PAGE FOUR I—SECTION TWn 60-SECOND mmi SERMONS H||| j 1 RED HBraPyp X TEXT: “A habit is not a trifle.” —Plato. A man walked into a restaurant and sat at a table. “What will you have, sir?” ask- e J he waiter. -ue customer shook his head. “Not a thing,” he replied. “I’m not hungry.” “Well, what’s the idea of com ing in here?” “It’s very simple,” the custom er explained. "It’s my lunch ] hour.” I Habits are blamed for most evil ; things. They seldom are credit- j ed with good. Many times j. we take credit for high motives 1 f KNOW YOUR SOM SECURITY 1 IP. E. Bettendorf, representative of the Social Security Ad- j ministration, is in Edenton every Thursday at the North Caro lina Employment Security Commission in Citizens Bank Building. J, One of the important reasons, for social security insurance bene- J fits is the protection of children. Before the recent changes in the law, however, foster children who ■ had not been legally adopted were often out of luck where social se- , curity is concerned. I havp known; many “little orphan Annies” who were not eligible for payments. In 1958 changes in the social se curity law make it possible to pay j benefits to more children and] more widows. In the case of chil-. dren, this results from the re-] moval of the adoption provision] in the old law; in the case of : widows, the removal of the adop- 1 tion provision will also permit the; payment of mother’s benefits in most cases. It is no longer necessary that a j child, other than the worker’s own] child, be an adopted child in order to qualify for survivor’s benefits. The requirement now is that the child be “adoptable" and be CHRISTIAN SCIENCE "Are S’n, Disease, and Death Real?” will be the subject of the Lesson-Sermon at Christian Sci ence services Sunday. I Keynoting the Lesson-Sermon’ is this Golden Text: “Salvation! belongeth unto the Lord: thy blessing is upon thy people” (Psalms 3:8). Selections to be read from “Science and Health with Key to j the Scriptures” bjt Mary Baker j Eddy include the following (206: | 26-28): "Instead of God sending sickness and death. He destroys them, and brings to light immor tality.” From the King James Version! of the Bible the following will bel read: “For God hath not given | us the spirit of fear; but of pow-1 er. and of love, and of a sound | mind" (II Timothy 1:7). BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT I Mr. and Mrs. David Warren an nounce the birth of a daughter, Caroline C-reecy Warren, born Thursday, October 2. at the Cho wan Hospital. Bed And Bored “I never sleep a wink.” he claims. This man that I’m adoring. And this I can’t disprove, but know He gave with lots of snoring. Good Reading for the , Whole Family •News 1 • Facts •Family Features The Christian Science Monitor One Norway St., Boston IS, Mass. Send your newspoper for the time Checked. Enclosed find my check or money'order. I year »18 □ • months J 9 □ 3 months *4-50 □ y ■ * LJ - ' ■■ - rlOmi . MR S S**e when the credit really belongs to i a good habit which jumped in and directed our indecision. A Spanish proverb states. “Ha bits are at first cobwebs, then ca bles.” The silken strands of enough “cobwebs” will form a ca-j ble to bind or a rope that will res- j cue. We fashion our own. No one makes our habits for us. With 1 full responsibility for them, we should form habits carefully.; Even one habit can influence the, world's opinion of us. It is well to know, too, that no matter how entangled in a habit; we may be, another habit will cut through the maze. We need only ! desire, sincerely, to replace the old habit wi.h a new one. Try it.] It works. adopted by the surviving spouse j I within two years after the work- j er’s death. If the child was liv I ing in the worker’s household as I a member of the family, and was not supported by anyone other | than the worker , the spouse or a j social agency, he is now regard ed, for social security purpose, j the same as the worker’s own i child. In the case of the adopted child j of a retired insured worker it is j no longer necessary that the child I have been adopted for as long as | three years in order to be eligible for benefit payments. The 3-year | ] restriction was put in the old law j • to guard against abuses through I adoptions undertaken to secure j ; rights to benefits. As adoptions' i are subject to court approval in i | the various States, however, Con j gress decided that this is a rare j abuse, and removed the restric-j tion from the law. Benefits are ' now payable to an adopted child immediately adoption. | A statesman makes the occa- j :sion, but the occasion makes the] politician. —George S. Hilliard. I 40 YEARS OF QUALITY CELEBRATION with this sensational /%ff Model 82249 Console TV 21* MOW AT SPECIAL d ag. meas. 262 sq. in. rec ANNIVERSARY PRICE tanguiar picture area. Avail able in walnut, mahogany _ or cherry wood finishes of €3 Q C traditional design. typ l>. 01/ •rj ij BUY NOW AND SAVE during our anniversary celebration Zenith Service-Saver Horizontal Chassis Is jl Yy__. handcrafted—no production shortcuts to |l *Vjj|s* cause service problems! VvTt^Lll these special Zenith features'^-*' Zenith Patented Spotlight Zenith Pull-Pash, On-Off Dial —channel number lights up and Voluma Switch —Full to in center of dial—easy to read turn set on, push to turn set off. octoss the room. ,No need to readjust volume. OUR SUPPLY IS LIMITED, ACT NOW .. Also Headquarters for Zenith Radies JACKSON’S RADIO AND TV SERVICE W. EDEN STREET RHONE 3518 : i - . - ' > the ckowah Jmugp. ronrroH. .. [ Accident Facts ] Raleigh Os Nprth Carolina’s 1,063 traffic victims last year, 836 were rgen or boys and 227 were women or girls says a special re port from the State Department of Motor Vehicles. Also there were 12,177 male and 6,885 female pe destians, passengers and drivers injured in highway accidents. All told the year’s death toll came to 1,063 and the injured to 19,602 the report stated. Evil news comes too late. —Edward Hellowes. ».. I g | % * ‘ mmm * , .. * v.k - - r. JOE THORUD SAYS: » ?■ : * :••••••••<:•••* mV 1 P'S s}> :< , . •• * * *** insurance is a solid | f*£ . li All foundation * • ' c - ' 'S ~, .. . . Xfc X • -x- Vx !- d i!ISf A Nationwide plan is the sure, solid means of building for tomorrow. Provides security for you, protection for your family. A Nationwide ! representative will gladly help you plan o sound dollar-wise program to meet .your exact needs JOE THORUD 204 Bank of Edenton Bldg. P. O. Box 504 PHONE 2429 | Sunday School Lesson ) THE MESSIAH— ? FULFILLMENT OF HOPE I International Sunday School a Lesson for October 12, 1958. Memory Selection: “Mine eyes , 1 have seen thy salvation which * * thou hast prepared in the pres ence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and I for glory to thy people Israel.” —(Luke 2:30-32). Lesson Text: Luke 2:1-40. This lesson has, as its aim, that j of helping sense the full I meaning of the birth of Jesus, the I Messiah. In studying our lesson text for] today, we are studying the fa- 1 miliar story of the birth of Christ our Saviour— a story which we have learned by heart from our childhood days into adulthood, and one wh’ch we pass on to our children, with special emphasis each Christmas as we celebrate the Christ child’s birth with en actment of the manger scene in C every church and Sunday school Y classroom —a story which loses I 1 none of its, beauty and meaning | 1 through repetition. ? Another facet of this chapter j I in the Book of Luke, which is an 1 integral part of the story of Jesus, 2) is the story of the presentation of T the child Jesus in the Temple. ' I Only Luke gives us the story of i 1 this presentation. In studying | ? these passages we see that Jesus i Chowan County Churches IEDENTON BAPTIST REV. R. N. CARROLL. Pastor Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. Morning worship service. 11 A. M. Training Union at 6:15 P. M. Evening service at 7:30 o’clock. Mi 1-week prayer service Wedncsda’ at 7:30 P. M. GREAT HOPE BAPTIST REV. HENRY V. NAPIER Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. Morning worship second and fourth Sundavs at 11 o’clock. Evening worship first and fourth Sundays at 8 o’clock. Prayer service Wednesday at 8 P. M ROCKY HOCK BAPTIST REV. B. L. RATNF.S. Pastor Sundav School Sunday morning at 10 'rO^k. Morntne worship at 11 o’clock. Training Union at 7 P M. Evening worship at 8 o’clock. EDENTON PRES^YT^BIAN | PW JAMES Pastor I School Sunday morning at W 10 o’clock. \ '>*nln fT worsen 11 o'clock. £ niciq’ all teen-age girls— y Sn"dnv. 6-.10 pM. I ChHstlan Se r, *W RHenHp—all teen- I b^vq—Tnojsdnv T P M. • Mid-week Prpvnr Service —Wednesday 3 night at 7 .10 o’clock. FTPST rWPTCTThN (t >trv p r ATrvtvrtrr) Pastor Cnnitnv C?r*b-f>J pt 10 A M y - w'lno> H'prcMn pt 11 o’clock nf fi *>o P. M U'orsbln of 7• 10 '■‘Vloek. WA*«tngday evening service at 7:30 o’clock. fSTATTOM fVADFT. NA*S pr>,o \\ a crpv»v rhanlaln. UW Catholic—***«•« osio Sundays. Con fessions 1630-1715 Saturdays and 0915 SuorlpvC r>.-"tnqt'zrit llOO Sondnv. rnorn’nP wbrrbf-n: 1100 on*art.»ve Children’s Tnn i rbt, r ch; 1915 Wednesdays, choir re- Ihearsal. CENTER HILL FAPTTST PEV HENRV V. Poster worsMn at 11 o’clock first an'* sundavs. fg'ilflv at 10 A M. T* T TT. at 7 P AT. E’ n nl r,fr \*forcbir> at 8 o’clock second a*-> pmnrhine service at 11 A. M. 9 WPE Sundav at 7 P M. Evening worship at 7:30 o’clock. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES , R P. LONG Congregation Servant Bible studv at 3:80 o’clock Sunday ’ ’ afternoon at Kloedom Hall. Bible study Wednesday night at 8 OWoV. Sendee meeting and mlnlatry school , Friday nights at 8 o’clock. ASSEMBLY OF GOD REV. AND MRS OTTTS DENTON. Poitou Gems es Devotion Broadcast Sunday - ' at a a. M. I • Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. Morning worship at It o’clock. Children's Church at 8 30 P. M. C A. service at 6:30 P M • i uvangeilatlc service at. 7-30 P. V ' i V’“dnesday prayer meeting at 7:86 . < ’ P. M. m ■ m i ■ i ii ■ ■ m i ■ _ - / was subjected to all the require ments of the Jewish reljfious cul ture, and that his whole earthly life involved a divine errand. We read of the ancient Simeon’s joy when he received in his arms “the consolation of Israel.” Simeon, a devout and spiritually sensitive man, was profoundly certain that he would live to see the Deliverer whom God would send to redeem his chosen people, and also to re deem all mankind. His words on the occasion of the presentation of Christ in the Temple reveal plain ly his conviction that this Child of 1 the Highest not only would reflect glory on Israel, but also would shed holy light upon all the rest of mankind. And the words of Simeon to Mary, the mother of ' Jesus, set in focus the difficult role of the Messiah; some of his own people would not acknowl edge and acclaim him some would actually scorn him. And his obedience to God would have to eclipse his relationship even to his mother. We see how this prophecy was borne out when, re turning from Jerusalem from the feast of the passover, Mary and I Joseph missed their son, and, go- I ing back to search for him, found ! him seated in the Temple, hear ' ing the elders speak, and asking them questions, astonishing all who heard him with his under standing and answers. Upon Mary reproaching him for ail the fear I and anxiety she and Joseph had | gone through while they were Continued on Page s—Section 2 ST. ANN’S CATHOLIC FATHER C. F. HILL. Pastor Sunday Masses 8:00 and 11 A. M. Mass at Base Chapel 9:30 A. M Confessions Saturday 7-8 P. M. Informatlo" Glass Monday. 7 P M.: Wednesday .8 P M. Novena Devotions: Wednesday. 7:45 ?. M. Phone 2617. EVANS METHODIST REV. FRANK FORTESQUE Pastor Prpachlng services every first and third Sundays at 9:30 A. M. CENTER HILL METHODIST REV. FRANK FORTESQUE Pastor Preaching services every-' first and third Sundays at 11 A. M. COLORED CHURCHES PROVIDENCE BAPTIST REV. F. H. LaGUARDE Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Morning service at 11 o’clock. Evening service at 7:30 o'clock - L' a Y e r meeting Wednesday night at •:30 o clock Young people’s and senior choir practice Friday nights at 8 o'clock. Men’s Bible Class meets Monday night at 8 o'clock. ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST EPISCOPAL REV. CLYDE BEATTY. Minister First Sunday at 11 A. M.. Holy Com- ! munlon and sermon. Second Sunday at 9 A. M.. Holv Com- I munlon. Third Sunday at 9 A. M.. Holv Com munlrn. Fourth Sunday at 11 A. M.. morning prayer and sermon Sunday School each Sunday after noon at 3 o’clock. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST ELDER .1 A. SAWYER. Pastor Evory second and fourth Sunday. Pastor s Dav. Every first and third Sunday. Church Dav. Sunday School at 11 A. M to 1 P M Prayer and Bible Band Tuesday night- at 8 o'cl -'ck Wednesday night choir practice at 7:30 o'clock. Thursday night choir practice at 7:30 o'-' -ck Friday night Pastor’s Aid Society at 8 o’clock. Saturday night young people’s Bible quiz and recreation. WARREN GROVE BAPTIST REV. .1. E TIT.’ ETT Pastor Sundav School at 10 A. M Preaching service at 11:30 A. M. every second and fourth Sundav Women's Educational and Mission Union meets every fourth Sunday after the morning service. WELCH'S CHAPEL BAPTIST REV W. H DAVIS. Pastor Sundav School at 10 A M. Preaching service first Sundav at 11:30 A. M. ST. JOHN BAPTIST REV E E M9ROAN Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. Services every first and third Sun- l days at 12 o’clock noon. PfNEY GROVE A. M. E. Z. REV. M. H. EBRON. Pastor UNION GROVE A. M. E. Z. REV. J. E. GORDON. Pastor RYAN GROVE BAPTIST REV. M. A. RIDDICK. Pastor GALE STREET BAPTIST REV. RAYMOND A. MORRIS. Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. Services every second and fourth Sunday at 11 A M Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 8 o’clock. i ST. LUKE CHRISTIAN REV. KELLY GOLDMAN. Pastor JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES ELDER J. C. HALL. Pastor CENTER HILL BAPTIST 1 REV. H. C. SAUNDERS. Pastor WHITE OAK CHAPEL BAPTIST REV. R. M. McNAIR. Pastor KADESH A. M. E. ZION REV. R A. WILT JAMS. Pastor Sundav School at 10:00 A. M. Morning worship at 1’ 00 o'clock. Evening service at 7:30 o’clock. PLEASANT GROVE A. M. E. Z. REV. G. L. SCOTT Pastor Sundav School at 10 A. M. Morning worship service as 11 o’clock , Choir rehearsal Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. ’ CANAAN TEMPLE A. M. E. Z. I REV. W. H. Pastor «s<»bonl 10-1* Morning worship at 11:30 o’clock. Vnune Pponl“’s» the great truths of Christianity. community and nation. (4) For the sake _■ of the Church itself, which needs his I . You sacrifice hours every week ... in preparation, mcra , and , u „p ort . Flan to 6 o in prayer, in patience. thurch rcgu | ar ly ,„d read you, B.hlc But, because you are part of the Church—the ore daily, institution which lives to serve God and man—v/e ha\ a taken you for granted. „ „ , ~ E.:y EMC Chapter \ creel We’ll be at worship next Sunday. Bobby wants us , there. And seeing *what the Church means to him, MmiP’y P^vr'» 23 plj we want the same spiritual foundation for our own Tuesday 1) .i.cruiiomy 11 IS-21 lives. Wednesday C 3 6 6 Thursday Proverbs 2) 7 Thank you! We marvel at all you have done for M*-”? * 4 Bobby without our help and example. How much fc».u.-auy luiaw.../ 3 13 more we will accomplish together. . . Bobby’s parents, Bobby's teacher, and OUR God. /^s. Copyright 10JS. Keister AJv. Service , Strasbvrg, Va. '• .nX Vry - ] 1 h.w.v:-.-..... 1 ■« 1 lliir These Religrious Messages Are Published In The Chowan Herald And Are Sponsored By The Following Business Establishments: Edenton Tractor & Eciuinment Company YOUR FORD TRACTOR DEALER AGENTS FOR EVINRUDE OUTBOARDS U. S. 17 SOUTH— EDENTON, N. C. P & Q Super Market EDENTON, X. C. M. G. Brown Co., Inc. LUMBER MILL WORK BUILDING MATERIAL Reputation Built on Satisfied Customers PHONE 2135 EDENTON Bill Perrv’s Texaco Service NORTH BROAD STREET PHONE 9721 EDENTON Belk - Tyler’s EDENTON’S SHOPPING CENTER Huerhes-Parker Hardware Co, SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS PHONE 2315 EDENTON, N. C. Hoskin Harrell Texaco Gas, Oils, Groceries ROUTE TWO— EDENTON. N. C. The Jill Shoppe. Edenton’s Newest Popular-Price Shoppe For Ladies EDENTON, N. C. Edenton Restaurant "Good Food Pleasant Surroundings” MRS. W. L. BOSWELL. Prop. PHONE 9723 EDENTON nil is 11 in mm it it i* rn-mmaar oa— Be A Better Citizen, Go To Some Church Next * Sunday Troy Toppin GENERAL MERCHANDISE GULF GAS AND PRODUCTS PHONE CENTER HILL 3918 EDENTON, N. C. E. L. Belch Buyers of All Kinds of Produce PHONE 2770 EDENTON, N. C. W. F. Smith GENERAL MERCHANDISE -ROCKY HOOK” PHONE 3022 EDENTON Mitchener’s Pharmacy PRESCRIPTION PHARMACISTS PHONE 3711 EDENTON The Betty Shoppe Edenton’s Complete Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear Shoppe Quinn Furniture Company HOME OF FINE FURNITURE EDENTON, N. C. Bunch’s Garacre GENERAL AUTO REPAIR 714-716 NOPTW BROAD STREET EDENTON, N. C. * / Oliver’s Texaco Station JOHN OLIVER. JR.. Owner Firestone Tire* Exide Batteries North Broad St. Phone 3535 1 Edenton Motor Company , NORTH BROAD STREET - EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA PHONE 3119