pßegiilations Are Tightened op| Discount Varieties Os Tohaccdj |L Administration regulations for; Sjfoe already announced 50 per cent' 'discount in price support loans 1 ’for Coker (139, Coker 140, and Dixie Blight 244 varieties of 1958-' crop flue-cured tobacco are made public hy the U. S. Department j of Agriculture. At the same, -time, the Department advised | ' growers that no special pool ar-1 rangements will be made for dis- \ count varieties of tobacco from this year’s crop. Flue-cured tobacco is grown principally in Virginia, North Carolina, (South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. Reduced price supports for the “undesirable” varieties of flue cured tobacco, in force for the first time in 1957, were announc ed for this year’s crop last No vember. Strongly supported by the flue-cured tobacco trade and fftte-cured growers, the action taken last year sharply reduced production of the discount varie ties and did much, to restore in ternational confidence in the tra ,ijitionaFftavor and aroma of U. S. , flue-cured tobacco, the Depart ment pointed out. Production of the three dis count varieties reached a peak in 1956, causing a serious problem in the flue-cured tobacco trade. All segments of the industry join ed to encourage their production and urged the Department to ad just lo4p rates downward on the undesirable tobaccos. Beginning with thp 1957 crop, the Depart ment djjd so. As a/j-esult, less than one-half of 1 per cent of last year’s total flue-cured tobacco production was of the discount varieties, reflect ing a *J|rong support of the pro gram by .-the majority of flue-cur ed tobifcCo growers, the Depart ment explained. Most of the “un. desiratSe’’ tobacco that was pro duced "Was not grown intention ally. £s' Department officials said that the saipe close cooperation on the part of growers is expected again thia n yaa l r. At the same time, they praised the conscientious work done in the flue-cured area by State and county Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation (ASC) offices in explaining and Sdministering the program last year. Steps to be taken in carrying out the discount program for the 1958 crop will include the follow ing: (1) The farm operator will be asked to make a certification as to whether any of the discount variety tobacco is being produced on his farm or on any other farm operated by him. (2) Each farm on which flue cured tobacco is being produced will be visited for the purpose of variety examination. Additional variety specialists will be em ployed to conduct extensive checking throughout the flue-cur ed area. (3) In any case where there is a question as to varieties being All the superior features of John Deere Plow construction plus the time-saving, m •"' work-saving capacity of four 16-inch fiigli- im ,- : f||-'. ' I - speed light-draft bottoms —that's what ir-gii you'll get in the big, fully integral John •, . Deere No. 810 shown at the right. WkeWf^T * Super-strong, trash-shedding John Deere ' Truss-Frame design . . . improved Load- *- ;j : and-Depth Control . . . sure-trip safety standards . . . full latitude of precise ad- s ' justment —these are among features ihal J ; : - make good plowing easy. p&Vjl ' 1 a our fine, tory of plowcraft leadership. “Wherever Crops Grow, There's a Growing Demand for John Deere Farm Equipment" f Hobbs Implement Co., Inc. GUY C. HOBBS, Mgr. “Your John Deere Dealer” EDENTON, N. C. produced, green-leaf samples' tobacco will be collected ' fori chemical analysis. "These dated will serve as additional inform*»a tion in determining discount VaJ riety tobacco. I (4) After discount variety to-!l bacco has been determined to bf j growing on a farm and the farrr ] operator has been duly notified! the farm operator or any othe’ j producer on the farm may, widj-J in seven days from date of rpiffyer, ing of notice, make a writtervfe quest to the ASC county omc* for a review examination. Thirl review exam ination will b' made by a team of two different variety specialists. A second qi£t of green-leaf samples of tobacco, will be collected during this visit In addition, a color photograph will be made of a representative tobacco plant. Following the view examination and second chemical analysis the ASC couiji ty committee will make its final finding as to whether the pro-' ducer has discount varieties. \ (5) A within quota “limited: support” marketing card will be issued for the farm in cases whefr the farm operator is unable to <£lv tablish that no tobacco of dis count variety was produced ■c* the farm or on any other farm he 1 operates. The within-quota liffijj ited-support marketing card rrvbf 1 later be exchanged for a full-suf» port marketing card if other VSP rieties of tobacco from the are available for marketing and the farm operator has marketed accounted for, or satisfactorily disposed of the discount variety tobacco. The farm operator a IS#' must establish that there has beer no commingling or substitution p f . discount variety tobacco with] any other tobacco. (6) Discount variety tob&ceoi will be identified on the auction warehouse floor bv distingujSlS ably different basket tickets. The identification will apply both.tr producer sales and to resales bv, dealers and warehousemen. This floor identification plan was de veloned so that buyers may bid I on the acceptable varieties with ' knowledge and confidence. | I - - - - - Continued from Page I—Section 1 ed at the First Christian Church Sunday night, April 6, at 7:30 o'clock. May Day Festival will be held in the Edenlon armory Thurs-, day. May 1. Room mother chairmen in the Edenton schools will meet Thurs day night, April 10, at 8 o'clock to complete plans for the celebra tion of a May Day Festival. Story hours will be held at the Shepard-Pruden Memorial Li brary this (Thursdav) afternoon from 3:45 to 4:45 o'clock for chil dren 4 to 7 years old and another Thursday afternoon. April lOi from 3:45 to 4:45 for children 8r THE CHOWAN-HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH’ CAROLINA, THURSDAY APRIL 3, 1958. ■M&2 years old. fepAn Easter Sunrise service will at 6:30 o'clock Sunday, fferil 6, at the Assembly of God Mpbard of directors of the Eden- Jbo Chamber of Commerce will at Hotel Joseph Hewes this afternoon at 5 o'clock. feknlon's Parent-Teacher Asso- JjMppn will meet Tuesday night, sflUfU IS- at 8 o'clock in the case- Mm at the Junior-Senior High fechpol. !• fjpvival services will close at EM' Presbyterian Church Friday Mbhi. April 4. PA staled communication of Lodge No. 7. A. F. 8c M. I M., will be held tonight | Thursday) at 8 o'clock. services at the Mace flonia Baptist Church will close Saturday nigcht, April 5. ! Edenlon Chapter No. 302, Or ftor of the Eastern Star, will meet ]&fonday night, April 7, at 8 fj'clock. 4 Edenton Tea Party Chapter of the DAR will meet in the Iredell teuse Wednesday afternoon. April 9, at 3:30 o'clock. .Chowan County Commissioners will meet in the Court House Monday morning, April 7, at 10 s*ck>ck. - Town Council will hold its April meeting in the Municipal Building Tuesday night, April 8, ,|t 8 o'clock. , * Mrs. Inglis Fletcher will be the principal speaker at the 23rd an nual district meeting of home demonstration clubs which will bp'held at Chowan College. Mur freesboro, Wednesday, April 9. *The April meeting of the Cho wan Cooperative Produce Ex change will be held Tuesday night, April 8. at 8 o'clock at the Hfccky Hock School. Northeastern Cancer Clin* ! p will be held at the Health De 3rtmenl in Elizabeth City Fri y. April 4. - .'The Easter Seal sale will be in ptWgress in Edenton through Eas ter Sunday. April 6. :The Eastern Carolina Fire •nan's Association will meet in tflenlon Tuesday, April 8. Edenton Rolarians will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o'clock in the Parish House. James M. Johnston will be in Room 209, Citizens Bank Build ing. April 7 through April 15 to assist in filing income tax re turns. Sponsored by the Chowan Home Demonstration County Council, a "Womanless Wedding" will be held in the Chowan High School auditorium Wednesday night. April 9, at 8 o'clock. Posters in the Chowan Conser vation poster contest will be judged at Chowan High School Friday, April 4, at 2 P. M. Senior and Junior Councils of the Edanton Teen-Age Club will sponsor a napkin sale Tuesday, April 8. Rocky Hock Baptist, Center Hill Baptist, Great Hope Baptist, Center Hill Methodist, Evans Methodist and Macedonia Baptist churches will hold a joint Easter Sunrise Service Sunday morning, April 6, at 6 o'clock in the Rocky y C ' + \? \ ,«* * • y * - * - H > • ■ WH '•'■-A | * uJyt'' % * t- ~ CORNY EFFECT —lt may be corny but this funny face lends a little something extra to the farm of Walter P. Schindler in New Glarus, Wis. Schindler made the corn crib out of snow fence material, using corn stalks atop as weather protection. Hock Church. j Sponsored by the WilHam H. Coffield Post No. 9280, Veterans! of Foreign Wars, dances are be ing held in the Post home every Saturday night. Chowan Tribe of Red Men will meet Monday n ght at 7:30 o'clock. Annual cancer drive is now in progress in Chowan County. Edenton Lions Club will meet Monday night at 7 o'clock. William H. Coffield Post No. 9280, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. Sponsored by William H. Cof field Post No. 9280, radio-dance programs are being held at the Post home Saturday afternoons beginning at 3 o'clock. Community Progress Program Adopted Continued from Page 1. Section 1 the community agrees to partici pate, community organization will follow. The community organiza tion will consist of a chairman, vice chairman, secretary and a publicity chairman. A commit tee will be named for each of the projects the community selects to work on. Community action and records will immediately get un der way. Contest projects are divided in to five groups: Educational pro jects, recreational projects, com munity projects, farm projects, and home projects. In each of these groups there are listed sev eral projects for the community to select from. Additional pro jects which are very much need ed by the community may be added. Each community will se lect at least two projects from each of the five groups, and a minimum of twelve projects as a total. No community will be limited to twelve projects and they may go as far beyond that as they can reasonably concen trate their activities. The basis for judging will be on progress basis. Each community will keep a scrapbook record of its activities and accomplish ments. The Danish type of judg ing will be used, this means that communities will be placed in blue ribbon, red ribbon and white ribbon classes. The largest amount of money will go to the white ribbon winners. Every community making reasonable progress will receive some award. The agriculture workers hope that every community in Chowan County will enter the contest. Every community is bound to win because of the progress it makes. People and communities should begin at once making their plans and starting work on pro jects on the home, on the farm, and in the community. Final Meeting To Make Plans For May Day Festival Room mother chairmen in both the Edenton Junior-Senior High School and Elementary School are asked to meet Thursday night, April 10, at 8 o’clock. The chair men are requested to have had all committee meetings held prior to that time so that they will be en abled to bring information re garding material needed for dec orating booths at the May Day Festival along the line of crepe paoer, balloons, etc. This will be the final meeting before the Mav Day Festival which will be held Thursday, Mav 1, in the Edenton armory, so that every chairman is urgently re quested to be present. Teachers are also invited and urged to at- ' Merchants To Meet In Raleigh May 18 Over 400 persons are expected to attend the 56th annual con vention of the North Carolina Merchants Association which will be held in Raleigh May 18-20. One of tne principal speakers will be John Hazen of Washing ton, D. C., vice president of the National Retail Merchants Asso ciation, who will bring an import ant message on "The Washington Scene”. Registration for (he convention, which will have headquarters in Hotel Sir Walter, will start Sun day afternoon, May 13. An open house for the merchants and their guests will be held that evening. NAME OMITTED In last week’s Herald the name of Delores Barrow was omitted from the list of National Honor students who attended the state contest held at Win gate College. Her name should have been included with the group and the omission is re gretted by The Herald. RED MEN MEETING Chowan Tribe of Red Men will meet Monday: night, April 7, at 7:30 o’clock. Hurley Ward, sa chem, is very anxious to have a good turn-out of members. (jeste lor / -M / / JViW Good things come in twos ond threes, this Easter We re J M\| / j JF '1 | A referring, of course, to the popular new costumes . . «; | Jr ' .Ijjjl |1 Co-op Produce Exchange Called To Meet April 8 The April meeting of the Cho wan Cooperative Produce Ex change will be held at Rocky Hock School Tuesday night, April 8, promptly at 8 o’clock, accord ing to Carey M. Evans, secretary treasurer. All members should be present. April 8 is the present closing date for acreage sign-up under the Cooperative. Members who wish to sign-up vegetables, but who have not to date, may bring in or sign their forms at the meet ing. New members may also be ac cepted upon payment of a five dollar membership fee and ac ceptance by the organization. It is possible for new members to be accepted and for them to sign up at this meeting. “We are particularly anxious to have additional growers from other counties as well as Chowan, to become members,” Mr, Evans says. Other matters pertaining to the operation of the market during the 1958 season will be consider ed. “We will have some addition al information on vegetables and their production if time permits,” says Mr. Evans. Washington Couple Honored At Buffet Supper March 22nd Miss Jane Welch and Bill Page of Washington, N. C., whose mar riage will be a June event, were honored Saturday night, March 22, with a buffet supper given by her great, aunts and uncles, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hollowell and Mr. and Mrs. R. K. 'Hollowell. The pre-nuptial celebration took place at the Chowan Com munity House which was effec tively arranged throughout with arrangements of yellow and white early spring flowers. The buffet table was lighted by white tapers in silver five-branch ed candelabra holding epergn ettes of jonquils, white carnations, sweet peas and gypophelia. Miss Welch was remembered with a corsage of white carna tions. Approximately 60 friends and relatives attended the affair. Miss Welch is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Leary of Tyner and Mrs. W. D. Welch of Tyner. BYRD HD CLUB MEETS j Mrs. Haywood Phthisic was! hostess at the regular meeting of , the Byrd Home Demonstration j Club, held March 20, with nine j members present. The group sang “Believe Me,'” followed by prayer. Mrs. George Smith presented the devotional. ; Mrs. M. ■ T. Barrington gave a report of the County Council meeting held at Center Hill Com munity Building, following which guaranteed SQUARE DEAL ... the PREMIUM fertilizer . . . with SIX PLANT FOODS . . . GUARANTEED . . . PLUS TREL. MORE PLANT FOOD GUARANTEE!:! HAvciilaLla in c.’l grades for general crops. . McsLs sure ycur crops receive all the plant foe J they need, including IfcSlL vital trace tinmen?:. jj| • See us for your sup pi / ■ ■ i c. SQJARu DaAL. Leary Bros. Storage Co. Phones 2141-2142 : Edenton, N. C. —SECTION ON* PAGE SEVEN j the club selected the member to be known as “Homemaker of the ' Month”. I Mrs. J. D. Swindell gave a very i interesting and instructive dem onstration on “Fabrics, Synthetics and Blends.” The meeting was ! closed by the members repeating the Club Collett. The hostess seived delicious re freshments which were enjoyed by all.