl & \ rWm M ini Wk Miss Linda Moielle Downum of Philadelphia and Edenton is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Allen Fitzgerald Downum of Edenton, who announce her engagement to Ensign Fredric Colby Byrum, USNR. son of Mr. and Mrs. James Rodney By rum of Edenton. A June wedding is planned. OES Officers Are Installed Continued from Page 1, Section 1 ficer, who had Mrs. Daphne Yon of Coinjock as her installing mar shal, Robert Spence of South Mills as installing chaplain and Mrs. Ruby White of Hertford as installing pianist. The chapter held a brief busi ness meeting prior to the open in stallation, after which visitors were admitted to witness a very beautiful and impressive cere mony. Mrs. Margaret Stanton, retir ing worthy matron, was high in j praise of her corps of officers for; the past year and before relin quishing the gavel thanked the officers and members for their wholehearted support and coop erating during her tenure of of fice. She was also high in praise of the new worthy matron, Mrs. W. A. Harrell and the new offi cers, and predicted a very pleas ant and successful year for the chapter. The officers installed were: i Worthy matron, Mrs. Pearl Har-1 rell; worthy patron, W. A. Har- . rell; associate worthy matron, i 9 j j • r / _j \ I' Erase Tummy *' • L "fib*’ * I Bulge _ W 1 Instantly f | Flattens your jL ¥ Giu.t you suppotl Holds you up j anSner* girdle A Oossani Original! Plush-backed elastic bands foHow the body's natural structure—gently mold you a "size smaller” without bones or stays. Nylon net elastic. Medium 24-32, long 24-34. White « 1A 0( - Answer* Zipper Girdle I White only, 25-34 medium, 26-36 long. j v • . *3 g{ H -j Jf'W m/ Bj HI | Mrs. Helen Wood; associate wor thy patron, C. W. Overman; sec retary, Mrs. Ruth Overman; treasurer, Mrs. Mary Leary; con ductress, Mrs. Geneva Harrell; associate conductress, Mrs. Mar garet Bell; chaplain, Mrs. Fran ces Wilkins; marshal, Mrs. Anita Tarkington; organist, Mrs. Grace Byrum; Adah, Mrs. Edith Buff lap; Ruth, Mrs. Betty Lorance; Esther, Mrs. Myrtle Hollowell; Electa, Mrs. Minnie Kennan; warder, Mrs. Ola Williford; sen tinel, D. M. Reaves. Following the installation cere mony refreshments were served in the dining room. HOSPITAL PATIENTS Friends will regret to learn that four prominent citizens, West W. Byrum, William S. Pri vott, C. P. Wales and Dr. Wallace Griffin, are patients in hospitals. All were suddenly rushed to a hospital late last week, Mr. By rum being a patient at Duke Hos pital in Durham, Dr. Griffin in ! Memorial Hospital at Chapel Hill \ and Mr. Privott and Mr. Walej being confined in the Chowan I Hospital. iSSa" " 1 - ICIVIC CALENDAR Continued from Pag* 1, Section l The Easter Seal sal* will be in progress in Edenton through Eas ter Sunday, April 6. The Eastern Carolina Fire men's Association will meet in Edenton Tuesday, April 8. Revival services are in pro gress this week at the Center I Hill Baptist Church and will j come to a close Friday night,, March 21. The Junior Class of Chowan High School will present its an-1 nual play in the school audi- ! lo'rium Friday night, March 28, at 8 o'clock. National Library Week is be ing observed in Edenton this week. The Cupola House Mu seum will be open free through Friday. March 21. A Japanese Festival will be held at the Parish House Sun day morning, March 23, at 3:30 o'clock. The Chowan Hospital ■ Auxili ary will meet Friday afternoon, March 21, at 3 o'clock at the nurs es' home. 1 The Fidelis Wives Club will hold a bake sale Friday, March 21, in the Albemarle room of the Post Exchange. Sponsored by the Chowan Home Demonstration County ' —******- - •' i*f -]<~| ■■ si ifi ii- | & M Superette I I TOT CRADE USDA COMMERCIAL CHOICE TENDER I |T-Bone and Sirloin JIF F Y Jji I STEAKS ib. 69c Ste ±;,g sc | ■Boneless Round ground I (STEAKS lb. 65c HamburgerJ I W^LSoTrAy^L^RES^UT^""" I /% QS* I j OF OUR CHOICE WESTERN BEEF 3-LB. CAN BALLARD’S and ""I pniCfl /■V PILLSBURY’S SELF-RISING . ! CKI Oto _ OVEN-READY „ . n f TD I I SHORTENING RfSCI IIXS ■ Ll -\J UK| UULUIIJ, 5-lb. bag 25-lb. bag I I 89c | can 10c IBS ic $2’ 19 1 ■ - - |l3-° Z .^TSUnsdown i nstant 1 I I I i msm Coco Creme CAKE MIXES I PREMIUM 1 1 YELLOW - WHITE - BANANA I PD A plf CDcl | & AND DEVIL’S FOOD I I b ox 27c I 29c I |ede^ba Y I No -sr s l I ■ Herring Roe PEACHES JB?. STY ' 5 ■ 2 cans can 2.9 c —— n ortl * * fjfe* ‘ c l Quart Bottle rl^M CAH , 8 Peas and Carrots . . . . 21c| I KING FLUFF p/SLe ; '■ ■ RINSE JUICE Cut Snaps ........ 23c ■ I 37c 10C | ■ j .t ii •. Hia | ■ mam a| rmmmm ~ ~ _ ■ :B B b mm ll SI mm HI b H b Br Be BB Bi flB agHf 8 mm ww I I nunxiD 091- ■ -JR? • - m | PHONE 2317 . + C ro u Dor If inn + FRIDAY & SATURDAY I iB i?rki?Tkrnn/\ikr x r nK H rn I II 111 U n:-mn ■■ ■ B » ■ HiUJcjIN i * i. i -M lli# 1# 8 u|lll Hr E vrßfulv TiPT TVPPY B j "Womanles* Wedding" ] I will be held in the Chowan High' School auditorium Wednesday night. April 8. at 8 o'clock. 1 i Municipal and county officials ■ of thiat aHtf will meet this 1 (Thursday) morning in the Court House at 10 o'clock to consider hurrican damage. Board of directors of the Eden . ton Cbapaber of Commence will I meet tonight (ThumdayV at 8 j o'clock at Hotel Joseph Hewes. | The Rev. Paul Carruth. execu- j ' director of higher education ' ! for Carolina Confer- ] ] ence, will be guest speaker at the > Edenton Methodist Church Sun ; day morning, March 23, at 11 o’clock. , Spring term of Chowan Super ior Court u£ll convene in the Court House Monday morning, [ March 31, at 10 o'clock. Senior aid Junior Councils of I the Edenton Teen-Age CHib will sponsor a napkin sale Tuesday, April 8. Rocky Hock Baptist, Center | Hill Baptist, Great Hope Baptist, Center Hill Methodist, Evans Methodist and Macedonia Baptist, churches will hold a joint Easter Sunrise Service Sunday morning, 1 April 6, at 6 o'clock in the Rocky Hock Church. Edenton's Business and Pro fessional Woman's Club will meet tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 o'clock in the Shepaxd-Pruden Memorial Library. I Member* of the Edenton Wo mans Club wiß conduct a Mean ex sale tonight (Thursday) be ' tween 6 and 8 o'clock. Family Life and Career Week will be observed al rite Edenton colored high school March 24-28. Sponsored by the William H. Coffield Post No. 9280. Veterans of Foreign Wars, dances are be ing held in Ih* Post borne every Saturday night. i Chowan Tribe of Red Men* ! will meet Monday n’ght al 7i30 •o'clock. i Anriual cancer drive wjl( begin April 1 with Mrs. Karmif Layton as chairman. Edenton Lions Club will meet Monday night at 7 o'clock. A family life fellowship sup per will be held in the Edenton 1 'Methodist Church Friday night,] [ March 21, at 6:30 o'clock. I William H. Coffield Post No. 9280. Veterans of Foreign Wars. I EDENTON BEAUTY NOOK “Your Friendly Neighborhood Shop at 812 North Broad Street | * CALL • Pauline Hicks or Dot Davis FOR YOUR 4 EASTER PERMANENT / Dial 2210' Edenton Will meet night at 8 o wiOCB* • * r j Spompled by WUHam H. Cof fidd Port No. 8280, radio-dance prograiflir will be held at the Post home Saturday afternoons begin ning at f o'clock. *- j | AT STATE MEETING Clinton.O. Davis of Edenton, a , student at East Carolina CoUege, Greenville, is among a group of student officers of the'Robert H. Wright Chapter of the Student National Association who will at tend the state meeting of the North Carolina Education Associ ation in Asheville today (Thurs day) and Friday. Davis is state vice president of the East Carolina Student NEA | Chapter. The automobile driver of cul-\ ture rarely becomes involved in a collision.