f ONLY NEWSPAPER |] PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY J Volume XXV.—Number 28. Irand Opening Os Phthisic’s Super Market Today ■ - !Piiblic Invited to Reg » tster to Be Eligible * For Free Prizes ’' Menton’s newest grocery store, Phthisic’s Super Market, is obser "'Ving its grand opening today (Thursday). The store is located ”Jn the Taylor Building, which has ' been remodeled inside and out, presenting one of the most attrac tive 1 and convenient super mar kets in this section. Officers of the new store are Haywood M. Phthisic, president; ? Haywood McKay Phthis.c, Jr., vice president, and Mrs. Margaret Phth isic, secretary-treasurer. The Phtiisics say they will offer the i finest in meats, poultry, produce 'and! all kinds of groceries, all available by a modern self-service system. They cordially invite the general public to visit the store .and! register for valuable prizes. SHuidreds of dollars worth of gro ceries and prizes will be given away during the grand opening. Arrangements have also been made for a Ringo program over radio station WCDJ Monday through Friday at 10 A. M. . Attractive bargains are also be- l ing offered during the grand opening, a few of which are list ed on a page advertisement in I this, issue of The Herald. *989 Collected Bn Back Taxes i william S. Privott, county tax 1 attorney, reported to the County - Commissioners Monday that a to- < tal Os $989.78 had recently been 1 collected byway of delinquent i The amwni nsprgnw]£ed. SI taxpayers with payments;»r < taxes from 1941 to 1954. The pay- i ments ranged from $5.18 to i $191.54. 1 The County Commissioners are • vitally concerned about collection 1 of back taxes and have instruct- * ed Mr. Privott to proceed as rap- i idly as possible to bring legal ac tion) to collect taxes or the coun- ] ty Will take over title to the prop- i erty. i — i i f'-’t i | HWJC CALENDAR . l M Bond Poet No. 40 of the 1 American Legion and the Legion 1 Auxiliary will hold a joint meet ing lin the Legion building Thun der night, July 10, at 8 o'clock for the purpoie of installing offi ce** for both groups. < Vtoung people will be in charge i 6t the morning service at the ] Presbyterian Church Sunday. j Phthisic's new super market 1 wi)| observe its grand opening toddy (Thursday). Ah emergent communication Os Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A. F. ft!; A. M.. will be held tonight < (Thursday) at 7 o'clock. Jkycees of the 10th District wilt hold their first district (healing in the American Legion i bulking Wednesday. July 16. at 7 o'clock. Chowanoke Council No. 54, Degree of Pocahontas, will meet tohUrt (Thursday) at I o'clock to lb* Red Man halL Menton Rolarians will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o'clock In the Parish House. , VfW Auxiliary will sponsor a chicken barbecue diAner Satur day- July 19. from 6 to 9 P. M. Continued on Page 3—Section 1 I Edenton Girl Scouts Allowed To BAe Swimming Pool At NAAS ' ... •-. &•_ ldl-,:A • p , . . • r •.ifts. Roland Vaughan, chair. I nan of Edenton Girl Scouts, has . been notified by Col. Frank Col-1 lias, commanding officer ,of the J Edenton Naval Auxiliary Air station, that Girl Scouts of Wpißon will be permitted to use OK Combat training pool at the hours when the Girl Snouts will be allowed in the Sfii p” ST DaylS!r k SavtaS THE (SHOWAN HERALD I “HOMEMAKER OF THE MONTH” ) **&*">: •‘-'’v'u.:'', -ml M M W '• mjw- SJ3! ■■ H Mg '' gMK A Ift M 111 ; v A k M MRS. CORA HARRELL. "Homemaker of the Month," is a talented seamstress. Her work is heat, well-constructed, and properly fitted. Many of the garments she makes are oria'nal ideas end these are developed into attractive outfits. Mrs. Har rell has won recognition at the county lairs and was first place winner in the Home Demonstration Club Fashion Show last fall. She is a member of the Beech Fork Club. Mrs. Cora Harrell Is Selected As ‘Homemaker Os The Month’ By Members Os Beech Fork Club If anyone deserves to be “Homemaker of the .Month,” it is Mrs. Cora Harrell of the Beech Fork Home Demonstration Club. By providing a well-managed Christian home, she has proven herself a good homemaker and a respected mother. ; Mrs. vm* left fl'widow when her youngest child, Susan, was two years old, and the oldest child at home, Janice, was six teen. There were three others, Sandra and Becky, and Fahey, her only son. Two daughters, Christine and Arlene, were mar ried. Being an extra good seamstress has been a great asset with six daughters in the family. She has made ’many of her children’s clothes, as well as doing sewing, for other people. Cora can re- j model an old dress or suit to look i .like a completely new garment. Modeling a two-piece navy dress which she had made, Cora won first place in the HDC Fashion Show last September. Mrs. Harrell finds time to de-: vote to the Rocky Hock Church, of which she is an active member. She has served as su perintendent of the nursery, vice president of the Adult Ladies' Training Union Class and has been active in WMU. As -secretary of the Beech Fork Club, she serves tKe club faith fully in anything she is asked to do. She is publicity .leader, fami ly life and clothing leader, and as a leader she has given several of‘the demonstrations at her club meetings. Beautifying the church ground is a propect with which she has cooperated. A well-rounded person, she is interested in her neighbors and her community. Mrs. Harrell is a past president of the Rocky Hock School PTA, is always will ing to work in any way possible for a better school and communi ty. She likewise finds time for good neighborliness, and lends help to the sick and needy. Mrs. Cora Harrell has made a I accordingly. No suppervisor will !be responsible for over seven {girls. I Parents must sign permission slips for girls who participate ift the swimming program and re turn to the leader. Any in quiries are to be directed to Mrs. George Ross, co-chairman, phone 3»8«. ■ the Girl Scout Committee is very appreciative of the effort by CoL Collins and his staff to make the facility available to the girls. It is the hope of the Ede ly > Chowan County, North Carolfna, Thursday, July 10,1958. wonderful contribution to her club and community, and it is with pride that the Beech Fork Club presents her as their “Home maker of the Month”. New Pastor At Warwick Church Rev. A. B. Cottingham Now Serving Con gregation The Rev. A. B. Cottingham is the new pastor of the Warwick Baptist Church and preached his j first sermon Sunday before an | appreciative congregation. Mr. J Cottingham succeeds the Rev. Lee Phillips, who recently resigned. Mr. Cottingham came to War wick Church from Tazewell, Ten nessee, where he was pastor of the Tazewell Baptist Church. He has held pastorates in Alabama | and Mississippi before going to the Tazewell church. He is a graduate of Howard College at Birmingham, Alaßama ’and at tended Louisville Theological Seminary at Louisville, Ky. Mr. Cottingham is a native of Selma, Alabama. He is married and has a six-year-old son, Ron ald. Red Men Plan Wiener Roast At Meeting Monday Chowan Tribe of Red Men will meet Monday night, July 14. Cas well Edmundson, new sachem of the tribe, announces that a wein er roast will be held in the hall starting at 7 o'clock with the busi ness meeting scheduled to get un der way at 8 o’clock. Mr. Edmundson is very anxious to have a large number of the members turn out for the weiner roast and meeting. Young People Will Conduct Service At Presbyterian Church In the absence of the pastor, I the young people of the Edenton Presbyterian Church will con- I duct the II o’clock morning wor ship services this coming Sun i day. John Earl Twiddy will be i in charge, ami an original sermon ■ on The Second Coming of Christ - will be delivered by George Nix . on. Others taking part will be ! Henry Layden, Jerry Nixon, Jack Sawyer and Bobby Ashley, i The young people have con t ducted the -,#orship service at > the Presbyterian Church on sev > eral occasions, and have always > acquited themselves well. The II public is cordially invited to at- 114 Chowan County Industrial Plants Get Safety Awards Group of Plants Oper ated 1,126,663 Man Hours With Just Four Disabling Injuries A total of 14 industrial plants and service-industry establish ! ments of Chowan County cur- j ■ rently are being presented Cer- : tificates of Safety Achievement by the North Carolina Depart ment .of Labor in recognition of their outstanding records in ac icident prevention during the j year 1957. Presentation of the safety awards was begun Tuesday by Harry M. Tiilett of Elizabeth City, Labor Department safety inspector for this district, and will continue until all awards have been presented. In presenting the safety cer tificates to officials of the lo'cal award winners, Inspector Tiilett conveyed to both management and workers the congratulations of State Labor Commissioner Frank Crane for their safety ac complishments during 1957. “These 14 Chowan County plants operated a total of 1,126- 663 man hours during 1957 with only four disabling in juries,” Tiilett said. “Several of the award winners had perfect safety records —no lost time in juries at all during 1957. “All of the award-winning plants combined had an injury frequency rate of just 3.5 dis abling injury per million man hours,” Tiilett continued. “Bal anced against North Carolina’s statewide all-industry accident rate of 8.3 disabling injuries per million ’rnan hours, the combined record of' fhese Chowan County plants represents a most unusual and outstanding accomplish ment.” Tiilett said the 14 f : rms quali fied for the State safety honors in one of three ways: (1) by reducing the plant injury fre quency rate of 40 per cent or more last year, compared with the plant’s rate the previous I year; (2) by having a perfect safety record, or no lost-time in. juries, during 1957; (3) by main taining an injury rate 75 per cent or more below the State average for the particular in dustry. The large plant awards, which are for establishments having 50 or more employees, are joint awards sponsored by both the North Carolina and United States Departments of Labor, Tiilett pointed out. Awards for the smaller plants are from the North Carolina Department. All of the awards, large and small, are signed by State Labor Commissioner Frank Crane. “Preventing accidents on the job requires careful planning by i top management and sustained effort of teamwork between management and workers,” In spector Tiilett stated in present ing Chowan County awards. “These Certificates of Safety Achievement are tokens of your splendid achievement in pre venting human suffering and avoiding needless economic Continued on Page 3—Section 1 CITIZENS OF TOMORROW | da ", /» t ■ ■ ■ c "IffiiMfc * P**^ c 1 t ? feature* penter. Randall Everett Carpenter and Ernest John Carpenter, . , children of Captain and Mrs. Earl Carpenter. Bottom row. left [ to right, Rabin Hendrix Jin rfuldx«m of i j Question Mark ■ v. I Mayor Ernest Kehayes . and IJo h n Miichener. represenfng ; Edenlon's Town Council, appear ed before the Chowan County ! Commissioners Monday relative lo 1 disposition cf the Edenton Naval Auxiliary Air Station when the Marines move out and the base is inactivated. Mayor Kehayes stated that he ' desired the Commissioners to ex | press an opinion as to how Eden- j ton and Chowan County could 1. benefit most when the base is closed. However, the Commis- ] sioners made no commitments but '• expressed the belief that Town Council would do what is in the best interest of the county as a whole and that they would coop erate in any way possible. Town Counckmen Concerned About Base Disposition Seeking Information From Navy As To Terms For Taking Over Property Town. Council disposed of a , goodly amount of business in rec ord time Tuesday night and at the conclusion of the meeting wit nessed two films presented by W. H. Mapp, a representative of the Hampton Roads Tractor & Equip ment Company. The films had to do with garbage disposal by use of trenches or other methods 1 with specially adapted heavy 1 equipment to do the job, as well ] as other uses for various kinds of ■ work. The garbage disposal problem has caused some concern : I recently, but the films were pre sented only to give an idea of how the problem is met in other com munities. The Councumen gave approval 1 to Williford Jordan to sell two taxicabs and transfer his fran chise to Caley Rountree of Tyner. Rountree was also granted a franchise to operate the two taxi cabs. Bids were opened for a new Continued on Page 6—Section ) Jaycee District Meeting July 16 Jaycees of the 10th District will hold their first district meeting in Edenton Wednesday, July 16. The meeting will be held in the American Legion building, begin j ning at 7 o’clock. An interesting program has been arranged for the meeting, with Marvin Koonce, state presi dent, and Wes Conkling, national director, scheduled to appear on the program. A feature of the meeting will be a beauty pageant. Jaycees from the entire dis trict are expected to attend the meeting. Edenton’s New Super Market * ..'py-Vv.T. -■ . ’IImH —' ' i : • • ■ ■A , j , : ■ '’ll • . ,A‘ j Above is a picture of ihe new Phthisic's Super Market lo- i cated in ihe Taylor Building on Broad Street. The building has been renovated both inside and out. presenting one of the most attractive stores in this section. The Phthisics are oh- | serving their grand opening today (Thursday) and invite the public from all over this section to visit and inspect the store. I Shelton Moore Is Elected Vice[ President Albemarle - Pamlico | Travel Council At Annual Meetj Members of the Albemarle- Pamlico Travel Council elected H. J. “Ham” Dye. president for' the coming year at their luncheon meeting last week in Elizabeth City. Mr. Dye is general mana ger of the Suburban Gas Com pany. He replaces Ernest Ward. J., of Edenton. Elected as vice president was Shelton Moore, owner and opera tor of the Eden Motel at Eden ton. Re-elected as secretary treasurer was George Attix, man ager of the Elizabeth City Cham ber of Commerce. In accepting the presidency. Dye said, “I came from a county' where if the tobacco was cured properly and the price was right our economic situation was settled for the year. Since mov ing to Elizabeth City I have learned the importance of tour-: ists to our economy. I sometimes j wonder if the local people are ful ly aware of what the tourist in- 1 dustry means »o the Albemarle- Pamlico area “When I drive by a motel or restaurant whose lot is full of out of state cars I do not just see j automobiles—l see that my com pany will be -able to sell more cooking gas. Even if that par ticular operator does not buy gas from me, the more business he gets, the more employees he hires and the better chance that some Budget Adopted] > r> Chowan County Commissioners at their meeting Monday morning gave a final glance at the 1958- 59 county budget. No changes were made, so that the tax rale in Edenton will be an even dol lar. Three cents to the rate wilL however, be added to- taxpayers outside the corporate limits of Edenton which is for rural fire protection. Field Office Opened For Job Openings At Harvey Point Base Effective Thursday. July 10, the Employment Security Commission will begin operating a field office ’in connection with the construe- ■ tion of the Harvey Point Naval: Base. The office will be located | temporarily in the conference ( room of the Town Hall in Hert-j ford, and Charles T. Skinner, Jr., will be interviewer in charge. The field office, operated from the Edenton Employment Office, win be noen from 8 A. M.. to 12 . poon Monday through Friday. Anyone interested in obtaining in formation concerning job open ings with contractors' may visit $2.00 Per Year In North Carolina - - - ------ of his employees are going to cook with our gas.” j; The gp>up had already gone on record as having, for their main project for the coining year more highway signs directing tourists to the “Albemarle Tour” and per haps the publication of additional brochures for distribution throughout the country. In addi tion to this. Dye said he would try to push associate memberships in the organization this year, all over the area in an effort to ac quaint regular businesses of the value of the Albemarle-Pamlico Travel Council and what it had , already done for them. j 20 Years Ago As Found in the Files of The Chowan Herald r ' | Chowan County Ccmmiss'onerr announced reduction of the county tax rale from 51.30 lo $1.15. J. A. Woodard died at hi j home on Court Street after a long illness. i The Chowan County Board of Education registered a complaint with the County Commissioners that a considerable amount of poll tax had not been paid and 1 Sheriff J. A. Bunch was in -1 strucled lo crack down on the; delinquents. [John F. While appeared at the j County Commissioners' meeting registering a complaint about the social security set-up. "The bull 1 should be taken by the horns in > reference to ihe social security I set-up," said Mr. White, "and it - might just as well start in Cho > wan County." > St. Paul's Episcopal Church was presented another plaque, a r gift of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander i Wilbourne Weddell of Richmond. I Va. Mr. Weddell was U. S. Am i bassador ao the ArgentimJftphoss Continued on Page 3 1 I office and register for this type of work. Future plans call for j the moving of the office from Hertford to a site at the base. I In announcing the establish- j ment of this field office, Milton j Bass, manager of the Edenton of ; fice. stressed that persons desiring j employment at the base should i apply to the field office rather , j than direct to the base at Harvey ! Point. He stated that little hir . ing was being done at this time, . | but that it appeared more hiring ■ would be done within the next ; 1 few weeks. & I FIGHT CANCER j WITH A CHECKUP ji AND CHECK || New Band Director Outlines Plans For New School Year Durwocd Bray Ip Well Pleased With New Band Room The first meeting for the 1958- 59 year of the Executive Board of the Edenton Junior-Senior High School Band-Parents Association was held Wednesday night of last week at 8 o’clock at the Junior | Senior High School. The first ! regular meeting of the year for j the Association was held at the j Junior-Senior High School Wed -1 nesday evening, July 9, at 8 o’clock. The new Band Director, Dur wood Bray, was presented to the Association and outlined his aims for the band. Mr. Bray states Edenton can very v.ell be proud of the new band room now avail able to the Junior-Senior High School band. It is his opinion there is none better in this sec tion. Mr. Bray has a very Well oiganized plan to equip and train a band to equal the facilities. The Band-Parents Association unanimously gives the r support to back Mr. Bray in this endeav or and it is their hope that the people of Edenton will also. Any parents interested in enrolling a child not now in the band should contact Mr. Bray at the Junior- Senior High School. Legion- Auxiliary Will Meet Jointly Ed Bond Post No. 40 of the American Legion and the Legion Auxiliary will meet jointly to night (Thursday) at 8 o’clock in the Legion building. The purpose of this joint meeting is to install officers for both organizations and honor Mrs. J. L. Chestnutt. who was loc-’jitly elected pres dent of the North Carolina Legion Au xiliary. Legion officers will be install ed by John A. Holmes and Mrs. Chestnutt will install the Auxili ary officers. Troy Toppin, outgoing com amnder of the Legionnaires, is very anxious to see a large num ber of members of both organiza tions present for the occasion. \ F\\ Chicken Dinner July 19 Members of the VFW Auxiliary . will sponsor a barbecue chicken dinner Saturday. July 19. The dinner will be served in the Post home from 6 to 8 P. M., for which tickets are now on sale. The la dies are very anxious to have a generous patronage for the affair which is an effort to raise money for their organization. Locates In Texas ”) 411111 * IliKf J| jßp’ n Ip WA jn| i Dave L. Ward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Ward, on June 8, became minister of education at the First Baptist Church at Na cogdoches, Texas, of which Dr. .William H. Crook is pastor. Mr. j Ward was formerly associate min ■ Lster of education at Highland ' Baptist Church, Louisville, Ky. | During World War II he spent four years in the Air Force, serv ing as interpreter in French Mo rocca and did liasion work with the French Air. Force. He also ! did intelligence work in Japan. He marriad. Miss Jo Pittard, ! daughter of; Dr. and Mrs. C. R. Pittard of Albany, Georgia. j —-- ,

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