ONE PAGE SIX How Much Can You Retire On? Formula Is Based On Inflation The prospect of long-term in-' flation is playing havoc with in comes of those couples who are planning their retirement, say the editors of Changing Times, the Kiplinger Magazine. Anyone saving money for the day he | reaches 65, will have to up that figure considerably for every year [ before he attains ‘*at age. Today, the minimum figure of $2,000 to $2,500 a year to live ir. “modest but adequate” circum-; stances is needed by a retired But they can easily uscj more. They shouldn’t expect to | get by on much less without real sacrifice or without “invisible in-, come” to draw upon—such things as a home owned outright or fur nished free, home grown foods, etc. This minimum is based on the requirements of a retired couple about 65, living in rented quarters of two or three rooms, city dwell-' ers with no car. It represents a level of livmg which provides the goods r.nd s«vices necessary to maintain health and allow normal j participation in community l'fc, in accordance with current Amer ican standards. Social and con ventional needs are taken into ac count. Naturally the level of liv- ' ing is not luxurious, but it pro vides for more than the basic cs-j sentials. Most couples living on today’s average income of $4,000 or $5,- i 000 a year, just before retirement, would have little difficulty in ad justing to that minimum. Couples now living on $20,000 would have the devil's own time of it. according to the editors. How To Figure Ycur N-*e J s An approximate yard-tick for any couple figuring on what they will need to live on when they retire, can he applied. One third to one half of pre-retirement in come is the most widelv used measure. But the closer they are to the dav of retirement, say the editors, the harder and more pre cise their figuring should be. w H y- t jJM • i T l IF HijjbXlM i 1 — a ■ B I gkjm I B I I m I I -By ' J -k *MiHBPWVVV| Bk a B B Wjf W ■ B B B j| - B B J| B j^K *•> Jt^^Bi l - - - Jgy,B In order to plan your retire ment needs, visualize yourself in the retirement years and estimate your various expenses. Elimin ate from today’s budget such items as the cost of feeding, cloth ing and , raising children, trans portation to and from work, sav ings programs, etc. Unfortunately, warn the edi tors, figuring what you’ll need by today’s cost of living js not rea listic. You’ve got to take into account how inflation will eat in to your income. And there is no guarantee that it won’t. In fact, expert opinion agrees almost unanimously that living costs will continue to rise over the long haul. There may be short-term interruptions, when prices might decline. But the long-term outlook is for continued inflation. How much should you adjust this income you’ve decided upon for the probability of higher prices? There is no way to say exactly and with certainty, the editors continue. Nobody is that, good a prophet. You can, how-! ever, protect yourself with area-, sonable assumption one that could prove wrong, but that has , an odds-on chance of being right. Taking into account the long term inflation of the past, and the , best opinions on future prospects, j Changing Times editors suggest j that you up your income estimate! by about 2 per cent each year, from now until the time you re- \ tire. Suppose, for instance, that you j have decided that, were you 65 j today, you could retire happily on $3,000 a year. However, you’re actually 45 and have 25 years to go. Add 40 per cent (20 times 2 per cent) and say that vou will need an income of $4,200. Or. if you retire in 10 years, add 20 per cent to what vou figure in terms of todav's living costs. Add an- , other 30 per rent if vou plan to retire in 15 years, and 50 per cent in 25 years. ) THE CHOWAN HEBAU?, EPENTQN. NQFTji CAROLINA. THURSDAY APRI*. 3, 195*. *■ * • y■' 4 ' . I * I <- ■ ;-c : m* • 4 MULES GET THEM THROUGH— In its death throes, winter unleashed a savage blizzard in the East that hit Pennsylvania particularly hard, knocking out communications and block ing major highways with impassable drifts. Impassable, that is, for modern vehicles. Using a mule-drawn sleigh, these Amishmen serenely pass a stalled truck and car on their way to the market in Lancaster, Pa., with milk to be sold. The 46-inch fall didn’t hamper them at aIL j 20 YEARS AGO Continued from Page 1, Section 1 Rctarians, Lions. Masons and , Red Men announced that they had teams ready to participate in the Edenton softball league. A group of slate highway offi cials presented a program at the Lions Club, emphasizing Govern or Clyde Hoey's program for safe j driving on the highways. I Arrangements were completed ( for a meeting of home demonslra \ ticn club members of the 16th : District to meet in Edenton April j 14th. i N. H. Yelfon, state director of public assistance, was speaker at the Edenton Rotary Club's meet ing, when he explained the con fusion about the old age assist ance phase of the social security program. Dr. M. P. Whichard was elected president of his class at the Uni versity of North Carolina where he was studying public health work. The Chowan Herald announced a subscription contest with over SBOO to be given in prizes. Red Men were in the midst of J an attendance contest with Ernest Lee and Gus Bunch captains of I ] the two sides. 1 The* Northeastern District of ! Federated Music Clubs held its; annual music contest in Edenton. | Young Democrats in Chowan! County started a camna : gn to in crease their membership. The 4-H Club work among Ne gro boys and girls got off to a fine start, with 12 clubs organiz ed and busily at work. Both sides of ’ the debating team at the Edenton colored h : gh school won in the annual debate by defeating Williamslon and 1 Windsor. Superintendents of public wel-: fare from 12 eastern counties met in the Chowan County Court House when work of a general nature was discussed. Two pilots, racing thoir planes I to an aerial intersection, had a tie —too bad and two dead! LIBRARIES CLOSED MONDAY Both the Shepard-Pruden and Brown Carver Libraries will closed Monday, April 7, in ob servance of East’er Monday. This is a state holiday. lviwU The NEW flower Everybody Wants ill MTfft** ZfN N IAS Immense blooms We have many more new ' ” 4 improved flowers and vege- KIT Pearce SEEDSMAN , Phone 3839 Edenton ROCKY HOCK CLUB MEETS “The newer fabrics available appeal to a homemaker because of their beauty, their durability, and their ease of laundering and care.” Miss Maidred Morris, home agent, explained to the Rocky Hock Home Demonstration Club members at its meeting. She urged everyone to carefully, read labels, save them, and care j for the garment as directed by these instructions. Mrs. Henry Bunch conducted the business meeting. A report from the County Council was given. A special appeal from El ton Forehand, County Red Cross- Drive Chairman, was read, re-* questing the club to help solicit for the current drive. Members were urged by Mrs. Bunch to attend the “Womanless Wedding” being sponsored by the County Council April 9. Plans were made to help conduct the Cancer Drive in April in the com munity. The “Homemaker” for Rocoky Hock Club was selected. Two -new members were wel comed to the club—Mrs. Thurman Ashley and Mrs. Bill Leary. The meeting was well attend ed at the home of the hostess, Mrs. Lonnie Harrell, last Mon day night. |jjjj | VJjNOL j x- v 1 * ■ Wrirrm 111 ARMY MIGHT HAVE DONE IT- -Army Secretary Wilber BnJcker holds a model of the Jupiter-C missile at his . dfflee in Washington. Brucker told Congress that the Army might hav-, launched an earth satellite two years ago if the I entagon had not blocked the project., • lift GET EXTRA^H MILEAGE 1 Wzfim Cut down on your new shoe bills by bringing H your old shoes to us for expert repairs. We ll |§ put them in tip-top stiape for many extra miles | iiS and months of faithful service. B A |||| mm RHOADES SHOE SHOP Jj Hi BROAD STREET—EDENTON SM i • • v JBI