r ONLY NEWSPAPER \ . - PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXV.—Number 34 BANK’S NEW ARMORED TRUCK ' - \*i|f v’ltll . TBlte #;■ ' H H 1m 9 4 5 ■ • . S ;; SP® : " ImMsiie WSKwiffix:-. B Bp W B|BHHHPPyBIK3|MKpii|iIPM«^:. ■ >;K H. Bt -',' ■ f * **" ' ” ,„sf'S?r . ■* ; -V, ~r - - JUMP ' •••' u; * ~V • .. .5,..v ... J '. Above if pictured the new armored car just added by the Peoples Bank & Trust Company to deliver bulk currency and silver between the bank's various branches. Pictured with the truck are. left jo right. Henry Smith, Jr., secretary of the Chamber of Commerce; John Kramer, executive; vice president of the Peoples Bank & Trust Company. Edenton; Gilliam Wood, president' of the Chamber of Commerce; W. H. Stanley, vice president and cashier. Peop.es Bank it t Trust Company, Rocky Mount, and Chief of Police George I. Dail of Edenton. Meeting Os Cub Scouts Scheduled To Be Heid Aug. 26 Program In Form of fffeld Day With Dens '.<£ In Charge T]jie August Cub Scout Pack ribetipg will be held Tuesday night, August 26, at (P o’clock in the rear of the Junior-Senior School. P* meeting will open with a ceremony by Den No. 8, and Den NgL, .9 will have charge of the clqsipg after which, aUtarda will be presented. The program will be in the foirn of a field.day with various events sponsored by the dens. events will include: High Jump, Den 6; 40-yard dash, Den 3; relay race, Den 8, and broad juiftp, Den 9. Bach den will manage their owh event and supply all props a ncj ribbons. A blue ribbon will be Wwarded for first place, a red ribbon for second place and a whke'ribbon for third place in eacji event. Sabres To Close 0n Labor Day Practically all local stores, financial institutions, profes sional offices and town and coubjy offices will be closed on MoiWay, September 1, in ob servance of 'Labor Day, Ralph Parrish, chairman ,of the Cham- of Commerce Merchants Copunittee, announced Tuesday of ithis week. Closing is in ac comance with the holiday sched ule adopted by the merchants. ijlost local Stores will also be cloked the following Wednesday afternoon, September 3, as usttal. (civic calendar’' » ’ Dr. Mara H. Lovelier, faculty member . of the Sbulheastern Baptist theological Seminary at Wake Forest will fili tthe pul pit, at ! the Edontoh Baptist £hkrch Sunday .mottling and night, August 24 in the absence St the pastor, the R*v. R. N. CarraU. Tie August Cub Scout Pack -‘ry-g will he held Tuesday Cotibttted on Pago 3 Section I * - L‘ Children Entering School For ' Jpirst Time Must Register With , Prijticipal Swain August 26-27 ■nestjfSwain, principal of the EftptOiMr; Elementary School, calA attention to jrtmtts Os children entering school for the i tbhe this year that they •rg required to register their children in his office before uiM|£ children entering school THE CHOWAN HERALD Edenton’s Schools Faculties Filled For Term Os 1958-59 14 New Teachers In High and Element ary Schools With schools in the Edenton Administrative Unit scheduled to open Tuesday morning, Septem ber 2, at 9 o’clock, Superintend ent John A. Holmes stated Mon- I day morning of this week that, all teachers'Tiave. been secured - and that preparations are going so that everything is expected to be in readiness for ] the opening. Os the 44 teachers in the Junior-Senior High School and the Elementary School, 14 of them will be newcomers on thei faculty. The new High School teachers include: Archie B. Fairley, Jr., who succeeds N. J. George as science teacher. Mr. Fairley is from | Raleigh and is a graduate of J Duke University. He is now do-! ing graduate work at the Uni- | versity of North Carolina. He j Continued on Page 3 —Section 1 New Students Are Required To Register In Office Os Principal Monday ■ Tuesday, Aug. 25 - 26 Students who have moved into the Edenton City School District during the summer and who have been assigned to the Edenton Junior-Senior High School (grades 7-12) should register at the school office Monday or Tuesday, August 25 or 26, between the hours of 9 to 12 and 1 to 5. It is imperative that all necessary transactions be completed on these two days. Students who show up on Sep-! tember 2 without having pre-reg- j istered will’experience a great j deal of delay since the office staff j will be busy with other matters j on the first day. It will not be necessary for students transfer ring from the Edenton Elemen tary School ,to pre-register as their records are already on file. “Please call the school office, 3513 for any other questions concern ing registration,” says Gerald James, principal. As previously announced, the Edenton Junior-Senior High and 27 between the hours of 9 and 12 A. M. and 1 and 4 P. M. Children entering the • Edenton school for the first time from the second through. the sixth grades will register on the same dates and same hours. Mr. Swain emphasizes the fact that it is necessary for first grade children to present their birth certificate and immuniza iistration. 'V. .. ' V V Music Director j ipg! ' | Jpf I REV. RALPH HARRELL ! At the Rocky Hock Baptist I Church revival August 24-3 L the ' Rev. Ralph Harrell will direct the ■ music. School will open on September 2: j School will officially open at 9 A. M., and close at 12 noon on the first day. The regular sched ule for the second day and throughout the school year willi be from 8:30 A. M., to 3:25 P. M. The lunchroom will ooen on Wed nesday, September 3, and the price of 30c per student lunch has beeh approved. Opening day exercises will be held in the new auditorium at 9:45 A. M. The new music de partment, one of the most modern in eastern North Carolina, has been in use by the band since Au- 1 gust 1. These new facilities will provide much needed space. Par ents are invited to attend and in spect the new facilities. Linda Leary Wins Second Place In Strutting Contest Edenton friends will be pleased to learh that Miss Linda Leary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Leon Leary, won second place in the senior strutting division in the na tional <4pen baton twirling contest Helen Newperi of Winston-Salem was first place' winner in this di vision. * • The contest included baton twirling and strutting for the Dis trict of Columbia. North and South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Taiuteesee and Mary land. j, The £frampk>n batton twirler was Mias Slygn Elder of Baalti m°re - denton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, August 21,1958. (Contrary To Rumors Now Circulating I Edenton Schools Will Op Sept 2nd { Contrary to rumors going the rounds, bpth the Edenton {Junior-Senior High School and the Edetnon Elementary [School will open as scheduled on Tuesday, September 2. {This information was given The Herald early this week by I Superintendent John A. Holmes. 1 With repairs and renovations being made at the Element iary School, some rumors began circulating that the work \ will not be completed in time for the school opening, so | that the opening would be postponed. Other rumors were Ito the effect that because of the Enementary School’s post jponement, the High School likewise would open at a later ; date. j However, Mr. Holmes stated Monday morning that steel j for the steps at the Elementary School had arrived and that jhe was assured by the contractor that the work will be com jpleted in time for the opening. j Mr. Holmes further stated that in event the work is not completed, the school will open as scheduled. If j necessary, he said, temporary classrooms will be set up for a j few classes so that what work remains to be done will not j interfere with the school opening. i So despite the conflicting rumors, the Edenton schools [will open Tuesday morning, September 2, at 9 o’clock, [but after the first day the opening hour will be 8:30 o’clock = ?ach morning. a Dr. Marc H. Lovelace Will Fill Baptist Church Pulpit Sunday In the absence of the pastor, the Rev. R. N. Carroll, the pulpit of the Baptist Church will be filled Sunday, August 24. by Dr. Marc 11. Lovelace, faculty member of the Southeastern Baptist Theo logical Seminary in Wake Forest. Dr. Lovelace is* a native of North Carolina and was educated in the public schools of the state. He is a graduate of High Point College and of the Southern Bap tist Theolog'cal Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Having served pastorates in Kentucky and Indiana, Dr. Lovelace was Professor of Religion at Wake Forest College for six years and has served as Professor of Ar chaeology since 1952 at the South- \ eastern Bant'st Theological Sem-] inary in Wake Forest. Besides j his teaching activities, he has! been active in pulDit supplv and i in oriental research both in this \ country and in Jerusalem. Dr. Lovelace will preach at the 11 o’clock morning worship hour: and at the 7:30 o’clock evening! worship hour. The public is cor-1 dially invited to hear him. 5-Year-Old Boy Killed When He Runs In Path Os Automobile Gary Drew Whitaker, 5-year old son of Chief Pharmacist Mate and Mrs. Richard Whitaker, was killed in an automobile accident about 3:30 o’clock Friday after noon. The accident occurred in the Macedonia section about a mile from the Macedonia Baptist Church toward Route 32. The boy, according to a report of Highway Patrolman T. E. Vaughan, who made an investiga tion, was playing in front of his home and darted into the path of an automobile driven by Mrs. Thomas Small. Patrolman Vaughan said the accident was unavoidable, the boy running in front of the automobile before Mrs. Small had an opportunity to stop her car. The boy was taken to the Cho \ CITIZENS OF TOMORROW ] K. > .jji iL Above appears another installment of The Herald's "Citizens of Tomorrow" feature. Top row, left to right, Ricky Aabell and Kathryn Aabell. children of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. AsbeU. Jr.; Randy HollowelL son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. HoUewelL Bot tom row. left to right. Jimmy Griffin and Regina Carol Griffin, children tfc M. Griffin; Bert Speight con g>- ■ ] Guest Preacher *] V r* a i . 19 DR. MARC H. LOVELACE At the Bactist Church Sunday. August 24, Dr. Marc H. Lovelace of the Southeastern Baptist Theo logical Seminary at Wake Forest will preach in the absence of the pastor, the Rev. R. N. Carroll. wan Hospital but was dead upon arrival. The father of the boy was sta tioned at the Edenton Naval Au xiliary Air Station. Besides his parents, the victim is survived by seven brothers. Richard, Bruce, Timothy, Michael, Robin, Mack and Ronald Whita ker, all at home. The boy was a member of the Methodist church at the base. Funeral services were held at the Williford Funeral Home Mon day afternoon at 3 o’clock. The Rev. Matthew Curry, base chap lain, officiated and burial was in Beaver Hill Cemetery. MASONS MEET TONIGHT Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A. F. & A. M., meets tonight at 8 o’clock. l Revival Services I At Rocky Hock Church Aug. 24-31 Rev. C. W. Bazemore, Evangelist, and Rev. Ralph Harrell, Music Director In announcing plans for revival week, August 24-31. at Rocky Hock Church, the Rev. B. L. Raines, pastor, joins his congre gation in extending a cordial invi tation and welcome to the public of this area to attend these spe cial services. The Rev. Ralph Harrell will direct the music and special music will be featured at the night services. Mr. and Mrs. Harrell are currently under .the appointment of the Foreign Mis sion Board and are scheduled to sail for Tanganyika in about 60 1 days. Mr. Harrell, a graduate of I Southern Seminary, is a native of Rocky Hock and has been direct ing the revival music for three years. The Rev. C. W. Bazemore. as sociate editor of the Biblical Re corder, Raleigh, will bring the Gospel messages through the week. He is a native of Bertie Countv, and for some years before his call to preach, was editor of the Bertie Ledger-Advance in Windsor, and served also as school orineipal in East Carolina. Tic has served as a pastor of church es in Virginia, and later was Pas tor of Corinth. Woodville, and Mt Sinai churches, in Chowan Asso ciation. After several years as missionary of the Roanoke Asso ciation. he was in 1950 called to his present work with the Bibli cal Recorder. State Baptist paper of North Carolina. Mr. Bazemore will bring his first message Sunday night, Au gust 24, and conclude with the morning service. August 31. Dur ing the week services will he held i "twice daily. The afternoon ser-j vices will begin at 3 o’clock and! •he evening services will begiin at 7:45 o’clock. On Monday night Macedonia church will bring special music. Tuesday night will feature Bal-j lard’s Bridge Choir and on Wed-j nesday night Center Hill and Great Hope churches will bring a Special message in song." Chowan Cancer Group Centers Aetivities On Educating Public C7 Members of the Chowan Coun- ' ty Chapter of the American Can cer Societj) met in the Penelope j Barker house Friday night, when the principal item of business | was working on a proposed bud- j get for 1958.5!). Present at the meeting was! | Mrs. Bert G. Tyson of Green-: jville, field consultant, who was j delighted to see all members of [the committee, except one, on hand. Mrs. Tyson emphasized j j the seriousness of cancer and j ! thoroughly explained the pur- i pose of the cancer drive, point- 1 | ing out the three principal ave- 1 nues of attack—research, educa- j tion and service. The local chapter, of which Dr. Frank Wood is chairman and Mrs. J. D. Elliott, crusade chair man. plans to name a board of 1 directors which will include representatives of various or ganizations and rural communi ties. Quite a few have already agreed to serve on this board and Mrs. Elliott is now Contact ing others. This group will be asked to meet Wednesday night. October 15, at 8 o’clock, at which time a cancer film will be shown in order to impress them with the seriousness of cancer. The executive committee de cided to center its efforts on education during the 1958-59 campaign, it being pointed out that many cancer cases can be cured when they are small. “What most people don’t know,’’ said Mrs. Tyson, “is that many of those they loved might be I alive today if they 'had only' j known the early signs of cancer and had gone to their doctors ] sooner.” The educational program of. the local chapter will be in charge of Mrs. L. A. Patterson, first ice president, who will se cure literature and films for erucation, a goodly portion of which she hopes can be used in schools and various organiza- Continuad on Pag* B—Section 1. $2.50 Per Year In North Carolina West Wm. Byrum Dies In Hospital After Long Illness Claimed By Death ] B A IXflHl H JfcFr WEST W. BYRUM After being in critical condition for several months West W. By rum passed away in Chowan Hos- '• pital Friday night at 8:15 o'clock, i Peoples Bank And Trust Co. Secures j. New Armored Car| Used to Deliver Bulk, C urrency to Vari ous Branches An armored car, owned bv the! Peoples Bank & Trust Company ] attracted considerable attention! in Edenton Thursday when it was lparked at the local bank building.| Armored car service manned by two Rocky Mount police officers '< during their off duty hours was 1 instituted* last week from the! home office of the Peoples Bank;- and Trust Company. The armor-j ed car is a 1958 Chevrolet panel.) truck specially designed and' equipped, including firearms, for', maximum protection of money I Continued on Page 7—Section 1 ] 20 Years A<jo As Found in the Files of The Chowan Herald ' — ,»;• The Edenlon-Mackeys Ferry went out of existence with the ferry boat Frances Harrington making its final run across Albe marle Sound. W. A. Everett, one of the owners of the ferry, who made the first trio on the initial ferry when it was organiz ed in 1922, was on the final voy age across the Sound. Miss Dorothy Jones ot Hyde County was selected as "Queen of the Albemarle" for the Albe marle Bridge celebration, sched-, uled for August 25. Miss Clara Meade Smith was chosen from more lhan a score' of applicants to be Chowan County's queen at the Albemarle I Continued on Page 3—Section 1 Bread Truck Kills 4-Year-Old Randy Swanner Tuesday In Front Os Father’s Restaurant For the second time within a week a local boy has lost' his life as the result of an automo bile accident. Randolph (Randy) Kelly Swan ner, 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Swanner, died about 10:30 o’clock Tuesday morning in the Chowan Hospital after h# was run over by a bread truck. According to Patrolman W. H. Phelps, who investigated the accident, the boy was in front of his father’s restaurant on North Broad Street when Clarence Lassiter, 28, of Elizaeth City drove his Wonder bread truck up to deliver bread in the restau rant. After the delivery Lassi ter went to the rear of the truck to straighten up his stock. ' He spoke to the boy before go v —TS FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK V / Leader In Affairs of J Chowan County For Many Years West William Byrum, 67, ona of Chowan County’s leading citi zens, died at 8:15 o’clock Friday night in Chowan Hospital after being in declining health fcr about six months. A native of Chowan County, he was the son of the late Wil liam Henry and Jessie Virginia Leary Byrum. For many years he was promi nent in religious, business and civic affairs of the community, as w 11 as a progressive farmer. Mr. Byrum was president of the Albemarle Peanut Company since it was organized in 1932. Prior to that time he was con ineeted with the old Farmers 'Peanut Company and the Nor folk Southern Railroad. ! He was appoint; d a County j Commissioner by Clerk of Court E. W. Spires on January 5. 1945, tii sucrei d the late D M. War ren and has served as chairman of the board since that time, a period of 13 years. He is a past presid-. nt of the Virginia- Carolioa Peanut Association and a director of the National Pea nut Council. He was also a past president of the Edenton Lions Cilub and past commander of Ed Bond Post No. 40 of the Am erican Legion. He was a mem. her of the District Board of H alth and chairman of the Fi nance Committe ■ of the Edenton Baptist Church. He also served for several years as chairman of the Board of Public Works and was a former member of the Edentin School Trusters. He was connected with practically , even- civic and community ac tivity. Mr. Byrum also served in World War I a< a first sergeant ir Company C. 322nd Infantry of the 81st Division. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Virginia Stephenson Byrum: a son. West W. Byrum. Jr.; six sisters, Mrs. E. E. Harrell, Mrs. W. H. Hollow.. 11. Mrs. Maurice' L Bunch. Mrs, W. A. Harrell, Mrs. Henry Haste and Mrs: C. J. Williams, all of Chowan County, and one grandchild. Funeral services were largely attended Monday morning at 11 o’clock in tire Edenton Baptist Church with the pastor, the Rev R. N. Carroll, officiating. Burial was in Beaver Hill Cemetery. Active pallbearers were Jesse Ham 11, Earl Harrell. Herbert Hollowell, Jr.. Maurice L. Bunch. Jr.. Clyde Hollowell and Thurs ton Stallings. Members of the American Le gion served as! honorary pall bearers. LIONS CALL OFF MEETING SCHEDULED FOR SEPT. 1 i Edenton Lions will not meet on j Monday evening. September 1, ] (Labor Day week-end). The next ' meeting will be held on Monday, September 8. after which they | will resume their regular weekly schedule. ing back of the truck, but when he returned he did not see the boy. Entering the truck, he be gan to drive away, when the boy was struck. The boy was rushed to the Chowan Hospital, but died in the emergency room. Besides his parents, the boy is survive by a brother, Allen Swanner; a sister, Wanda Kay Swanner; his paternal grand mother, Mrs. Charles Swanner, and his maternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Perry White of Bertie County. Funeral serices were held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Baptist Church. The pastor, the Rev. R. N. Carroll* officiated and burial was s|fj Beaver Hill Cemetery.

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