ONLY NEWSPAPER - PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXV.—Number 16. Four Candidates Provide Contest For Clerk Os Court Mrs. Lena Leary, West Byrum, Jr., Thomas Shepard Join John F. White In Race For Office Since the announcement last week by E. W. Spires that he will not be a candidate for re-election as Clerk of Superior Court, three more have filed as candidates for the office. The trio of candidates are Mrs. Leon Leary, West W. By rum, Jr., and Thomas Hoskins Shepard. John F. White previ ously announced that he will be a candidate. Ernest L. White, Jr., late Tuesday afternoon filed as a candidate for Clerk of Court | thus making five candidates now for the office to be va cated by E. W. Spires. Mrs. Leon Leary has been working in the clerk’s office for 10 years and since 1951 has been assistant clerk, prior to which she was deputy. Mrs. Leary graduated with hon ors at Edenton High School and in'l93l graduated from the Nor folk Business College. She was branch manager of the Carolina Motor Club for about 10 years, af ter which she was employed as Continued on Page 3—Section 1 Term Os Court Scheduled To Open April 28 Another term of Chowap Su perior Court is scheduled to be held_ the week of April 28. Judge Henry Stevens of Warsaw is scheduled to preside over the term with only civil cases sched uled to be tried. Chowan County Commissioners last week picked 36 names from the jury box, who will be sum moned to serve as jurymen dur ing the term. Those chosen for jury duty are as follows: Johnnie Chappell, Dallas Jeth ro, Jr., Carlton Nixon, Wallace T. Bass, Brady'C. Hare, Carey A. Privott, Henry Allen Bunch, Ells worth Blanchard, Clarence Gib son Brickie, Leroy Boyce, W. Jen nings Bunch, Earl White, A. C. Griffin, William T. Forehand, R. G. ~Evans, Ralph E. Wilder, Fred A.- White, Jr., Lonnie R. Harrell, W. W. Byrum, Jr„ Herman Lay den, T. L. Evans, Vernon W. Lane, Carl Keeter, Raymond A. Mansfield, Herbert E. Hollowell, M. J. Evans, Charles M. Asbell, Ralph K. Hollowell, A. A. Parrish, T. O. Asbell, Thomas W. Leary, Robert C. Powell, J. M. Boyce, L. C. Baker, J. Rodney Byrum and Thurston Stallings. Gilliam Wood Candidate For Commissioner Gilliam Wood has filed as a candidate for County Commis sioner at large to succeed West W. Byrum, who will not seek re election. Up to Wednesday Mr. Wood had no opposition. It is Mr. Wood’s first bid for public office and agreed to make the run after many of his friends urged him to do so. Mr. Wood is president of the Edenton branch of the Peoples Bank add Trust Company, presi dent of the Home Feed & Fer tilizer Company. He instigated the reorganization of the Edenton Chamber of Commerce and is now serving as president, and is "associated with many of Eden ton's activities- He was chosen’ by the Edenton Junior Chamber of Commerce as the outstanding Young Farmer of Chowan County in 1956 and' 1957 he was selected as the outsanding young man of the year. He is well acquainted with the problems on farms and is among the most prominent farmers in THE CHOWAN HERALD ( Brightened Up j As a result of a request by the student body of the Edenton Jun ior-Senior High School, the lunch room at the school has been brightened up with a new paint job. David Fletcher, president of the student body and Student Council, recently appeared before the school trustees with a re quest to paint {tie lunch room,; pointing out that students hold most of their social functions there and that a coat of paint would brighten the atmosphere while eating lunches. The trustees had the work done over the Easter holidays and they, as well as students, agree that a big improvement has been made. Dallas Jethro, Jr. Files As Candidate For Commissioner A three-corned contest has de veloped in the May 31 primary election for County Commissioner from the Fourth Township. Dallas Jethro, Jr., 28, has filed as a candidate for the office to be vacated by Joe Webb, who has served 38 years. Previously an nounced candidates are Joe Webb, Jr., and Bembry Wood. Mr. Jethro is a native of Cho wan County and graduated from Edenton High School in 1948. Since his graduation he has been a farmer in the Yeopim section. He is at present a second lieuten ant in the Edenton unit of the North Carolina National Guard and is a member of the Yeopim Baptist Chureli, He is married and the father of a three-year-old son and 3 months-old daughter. “If elected,” Mr. Jethro said, “I will devote my best efforts to the welfare of the Fourth Town ship and the county as a whole.” • ROTARtANS MEET TODAY Edenton’s Rotary Club will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock in the Parish House. The program will be in charge of Richard Schuman and President Robert Marsh urges a 100 per cent meeting. Local Peoples Bank And Trust Company Files Application To Form Consumer Credit Branch John A. Kramer, executive vice president of the Peoples Bank and Trust Company has announc ed the bank has made application to the State Banking Commission to establish an industrial loan branch in Edenton to be known as “Consumer Credit Branch”. The application will be heard in Raleigh before the Commission on Wednesday,’ April 23 at 11 A. M. , ‘ 1 Kramer said that upon favor able action by the Commission to grant the request the Consumer Credit Branch will be established at 210 South Broad Street next Veteran County Officials Will Retire 8 * 1 be a Candida | Mr. Byrum has served*as chairman of the Commissioners for | to Jot Wtbb sol seeking rc-tltclion as County Continissionor. Edenton, §? /an County, North Carolina, Thursday, April 17,1958. Chowan County Winners In Poster Contest > ~ C : v\ Ik ISt#. mmmM . * • Wm e v * Lfltf <*l 4k Afl v Chowan County entries in the district conservation poster contest held Friday in Elizabeth City walked off with five of the six prizes. The winners, pictured above, left to right, are: Gene Hurdle of Rocky Hock Schoo’, serond place in the fifth v grade; Carroll Tynch of Rocky Hock School, first place in the fifth grade; Robert Wayne Bass of Chowan H gh School, second place in the sixth grade; Nancy Bass of Rocky Hock School, first place in the lourlh grade, and Margaret Tynch of Rocky Hock School, second place in the fourth grade. Trustees Os Edenton School AskForNewSehoolßuilding John A. Holmes, Philip McMul lan, M. A. Hughes, J. H. Conger and W. T. Harry, members of ihe Edenton School Trustees, appear ed before the Chowan County Commissioners last week io re quest a new Elementary School for Edenton. It was pointed out that ihe present Elementary School was adequate when if was construct ed some 40 years ago, but that at present it isn't and that, besides the location isn't in keeping with modern schools in that it is sit uated in an area where there is a great dealpof traffic, coupled with limited space for playgrounds and recreation. The school trustees also ex-, pressed the opinion that if a new school building is constructed and in view of the tact that the Com missioners for a long time have been considering a building in which io house the various county offices, the Dresenl school build ing is adequate to accommodate all of the county offices, as well as having plenty of storage space for records which now clutter the i Continued on Page 3— Section 1 to the Taylor Theatre. He fur ther stated that this new office is in keeping with the manage ment’s plan to expand facilities and services of the bank to meet the needs of the people and local business of the community. “When the new office opens it will give us more room here in the main office to serve commer cial and trust"business,” said Mr. Kramer. “And also, we will be able to render a broader and fast er installment loan service in the new consumer credit quarters with facilities for private inter views.” II | f K* v i !!fefe Bt 4k Wife-"-. m fib ML ms Vi BVIBBV VVBHHi E. W. SPIRES West W. Byrum Announces He Has Deckled Not To Run For Chowan County Commissioner r- -y Wins Scholarship j ■ , . ■ fray MISS LINDA LEARY An announcement came from East Carolina College last week that Miss Linda Leary, popular Edenton senior and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Leary, had been awarded an educational re sources scholarship. Chowan Students Get High Rank In Typing Contest Deanna Hollowell of Edenton Conies In Second Thursday of last week the district typewriting contest was held at East Carolina College. At that time a summary report was given for the results of the Continued on Page B—Section 1 feme calendar] T May Day Festival will be held in the Edenton armory Thurs day, May 1. The 25th District Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs will meet at Poplar Branch Friday, Continued on Page B—Section 1 Three Contests Develop For Primary Election On May 31 With the exception of West' Byrum, Sr., E. W. Spires and Joe Webb, all incumbents of county offices have filed for re-election in the May 31st primary election. As of Wednesday there were three contests, three candidates for sheriff, including Sheriff J. A. Bunch, Herman White and Earl Goodwin. For the office of Clerk of Superior Court there were four candidates, Mrs. Lena West W. Byrum, who has ser- j ved as chairman of the Chowan j County Commissioners for a pe riod. of 14 years, announced late last week that he definitely will not be a candidate for re-election in the May 31st primary election. Mr. Byrum’s principal reason for not seeking re-election is the! present condition of his health, j Mr. Byrum was appointed Com- ■ missioner January 1, 1944, to fill the unexpired term of D. M. War ren who died, and since that time Mr. Byrum has had no opposition as Commissioner-at-large. In i making his decision not to seek j re-election, Mr. Byrum says he greatly appreciates the support and confidence the voters of Cho wan County have given him over the years. At the termination of his pres ent term Mr. Byrum will have served as chairman of the com missioners 15 years and not only Continued on Page 3—Section 1 Marine Pilot Is Killed In Crash At 11:10 o’clock Saturday morning, April 12, First Lieu j tenant Elbert J. Rosa, USMCR, was killed when his ADS aircraft crashed into a mountainside near Chelyan, West Virginia. He was enroute to Olathe, Kansas, from the Edenton Naval Auxiliary Air Station on a cross-country train ing flight. Police found the lieutenant half a mile from the wreckage with his parachute half open. Lieutenant Rosa w r as a mem ber of Marine Attack Squadron 225 and is survived by his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rosa, Sr., of Philadelphia, Pa. Woman’s Club Thrift Sale April 18 And 19 Edenton Woman's Club will sponsor a thrift sale Friday, April 18, from 2 to 5 P. M., and Satur day, April 19, from 10 A. M., to 5 P. M. The sale will be held in the building formerly occupied by Jack’s Grill on Broad Street, i All kinds of clothing will be on sale and the women are hopeful that many people will attend. Leary, John F. White, West By rum, Jr., and Thomas Hoskins Shepard. The other contest is for Commissioner from the Fourth Township, with the candidates being Joe Webb, Jr., Bembry Wood and Dallas Jethro, Jr. Officials who face no opposition as of Wednesday morning are: Gilliam Wood, commissioner-at large; William E. Bond, First Continued on Pago 6—Section 1 R. P. Baer Elected President Os New Edenton Industries *kr Production Is Already Begun In Plant on Broad Street * At the first meeting held Wednesday of the new board of directors of Edenton Industries, Inc., Richard P. Baer 11. was j elected president of the recently 1 organized fiberglass products [ firm here. Mr. Baer is president i of Halsey Hardwood Company, Inc., and a director of the Eden j ton Development Corporation. j I Gilliam Wood, president and ] treasurer of the Home Feed & Fertilizer Company, Inc.,' was I elected chairman of the board of i directors. Mr. Wood is also j president of the Chamber of Continued on Page 3—Section 1 Vegetable Sign-up ! Extended To April 20 The acreage sign-up of vege tables in the Chowan Cooperative Produce Exchange has been ex-1 tended to April 20, according to I Carey M. Evans, secretary-treas-1 urer. This action was taken at j the April membership meeting j held at Rocky Hock School on I Tuesday night, April 8. The planting season is consid erably retarded due to weather conditions. It is hoped that the sign-up extension will help some growers who have not made up their minds. Growers wishing to sign up should contact Mr. Ev ans as soon as possible. Deadline Near 1 With 18 candidates in the field to fill 10 county offices in the; May election, attention is called j to the fact lhat any other pros- j pective candidates have only * until Saturday, April 19, to file. I The deadline will be at 12 o'clock noon and no filing will be ac- ! cepted after that hour. Three New Candidates For Clerk Os Superior Court Jsgaßm MRS. LENA LEARY Following shortly after the announcement of E. W. Spires that he will not seek re-election as Clerk of Superior Court, three more candidates have filed for the office. John F. While an nounced as a candidate before Mr. Spires announcement, and since then Mrs. Lena Leary, as sistant clerk. West Byrum, Jr„ and Thomas Shepard have entered the race. District Meeting Os HD Clubs Friday Miss Maidred Morris, home agent, reminds all Chowan Home Demonstration Club women to at tend the 25th District Federation meeting tomorrow (Friday, April 18), at the Dr. W. T. Griggs School, Poplar Branch, in Curri tuck County. Registration will open at 10:30 A. M., with the pro gram beginning at 11 o’clock. The Rev. Burkett Raper, presi dent of Mt. Olive Junior College, will be the guest speaker. Arrangements will be made for anyone who wishes to attend the meeting but does not have trans portation if they will contact the home agent’s office. A large delegation from Cho wan County is expected to be present, according to Miss Morris. Non-club members are also in vited. G Os G Directors Will Meet Todav J Members of the board of direc tors of the Chamber of Commerce are requested to meet this (Thurs day) afternoon. The meeting will be held at 5 o’clock at Hotel Jo seph Hewes, $2.00 Per Year In North Carolina, Chowan Pupils Win Five Os Six Prizes In District Contest Seeking Office ] m ■• • • GILLIAM WCOD j With West W. Byrum an nouncing he will not be a candi date for County Commissioner at large, Giiliam Wood has filed as a candidate for the office in the May 31st primary election. Caswell Edmundson Is Elected President Os Edenton’s Javeees At their meeting Thursday night Edenton Jaycees elected j Caswell Edmundson president for, the coming year, succeeding War ren Twiddy. Mr. Edmundson has j been serving as a vice president and received the key man award for the year 1957. Other officers elected were: < Gene Ward, first vice president: Ralph Outlaw, second vice presi dent: James Perry, secretary;! West Byrum, Jr,, corresponding secretary; Rodney Harrell, Jr.,) treasurer, and Elton Forehand, Kenneth Worrell, George A. By rum and Charlie Morgan to the I board of directors. WEST BYRUM, JR. Edenton Lions Variety Show Friday Night Very Successful J C 1 J Jaycee Road-e-o Scheduled May 3 Eugene Carpenter, Chairman of i the Teenage Safe Driving Road-! e-o, announced this week that: written tests for those competing will be held at the Junior-Senior High School and Chowan High School Wednesday morning, April 23, beginning at 10:50 o’clock. The driving tests will be held on the street in front of the Jun ior-Senior High School Saturday morning, May 3, beginning at 9:30 Continued on Page 6—Section 1 20 Years Ago LAs Found in the Files of The Chowan Herald Walter M. Wilkins was ap pointed by Town Council to rep resent tile Fourth Ward to suc ceed William E. Bond, who mov ed to his farm on the Suffolk highway. « A delegation of Edenton people went to Plymouth in J. H. Con- Continued on Page 6—Section 1 FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK Entries From Rocky Hock School Win Four of Five Chowan County’s entries in the district conservation poster con test held in Elizabeth City Fri day more or less monopolized the show with the youngsters cop ping five of the six prizes. There were 30 posters entered in the district contest and in the five counties involved in the neigh borhood of 550 posters were en tered for elimination. Four of the five winning Cho wan posters came from the Rocky Hock School and one from Cho wan High School. The winners included two first place awards and three coming in second place. First place winners were Car roll Tynch. fifth grade and Nan cy Bass, fourth grade, both from Rocky Hock School. Second place winners were Gene Hurdle, fifth grade in the Rocky Hock School; Robert Wayne Bass, sixth grade in Chowan High School and Mar garet Tynch, fourth grade in Continued on Page B—Section I The newly elected officers will be installed Thursday night. April 24, when James Price, district vice president of Ahoskie, will be the principal speaker. Gene Carpenter. Chairman of the Teenage Road-e-o, called at tention to the affair, which will be held Saturday morning. May 3, at 9:30 o’clock at the Junior- Senior High School. The district meeting to be held at Ahoskie Wednesday of next week, Warren Twiddy j.-, a candi date for vice president of the 10th District and about -10 Eden ton Jaycees plan to attend the meeting. % 9H ThCMAS H. SHF • A!:;- The Edenton Grammar School auditorium was the scene of a “really big show” Friday night when the Lions Club staged its annual Variety Show. The even ing of entertainment was direct ed by Frank Roberts, WCDJ an nouncer, who also acted as mas ter of ceremonies. Jimmie Grif fin was chairman of the Variety | Show Committee. A surprising ! ly large number of acts appear ed which kept, the audience enter tained and enthusiastic until a late hour. The acts were of the highest calibre artistically, and were warmly received by a rec ord audience for this annual event. The show got under way by the singing of the Six B’ers, a vocal group from Rocky Hock High School. They were followed by Melvin Harrell and the Albemarle Playboys with some good “coun try” music. Little Patty Lynn Lewis, 5-year-old daughter of Johnny Lewis, stole the show from this group singing “Goody, Goody” with all the stage pres ence of a veteran, and was recall ed by the audience for an encore. Continued on Pago B—Section I