■ . f a |j. - , j ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY s * Volume XXV.—Number 25. Commissioners Os. § ho wan Maintain Same Tax late Os SI.OO For Fiscal Year 58-59 Income For Fire Pro tection Outside Town Os Edenton Reduced Due to Annexation Meeting in a brief session Monday morning, Chowan Coun ty Commissioners reviewed and then approved the Chowan County budget for the fiscal year 1958-59. Some juggling of figures was necessary, but the Commission ers, together with the County Accountant, Mrs. Evelyn B. 1 Williams, completed the budget j which calls for a SI.OO per SIOO property valuation tax rate forj the new year, the same as last, year. The rate is broken down as follows: Bonds, 19 cents; char ity, which includes general as sistance and hospitalization, 7 cents; health, 7 cents; schools, 5 cents; social security, 9 cents' and general county fund, 13 cents. The special tax for fire pro tection outside the Town of Edenton will be 3 cents, the 'tame as last year. However, there will not be as much money forthcoming from this tax this year in that the valuation of property in the area has been reduced by some $327,365. This was caused by the annexation tc Edenton of Westover Heights and Albania Acres. * The total budget for the coun ty calls for an expenditure of (189,946.79. Os this amount (35,210.18 is required for pay ment of bonds. For charity, which includes general assist. «nce and hospitalization, the an ticipated needs amount to $20,- 880 with (7,294.15 anticipated from state and federal funds, so that- the requirement will be will be $87,157.06. Continued on Page 4—Section 1 New Highway To Harvey Pomtßase ! Is Now Prpsed Division Engineer In t Edenton To Consider i* Section’s Needs t* f With pressure being brought to bear for adequate roads going to Harvey Point, W. N. Spruill, di vision engineer for the State Highway Commission met with a small group of Edenton people ((ionday afternoon to consider the seeds. Meeting with Mr. Spruill in the Municipal Building were Mayor (Ernest Kehayes, Richard Dixon, ir., Gilliam Wood, J. H. Conger, fyieut. Comdr. Donald Dalton, Er nest J. Ward, Jr., and J. Edwin Bufflap. j Better access to Harvey Point sad been considered by the local group prior to Mr. Spruill’s visit Which proposed a new primary road from Light Nixon Fork on V. S. 17 almost direct to Harvey Continued on Pag* 4—Section 1 Claude Rogerson Drowns In Sound Early Sunday Morning • = f. • s Albemarle Sound claimed an other victim early Sunday morn ing, when Claude Burt Rogerson, drowned while returning from a fishing trip, less than a mile the County Dock. '.Recording to information gath wwi Rogerson and a Marine, Fred Ihler, left early Sunday morning fb fish in the Sound. The water became rough and they decided to aeturn home. Rogerson was in file rear of the boat with a 25 horsepower', motor wide open fhmißtler heard a splash the Went to the rear of the boat and THE CHOWAN HERALD President of N. C. Legion Auxiliary ■ Jjjjjjr lr • \ « , jfflT I WrnmWmS* MRS.. J. L. CHESTNUTT Over the week-end member* of the American Legion Auxili ary elected Mrs. J. L. Cheetnuit of Edenton as president of the state organization. The election took place at the annual con vention held at Asheville. library Story A story hour will be held at the Shepard-Pruden Memorial Li brary this (Thursday) afternoon from 3:45 to 4:45 o’clock for chil dren of all ages. It is hoped that many will at tend. Scouts Sponsoring Chow Mein Supper Explorer Scout Post 156 of Edenton, in order to send two boys to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico, will have a chicken chow mein supper on Wednesday, June 25. The suppers will be delivered to the homes from 4 to 7 P. M. Tickets are now on sale for SI.OO each. They can be purchased from the two boys that are going, most Explorer Scouts, or at Hab it’s Grocery. A house to hous’e campaign is scheduled Until next Saturday. All orders must be made by next Monday. The two boys who are sched uled to go are Alex Kehayes and Bill Goodwin. If they make it, it wHI be the first time any Edenton boys have gone to Phil mont. The trip to Philmont anckback will take place from July 18 to August 7. The Explorers from the Albemarle District will make up their own troop and travel to gether. Your support of this trip will .be greatly appreciated. dragging for the body. The search began shortly after 7 o’clock Sunday morning and the body was not recovered until about 4:15. For over six hours the boats were something like 200 yards from where the accident took place, but in the afternoon Etler was more composed and over the shock, so that he board ed Jimmy Ricks’ boat and direct ed the searchers to about where the accident occurred. It was shortly afterward that Rogerson’s body was hooked by Robert Brooks mid Alvin Ray -Britton. Rogerson was a native of Per quimans County and was employ ed by the Ashley Machine A I Kfltkffifll ftUard uniiL Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, June 19, 1958. Fishing Contest Winners Named For Third Week Interest continues in the fish ing contest sponsored by the Edenton Chamber of Commerce with winners announced for the third week ending June 16 by Scott Harrell, chairman of the contest. An Edenton lady, Mrs. Ernest Kehayes, took top honors in the large mouth bass division when she landed a 6-pound, 14%-ounce bass in Pembroke Creek, casting from the back of her yard. She also caught several smaller bass, and her catch aroused interest in a group of neighbors who also' tried their luck. William Easterling won the the prize fer the largest bream. It was also caught in Pembroke Creek* and was 9% inches long.i weighing 11 ounces. Charles Roberts was the win-' ner in the white perch class. 'He caught one in Yeopim River which was 12% inches long and weighed 15 ounces. E. L. Wells,. Jr., caught the lar gest rock during the week, land ing one 18 inches long and weigh ing 2 pounds and 3 ounces. It was caught near the Albemarle Sound bridge. Others entering catches which trailed the winners were Walter Holton, Shelton Rogerson and Hardy Batts. S civic calendar] s 1 A second Democratic Primary Election will be held Saturday. June 2i, to elect a Sheriff for Chowan County, and a County Commissioner from the Fourth Township. A story hour will be held at the Brown-CarVer Library Fri- j day, June 20. Explorier Scout Post No. 156 will serve a chicken chow mein supper Wednesday, June 25, to raise funds to send two'boys to Philmont Scout Ranch in New 1 Mexico. ’ * ' ‘ Youth Week will be observed at the Center Hilt Baptist Church Sunday, June 22, through Juno 2#tfi. Edenton's Business and Profee sionsl Women's Club will meet to night (Thursday) at 7:30 o'clock in the Penelope Barker house. . A stated communication «of Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A. F. k A. M., will be held tonight , (Thursday) mt S o'clock in the ~VFW Post home. ! c [ EDENTON GROUP MEETS DIGNITARIES | —~ • - , - -—— „ _jr 0Q Afu n Xm V W gam. Ka 2Zr f.. -wmrW Vr mV! nifr f v-Jfe»T T W ' '-JUti&k. i /mi ST m Flanked by Admiral A1 Fay end Rear Admiral F. Massie Hughes, Congressman Herbert | Bonner and a group of other dignitaries from Washington, Baltimore and Norfolk, are greeted j by a group of Edenlonians who met the three planes carrying the visitors at Edenton Naval i [Auxiliary Air Station Thursday morning prior to the ground breaking ceremony held at Harvey Point Naval Air Facility. The two civilians beside Admiral Hughes are A1 Russell, vice presi dent of the Martin Aircraft Company, designers of the Martin P6M Sea Master which w.ll be based at Harvey Point, and Bill Wende 1. Martin Company engineer. Unfavorable weather | i prevented e scheduled demonstration by the SeaMaster.—(Official Marine Corps Photo). Need For Adequate Roads Emphasized At Harvey Point Ground Breaking Program Congressman Herbert Bonner Speaker For Occasion A goodly number of Edenton people attended the ground breaking ceremony held at Har vey Point Thursday morning, when the need for adequate highways to the base were point ed out not only by Congressman Herbert Bonner, the principal speaker for the occasion, but by fclgh •riftfeWT N»vy officials as well. Dignitaries from Washington, Baltimore and Norfolk arrived at the Edenton Naval Auxiliary Air Station on three planes and were greeted upon their arrival by a group of Edenton people and Mayor V. N. Darden of Hertford. After an exchange of greet ings the group boarded automo biles* for the trip to Harvey Point and it was this trip which convinced Congressmannn Bon ner and Navy officials that the State of North Carolina should immediately do something about building adequate highways to the base. When completed, 2,500 military personnel are expected to be stationd there, as well as over 250 civilian employees. The payroll for the military person nel is estimated at $9,000,000 per year and a million and a half dollars for civilian workers. Rain somewhat interferred with the program at Harvey Point, but the speakers stuck to ‘their guns and, donning rain coats, carried out the program as planned. Lieut. Comdr. Don ald Dalton was master of cere monies. During his remarks Mr. Bon ner said: “It is a distinct privilege and pleasure for me to be called upon to address this group on the oc casion of breaking the ground for the Naval Air Station, Harvey Point. Many of you who are present here today are my con- Conlinued on Page 3—Section 1 / } Chowan 4-H Health Winners Judy Haste, White, king; Barbara Jordan, Chowan Home Demonstration Clubs Are Given High Rating At Raleigh For Publicity Book Chowan County can again be proud of its Home Demonstra tion Club women. Their publi-1 j city book was rated in the top six in the statewide competition last week during Farm-Home Week at State College, Raleigh. The club women are to be commended for the showing their | book made in the state event. I The publicity .book contained pictures and newspaper articles which have appeared since last August in The Chowan Herald principally, and some publicity from other locally-read news papers. A copy of programs presented by club women over WCDJ radio station were also included in the book. The publicity book was judged with all the other HDC books in the state. The top six books, listed alphabetically, were: Cho wan, Haywood, Mecklenburg, New Hanover, Pitt and Wilkes. All other books were listed in blue and red ribbon groups. Many of the counties have daily papers and a professional photo grapher to make their pictures. It seemed that Chowan County had more news items in its book than some counties with a daily paper. The club leaders who wrote most news articles and compiled the book were: Mrs. Lonnie Harrell, county publicity chair man, Rocky Hock Club; Mrs. J. C. Skinner, Advance; Mrs. Cora Harrell, Beech Fork; Mrs. M. T. Barrington, Byrd; Mrs. Emmett Jones, Center Hill; Mrs. Roland Evans ; Chowan; Mrs. J. Wallace Goodwin, Jr., Enterprise; Mrs. Earl Smith, Gum Pond; Mrs. Marvin Evans and Mrs. Percy Nixon, Oak Grove; Mrs. Eugene Jordan, Ryland; Mrs. A. D. Continued on Page 4—Section 1 28 Students Had Perfect Attendance Information from the Edenton Junior-Senior High School is to the effect that 28 students were neither absent nor tardy during the 1957-58 school year just end ed. They were as follows: Grade 7—Annie Laura White man (has not missed but one day since she started school), Mary Lynn Daniels, Jack Ashley, Faye Cartwright, Ella Ambrose. Grade B—Gloria8 —Gloria Byrum, Joe Mitchener (six years of perfect at tendance), Joel Reynolds, Joyce Cullipher (three years of perfect attendance), Boots Lassiter, Rich ard Weikel, James West, Cather ine Bass. Grade 9—Tommy Marshall, El len Basnight, Nettie Lassiter, Carol Twiddy (five years of per fect attendance), Robert Marshall. Grade 10—Patricia Waff, Donna Mitchell, Peggy Twiddy. Grade 11 William Barrow White, Julia Alma Brinson, Caro lyn Perkins, Linda Wriskell (three years of perfect attendance), John Mitchener (seven years of perfect attendance). Grade 12—George Thomas Rog erson (twelve years of perfect at tendance), Grace Whiteman (sev en years of perfect attendance). 20 Years Ago As Found in the Files of The Chowan Herald V D. M. Warren, Chairman of the County Commissioners, urged town leaders to concentrate upon a movement to secure the town's share of tourist business and pul forth every effort to interest homemakers, new farmers and in. dustry in locating in Chowan 'County. J. H. McMullan. secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, announc ed that Clem D. Johnston of Roa noke. Va„ accepted an invitation to be the speaker at the Chamber of Commerce banquet. Rotarians from Hertford, El : za. beth City and' Manieo were guests of the Edenton Rotary Club at an inter-city meeting held at the Parish House. At a board of equalization meeting of the Chowan County Commissioners. $3,505 more prop erty valuation was added on the 193$ tax books, and the Commis sioners were in one accord that a revaluation of property was ne- A delegation of colored people headed by Dr. J. C. Hines appear- Continued on Page 4—Section 1 $2.00 Per Year In North Carolina Mrs. J. L. Chestnutt President Os State Legion Auxiliary Gifts Presented At Methodist Quirch Sunday Morning G. E. Cullipher, Mr. And Mrs. T. B. Willi ford and Women of Church Honored An impressive ceremony was held in the Methodist Church Sunday morning when G. E. Cul lipher, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Willi-j ford and women who served the church in past years were signally: honored. J A beautiful set of altar brass was presented in honor of Mr. j Cullipher who has served as a | Methodist church official for 50, years, 33 years of which has been i in the Edenton church. As of July 1, Mr. Cullipher will be an | honorary steward. A set of beau tiful flower vases was also pre-1 sented by members of the Culli- j pher family. A beautiful walnut communion j table, made by Hubert Williford, j was presented in honor of his J parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Wil- 1 liford, who have been faithful j members of the church for 33 : years. Mr. Williford is retiring J chairman of the Board of Trus- j tees. Pulpit and altar scarfs were; presented in memory of the faith- j ful and devoted lives of the wo-! men who served the church in j past years. Presentation of the gifts was made by Dr. A. F. Downum. ac cepted on behalf of the church by J. Edwin Bufflap and dedicated by the pastor, the Rev. Earl Rich ardson. The families of those honored) occupied the center section of the church with a large congregation present to enjoy the service and witness the beautiful and attrac tive addition to the church. Youth Week Planned At Center Hill Church i According to the pastor, the Rev. Henry V. Napier, the Cen ter Hill Baptist Church at Tyner will observe its first Youth Week beginning Sunday, June 22, and continuing through Sun day, June 29. Officers for the week are: Joe Privott. Wood row Slades, Jr.. Joseph Wiggins, Jr., and Jakie Boyce, pastors for the week: Edgar Jordan, Sunday School superintendent; Patsy Privott, Sunday School. Church and Training Union pianist; Lin da Bunch. Sunday School secre tary': Dallas Bunch. Men’s Class teacher; Marvin Parrish. Faithful Workers’ Class teacher; Sara Ann Bunch. Essie Chandler Class teacher: Buddy Belch and Elinor Ashley, junior teachers; Pat Ward and Barbara Ward, primary teachers; E. C. Toppin, Training Union director; Tim Whjte, Training Union secre tary; Britton Byrum, prayer ser- Ivice director and music director; ] Continued on Page 4 —Section 1 Machinery Set Up For Second Primary Election On June 28 Chowan County's Board of Elections this week set up ma chinery for the Democratic sec ond primary election scheduled to be held Saturday, June 28. Polls will be open from 6:30 A. M. to 6:30 P. M. The election officials appoint ed by the Board of Elections will be as follows: East Edenton Precinct Mrs. William Stokely, registrar: C. A. Phillips, Mi:.. Ivf. Thorud and R. B. Hollowell, judges. The voting place will be at the Court House. West Edenton Precinct Mrs. George C. Hoskins, registrar: J. Frank White, Sr., M. A. Hughes and Mrs. S. Francis Hicks, judges. The voting place will be at the Municipal Build ing. Rocky Hock Precinct —W. H. Pearce, registrar; W. H. Saund f/ ' FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK \===J 3 Elected to Highest Of fice In State at Ashe ville Convention Edenton as a whole and Mrs. J. L. Chestnutt in particular was signally honored over the week end when Mrs. Chestnutt was elected president of the North ’ Carolina Department of the ■ American Legion Auxiliary. f Vice presidents elected to serve with Mrs. Chestnutt include Mrs. T. L. Noe of Wilson, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Best of Kinston, Mrs. ; John E. Heitman of Chapel Hill, Mrs. E. P. Holmes of Charlotte i and Mrs. James L. Harrison of j Lenoir. ! Chaplain of the Auxiliary will 1 be Mrs. W. L. Wood of Warren | ton; historian, Mrs. W. H. Hall of Hickory; sergeant-at-arms. Mrs. | J. L. Hal] of Asheville; national | committeewoman, Mrs. Raymond , Fuson of New Bern, and secre tary, Miss Jeanette Paramore of Raleigh. j The officers were installed by i Mrs. Paul Johnson of Henderson ! ville, national committeewoman. Making up the local group at j tending the meeting were Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Chestnutt, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Leary, Mrs. Paul Holo j man, John A. Holmes, Troy Top ! pin. John Paul Bass and Lewis j Bunch. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Fran cis happened to be in Asheville Sunday and attended the memor ; ial service Sunday morning. The j Legion and Auxiliary members returned home Sunday night. Rev. George Holmes Given Appointments By Bishop Wright The Rev. George B. Holmes, ' reefer of Sair.l Paul’s Episcopal Church in Edenton, has just been appointed chairman of a new de -1 partment in the Diocese of East Carolina by Bishop Thomas H. Wright, D.D. The Department of Evangelism will contain six clergymen and laymen to be elected from Eliza beth City to Wilmington to spear head a new movement within the diocese to instill vigorous and en j thusiastic support of its expanded program. Mr. Holmes was also elected to the Board of Managers of Thomp son Orphanage and Training In stitute in Charlotte for a term of two years. Mr. Holmes will remain Dioces ! an representative on the Nation ! a] Council of Churches for a sec ’ ond year. As an alternate dele gate to the General Convention of the Episcopal Church, he will i j probably attend the meeting of ficially at Miami Beach in Octo | ber. ! Edenton BPW Club i Will Meet Tonight Edenton’s Business and Pro i: fessional Women’s Club will meet ; tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 o’clock , at the Penelope Barker house. ,; Mrs. Laura Ferguson, president, i! reminds members that this will be the last meeting of the summer ■ and for that reason she urges ev ; i ery member to make a special ef i fort to be present. ers and Henry Bunch, judges. The voting place will be at Henry Bunch’s store. Center Hill Precinct Ralph Goodwin, registrar: R. H. Hollo well and E. D. Byrum, judges. The voting place will be Ross Bunch’s store. Wardville Precinct —T. A. Ber | ryman. registrar: H. R. Peele |afld Jennings Bunch, judges, i The voting place will be at I Herbert Peele’s store. I Yeopim Township—T. J. Hos kins, Sr., registrar; T. J. Hos. | kins, Jr., and Harry Perry. The (voting place will be at Harry ' Perry’s 1 store. The election will decide a Sheriff for Chowan County for the next four years with the candidates being J. A. Bunch, incumbent, and Earl Goodwin. Goodwin trailed Sheriff Bunch Continued on Page •— fieefieo 1 .