ONLY NEWSPAPER PU BUSHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXV.—Number 18. Chamber Comther ii Will\ Present Hurricane Damage To Army Corps Engineers Damage Due to Flood ing In Area Is Esti mated-to Amount to About $567,704 The 1954-1955 hurricanes caus ed damage from tidal flooding and wave action in the Edenton- Chowan County area estimated at $567,704, according to a report compiled by the Edenton Cham ber of Commerce. The data, ga 7 thered from County and Town of ficials and private property own ers, will be presented to the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers at a public hearing in Washington, N. C„ Friday. The Chamber’s report will be considered by the Corps of Engi neers in an over-all survey being made on hurricane problems and means of preventing damage to property in the northeastern sec tion of the state. This study is authorized under Congressional Public Law 71. Previous hear ings have been held by the Corps of Engineers in New Bern and Edenton. Chamber President Gilliam Wood and Executive Vice Presi dent Harry Smith, Jr., and Town Continued on Page 2 —Section 1 Democrats To Hold Precinct MeetingsMay3 Mrs. Lena M. Leary, acting sec retary-treasurer of the Chowan County Democratic Executive Committee, announces that Dem- DKftriUr precinct yiiWrrjs yUI held in th'e various precinct* of Chowan bounty Saturday after noon, May 3, at 3 o’clock. The purpose of these meetings is to perfect organizations and to elect delegates to the County Convention, which will be held in the Court House Saturday af ternoon, May 10, at 3 o’clock. All Democrats £(re invited to at tend the precinct meetings, which will be held at the following places: East Edenton Precinct Cho wan County Court House. West Edenton Precinct Mu nicipal Building. Rocky Hock Precinct Union store. Center Hill Precinct Ross Bunch’s store. Wardville Precinct H. R. Peele’s store. Yeopim Precinct Harry A. Parry’s store. Red Men Change Hour Os Meeting • _4_i— Effective next Monday night, May 5, Chowan Tribe of Red Men j will change its meeting hour from 7:30 to 8 o’clock each Monday! night. The new hour will be in j effect during the summer months. 1 Rear Adntiral A. J. Fay Guest at Edenton Base Wv&mmmr \ A ju£ ?' • v IP* v ‘ * ** * ’lk Jnjfl Hear Admiral A. J. Fay* Fifth Naval District Public Work* Officer, visited the Navel Auxiliary Air Station at Edenloft Tuesday of last week. THE- CHOWAN HERALD ■iff * PTA President THOMAS HOPKINS At a meeting of the Edenton Parent-Teacher Association held last week Thomas Hopkins was elected president. Mr. Hopkins succeeds Joe Conger, Jr., and will, along with other officers be in stalled at the PTA meeting Tues day night. May 13. Home Demonstration Week Observance Begins May 4th Sunday, May 4, will mark thej beginning of the observance of 13th National Home Demonstra tion Week in North Carolina dur ing which around 64,000 home demonstration club members join with 6Vi million club members in America in recognizing club work and its leaders, Ruth Current, state heme -demonstration agent, his announcelif * > Governor Luther H. Hodges said in a recent statement, “We are proud of our state-wide home demonstration program, and in recognition of its leadership achievements and objectives, I am happy to designate the week of May 4-10, 1958, as National Home Demonstration Week in North Carolina and call it to the atten tion of all our people.” Among the purposes of the na Mrs. Myda Taylor Is New Red Cross Home Service Chairman White, chairman of the Chowan County Chapter of the Red Cross, has announced that Mrs. Myda W. Taylor has been app<»inted Home. Service Chair man for the local chapter. Mrs. Taylor’s appointment is to fill the vacancy made by Milton Bass, who resigned after a .year’s ser vice in this post. “The Chapter feels itself for tunate in securing Mrs. Taylor for this position,” stated Mr. White. The Home Service Chairman is responsible for contacts between Chowan County servicemen and their families in cases of emer in the Officers Club. Left to right are: C. A. Goodwyn, Director Construction Division, Dis trict Public Works Office; Mayor V. N. Darden of Hertford; Admiral Fay, LI Cdr. Dalton, Mayor Ernest P. Kehayes of Edenton And Col. Frank H. Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, May 1,1958. F Teachers’ Day I Spohsored by the VFW Auxili ary, Teachers' Day will be obser ved Friday, May 2. On that day members of the VFW will visit both the Edenton Junior-Senior High School and the Elementary School, where they will pin a flower on each teacher. The VFW Auxiliary has also re quested various ministers to pay special tribute to teachers in their sermons on Sunday, May 4. Edenton Jaycees Install Officers Caswell Edmundson Is New President of Edenton Group Edentoij Jaycees held a very delightful meeting Thursday night at the American Legion building when they observed La- Continued on Page 7—Section 1 tional observance are the aims to acquaint more people with the total Extension Service program emphasizing its contribution to home and family living, to help homemakers know and use re search findings related to the home and family; and to give spe cial recognition to volunteer lead ers, whose part in planning and tarrying out the program possible the magnitude of home demonstration work. Part of the state observance will include a special program, Friday, May 9, in Raleigh at the Pullen Memorial Baptist Church when a group of home demon stration citizenship and interna tional relations leaders will meet in recognition of the United Na tions and jts part in promoting Continued on Page 7—Section 1 gency, and is acting field director for the NAAS, Edenton. “A Home Service representative is available at all times to assist in emergencies; it is one of the most vital roles of the Red Cross in this or any community,” stated Mr. White. Mrs. Taylor is connected with Sears-Roebuck in Edenton. She is active in the Edenton Woman’s Club, and St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, where she acts as a youth counselor. In emergencies she may be reached by calling 2186 during the day or 2274 dur ing the evening. iki w zmk i ItAM m ft Iff W /ff^^^^ff^Hp m f if* f|*p Ms- * ww**** l **.! ‘ i H fIEL HECI / L 3ft r® 1 wmmM JR ijljF 1 m , f •. IP ; A - t Above are the new officers of the Edenton Junior Chamber of Commerce, who were in stalled at a Ladies' Night banquet held Thursday night in the American Legion building. Front row, left to right, they are: Rodney Harrell, Jr., treasurer; Gene Ward, first vice president; Cas well Edmundson. president; Ralph Outlaw, second Mrs. Laura Ferguson Is Elected President Edenton’s BPW Club Mrs. Laura Ferguson will again head up the Edenton Business and Professional Women’s Club as president following the election of new officers held Thursday night in the Penelope Barker House. Other officers elected were: Mrs. Alice Twiddy, first vice pres ident; Mrs. Ethel Simpson, second vice president; Mrs. Fanny Ed wards, treasurer; Miss Frances Marshboune, recording secretary; Miss Inez Felton, corresponding secretary, and Miss Mary Lee Copeland, parliamentarian. In stallation of these pfficers will take place at the May meeting. Highlighting the meeting was an interesting talk on “Chamber Plans Completed ForMusicFestival Sunday, May 4th Program Will Begin At 3 P. M. at Chowan High School Final plans for the county-wide music festival sponsored by the Chowan Home Demonstration Clubs have been announced by Mrs. C. W. Overman, county mu sic leader. The event will be held at the Chowan High School auditorium on Sunday afternoon, May 4, at 3 o’clock. This is the second music festival to be held in this coun ty. ' The public is cordially invited to the program which will fea ture inspirational and sacred mu sic by individuals, small groups Continued on Page 2—Section 1 j civic calendar! X J May Day Festival will be held in the Edenton armory today (Thursday). The Jaycee Teenage Safe Driving Road-e-o contest will be held Saturday morning. May 3. at 9:30 o'clock on the street in front of the Edenton Junior- Senior High School. Democratic precinct meetings will be held in the various Cho wan County precincts Saturday afternoon. May 3. at 3 o'clock. ■ Mrs. Gordorf Maddxey of Ahos kie will be guest speaker at the Continued on Page B—Section 1 Crazy Hats And New Sack Look Woman’s Club Meeting Feature Last week’s meeting of the Edenton Woman’s Club featured a “fashion show” featuring “crazy hats” and a hilarious sa tire 'on the new sack look. The meeting was held in the Parish House with Mrs. Frank Holmes, Mrs. J. H. Conger, Jr., 'Mrs. W. P. Jones, Mcs. Hector Lupton and Mrs. Ed Bond as hostesses. For the occasion members brought with them Easter bon nets, utilising every crazy idea possible for a fun-filled program which featured humorous and ingenious designs. At the con New Officers For Edenton Jaycees of Commerce and its Activities,” .by Harry Smith, executive vice president. He was introduced by j Miss Mary Lee Copeland, j Mr. Smith explained the func tions of the local Chamber of Commerce, stating that the whole 'idea of a Chamber of Commerce was first started in 1807 in Eu rope. “What is foremost in ev eryone’s mind here,” he said, “is the improvement of business. The Chamber of Commerce is devot ing a great deal of time prepar ing for the closing of the Eden ton Naval Base, and one thing now in progress is a physical in ventory of the buildings on the base and equipment that might Continued on Page 7—Section 1 Soil Stewardship Week Observance May 11th To 18th Churches Cooperating In Soil Stewardship Sunday May 18 The Albemarle Soil Conserva tion District is again sponsoring Soil Stewardship Week beginning May 11 and running through May 18. Soil Stewardship Sunday will be May 18. This is a Sunday that most of the sermons on soil ste wardship will be given in the lo cal churches. Churches cooperating with the Soil Conservation District in the Continued on Page 2—Section 1 District Jaycees Elect Twiddv As Vice President At a meeting of the Tenth Dis trict of the Junior Chamber of Commerce held in Ahoskie Wed nesday night of last week, War ren Twiddy of Edenton was elect ed district vice president. Mr. Twiddy was not expected to have any opposition, but another can didate was proposed with Mr. Twiddy winning out in the elec tion. Mr. Twiddy succeeds James (Scobie) Price. Prominent visitors at the meet ing were Marvin B. Koonce of Raleigh, a candidate for president of the State Jaycees; Frank Dan iels of Raleigh and Jay Bundy of Mount Olive, a candidate for national clusion of the show Mrs. J. M. Thorud, club president, and Mrs. Ed Bond modeled the sack look for 1958, using honest-to-good ness peanut bags by courtesy of; the Chowan Storage Company,! providing a fitting climax to the day’s meeting. A camellia show was staged by the cilub in conjunction with the April meeting with many local flower lovers entering beautiful blooms from their gar dens. A number of guests were in Continuad on Pag* 7—Section 1 vice president; James Perry, secretary. Back row, left to right, Dick Dixon, slate director; El ton Forehand, Charlie Morgan, George Alma By rum and Kenneth Worrell, directors; West By rum. Jr., corresponding secretary and Warren Twiddy, retiring president and ex-officio member of the board of directors. WARREN TWIDDY At a district meeting of Jay cees held at Ahoskie Wednesday night of last week. Warren Twiddy of Edenton was elected vice president of the Junior Chamber of Commerce Tenth District. Phthisic Super Market Newest Business Planned For Edenton Another super market for Edenton is now in the making, with the announcement by Hay wood McKay Phthisic, Jr., that the Taylor building, formerly oc cupied by Colonial Stores, i s now being remodeled and renovated for a 100 per cent self-service food store. The building will be_ equipped with an air conditioning unit, modern heating system, new water system, new lighting sys tem with a lower ceiling. The j front of the building will also be j remodeled, with the work being ] done by the Edenton Construe- j tion Company. McKay Phthisic will be mana- j ger of the new store and says he, is hopeful that he will be able to i EASTERN STAR MEETING Edenton Chapter No. 302, Or der of the Eastern Star will meet Monday night, May 5, at 8 o’clock. Mrs. Pearl Harrell, worthy ma tron, urges as many members as possible to attend. Woitianless Wedding Friday Night ■HHWI ' I - Jl ‘ |yy|| JKt * f JlgggHMpf 1 f im ■ L 9 m/ £ HMHL . - .±, .-j. ■ ■: '-ii. Above is a scene at the Womanless Wedding presented re cently at Chowan High School by Home Demonstration Clubs of Chowan County. The entertainment will be repeated Fri day night. May 2, at 8 o'clock in the Edenton Elementary School auditorium, with all of the proceeds going toward the county's Red Cross fund. In the picture are, left to right Robert Marsh, Jarvis Skinner, Lester Copeland, Emmett Jones, Doras Cope land and Britton Byrum. _ Wins Election $2.00 Per Year In North Carolina jPTA May Day Will Be Observed Today In Edenton Armory Clubs’ Womanless Wedding Friday To Boost Red Cross Six Local Talent Acts Added as Special Feature i Friday night, May 2, at 8 o’clock the Chowan County Home Demonstration Clubs will present a Womanless Wedding in the Edenton Elementary School auditorium. The clubs have agreed to present a repeat of this very delightful entertainment in an effort to help meet the deficit in the current drive for Red Cross i funds. The county is in the neigh- I borhood of S4OO short of the $2,317 j quota and the women sponsor ing the entertainment and the men participants have agreed to repeat the “wedding - ’ with all of the proceeds going into the Red Continued on Page B—Section 1 C, Os C. Directors Will Meet Today The board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce will meet today (Thursday) at the Hotel Jo-! seph Hewes at 11 A. M., instead of 5 P. M., as previously, accord ing to Harry Smith, Jr., execu tive vice-president. Caswell Edmundson, newly elected president of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, becomes a member of the board replacing i Past President Warren Twiddy, who has represented the Jaysees i on the board since last October. In accepting his resignation with regret, President Gilliam Wood thanked Mr. Twiddy for his coun sel and assistance in coordinating the activities of the two chamber organizations. open for business by June 1. He is now accepting applications for employees. When completed the store will carry a full line of staple and fan cy groceries, produce and meats, and will be known as Phthisic’s Super Market. Mr. Phthisic is a graduate of, Edenton High School, after which' he attended Campbell College. He served in the U. S. Navy for three years and has had consid erable experience in the grocery and meat business. He was for merly employed by the P & Q Super Market and has been in j contact with the grocery business i for many years while living with i his parents. VFW MEETS TUESDAY William H. Coffield Post No. 9280, Veterans of Foreign Ware, will meet Tuesday night, May 6, at 8 o’clock. Harold Langdale, Commander, is very anxious to have a full attendance. FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK j Gala Day of Enter tainment Sponsored By Edenton Parent- Teacher Association Plans have been completed for the May Day Festival to be held today (Thursday) in the Edenton, , armory. The festival is sponsor ed by the Edenton Parent-Teach er Association in an effort to give the youth of the community clean and decent entertainment at a small cost and to help raise mon ey to promote various necessary projects. Mrs. Earl Carpenter is general chairman of the festival, with Lu ther Parks acting as supervising chairman. Rooms in both schools are lending their support, assisting in advertising and other prepara tions. Grade mothers will have charge of the various booths at the festival and teachers are act ing as liaison between the PTA and school. A number of outside organiza tions will also cooperate by op erating booths at the armory. These include the Edenton Wo man’s Club, Business and Pro fessional Women’s Club, Officers Continued on Page 2—Section 1 WMU Leader iW ill Speak At Baptist Church Mrs. Gordon Maddrey of Ahos kie will speak to the ladies of the Edenton Baptist Church Monday .afternoon, May 5, at 3:30 o’clock at the regular monthly meeting [of the Woman's Missionary Socie ty. Mrs. Maddrey is a very fluent and qualified speaker and has been actively engaged in church work from her childhood, major ing in WMU Activity. For five years she rendered efficient ser vice both as State WMU presi dent and as mission study chair man. It was under her leader ship that the missionary round tables were made popular in the state. The year prior to becom ing state president, she was first vice president of the State WMU. She is a graduate of Meredith College and holds an MA degree in history from Columbia Uni versity. The public is invited to attend the meeting to hear Mrs. Mad drey. Painting By Enola Smith Wins Prize A watercolor painting, titled “November Afternoon,” by Enola N. Smith of Edenton, won second prize, a red ribbon, at the North Carolina Federation of Women’s Clubs’ State Convention held at Charlotte April 15 through April 17th. Mrs. Smith is a charter member of the Edenton Woman’s Club and has earned well-deserved recog nition as gn artist. She has had exhibits in many regional art ex hibitions. all of which brought a considerable amount of favorable comment. 20 Years Ago As Found in the Files of The Chowan Herald The central steering committee fox' staging a celebration in con nection with the completion of the Albemarle Sound bridge met at Manteo. where it was unani mously voted to stage the princi pal portion of the program in Washington County near the south end of the new bridge. Mrs. W. A Graham agreed to turn over her home as headquar ters for the Daughters of the Revolution for a day's visit while holding a national meeting in Ra leigh. W. J. Berryman announced his candidacy for county representa tive in the General Assembly, op posing John F. While. With attendance figures sft the Edenton school warranting an other teacher, Superintendent John A. Helm as announced flea 1 Continued on Page 7 tertian 1