... Volume jßtel. Number 24. JohnMit hener Appointed Mayor Um mvvwwwwwvvs^wv^vvwwwwvwv~ Town Councilmen Approve Tentative 1959- 60 Budget Providing For SI.OO Rate Anticipated Expendi- j tures For Fiscal Year 1 Estimated to Total $191,650 After consider ng est mated ex penditures ana income and jugg ling figures for the town’s 1959- 80 budget until after 2 o’clock Friday morning, Town Council men at their June meeting Tues day night approved the proposed budget which calls for a SI.OO tax rate, the same as last year. Prac tically no changes were made Tuesday night in the figures de cided upon at the previous meet ing, so that approval was given to the budget. The budget is now open for inspection at the town office and if no changes are necessary, it will be adopted at a special meeting called for Mon day night, June 29. The budget calls for slight in creases in salary for all depart ments except the administrative department, Where the salaries remain unchanged. According to the figures sub mitted by the Finance Committee, the budget calls for expenditures amounting to $191,850. The prop erty tax is iJMed on, a valuation of $8,700,000 which with a rtft*. of SI.OO will raise $84,500, allow-1| ing for uncollectable balance of , J8&00, . The Finance expects $19,500 frohi' tftr EJectric & Water Department, with which ; Continued on Page 4—Section 1 —“—— 'L i C Os d To Attend Institute Held A t Chapel Hill i Oh’mber of Commerce Execu- 1 tive Harry Smith, Jr,, leaves Sat- \ urday for Chapel HUI to attend the Institute for Organization Management at the University of , North Carolina. He will return ! June 20. ' * Over 200 association business managers from the southeast 1 have enrolled for courses in| management of Chambers of j Commerce and trade associa- , tions. The courses are spon ■ sored by the United States . Chamber of Commerce in co operation with the university. Similar “workshops’; are held at Vale, Michigan State, Colorado, 1 Houston and Stanford Universi ties. Smith as a graduate' of the 1 Northeastern Institute at Yalef and is taking the three-year ad- 1 vanced course at UNC. ——•— j ! Winner ] ; S— < Friends will be delighted to ( leant that Eaola N. Smith won I . the Mary Ethel Williams silver . bowl for the beat waiercolor en- ] tered in the recent H. C. State.< Woman's Club exhibition aill Pinehufst. Mr*. Smith's winning 11 wateroolor was entitled "A Cold i Winter Night." t'V-JißHteiSfV.-*-* - ‘’■~' - * ~— L - ■-*•.: -Jafc . - ■ Mjr . T.. WM*W%j JL. „m M-MM.M.M. UM f. ~ 'V W 5; •• «JV f7#j r-_, rs ." 1 QtO A *k • C* Guy C. Hobbs, manager of i «bfctt Implement Company, left I ■ italeigh-Durhajii airport Mon-1 #*y morning at 6 o’clock With the “1989 Agribusiness Caravan" to . California. |#ia planes carried J 56 North Carolina bankers and hrtn leaders to the west const to J find and bringjbaek ‘home suc «sp»*-prwed ways of. making more S, W&.- * ■ THE CHOWAN HERALD Trio To Get God and Country Awards ] •— ■ ■■ ■*— —• —^ flJSg99k?££?; 09 asasl A For the first time ip the history of Edenton. the God and Country Award will be presented to three boys in the Metho dist Church Sunday morning, June 14. The boys attaining this high honor are pictured above, left to right, Cecil Fry, Boots Lassiter and Brad Williford.—(Photo by John Mitchener, III). Pollock Swamp Landowners Scheduled To Meet Friday To ; Consider Watershed Project. Landowners of the Pollock Swamp drainage area (watershed) Will hold their first meeting Fri da* night, June 12; at-3'o'clock tha- Chowtn Cdunty Court House, They will decide which canals and ditches they wpsh im proved and prepare an applica tion for a small watershed project under the Small Watershed Act (P.L.566). Along with the appli cation, they* will submit a plan for the improvements. The ap plication and plan of improve ment will be sent to the State Soil Conservation Committee for its approval. To be eligible for assistance un der the small watershed act, a legal organization, such -as a drainage district, must sponsor the project jointly with the local Albemarle Soil Conservation Dis- ive Chowan Girls For Honor If ‘Miss Albemarle’ Chowan County will be repre ■nted by five attractive young dies in Jhe Miss Albemarle sauty pagdnt being held in Eliz seth City this, week. The pag ing began Wednesday and "Miss Ibemarle'’ will be named Friday ight. -.'. Among the girls vjeing for the onor from Chowan County are: rejjSa Deane Money, daughter E Mr. and Mrs. C. ,B. Mooney; arolista CabelL Fletcher, daugh ir of Mrs. Cabell Pruden; Peggie syce Elliott, daughter of Mr. and [». W. A. Elliott; Mary Aramin i Hobbs,' daughter of Mr. and [rs. Guy -C. Hobbs, and Lucy "T” : : . June 11, 195^ k Arict board of supervisors. PpJ-j 1)1 lock Swamp land owners are or ■ Jganizing a drainage district to j sponsor their project. works of improvements are flood h prevention, agricultural water i- management including drainage, i- irrigation and non-agricultural it water management including mu :t nicipal or industrial water sup i- ply and fish and wildlife devel n opment. All works are under the >- supervision of the U. S. Soil Con i' servation Service, e This is a very important meet ►r ing for all landowners who have water drainage in Pollock Swamp t- or all land in the watershed, a Watershed area Includes about a 16,000 acres on about 150 farms >r and communical timber tracts, il Letters are being mailed to land s' I owners. Legion Chooses Two Boys To Attend Boys State June 14 To 21 Edward G. Bond Post No. 40 if the American Legion has se ected two boys to. represent Chowan County at the annual 3oys State which will be held it Chapel Hill June 14 to 21. The two boys are Zackie Jarrell, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. r. Harrell, and Woodrow Slades, rr., son of Mr- and Mrs. Wood •ow Slades. Harrell is > a senior at Eden on Junior-Senior High School md was recently elected presi dent of the Student Council. Slades is a senior at Chowan Sigh School, where he' is an jonor student, it' —— —- I, - 1 Alter unplug •* Chamnan of tha EdwHNsli Seh«**l trustee* for ■ 9t ?*«rs, Them** Cham WM- , Planning Group Os Woman’s Club Now Studying Program Members of Club Also , Vote To Sponsor A I Girl Scout Troop In Edenton At the June meeting of 'the Edenton Woman’s Club further plans were discussed by the Planning Committee. This com mittee consists of the following . Woman’s Club members and oth er interested Edentonians; Mrs. W. J. P. Earnhardt, 'chairman; Mis. Wesley Chesson, Jr., co chairman; Mrs. J. M. Thorud, sec retary; Mrs. Robeit W. Smith, Mrs. John Kramer, Mrs. Edward G. Bond, Mrs. R. J. Boyce, Giay spn Harding, Mrs. Inglis Fletcher, John Graham, David Warren, Gil liam Wood and Miss Elizabeth Moore. This committee will meet the fourth Monday in each month in an effort to promote for Edenton a long range program of restora tion and preservation and. to en- Continued on Page 2—Section 1 National Guard Unit Now At Fort Bragg For Traning Period 73 Members Local day Morning For a Two Weeks Stay Shortly ‘ after returning Worn Henderson due to disorder ir connection with a textile strike. 73 members of the local Nation al Guard unit left Edenton Sun day morning for Fort Bragg for two weeks of intensive training. The local contingent of the 30th Division was headed by Captain Charlie Swanner, commanding of ficer. The group joined about 10,000 other members of the di vision for the summer encamp ment. This will be the first summer encampment of the 30th Division under the new setup. The first week of training will consist of practice firing, studies and ex aminations. The second week the Guardsmen will be sent into the field for intensive training under combat conditions, with the Edertton group having an oppor tunity to practice in firing the 4.2 heavy mortar. The Guardsmen will return to Edenton Sunday, June 21. Plans Progressing For Variety Show Center Hill Home Demonstra tion Club is well pleased with plans which are in the making* for a variety show to be held in the Chowan High School audi torium Friday night, June 26, at 8 o’clock. Although plans are not complete at this time a num ber of acts have, been engaged and entertainers from several bounties wiH be present. The proceeds from this show will go to Tyner Explorer Fopt 154 which is sponsored by the ■Center Hill Home Demonstration JAR | J Poilook Mtt te r -Wfc New Edenton BPW Club Officers |9f %j ijit* | *j|• 2 gfjf r •tJMHf >• > |rT *9 y*fe Above appear new oincers lor uw r.ue.iiuii ousme-s and Professional Women's Club who were recently installed at a dinner meeting held at Ihe Edenton Restaurant. Seated, left to right. Miss Inez Fellon, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Alice Twiddy, president; Mrs. Elizabeth Flynn, firsl vice president. Standing, left to right; Mrs. Ethel Simpson, second vice presi dent; Miss Beulah Privott, treasurer; Mrs. Beulah Boswell, recording secretary, and Mrs. Alice Owens of Hertford, who conducted the installation ceremonies.—lEvvlyn Leary Photo). Thomas Cliears Resigns As Chairman Os Edenton School Trustees; Served For 38 Years Thomas Chears, who has serv ■ed as chairman ■of the Edenton School Trustees for the past 38 years, tendered his resignation at a meeting of the trustees held last week. Declining health was giy-, en as the reason for Mr. Chears’ resignation. Mr. Chears was appointed a member of the School Trustees in September, 1916, and five /ears was hßWed chair man and served continuously un til last week. His resignation was accepted with regrets and he i 20 Years Ago ! O Ai Found in tha Files of The Chowan Herald Though the County Commis sioners appeared in accord with a proposition to consolidate three schools in the Rocky Hock sec tion and erect a central school in stead, a wave of opposition de veloped. Chowan County Commission ers instructed Tax Assessor Wil liam Privotl to thoroughly inves tigaie all tax listing in the county in an effort to place all taxable property on the lax books. William M. Perkins was reap pointed superintendent of public welfare for a two-year term af ter serving in that oapacity for Continued oa Page 6—Section 1 To Perform In “The Lost Colony” u——- I H i ' il '. ? ' -‘V '•}- |||VQQ BRENDA DEANE MOONEY Brenda nw»B**®*> *'*»*** Wvuuoy <xxui cvuunuc *7* ****.*"# Muvuyn ovpiviiiHci f • **o*" TOwvucy/ usuyiuvi of Mr. «ad Mm. C. B* Moonoy, Is a INB graduate of Edo&ton I was highly praised by his eo- * | members for his interest in local | schools and his outstanding con tribution to schools and education i in Edenton. j Joe Conger was appointed as. j Mr. Chears’ successor as chairman | |of the trustees. Mr. Conger has j been a member -for many years . j and he, too, is vitally interested I ' in the welfare .and progress of, schools in Edenton.-* • I The vacancy caused by Mr. 1 Chears’ resignation will be filled 1 Continued on Page 4—Section 1 Band Candy Sale Scheduled Friday Friday evening, June 12, the Edenton Junior-Senior High School Band Parents Association | will conduct a candy sale in ! stead of a bread sale to help | raise money to apply on the band’s indebtedness. Students of the band will call from door to door between 6 and 8 o’clock and everybody is urged to purchase some of this candy / and at the same time help the band to raise money. LIONS MEET MONDAY Edenton’s Lions Club will meet Monday night, June 15, at 7 o’clock. J. R. DuLaney, presi dent of t’ae club, is very anxious to see every member present. $2.50 Per Year In North Carolina " ,M| —*—P——**— M—P———————l# R. Elton Forehand Appointed Third Ward Councilman —^ New Mayor | f "■•I 5 jVMPRMk f jIEJa JOHN A. MITCHENER Town Council at iis meeting Tuesday night appointed John A. Mitchener as Mayor of Edenton. Mr. Mitchener will fill the unex ! pired term cf Mayor David Hol | ion, who died suddenly June 1. | at his lodge at Fair.'ield. Edenton’s Colonials Meet WeeksvNle On Hicks Field Tonight l Officials of Team Ap pealing For Increas ed Attendance at the Home Games Edenton’s Colonials are sehed-; uled to meet Weeksville in an' Aibemarle League game tonight'. (Thursday) on Hicks Field at 8 o’clock. Manager Gene Taylor has been disappointed with the crowds thus far this season and l ; uiges support of the team by 'attendance. “I am confident our! j Continued on Page 2—Section 1 ' Bill Passed To Retrieve School Funds From Delinquent Taxes Representative Albert Byrum on Wednesday of last week intro- ( duced a bill in the House of Rep- 1 resentatives which will repeal a! law passed in 1953. The bill is j to direct the disposition of delin-, quent taxes collected in behalf of! Chowan Oountv. J According to the 1953 law all delinquent tax money was turned into the general county fund, so that that part levied for schools did not go to the schools. The bill passed in the House the same day it was introduced, so that hereafter the schools will receive Three Edenton Boys To Receive God And Country Award At Methodist Church On Sunday On Sunday, June 14, during the morning worship of the Edenton Methodist Church, three of the young men of the church will re ceive the God and Country \ward. These boys are Brad Williford, Cecil Pry and Boots Lassiter. The pastor, the Rev. J. Earl Richardson, will present the awards. He will be assisted in *ihe presentation by Gene Ward, ’ocal leader of Explorers, Other Scout leaders will probably parti cipate. It is hoped that all Scouts *nd|Bxplorers of Edenton and surrounding community who can will 4>e present for the service. Sidce November I the boys I who are to b*. honored Sunday FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK J. Edwin Bufflap Is Named Mayor Pro Tern In Necessary Organization Shuffle At a meeting of Town Council held Tuesday night John A. Mitchener, Jr., was appointed Mayor of Edenton to fill the t>n exn red term of the late David Q. Holton. The appointment was made in accordance with Section » ot the Town Charter which has to do with filling any vacancy from any cause in the office of Mayor or any Councilmen or member of the Board of Public Works. In accepting the appointment Mr. Mitchener said: “Gentlemen of the Council: Vour choice as representatives o f the different wards and the rewn as a whole has been made. I accept your selection with deep humility, trusting that time will reveal your decision to have been a wise one and that you '•'ill not have judged in vain. “I know with your uusinesses i and outside interests your time i:s well occupied. However, if those who are interested in their city, its welfare and ad vancement and civic affairs are no. willing to sacrifice in order to achieve these goals, then our fotm of democratic government is in . -eat jeopardy and ia ."landing on sinking sand." To succeed *fr. Mitchener a s ! Third Ward Councilman, R. El ! ton Forehand was appointed to fill the unexpired term, j Clerk Ernest J. Ward, Jr., ad ministered the oath of office to I both Mitchener and Forehand, : with the former’s family on hand for the occasion, as well as other ifiiends. Mr. Mitchener called upon M. A. Hughes to offer pray er immediately following his in stallation as Mayor, and he him self began his administration with a prayer. ' In the other necessary changes | made due to the unexpected I death of Mr. Holton, J. Edwin Continued on Page 4—Section 1 all taxes levied irrespective of I when they are paid. Edenton and Chowan County ! regis'ered a complaint relative to j the 1953 law in that the school .budgets were based on all taxes, j so that they were found wanting j when a goodly portion went into the general fund. On June 5, the House also pass ed HB 1201, introduced by Mr. Byrum which amends Chapter 7 of the General Statutes of North Carolina relating to fees of jus tices of the peace in Chowan Continued on Page 2—Section I and polity of their denomination. They have given evidence of continuous Bible reading and prayer. They have performed clerical services for the pastor, relieving him of many of the chores connected with the num eerous mailings the Methodist Church has made to its congre gation during tha past several months. . Cecil Pry has been a member of the choir during the period at preparation for the award. Bras Williford and Bents Lassiter di vided the responsibilities ck acolyte between them for sev eral months.

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