ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXV.—Number 22. Primary Election Is Scheduled To Be Held On Saturday Only Three Contests For Chowan County Offices Chowan County Democrats will 1 have an opportunity to cast their I • ballots tor their favorite candi dates in the Democratic Primary Election which will be held Sat urday, May 31. j Polls will open at 6:30 A. M., and close at 6:30 P. M., Eastern, Standard Time. Tor Chowan County offices 1 there are three contests, for Sher- I iff, Clerk of Superior Court and' County Commissioner from the Fourth Township. In the Sheriff’s race there are three candidates, J. A. Bunch, in cumbent, Earl Goodwin and Her man White. With E. W. Spires declining to be a candidate for re-election, there are five candidates seeking this office. They are Mrs. Lena Leary, assistant Clerk of Court, John F. White, West W. Byrum, Jr.‘, Tom Shepard and Ernest I White, Jr. For County Commissioner from the Fourth Township to succeed veteran Joe Webb, there are three candidates, Joe Webb, Jr., Ben bury Wood and Dallas Jethro, Jr. Os course, Chowan voters will have an opportunity to vote in ■ another contest. This contest is' for the two State Senators from the district, with the candidates being J. Emmett Winslow of Hertford, A. P. Godwin, Jr., of Gatesville and J. William Cope-) land of Murfreesboro. I Local candidates who face no 1 opposition include Albert G. By-1 rum, Representative in the North j Carolina General Assembly; Mar-| vin Wilson, judge of Recorder's Court; Weldon A. Hollowell, pro secuting attorney of Recorder’s Court; Gilliam Wood, W. E. Bond, Carey Hollowell and Raleigh Peele for County Commissioners. I Cancer Drive Nets «1,536.80 Mrs. Kermit Layton, chairman of the cancer drive in Chowan County reports that contributions amount to $1,536.80. The drive was sponsored by the Edenton Woman’s Club. According to Mrs. Layton’s re port the total contributions were made up as follows: Edenton Woman’s Club, $848.97; Negro Home Demonstration Clubs sponsored by the Negro Woman’s Club, $146.62. White Home Dem onstration Clubs, $293.13. all school, county and town coin cans and tag day, $203.43; VFW Auxi liary, $44.65. Mrs. Layton expresses her thanks and appreciation to all who helped to canvass as well as those who made a contribution during the drive. BANK CLOSED FRIDAY ' The Peoples Bank & Trust Company will be closed all day Friday, May 30 in observance of Memorial Day, a national holi day. Chowan Cooperative Produce Exchange Market Is Scheduled To Open 1958 Season June 2nd The Chowan Cooperative Pro duce Exchange Market will open its 1058 season on Monday, June 2, according to Secretary Carey Evans. The auction will begin at 1 o’clock P. M. Francis Hicks of Edenton will be the market manager. The market is located six miles north of Edenton 6n Highway 32. Both auction sales and cooperative sales will be made. Growers who have signed up produce cooperatively should start deliveries as early in the day as possible. This will give the man ager a better chance to place it. It is very important that these growers notify Mr. Hicks at least a day in advance the kind, varie- 1 ty and number packages they ex pect to have so that he can plan accordingly. . 4 • THE n'HOWAN HERALD „ tn !•* \ President) Ip - “"f "’I wM A 1 I M A ERNEST J. WARD, JR. Members of the Ocean High way Association, meeting at Nags Head Friday and Saturday, elect ed Ernest J. Ward, Jr., as presi dent of the association. 4-H Club Group In Charge Os Divine Services Chowan 4-H Club members had complete charge of two morning worship services in observance of 4-H Church Sunday. One service was held at the Rocky Hock Bap tist Church on Sunday, May 18. The other service was held at the Center Hill Methodist Church on Sunday, May 25. Twenty-three 4-H Club mem bers took pert on the program or assisted with the service at Rocky Hock. Sixty 4-H Club members attended the service. There was a total attendance of approxi mately 400 persons at this church. Continued on Page 3—Section 1 Pre-School Clinics Scheduled To Be Held In Chowan County The District Health Department announces a series of pre-school clinics in Chowan County which will begin June 3 and continue through June 26. All parents are urged to bring their children who begin school in September to these clinics for a physical examination. Parents are also requested to bring the child’s birth certificate, if avail able, to the clinics. i Transferred ] t J John W. Wheeler, resident en gineer for the North Carolina Highway Commission, has been transferred to Manteo. where he will be in charge of construction of a new highway at Nags Head. Mr. Wheeler, who has been connected with the Highway Commission, had his headquarters in Williamston before being trans ferred to Manteo. • tion. Unsigned produce will 1 move through the auction. The 1 auction market is open to all vegetable growers. Growers from other counties, as well as Chowan will be welcome, Mr. Evans says. Snap beans, squash, May-peas : and perhaps some other vegeta bles are expected on the opening day. ( Good quality produce in an at tractive package is necessary to get top price,, meet competition and building a reputation. Pro duce must have been grown for quality. It must be harvested right, and at the right stage of maturity. 'lt must be mdved promptly,, not left in the sun to j deteriorate. Proper grading and packing is necessary to have an attractive package. 1 ' ‘ “Let’s make 1058 our best year for quality and sales,’’ Mr. Evans 1 says. S - , , 48 WiH Luxate From Local School On Friday Night Rev. W. M. Howard of Greenville Will Be Principal Speaker Graduation exercises for Eden ton Junior-Senior High School will be held in the Elementary i School auditorium Friday night, 1 May 30, beginning at 8 o’clock. The principal speaker will be the Rev. W. M. Howard, Jr., pastor of the Jarvis Memorial Methodist Church at Greenville, N. C. He will be presented by Tommy Ke hayes, president of the class. During the program various scholarships will be awarded, in cluding Clyde A. Erwin, John Motley Morehead, Parent-Teacher Association and Edenton Woman’s Club. These will be presented in the above order by John A. Holmes, Marvin Wilson, Tom Hopkins and Mrs. Joe Thorud. The class will be presented by | Principal Gerald James and Su- 1 perintendent Holmes will award the diplomas. , Forty-eight seniors will gradu-j ate and receive their diplomas as • follows: | Robert Earl Asnley, James Hen ry Boswell, Robert Joel Boyce, Jr., Sandra Lee Boyce, Knapp Charlton Brabble, Delores Char lotte Bunch, Mary Elizabeth Bunch, Patricia Anne Bunch, Charlotte Lavenia Burgess, Page Yvonne Cayton, Jesse Harold Copeland, Maude Lee Corprew, Sarah Elizabeth Davenport, Wil liam Stokely Elliott, Jr., Bertha Whilmena Ellis, David Brecken ridge Fletcher, Willard Ray Hall, William Thomas Harry, Jr., Continued on Page 4—Section 1 EASTERN STAR MEETING j Edenton Chapter No. 302, Order of the Eastern Star, will meet in the Masonic Temple Monday night, June 2, at 8 o’clock. Mrs. W. A. Harrell, worthy matron, re quests all members to be pres ent due to the fact that the chap ter will celebrate its fifth birth day. t The schedule of clinics follows: 1 White Oak June 3 at 8:30 l A. M. : Edenton Colored boys—June 4 at 8:30 A. M. 'j Edenton Colored girls—June 5 1 at 8:30 A. M. "I Edenton (white) boys—June 25 i at 8:30 A. M. ; Edenton (white) girls—June 25 - at 8:30 A. M. Chowan—June 26 at 8:30 A. M. Bobby Pratt Honor Guard Bobby Pratt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Pratt, has been signally honored in Washington, D. C., where he is employed by the FBI. Young Pratt is also a member of a National Guard unit at Wash ington and he has been selected an honor guard at the burial of unknown soldiers which will take place at Arlington Cemetery on Friday, Memorial Day. Bobby is among 22 young men selected to serve as honor guards at the Me morial Day celebration. r'" 20 Years Ago As Found in the Files of The Chowan Herald N. At a meeting held in Plymouth it was decided to stage a celebra tion of the completion of the Al bemarle Sound bridge Thursday, August 25. A huge celebration was plan ned, featured ljy a public fish fry to raise funds to wipe out indebt edness of the Edenton High School Band for new uniforms. Thomas Chears. Sr., was seri ously injured in an aufomobila wrejt mhich occurred near Char lottesville. Va. Daughters of the Revolution closed it* 47th annual convention in Raleigh by making * visit to Edenton, with the home of Mrs. on, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, May 29,1958. Edenton BPW Club Leaders iMM l Wr wM JM New officers of the Edenton Business and Professional Wo men's Club were installed Tuesday night of last week at the Parish House. They are, seated, left to right, Mrs. Ethel Simp son. second vice presfceni; Mrs. Laura Ferguson, president: Mrs. Alice Twiddy, first vice president and Mrs. Fanny Edwards, treasurer. Standing, left to right. Miss Mary Lee Copeland, par liamentarian; Miss Frances Marshbourne, recording secretary; Mrs. Myra Mitchell of Ahoskie, district director, who installed the officers, and Miss Inez Felton, corresponding secretary.— (Evelyn Leary Photo). Derwood Bray Os Robersonville ill S ucceed Miss Lida Williams As Director Os Band In Edenton Gerald James, principal of Edenton Junior-Senior High School, has announced that Der- j wood Bray of Robersonville has been employed to succeed Miss Lula Williams as director of the school’s band. Mr. Bray for the past two yearsj has been director of the Rober sonville High School Band, in cluding a 72-piece concert band and a 40-piece junior band. He is a graduate of Elizabeth City! High School, where he played a trombone while a student. He | later was a member of the Unit- 1 ed States Army Band in Wash- j ington, D. C., playing the bari-1 tone for seven years. While in I Ernest Ward, Jr., President Ocean Highway Group Predicts Bigger And Stronger Organiza tion Coming Year Edenton and Ernest Ward, Jr., in particular was honored at the j annual meeting of the Ocean Hi way Association held Friday and , Saturday at Nags Head when Mr. Ward was elected president. He ! succeeds Lloyd Macklin of Myr tle Beach, S. C. Mr. Ward has I served as vice president of the organization and has taken an ac [ tive part of the group's activities. I In accepting the presidency Mr. Ward had the following to say: “It is with a great deal of pleasure tt«*t I accept the tiff ice of president of the Ocean High way Association and to you, the members of the association, 1 thank you very much for this honor. “I am proud to be a part of an i organization that has done so! much for progress in the area it has served for the past 23 years. “The Ocean Highway Associa tion had a small beginning in 1935 over a total highway dis tance between New York and Jacksonville of 1,074 miles. One hundred twenty-seven miles was unpaved and North Carolina had many miles of one-lane roads. Continued on Page 3—Section 1 i Student Council Officers l- - ■- - f A ... In an election held last week new Student Council officers for the year 1958-59 were elected at Edenton Junior-Senior High School. The officers, pictured above, are, left to right, Zackie Harrell, vice president; Beth Tolley, treasurer; Janet Bunch, sec- Washington he taught instrumen tal music privately. Mr. Bray is a graduate of the University of Maryland with a BS degree in music education and majored in instrumental music. In accepting the band director- I ship, Mr. Bray said he wa s look -1 ing forward to coming to Edenton and that he was much impressed i with the order with which Eden j ton students seemed to conduct ' themselves on both occasions 1 when he was in the school. He I was in Edenton Tuesday to con fer with Miss Williams regarding j the Edenton band. Miss Williams’ leaving is rea i Continued on Page 4—Section 1 Mrs. Paul Hotoman New President Os i! Legion Auxiliary l New Group of Officers I Will Be Installed at June Meeting , Officers for the American Le : gion Auxiliary were elected at a - meeting held Tuesday night of 1 last week at the home of Mrs. . Paul Holoman. ; The group of officers elected were: President, Lillian Holo > man; vice president, Iris Mills; secretray, Mary Leary; | treasurer, Mary White; chaplain, • S Marguerite Lassiter; sergeant-at i arms, Erlene Toppin; correspond | ing secretary, Helen Perry; his torian, Nancy Powell; child wel ! fare, Helen Perry; rehabilitation chairman, Juanita Cozzens. • Delegates to the State Conven • tion were elected as follows: Mrs. : j J. L. Chestnutt, Mrs. Paul Holo -1 man, Mrs. R. E. Leary, Mrs. D. i M. Reaves and Mrs. Troy Toppin. i! The alternates are Mrs. Mack Rogerson, Mrs. Robert Powell, Mrs. W. A. Perry, Mrs. Leon Leary and Mrs. Eugene Perry. The new officers will be in stalled at the June meeting. OFFICES CLOSED FRIDAY County and town offices will be closed all day Friday, May 30, due to the observance of Memor : ial Day, a national holiday. ! Final Exercises At Chowan High Will Be Held Tonight Dr. Ralph Brimley Os ECC Will Be Prin cipal Speaker Commencement exercises will come to a close tonight (Thurs day) at Chowan High School when graduation exercises will be held in the school auditorium at 8 o’clock. The principal speaker for the occasion will be Dr. Ralph Brim ley, director of public relations and foundations at East Carolina College. He will be introduced by Superintendent W. J. Taylor. Members of the senior class who will be presented their di plomas by Principal R, H. Cope land include the following: Paul Blanchard, Alvin Bunch, Norman Bunch, Jimmy Hare, J. R. Lane, Phillip Morris, Johnny Perry, Murray Tynch, Joe Wiggins, Jim- 1 my Hollowell, Margaret Byrum, I Paige Forehand, Betty Ann Har-! rell, Esther Hollowell, Lillian! Hollowell, Shelby Howell, Caro lyn Layton, Ruth Leary, Jean Peele and Loretta Spivey. Class night exercises were held Friday night when members of the graduating class presented a| play “A Southern Rosary”. The baccalaureate service was held Sunday night, when the ser mon was preached by the Rev. Frank Cale, a former pastor of the Rocky Hock Baptist Church. __ ! Jaycees Will Sell Insecticides June 5 I Edenton Jaycees will sell insec- j ticide Thursday, June 5. accord- j ing to Caswell Edmundson. presi dent. The Jaycees will make a house-to-house canvass between 6 and 8 P. M., and hope many pen- j pie will patronize them in their | effort to raise money. - -1 Edenton BPW Club Installs Group Os Officers For Year Mrs. Myra Mitchell of Ahoskie, district director, was a special guest of the Edenton Business and Professional Women’s Club at its meeting last week, when she in stalled the new officers for the 1958-59 term at a dinner meet ing held at the Parish House. The new officers installed in cluded: Mrs. Laura Ferguson, president; Mrs. Alice Twiddv, first vice president; Mrs. Ethel Simpson, second vice president; Mrs. Fanny Edwards, treasurer; Miss Frances Marshbourne, re cording secretary; Miss Inez Fel- Chowan’s Sales Os Savings Bonds $4,567.15 In April A. B. Harless, county volunteer chairman of the U. S. Savings Bonds Program, reports that Cho wan County’s sales in April amounted to $4,567.15. He fur ther stated that’for the first four| months of this year E and H bonds sales in the county totaled : $29,733.71, which is 27 per cent of the county's 1958 goal of $lO7.- j 800. North Carolinians bought near-1 ly $4 million worth of United j States Savings Bonds in April—2 j per cent more than a year ago— the Treasury’s Savings Bonds Di- | vision announced. Mr. Harless also reports that i last month’s combined sales of Se- j ries E and H Bonds in the state J brought the year’s sales total to. over sl7 million. This amounts j to 35 per cent ol the state's an-: nual goal. . ICIYIC CALENDAR^ v >| A Democratic primary election will be held Saturday. May 31, 1 with polls open from 6:30 A. M., to 6:30 P. M. | Edenton's Woman's Club will meet Wednesday afternoon, June 4, at 1 o'clock in the Parish House. Edenton Chapter No. 302, Order of the Eastern Star, will meet Monday night, June 2, at 8 o’clock. Ralph F. W. Brimley will be the commencement speaker at. Chowan High School graduation Continued on Page 3 —Section 1 i $2.00 Per Year In North Carolina C. of C. Announces Fishing Contest; Prizes Each Week p New Band Director j 1— yk JZ ! DERWOOD BRAY > Following the resignation of I Miss Lula Williams, as director of the Edenton Junior-Senior High School Band, Principal Ger ald James has announced that J Derwood Bray, band director of I Robersonville High School, has : been employed to succeed Miss Williams. WOMAN'S CLUB TO MEET~ The regular meeting of the Edenton Woman’s Club will be : held Wednesday afternoon, June ■ 4, at 1 o’clock at the Episcopal j Parish House. Mrs. R. J. Bovce, president, urges all members to attend. 1 1 ROTARIANS MEET TODAY J Edenton's Rotary Club will meet todav (Thursday) at 1 o’clock in the Parish House. The program will be in charge of Jack | Habit, and President Robert S. i Marsh urges a 100 per cent at etendanee. , I ton, corresponding secretary, and Miss Mary Lee Copeland, parlia | mentarian. The meeting opened with a blessing by Miss Mary Lee Cope land, after which a delicious meal was served by the Women's Au j xiliary of the Episcopal Church. Prior to the installation of of ! ficers, the district director asked j the out-going officers to stand ! and be recognized. She praised J the group for their outstanding | work during the year and then ! urged the club to increase their Continued on Page 3—Section 1 Cast Your Ballot | x. Edenton Jaycees are joining with Jaycees of the nation in helping to get voters to the polls next Saturday. May 31. The Edenton group urges all eligible citizens to cast a ballot in the election and in order to remind them that an election is taking place, an attractive poster will be erected at the foot of Broad Street. Major Regulations Formed For Bobby Belch Scholarship At Meeting Os Board Os Governors The board of governors which . has been given jurisdiction over , the Robert Medlin Belch Medical ; j Scholarship met in executive ses sion on May 15 at School Con -1 fererice Room, for the purpose of 1 formulating the major regulations j under which the scholarship will j be administered. j The principal of the fund is toi I be invested in away that will in-! 'sure maximum safety and in come will be used to supplement and encourage, and, it is hoped, 1 ! as the fund increases, eventually j provide the major- financial aid necessary for a young medical, j student from Chowan County. The benefits of the scolarship I will be available to any applicant I who is a citizen of Chowan Coun-1 ty and has been accepted by an j accredited medical school. De | tails of the application may be ob- I tained from any member of the j governing board. 1 It is the hope of the governing i if FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK ; Already Mounting In terest Says Scott Harrell A fishing contest with weekly prizes for the largest fish caught in waters adjacent to Edenton and Chowan County is announced by Scott Harrell, chairman of the Tourist and Recreation Commit tee of the Edenton Chamber of Commerce; Prizes valued at $2.50 will be given for the largest, by weight, bream, large mouth bass, speckled perch (crappie), white perch and striped bass (rockfish). Grand prizes, the amounts to be announced later, will be awarded on September 2 for the largest fish caught in each class during the season. Harrell said the contest will close each Monday at noon throughout the summer. Mem bers of the committee will judge entries and announce the winners in each class the following Wed nesday. An award certificate will be presented to the winners en titling them to fishing tackle, bait or boat supplies 'contributed by Beli’s Store, Byrum Hardware Co., Edenton Marina, Hayman’s Boat Rentals, Western Auto As sociate Store and Hughes-Parker Hardware, of Edenton. These places have been desig nated as official weighing and re porting stations and will supply contest entry blanks. On Sun days and holidays when stores are closed, reports may be made at Edenton Marina ana Hay man's. Harrell said a great deal of in terest has developed in the con test, and he hopes that all fish ermen will report catches and en ter it. He added that any person unable to make a report may des ignate another to have the fish weighed and to fill out the entry blank. The winners of the week ly contest will he entered in the season contest, Harrell stated. Freddie Byruni On Ship Returning Two Unknown Soldiers Ensign Freddie Byrum, son of Mr. and Mrs. J, Rodney Bvrum, disbursing officer on the Blandv, informed his parents that on the way home from Naples, the Blan dy had the honor of returning a World War II European unknown soldier to the United States. An other unknown soldier from the Pacific Theater was brought back to Norfolk, from where the Blan dy will transport the World War II unknown soldier and the Ko rean War unknown soldier up the Potomac to Washington, D. C., where they will be laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery: on Memorial Day. "We are proud of the part bur. ship will play in the return of the unknown soldiers to our nation’s capital,” Ensign Byrum wrote his parents. Incidentally Young Bv rum says an article "Known But To God” in the Mav issue of Reader's Digest summarizes the history of the unknown soldier and the destroyer mentioned in the article is his ship, the Blandv. 1 ; board that interested individuals, (both local and otherwise, will 1 1 contribute materially in a con ; certed effort to increase the schol ■ arship nucleus, and thereby its ; ability to benefits its recipients. This particular geographic area ! has been singularly lacking in ij educational aid in the local level. ' and the establishment of this medical scholarship marks a most heartening step forward: one mer ! iting enthusiastic support. The board of governors consists, at present, of John A. Holmes, , Superintendent of Edenton City j Schools; Gerald James, High School Principal; Mrs. Frances Hollowell of the Junior-Senior j High School Faculty; G. B. Pot- ■ ter, Chairman of the County Board of Education; Ernest Ke haves. Mayor of Edenton, Marvin Wilson, Judge of Recorder’s Court, and Dr. Richard Hardin, Edenton i physician.

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