PAGE SIX SECTOIN TWO : : BBSIfe From WASHINGTON j Raleigh lt is most fitting that l i( i{us year’s State Fair featured . „§orth Carolina’s rapidly expand o industry, insh Jhe growth of this state’s poul ,tpy industry is an example of, what North Carolina farmers can «4o in the way of diversification £ivshen the chips are down. | .The sale of poultry and poultry Kucis brought cash receipts of| 1,125. million dollars to North lina Rimers in 1957, which 10 .times what it was just a ! I|w yaars ago.' f is happening in poultry is ig |ist one part of a revolution we • d* going through in the field of' ; livestock and livestock products.) ■ 5 North Carolina is moving out ‘' (font in the Southeast in livestock ; production, and there is no reason !f We‘cannot outstrip the Mid- Western states in the next ygars; i ,1957, for example, income n livestock products in North olina was over $267,000,000, ch ' represents a very large t of our total farm income. 5 , year, indications are that stock receipts will reach about million dollars. hese figures are astounding ;n we consider the fact that it been only a few years since considered cattle, swine, and j >2 >oultry as insiginificant parts of ~ jut farm economy in North Caro i lina. jj alone do not tell the whole story. JAs we produce more and more ; poultry and cattle, we increase iiur production of corn And other i - grains. \ Preliminary estimates, for ex-; | imple, show that we will have a j * record production of com this. I year—about 825 million bushels,, * which is some two million bush-, jwlg more than the previous rec- j I»rd production in 1956. ■3K The additional grain that is gp&eded for our poultry and live stock will help take up some of i Jthe slack that is left by reduced j Jpbacco and cotton acreages caus-j i«d by increased yields per acre other factors. There is also another important i -jbhgle to our livestock expansion, jgfeat ig, encouraging. As our Bve- 1 Begins I 1 MtflaCHa SPECIALS I Thurcday I ®3 "WO-A-BUCK" IS THE EXCLUSIVE TRADE MARK OF PET MILK COk <gf J I Save on everything you spend the Bid-A-Buek way! Yes. every dollar you ;; OCT. 23rd I I spend here brings you a Bid-A-Buck (plus extras on our Specials) .. . and S I sfl| every Bid-A-Buck you save gives you a chance for a bigger, better prise at the n m S ■ j| Bid-A-Buck Auction! Remember, oux quality merchandise and low prices plus CT ART Q A VIVL' 1 '■ iJ* extra savings with Bid-A-Bucks are the best way to save more on every shop- lAB 1 8A V li> vl B Sf pin 9 tripl p» BID-A-BUCKS I One Rack One Rack New Boys’ I Ladies’ Dresses Fall Dresses Bib O’alls I ■ values to $12.95 Sizes 9-15 and 12-20. | S««s 11-H. I ■ Assorted styles and colors - cc of . were $1.94 I ■ \taw/ cq oq regular ?»o.»o ■ I NOW 85.95 NOW 81.00 I Given on Each of These Dresses! , _ B I One Group Lined All Wool Boys’ I I Ladies’ Blouses Ladies’ Skirts Flannel Shirts I 1 , , Reduced lo Lost q7« I ■ values from $1.98-$5.95 xt x rw- ox i . V 4 C I ■ Not Entire Stock! large selection of I I Now 81.49 to 83.98 52.00 EXTRA IN BID-A-BUCKS I COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM! 1 ■ Given on Each of These Skirts! t “T“ . “ ■ I .. ~ , Ladies’ * I jj One Group Children’s Boys’ Quilt-Lined Suede Shoes 1 I Flannel Paiamas Jackets O ™ SP * C ‘“- OftoOT I J i. values from $3.98-$7.95 I j® One and Two-Pieces ValueStO $6.95 Now $2.98 to $4,95 I | NOW 81.00 NOW 81.95 Not Entire Stock! | | $5.00 EXTRA IN BID-A-BUCKS given with the purchase of Lady’s Coat regardless | of price! ; 1 • $5.00 EXTRA IN BID-A-BUCKS given with the purchase of Lady’s Dress priced 1 ■ from $6.95 up! . I I Cuthrell’s Dept. Store I fl EDENTON N C • stock production expands, it brings demands for packing and | processing plants. A great many ' poultry processing plants have sprung up over the state in re j cent years, and major wheat packing plants are showing more and more interest in North Caro lina. The new Swift plant at Wil son is a prime example of this. It is true that our farm econo my in North Carolina has been at a low ebb for several years, but when we think about what is happening in the poultry and livestock industry we have every i reason to be hopeful about the i | future and do everything possible) to continue the rapid development of these areas of agriculture. N. C. Farm Bureau Meets In Raleigh The board of directors of the N. C. Farm Bureau Federation will hold a regular quarterly meeting October 17 at 9:30 A. M. in the Sir Walter Hotel in Raleigh to set dates for a state wide conference on national farm problems, and to survey progress of the organization’s ef forts to strengthen its member ship in 1958. ! The board is expected to ap-. prove plans for a meeting of members to discuss national farm I legislation and other national is sues to be held sometime in No vember, according to Federation President Randolph Eagles of Macclesfield. I Each County Farm Bureau is expected to send voting dele gates to the state meeting to de | cide on recommendations to be presented to the American Farm ,Eureau convention in Boston be ginning December 7, 1958. Accident Facts ] I I , Raleigh All told, traffic acci [ dents in the Tar Heel State claim >ed 1,063 victims during 1957, ac | cording to a special study by the l Motor Vehicles Department. The . 1957 tally was four per cent be- I low comparable figures for the ' ; > . V THE CHOEfUW HWH - ■' ■■ .. " ,; ~7< .VT/ IT* l 4'* im I 1 rmh, j-i_rj-i_-uu-j-\r^r»r.j-jnj-Tjpj-irLni-j-u-ij-Lrirr-i-ii--if-i t -a' * If Receives “Whig Os GoM* i], ■f9IH t I ■ v : v '"'7V . *■? % ' ; L ktP > ' jig j ■ . \«• N>., W j - I^M Designated a Naval Aviator at Corpus ChristL Texas, on September 26. Navy Ensign Larry T. Lowe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Low# of Route 3, Edenton. received Us ‘ Wings of Gold" from Captain A. HL Wilson, commanding officer of the station. Ensign Lowe has been assigned to the WUdbey Island Air Station, Seattle. Wash. Ha was designated 18 f months alter entering the flight program, end six .months a Hit | arriving at the Corpus Christ! station lor the advanced pha~e of flight training. j preceding year. Injuries also ] sh.owed a drop, the study reveal ed. Injured in highway mishaps were 19,602 persons, a two per cent decrease from 1956. Report ed during the year was a total of 47,705 vehicle mishaps. Commissioners* | Proeeedimr* I) The Board of Countv Commis sioners met Monday. October 6, 1958, at 10 o’clock A. M. Mem- I bers present were W. E. Bond, I chairman. J. A. Webb, C. J. Hol ' lowell, J. R. Peele and Gilliam Wood. I The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved and the following bills were or-' dered paid: I Margaret S. Raper, court re porter. salary, $125.00; J. L. Chest nut, Postmaster. $1.00: Peoples Bank & Trust Co., withhold tax dept., $461.80; Thos. G. Burke, janitor services ASC office. $18.00; #oe Lee, witness fee. $1.00: Eden- 1 ton Graded School, temporary loan. $2,500.00; Alex Martin,' $10.00; Peoples Bank & Trust Co., school building coupons and commission. $4,010.00: Mrs. Pattie C. Brown, refund 1957 fire dis-| trict tax account annexation. $3.63; Howe Fire Apparatus Co., payment on purchase of fire truck and interest on 1959-50 nav ments, $1,786.40; Fire District Fund, temporary loan. $1,200.00: District Health Dent., bill v'tal statistics. $34.00; E. W. Spires, bill of cost September term Superior . Court. 1958. $384.25: Pat’ie S. Bv , rum. s<i 40: Ortho>->°d'c P i: mc. ao propriat'on for mdigents. Septem ■ her, 1958. $15.00: H. S Small. '■ rent, $25.00; Twiddy Insurance & Reel Estate, Inc., $60.00; District Health Dept, appropriation Octo ber, 1958, $906.98; Sheriff J. A. Bunch; travel expense' for Sep tember, 1958 and bill and services, $430.75;- C: W. 1 Overman, county agent, telephone bill, $14.40; Mai | dred Morris, telephone bill for i home agents’ office. $6.80; East ern Office Equipment Co.. $3.63; Onn ; e S. Charlton, home demon stration supplies. $1.70; P & Q i Super Market, groceries. $5.00: 1 D& M Superette, $23.49; Elliott Company. $13.81; Norf. & Car. Tel. & Tel. Co., (welfare dent.). $9.80; Herbert Small, rent. $55.00; Mrs. Carolyn C. MrMullan. travel welfare dept.. $39.48; Mrs. Hazel Elliott, travel welfare dept., , $46.83; Mrs. Frances C. Evans, ad vance for oostaee. $20.00: William Mayo, janitor services welfare de (partment. $2.50; Edenton Office Nagging Backache i * Sleepless Nights Nagflncbackach*,headache,ormuscutar aches and pains may come on with over-ex ertion, emotional upaeteor day today stress and strain. And folks who eat and drink un wisely sometimes suffer mild bladder lrrl. tation... with that restless, uncomfortable feeling. If you are mlserahleand worn cut because ' of these discomforts. Doan’s Pills often help by their pain relieving action, by their soothing effect to ease bladder irritation, and by their mild diuretic action through the kidneys-tending to inefease the out put of the 15 miles of kidney tubes. So If nagging backache makes you feel dragged-out, miserable . . . with restless, sleepless nights... don't wait... try Doan's Pills... get the same happy relief millions have enjoyed for over 60 years. Get Doan's Pills today I Doan’s Pills Ad No. 116-41 lines * j ' fum te |Uß.«o: Grotty Saiwtorilmr. | board and treatment for Clayton j L. Wynn, $18.00; Bertram Byrum, L-care of prisoners, $434.36: Town I of Edenton, E Si W Dept., $91.39; {Western Gas Service. Inc.. $7.21; 1 State Commission fro the Blind, j $89.74; Paramount Lnemical Co., $13.25; Economy Typewr : ter Co- I Inc., $12.00; Hubert B. Williford. • coroner’s fee. SS.OQ: Leggett & i Davis, $3.94; Hill Manufacturing Co., $25.80; Dr. C. A. Davenport, $15.00; Edenton Office Supply, 05: The Chodren Herald. s9l 40: W. E. Spencer, bill for patching plaster, $16.44; Ralph E. Parrish, > i $5.25; Owen G. Dunn Co.. $23.29;’) Governmental Guide subscription, I $4.00; Commercial Prntine Co.. $5.10; M. G. Brown Lumber Co.. ] jtfi 94; Mitchenec’s Pharma y. $1.14; Bvrum Hardware Co.. $40.15; Edenton Furniture Co.. Pnoleu'm for Court House. $168.05: Worre’l-Conaojidated Laboratbr *es. $27 91: E W. Somes, serv'cep, s7i 80- P A O Super Market. Inc., $2.59: State of N. C. Dept, of Con servation & Development. sll9 50-; u.tahes-Parker Hsrdw»»- e Co.. $9.55; Hoghec-Parker Hardware Co.. $18.57: Norf. & Car Top* T el. Co. services for J. B. Small. Neero farm a®ent for Soflj Conservation SeiuHre. tI.7R; | ister of - | '’'’imtanf $9 60- Clerk Superior Court, * l 7 85: The Mitrhie Com-' n anv, $7 50: salaries for September. $4,029.80. On motion of J. R. Peele, sec- by* Gilliam Wood that Ber , tha B. Bunch. Clerk to Board, be I You cart ploy it at sight . HID-A-BUCKS GIVEN WITH THE PUR- without Lest ou* ! . CHASE OF A MAGNUS ELECTRIC CHORD /yffamuiA ORGAN BETWEEN NOW AND NOV. 29th! D * ctrlc RANGE high fidelity CHORD ORGAN iiummi instrument hr** $129.95 ■ T .—-,frr==r-yx| • Not ss*o . hot m -im.w hr tw. X? ~ groftilliwt. gublßy •Itclric chord organ with compltl* tonal ” ' MS* *• fN. hHltjt' ,, *hroothlng" guolHy found only In tho * BLw* wm \ V.- ■? " : jfr# i' wmmm / \ T \ ’■* t $ ~ w6h«>H t«»»on»l lot »< chow you how to ploy PA R R ISH , Inc. ( fifljjj IB y V ' or m nunc co Save All Your Bid-A<Budb SPECIAL VALUES PROMOTION I ALL si||||mTS Special.... $29.50 I Plus 135 Bid-A'Bucks Given On Tins Purchase ' Bid-A-Bucks Given Fw Each 9 SI.OO Purchase Os Any Shoes 1 • _ 9* SL«I H | vu 1 C °On motion duly'seconded* 1 yiat Negro Farm Agent J. B. Small be furnished a kodak. .. On motion of C. J. Hollowell. seconded by J. A. Webb that road, bridge and culvert refunding coupons in the amount of $45.80 due November 1. 1958. be ordered paid. ' ' j.V I On motion of Gilliam Wood, seconded by J. R. Peele, it unaninjously agreed thqt the vat ue on farmers’ stock peanuts .in storage for 1959 be valued it $».«, per bag; and gleaned goods at j i $17.00 and 20% of the rate .«rUt] ) apply. V. ■ 1 I On motion duly seconded that j the notice to apply for, beer Ji ! cense by Altama Lamar Redmon be approved and filed. On motion of Gilliam WOoi - duly seconded by G.‘ that the State Deoartmeiu-of Ar chives ' and History vbe. ctnvtatSEa to send a' represents to old records to .be turdad oNep to that department' .-’«■■■ •* Small, Negro Cbunty. n e S. CharJtcm, • Negrrf. Agent: Morrii,' %bcr|« < Agent; Catherine Amaih i ant Home Agepk C. W, Ovannan ’ I County Agent; R. S.- Mafsh. iw" sistant County Affeiitt "Cfeowim County Welfare Dept.. 1 X; Bunch, Sheriff and Treaag^v There being n 9< further business the meeting was"adjourned.‘j ; W. E. BOND, Chalftnah' •, BERTHA B. BUNOif, Clerk Wv: V'V' : iii I * S IS j. r. s. brown’s \ ’4 SON COMfANT i-H ; II ■ t JttmMWkUktt -7vß»ramwulraiVirii* > '" I *** V ■irrwvVirr Vin-n-r V——f ———- - - —I ‘- ft r.l 'll.. . . « Btlf A HERALD CLASSIFIED AD riiilih Vi k -

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