L-*ecnowTWQ PAGE TWO NAAS NOTES By IRENE JORDAN Lt Cdr. and Mrs. D. F. Dalton, entertained on Saturday, March | 29, in honor of their week-end j guests, Paul Welch, Mrs. Dalton’s, brother, and Miss Phyllis Charn ley, both of Washington, D. C. Guests present were: Chaplain and Mrs. M. A. Curry, Lt. Col. and Mrs. A. R. Bogg, Dr. and Mrs. B. V. S. Klostermyer and Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Jordan, Jr. Master Steve Batdorff, son of Lt. Col. and Mrs. R. W. Bertdorff, celebrated his 11th birthday on Monday, March 31. Mrs. C. W. Boggs spent Mon day through Wednesday in Rich mond, Va., where she served as a page to the Virginia State DAR Convention. Squadron 225 held a squadron party at the Officers’ Club on Saturday night, March 29, at 8:30 o’clock. Dr. B. V. S. Klostermyer, Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Jordan, Jr., Dr. P. J. Haggerty, and Miss Jane Frieze were guests of the local doctors at their annual doctor’s ; day dinner at the Baer barbecue pit on Saturday, March 29. A change in command took! place at NAAS on Tuesday, April I 1, as follows: Lt. Col. A. R. Bogg! from H&MS to squadron 225; Lt. I Col. W. A. Free from Operations Officer to H&MS; Lt. Col. R. W. Batdorff from Squadron 225 to Operations Officer. Major George Dauphine has re turned to NAAS after six weeks T.A.D. in Olathe, Kansas, where he attended Jet Transitional School. Major and Mrs. Dau spent last week-end in Norfolk, Va., before returning to Edenton. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Sargent of Florida are visiting this week with their son-in-law and daugh ter, Warrant Officer and Mrs. Robert Black. Lt. Charles Parker has return ed to his home in Hertford after several days in the Chowan Hos pital where he under went an appendectomy. There will be an Easter Egg Hunt April 5 at the Station The atre at 2:00 P. M., for all base children from ages 2-10. Each j child is requested to take 6 col-: ored eggs to the special services i office by 3:30 qn Friday, April 4. The party is sponsored by the Fi- j delis Club, Officers Wives’ Club and Enlisted Wives’ Club. BILL DING SAYS ’ ‘ • • . <7 4 1 ? < M s l to<ka f Ful Line of Aoylhmg and Everylhmg You Need For BUILDING RENOVATING and REMODELING © LOCAL TRADEMARKS. Inc. LUMBER--PAINTS MILLWORK Complete Line of Builders Hardware ROOFING-INSULATION SIDING COMPLETE LINE OF TOOLS SHEETROCK - CEMENT NAILS ‘ Dr. D. P. Boyette of Ahoskie will be the guest speaker at the next Officers Wives’ business meeting on Wednesday, April 9. Di\ Boyette will speak on ‘Pre vention of Child Accidents in the Home.” Social" hour will begin at 1:00 P. M., and the business meet ing will follow promptly at 1:30. DAjos ![tM ‘jf ‘uepjof p 'H ' SJ IM Mrs. B. V. S. Klostermyer and as hostesses. Major and Mrs. George Bauman and children. Bill and Andy, spent last week-end in Washing ton, D; C., where they met their nephews, Masters Kurt and Kris Bauman of New York City. They are spending this week in Eden ton with the Baumans. Mrs. R. S. Shields and Mrs. R. C. Barrett gave a farewell coffee in honor of Mrs. J. R. Waterstreet on Wednesday, April 2, at the home of Mrs. Barrett in Westover Heights. About 20 guests were present. Master Bill Bauman, son of Ma jor and Mrs. George Bauman, celebrated his 6th birthday on Wednesday, April 2, with a party lin his home. Guests present I were: Kurt and Kris Bauman, | Robbie Keller and Michael Mc | Murray. I Capt. R. Klein has been trans ferred from NAAS to Japan. Mrs. Klein will make her home in Santa Anna, California, until his return to the States. Lt. and Mrs. R. F. Coleman will leave NAAS for a tour of duty at Pearl Harbor on Thurs day, March 3. Lt. L. Gasperine has been transferred to duty overseas. Mrs. Gasperine will make her home in West Virginia until his return. Lt. and Mrs. J. R. Waterstreet and daughter, Sharon, will leave NAAS on Saturday, April 5, for a tour of duty in Hawaii. Major and Mrs. William Zane are on T.A.D. orders to Miami, Florida. They left Edenton on Friday, March 28, and will return in one month. Congratulations are in order for 2nd Lt. R. Miller, 2nd Lt. B. F. Skinner, 2nd Lt. J. Pierce and 2nd Lt. O. Oa.s. who were pro moted to Ist Lt. last week. They gave a “wetting down” party at the Officers’ Club last Friday as- j ternoon in celebration of the oc- 1 casion. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY APRIL S. 195 P, Lt. O Oas has been transfer i red from NAAS to Japan. He left the station last week. This is the Law By ROBERT E. LEE (For the N. C. Bar Association) This is the first of a spring series of articles that will ap pear each week throughout the next three months. They have been written for the non-lawyer as a public ser vice of the North Carolina Bar Association. MANURE A tenant leases a farm for a number of years. He own s a herd of cattle which he maintains on the farm. The cows are fed entirely upon grass, corn, hay and other roughage produced on the farm. Does the tenant have the legal right to sell to others the cow manure? No. In the absence of an ex press contract, to the contrary, the manure cannot be sold or car ried away by the tenant with out the consent of the landlord. Manure made by animals upon a farm by their consumption of products produced upon the farm becomes a part of the real prop erty. The tenant is guilty of waste if he sells such manure so produced on the farm. The tenant must use the ma nure on the farm to maintain the fertility of the soil, and must leave whatever of it which has accumulated when he moves at the end of his lease, so that it may be used for the same pur pose by his successor. A cow is personal property. So is harvested hay produced on the farm. But if the cow eats the hay, the law says that the ma nure produced therefrom becomes real property. It becomes a part of the farm and passes with the farm when it is transferred to an other. May the owner of the farm orally contract to sell the ma nure to another? Yes. For this particular pur pose the law treats the manure as personal property. Suppose the manure is pro- duced from feed or roughage not raised on the leased farm Does the tenant have th :■ legal light to sell to others ihe cow manure? Yes. There is no rule of gcod husbandry which requires a ten ant to buy hay or other fodder for consumption on the farm. If the tenant feeds the cattle upon grain or fodder procured by purchase or raised by him on oth er lands not owned by his land lord, the landlord has no more legal right in the manure so pro duced than he does in the grain or fodder before it is consumed. It is not made in the ordinary course of husbandry. It is pro duced in a manner substantially like the production of manure in a livery stable. Such manure is AS EASTER DREW NEAR By JOHN D. McCREADY Editor’s Note: This is one of a series of articles written by John D. Mc- Cready, head of the English Depart ment at Chowan College. HJr. Mc- Cready for 18 VT ears was pastor of the" First Baptist Church at Morganion and served as army chaplain in World War II and was state chaplain for the Am erican Legion. Since connected with Chowan College, Mr. McCready has preached at many churches in this area. In Norma’s generation young people didn’t go steady on short acquaintance. The more the merrier, said the girls. Especially Norma. * She was a Cashing, dark-eyed beauty from the West. She had just come from her home in Colo rado to visit a cousin of her age, Margaret, who lived in the South —and she had come for conquest. This became evident an hour after she arrived. She and Mar garet were unpacking her nu merous bags and hat-boxes while the southern girl gave her an ac count of the numerous aunts and uncles and cousins she would soon be meeting. Suddenly the guest interrupted. “Margaret,” she exclaimed, “all these relatives are fine—but. I want to hear about some eligible young men. Am Ito meet any?” .“Certainly—plenty of them,” and Margaret began naming one after another, with brief descrip tions of each. Finally she came to Ike Van Beter. “Now there,” she said, “is a real catch—if you can catch him.” “Just give me a chance,” re sponded Norma, tossing her head, full of confidence in her good looks and charm. Soon she had her chance and proved her prediction. She and Margaret went to many 'parties, and the dates with young men became more and more numerous. Ike was a suitor almost from the start, and Norma, after fluttering about among his rivals for a time like a gorgeous butterfuly, let him put an engagement ring, with an enormous diamond, on her finger. She drove with him over his thousand acres of rich pasture land and made many suggestions about the house they would build. Margaret meanwhile, herself a lovely blonde, was being courted by a suitor as ardent aS Ike—a minister with Irish blood in bis were bold, and barons held their sway”—and pledged undying de votion to girls with blue eyes and golden hair. Norma returned home and there, after a time, a wedding took place, and at the same sea son one in the South. A year later there were great expectations in two households. Margaret’s baby came first, and as she pressed darling boy to her heart her happiness was the greater as she thought of the hap piness that was coming to Norma. Each day she inquired eagerly about her; had her baby come and how were mother and child? 1 The answers were vague and in- J definite. Finally in exasperation she demanded information. Then they told her. Her beloved cousin from the West had gone west. Norma had given birth to twin boys, but her own life had been forfeited. One of the twins had died also and been buried with his mother. Margaret burst into tears and for days was inconsolable. She thought of the glorious times she and her dearest friend had plan ned as the second chapter of their lives together—and now this! The darkness of a late, cold February oppressed her soul. But then, as spring came.on, a healing thought came into her mind. She remembered a conversation she had had one day in which she had mentioned to Norma a vi tal subject—Jesus Christ. The girl from the West had been brought up in a region where lit tle thought was given to religion. But that day, in a quiet interlude, Margaret had said by her loving spirit, “Oh that my Saviour were vour Saviour, too!” And Norma had turned to Jesus. Soon after wards she confessed her faith and joined a church in the comimmi considered as personal property for all purposes. It may be oral ly sold.- by the Owner. Suppose the tenant feeds his cattle partly from feed produced on the farm and partly from feed purchased by the tenant. To whom does the manure belong? That portion „of the manure which is the product of feed rais ed on the farm belongs to the landlord, and that portion of the manure which is the product of feed purchased by the tenant be longs to the tenant. If the landlord and tenant dis agree as to the percentages, their dispute may be solved by a court proceeding. Based upon the evi dence, the jurors will render a decision of fact. with all nature bursting into frag rance and beauty, it brought , blessed message to a young mo ther that life, not death, is victor; and that those who have loved one another here in .the greater, perfect love of Jesus, shall yonder find all their love fulfilled. BARBER SHOP MOVED Allison (Shorty) Minshew has moved his barber shop from North Broad Street to 108 Oak um Street in the building former ly used by George Lassiter as a fish market. Mr. Minshew has been doing business for a num ber or years o» Croad Street and invites his friends and customers to visit him in his new location. You can talk all you please about the causes of crime, but, at the bottom, it is due to the pub lic’s taking it for granted. j Legal Notice NOTICE OF SALE CF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of a deed of trust executed to the under signed by J. J. Rumble and wife, Ella F. Rumble, Joseph G. Rumble and wife, Miley Rumble, and Johnnie Rumble and wife, Emma Rumble, dated March 29, 11947, and recorded in office of I Register of Deeds in Chowan County, North Carolina, in DT Book No. 57, pages 9, etc., de fault having been made in the payment of the indebtedness se cured by said deed of trust, the undersigned will offer for sale for cash at public auction to the highest bidder at 12:00 noon, Saturday, May 3, 1958, at the Court House door in Chowan County, North Carolina, the land in Second Township, Cho wan County, North Carolina, to wit: That certain tract or parcel of land containing 157 acres, more or less, bounded now or former ly on the North by the lands of Foreman-Blades Lumber Com pany and the W. D. Roberts-J. C. Byrum lands, East by the lands of Foreman-Blades Lum ber Company; South by the Newby and White-Elliott farm and West by the Greenhall Road and lands of Foreman-Blades Lumber Company and feeing the sqroe land conveyed to' J. J. deed re^ 'efforrxdd r county- if Deed Book No. 2, pages 145, etc., and is the same land described in plat prepared by W. J. Berry man, dated March 20, 1934, ref erence' to which deed and the instruments therein mentioned and aforesaid plat is hereby made for further description and chain of title. The high bidder at the sale will be required to deposit with the undersigned ten per cent of the high bid for said land. Dated and posted March 31, 1958. R. C. HOLLAND, Apr3,l 0,17,24 c Trustee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis trator of the estate of M. Everett Haste, deceased, late of Chowan (County, North Carolina, this is ito notify all persons having 'claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Edenton, North Carolina, on or before the 3rd day of April, 1959, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. ' This April 3rd, 1958. T. E. HASTE, SR., Administrator of M. Everett Haste Estate. Apr3,10,17,24,May I,Bc NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE North Carolina. Chowan County. Uifder and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain Deed of Trust executed by E. L. Simpson and wife, Cenison Simpson, to Herbert Leary, Trus tee, dated April 10, 1952, and re corded in DT Book No. 63, Page 400, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Chowan County, North Carolina; And whereas under and bv vir tue of the authority vested in the undersigned as substituted Trus tee by an instrument in writing dated February 17, 1955. and re corded in Book No. 11. Page 239. in the Office of the Register of Deeds in Chowan County. North Carolina, default having been in the oavment of the in debtedness secured by said Deed of Tryst and said instrument be substituted Trustee, will offer tor sale at public auction to the high- i est bidder for cash at the Court! House Door in Edenton, North Carolina, at 11:80 A. M„ Satur-1 day on the 12th day of April,' 1958, a one-third undivided in terest in and to the hereinafter described lands situate in Fourth Township. Chowan County, North Carolina, to-wft: All the right, title and interest and estate of the said E. L. Simpson in and to that certain tract of land known as the Sallie Long farm, adjoining the lands of Joseph A. Webb, and bounded by Middleton Creek and the Yeopim river and being the place where the late Jno. R. Simpson lived and died and being the same land conveyed to John R. Simp son bv Moses Hobbs and wife, Oct. 1. 1896, and registered in book E, p, 22 Chowan County Registry, containing 112 acres, more or less. Dated and posted this 10th day of March. 1958. WELDON A. HOLLOWELL Substitute Trustee. mar20,27,apr3,10c ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis tratrix of the estate of Julius Hilton Roberts, deceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Edenton, North Carolina, on or before the 20th day of March, 1959, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This March 20th, 1958. LILLIAN W. ROBERTS, Route 1, Box 378 Edenton, N7 C. Administratrix of Julius Hilton , Roberts. North Carolina, Chowan County. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and bv virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain Deed of Trust executed by I. A. Cornelious and wife, Annie J. Cornelious and Minnie Drew dated the 30th day of September, 1950, and recorded in Deed of. Trust Book 61 page 428 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Chowan County, North Caro lina, default having been made in the payment of the indefeted ness thereby secured and said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned Trustee, at the re quest of the holder of the indefet edness thereby secured, will of fer for sale at PUBLIC AUC TION to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina at 11:30 o’clock A. M„ on the 19th day of April, 1958. the property conveyed in said Deed of Trust the same lying and being in Second Township, Chowan County. North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: That certain lot or tract of land with all buildings and im provements. thereon in Center Hill, North Carolina bounded on west by the Baptist Church property, south by George Rid-1 RESALE of FARM By authority given the undersigned by all the heirs of John ‘JV -at public auc^ at / twelve o'clock rioon/at theUotfrt' in'Edenton, North Caro lina, that farm formerly owned by John J. Byrum, deceased, lo cated approximately 18 miles North of Edenton near Ryland, lying in Third Township, Chowan County, North Carolina, des cribed as follows: (1) Commencing at the gate on the main road running South 23j/2 degrees West 6 chains to a dead pine, then South 88 de grees West 8 1/10 chains to a sweet gum in the center of 1 branch, then along center of said branch to the run of Sandy ‘ run swamp, then along run of swamp to Donnie Byrum’s line, then along said Donnie Byrum’s line to the first station, con-/ taining thirty-six (36) acres. This being John J. Byrum’s part of the land owned by his father C. S. Byrum, deceased, home place. * j ! (2) A small tract of land adjoining the above bounded qis follows: Beginning at a pine stump, where J. J. Byrum, R. S. Ward and J. D. Ward corners running an Easterly course 55 Yi feet to the New road, thence a Southernly course along New Road to J. J. Byrum’s line 380 feet, thence a Southernly course along said line to the first station. Containing one-fourth acre, more or less. ' “ 1 This land has the following allotments: 3.9 ACRES PEANUTS 2.3 ACRES COTTON 7.4 ACRES CORN . Reserved and excepted from the above land is the Byrum' family graveyard containing approximately one-half acre r the boundaries of which have been marked. I The successful bidder at this’sale will be required to make a deposit of five (5%) per cent of his bid pending advanced bid, said sale to,remain open for ten (10) days for advanced bid to be made to the undersigned. In event of advanceJaid there wijl be a Re-sale of this property. . Advance bid is now $4,225.00. 5 ■■ ■' * Ii - J «T7 miifVißf II ■S-fl ITO 11/ fl fk m/1 - '■ /ATTQRN EY - AT-LA W —4, l v Ester Cornelious and north by the Martin Simp son land containing one acre, more or less and being the same property conveyed to I. A. Cor nelious by T. C. Roberts and j wife by deed, which deed is re corded in the Public Registry of Chowan County, NortH Carolina, reference to which deed and the instruments therein mentioned is hereby made for fuller descrip tion and chain of title. A deposit of 10 per cent on the first $1,000.00 and 5 per cent of the balance bid will be re quired of the successful bidder. S. M. WHEDBEE. Trustee. Dated and posted this March 19th, 1958. mar27.apr3,10,17 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue of the authority con ferred upon the undersigned by order made by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Chowan Coun ty, North Carolina, in the special proceeding entitled, “Gilbert R. Hare and wife, Lorene B. Hare, Edward J. Hare and wife. Myrtle W. Hare, Petitioners, vs. Lillie H. Dixon and husband, Charlie T. Dixon, Cornelia H. Perry and husband, Claude Perry, Defend ants,” the undersigned Commis sioner will offer for sale at pub lic biddings, for cash, to the high est bidder at the Court House door in Chowan County, North Carolina, at 11:30 A. M., on Wed nesday, April 16. 1958. the real estate in Third Township, Cho wan County, North Carolina, to wit: Beginning at a point, a chopped gum at the Northwest corner of Cornelia Hare Perry’s lands; thence North 16 deg. East 818 feet along K. R. Hare’s line to a chopped white oak. Twine corn er; thence South 66 deg. 15 min. East 1307 feet along J. Parker line to a chopped hickory; thence T 0 m M YOUR EQUIPMENT SET FOR SPRING \ Spring planting time is l u,t aroun< * th* cornerl Be ready to roll by lef ting us check your equipment now and put it in tip-top shapel k We’re, past masters at repairing all kinds of farm machinery . . . quickly, economically! Edenton Tractor & Equipment Co. fgg|m YOUR FORD TRACTOR DEALER Sill||P Agents For Evinrude Outboards u - S. 17 SOUTH— EDENTON, N. C. South 71 deg. 45 min. East 1262 feet along J. Forehand line, to an iron stob in Center of swamp; thence South 17 deg. West along run of said-swamp 1380 feet, more or less, to-'a stake, Southeast cor ner of Cornelia Hare Perry lands; thence Neath 54 degr2o min: West 2669.5 feet 'along Cornelia- Hare Perry’s line to the point of be ginning, opniaining 60.3 acres, ac cording to Survey Plat of W. Les lie Morgan, Surveyor, dated Jan uary 25, 1957, and being the same lands devised by Will of D. R. Hare, deceased, to his heir? at law, said Will having been dulv profeated and recorded in the of fice of Clerk of Superior Court for said County and State. A deposit of ten per cent (10%) in cash of the purchase price will be required of the suc cessful bidder or bidders at the sale. All bids will remain open for ten days from date of sale for raised bids as required by law. Purchaser or purchasers of the land will have immediate pos session upon delivery of deed. Dated and nested this 15th day of 1958. WELDON A. HOLLOWELL. Commissioner. mar20.27,apr3.10c North Carolina, Chowan Countv. The undersigned, having quali fied a= Administratrix of the Es tate of T. W. .Tones, deceased, late of Chowan Counts North Caro lina. this is to notify all nomons havine claims against said Estate to nresent them to the undersign ed on or before March 14 IQSQ. nr this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovers All nor-, son,; jndeht°d to paid Ertate will nleo«e make immediate payment to rt-Q nnrlprcitmed This J3th dav of Warrti 1958. FT.STE G. JONES. A dministr-atrlv, Edpnton N r Mar13.2n.27.Am-3.10.17c

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